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17 Exciting Final Year Projects Ideas & Topics 2024 [Latest]

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17 Exciting Final Year Projects Ideas & Topics 2024 [Latest]


In this article, you will learn the 17 Exciting Final Year Projects Ideas & Topics 2024. Take a glimpse below.

  • Python Final Year Projects
  1. Alarm clock
  2. Address book
  3. Currency converter
  4. Magic 8 ball
  5. Dice rolling simulator
  • Data Science Final Year Projects
  1. Gender and age detection system
  2. Emotion recognition software
  3. Customer Segmentation system
  4. Android chatbot
  5. Movie recommendation system
  6. Fraud app detection software
  • Machine Learning Final Year Projects
  1. Stock price prediction system
  2. Credit scoring system
  3. Online examination and evaluation system
  4. Fitness activity recognition for smartphone
  5. Handwritten digit classification system
  6. Personality prediction system

Read the full article to know more about the project Ideas & Topics in detail.

The final year of a graduation course is one of the most crucial stages of your education and professional grooming. While the initial three years of science stream graduation courses like Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Computer Engineering (CE)/Computer Science (CS), Information technology (IT), and Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) focus on theoretical aspects, in the final year, students get to put their theoretical knowledge to test. This is when students work on practical assignments and projects.

The main goal behind including final-year projects in the course curriculum is to encourage students to apply their theoretical knowledge to practical use. Working on final-year projects allows students to couple their intellectual faculties with practical skills to solve real-world engineering and business problems.

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Learners receive an average salary hike of 58% with the highest being up to 400%.

Students can choose their final year projects in specialized study areas to acquire comprehensive knowledge and build niche skills in that domain. Furthermore, while working on their final year projects, students get a more in-depth insight into real-world functional processes. The objectives of final year projects include:

  • To create a platform for students to demonstrate their practical competence.
  • To encourage students to apply their subject knowledge gained in the degree course.
  • To help students sharpen their intellectual qualities like creative thinking, analytical abilities, teamwork, and communication skills.

Final year projects are designed to help students to expand their creative abilities by building a new system from scratch. Also, these projects push students to develop their communication skills, both verbal and written. While verbal skills develop throughout the project development process when students engage in one-on-one interactions and discussion sessions with their supervisors, written skills develop through detailed report writing. These reports are pivotal to the final evaluation of each student. 

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The bottom line – is final year projects prepare students for the professional world. After all, it is easier to catch potential employers’ eyes when your resume highlights your hands-on experiences and projects.  

But what exactly can you do with Python programming? And how does it help accomplish so many projects? Let’s find out before diving into learning college project ideas for college students and final-year engineering projects.

How to Choose The Project Domain in the Final Year?

Selecting the right project domain for the final year is one of the important decision that can significantly impact the academic and professional future. So, keeping this in mind let’s learn about key points to consider while selecting a project domain:

1. Passion and Interest

Identify Your Interests: Consider what subjects, topics, or technologies excite you. Passion drives motivation and creativity in your project.

Explore Previous Courses: Reflect on the courses you enjoyed the most during your academic journey. Think about the topics that captured your attention.

2. Relevance to Future Goals

Career Alignment: Choose a domain that aligns with your future career goals. It should be relevant to the industry or field you plan to work in after graduation.

Skill Enhancement: Opt for a domain that allows you to enhance skills valued in your desired profession, whether programming, research, design, or management.

3. Feasibility and Resources

Available Resources: Consider the availability of books, journals, online courses, and experts in the chosen domain.

Access to Tools and Technologies: Ensure you have access to the tools and technologies required for your project. Consider the availability of software, hardware, and datasets.

4. Complexity and Scope

Balancing Complexity: Evaluate the complexity of the project for final year. It should be challenging enough to showcase your skills but not so complex that it becomes unmanageable.

Define Scope: Clearly define the scope of your project. Be specific about what you want to achieve and what you can realistically accomplish within the given time frame.

5. Social Impact and Innovation

Social Relevance: Explore domains that have a positive impact on society. Projects addressing real-world problems can be highly rewarding and impactful.

Innovation: Consider projects that involve innovative solutions or cutting-edge technologies. It can make your project stand out and attract attention.

6. Consultation and Guidance

Seek Guidance: Consult with professors, mentors, or industry experts. They can provide valuable insights and suggestions based on your interests and skills.

Peer Discussions: Discuss potential domains with your peers. Their perspectives might help you see the project from different angles.

7. Evaluate Previous Projects

Review Past Projects: Look into previous projects undertaken by students in your department. It can inspire ideas or help you identify areas not explored extensively.

8. Personal Growth and Learning

Learning Opportunities: Choose a domain that offers learning and skill development opportunities. Your project should challenge you to learn new concepts and techniques.

Personal Growth: Consider how the project will contribute to your personal and academic growth. Will it push your boundaries and help you develop as a professional?

Looking to challenge yourself or expand your portfolio? Check out our curated list of computer science project ideas to inspire your next groundbreaking project.

Python Programming to Create Interesting Things

Python, a high-level interpreted language, can support various computation processes through shorter codes. Its easy-to-use syntax and versatile layout make it very popular among developers. Python programming’s implementation has helped create many interesting final-year engineering projects for college students and diploma final-year project topics. Let’s look at some of them.

  • Python for Machine Learning and AI

Python is a popular language among developers and data scientists used for creating Machine Learning and AI workflows. Instead of using programming languages with lengthy codes, data scientists prefer Python, which adds precision to ML projects. Thanks to its reliable and flexible nature, data science professionals use Python to develop ML and AI algorithms for deep learning college project ideas. 

  • Python for Web Development

Being an open-source language, Python is a go-to for developers to use throughout the web development process. Python allows extensive access to its vast framework and modules, equipped with relevant code bundles for different use cases. Python also extends various web development frameworks, including Django, Giotto, and Flask. Top companies like Facebook, Spotify, and Mozilla use Python. 

  • Python for Data Visualization

Modern organizations use data visualization to facilitate accurate data representation. Python libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly, etc., are excellent tools for data visualization. The libraries contain different features and capabilities for visualizing descriptive data into a more comprehensible format for both tech and non-tech professionals.

  • Python for Programming Applications

Developers can use Python programming to create various software applications, both for mobile and desktop. From video, audio, or picture applications to blockchain apps, Python assists in creating GUIs and APIs for apps and reinforces them with a smooth functioning platform, strengthening practice for diploma final year project topics. 

  • Python for Finance

Python can assist data scientists in creating algorithms to find patterns and make predictions by leveraging the collected data. Quantitative and qualitative analysis in the finance sector can help organizations to make insightful decisions. Python libraries like Theano, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Pandas, etc., help data scientists in manifold ways.

If you are a final-year student, this article is just what you need! Today, we’ll talk about a few final-year project ideas that will make the choosing process much easier. So, let’s get right into it!

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Final Year Project Ideas Worth Trying

We’ve compiled a list of final year project ideas divided under Python projects, Data Science projects, and Machine Learning projects

Python Final Year Projects

1. Alarm clock

This beginner-level Python project is quite practical since almost everyone uses an alarm clock on a daily basis. The project is a CLI(Command Line Interface) application with a unique twist. Apart from the standard alarm clocks features like a clock, alarm, stopwatch, and timer, this alarm clock has YouTube integration. You can include YouTube links in a text file and code the application to read the file. So, when you set a time for an alarm, the app will choose a random YouTube link stored in the text file and start playing the video.

Read: Career in data science and its future growth

2. Address book

The address book project is a pretty simple GUI application wherein users can add multiple contact details, displaying them in a list format. Users can add and store contact details like name, contact number, and address. To add new contact information, a user needs to type the desired information in the text fields and click on the add button to add the record. They can also delete any contact record that they no longer need. The three core components for this Python final year project are,, and

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3. Currency converter

Another GUI application in the list, this project involves building a currency converter that can convert one currency’s value into another currency unit. For instance, you can convert the Indian rupee into a dollar or pound and vice versa. The challenge that lies here is that the value of currencies fluctuates daily. However, you can solve this issue by importing an excel spreadsheet containing the updated currency values. To build this project, you must have a basic knowledge of python programming and the Pygame library.

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4. Magic 8 ball

This is a super fun project for beginners. A Magic 8 ball is a spherical toy designed for fortune-telling and advice-seeking. Just like a toy Magic 8 ball, this application will also provide answers to users’ questions. However, here, you have to allow the users to enter their question, display an “in-progress” message, and finally reveal the answer. For example, if a user asks, “what is my favorite color?” the answer could be the name of any random color or a simple “yes” or “no.” So, you will have to program at least 10 to 20 responses. Also, the app should have the option to let the users continue playing or quit the game. 

Our learners also read – python course for free!

5. Dice rolling simulator

The dice rolling simulator is a Python application that can imitate the functions of a physical rolling dice. It works something like this – when a user rolls the dice in the game, it will generate a random number between 1 to 6 and display the final answer. The user can roll the dice any number of times they want since the program has the option of rolling the dice repeatedly. Essentially, the dice-rolling simulator should be able to pick and display a random number each time a user rolls the dice. 

Checkout: Python Project Ideas

Data Science Final Year Projects

1. Gender and age detection system

The gender and age detection application is a popular Data Science final-year project that helps strengthen your programming skills. For developing the gender and age detection project, you will need Python, Support Vector Machine, and Convolutional Neural Network. Fortunately, you’ll get plenty of datasets for training the model. As the name suggests, the application can predict an individual’s gender and age through image recognition. Thus, once you feed a person’s image into the model, it will display their gender and age. 

2. Emotion recognition software

In this project, you will develop an emotion recognition system with integrated audio input. It is a simple yet practical final-year project for students to build their real-world skills. The components required for this project include Python, Support Vector Machine, RNN algorithm, and Convolutional Neural Network. You can use the Vox celebrity dataset having different voice samples for training the model, while the Librosa package can be used to extract and classify audio samples. It is an excellent application for people with a hearing impairment.

Also, Check out online degree programs at upGrad.

3. Customer Segmentation system

Customer segmentation is a popular method used by brands to get a deeper insight into their target audience via unsupervised learning. Customer segmentation helps segment a brand’s target audience into different buyer personas according to factors like buying behavior, gender, age, location, income, interests, and preferences. The project uses the partition method to split the customers according to these attributes. Other requirements for the customer segmentation project are R, K-mean clustering, Density-based clustering, and Model-based clustering. 

4. Android chatbot

This is a general chatbot for the Android platform. It is designed to understand users’ queries and the intent behind them and provide relevant answers. So, when a user enters their question in the system, the bot will analyze the keywords and generate an appropriate response for the specific query. The chatbot can communicate with humans on a wide range of topics, including sports, health, education, entertainment, etc. Since chatbots are hugely popular now, this project is an excellent choice for final-year students. 

5. Movie recommendation system

With online content platforms becoming more and more popular every day, thanks to personalized content suggestions, recommendation engines have become the latest trend in the digital domain. You can create a movie recommendation system using R and Collaborative Filtering. This project’s main goal is to study a user’s browsing and viewing history and recommend movies that match their interests. This final-year project is an ideal choice for aspirants who wish to understand the mechanisms of recommendation engines. 

Read: How to make a chatbot in Python?

6. Fraud app detection software

Both Apple Store and PlayStore are replete with fraudulent apps. Malicious apps can not only damage the phone’s normal functioning but also access and misuse sensitive data stored on the phone. Here, you’ll develop software that can process the information, comments, and user review of apps in the Apple Store/PlayStore to determine whether or not it is a genuine apps. The software can process multiple applications simultaneously. 

Read: Data Science Project Ideas

Machine Learning Final Year Projects

1. Stock price prediction system

In this ML project, you will build a stock price predictor that can predict the future prices of stock. The best thing about working with stock market data is that it generally has short feedback cycles, making it easy for data analysts to use new market data to validate stock price predictions. However, stock market data tends to be very granular, varied, and volatile.

You can model this stock price predictor to perform simple calculations like predicting an organization’s six-month price movement based on fundamental indicators from its quarterly report. You can also model it to find and group similar stocks based on their price movements and identify periods when there are significant fluctuations in their prices.

2. Credit scoring system

The credit scoring system determines a user’s credit scoring using Big Data. This ML project combines social network analytics with mobile phone data to evaluate the credibility of users. Since it feeds on colossal amounts of financial data from across different countries and studies a comprehensive range of financial metrics (factors), the ML model features an enhanced decision-making process for determining the credit score. 

3. Online examination and evaluation system

In this ML project, you will build an application that will allow students to give their admission test online. According to the marks obtained in the test, the system will generate a list of colleges fit for a student. This application’s main aim is to offer a quick and hassle-free process of appearing for online exams and accessing the results almost immediately. The admission test conducted via this platform will have multiple-choice options, and built-in AI verifies the answers. 

4. Fitness activity recognition for smartphone

This ML project uses smartphone data, particularly fitness activity data captured through the phone’s inertial sensors. This fitness activity recognition project’s primary goal is to design a classification model that can identify human fitness activities like running, cycling, speedwalking, etc. If you choose this as one of your final year projects, it will help you understand how to build ML models for solving multi-classification problems.

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5. Handwritten digit classification system

This project is an excellent way to understand Deep Learning and how neural networks function. It is essentially based on image recognition. One of the best datasets for this project is the MNIST dataset because it is both varied and beginner-friendly. In this project, you will learn how to teach a machine (ML model) to understand and classify handwritten digits’ images as ten digits (0–9). The goal is to train the model to recognize numbers from disparate sources like bank cheques, images, emails, and anything else containing a numeric entry.

6. Personality prediction system

This ML project focuses on building an automated personality classification system using advanced ML algorithms and data mining techniques to extract user behavior and characteristics data and find meaningful patterns. It can classify and predict users’ personalities based on past classifications as well. The system studies the observed patterns stored in its vast database and predicts a new user’s personality based on similar patterns. This is a handy tool for brands that offer personalized products to customers based on their personalities.

Read: Machine Learning Project Ideas

More Projects for Final Year Students

If you want more interesting final year project ideas, you can check the following:

Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup

In this computer science final year project, you will basically learn about web crawling. It is the process that scans a group of web pages to find raw data. Individuals with computer engineering training can use Beautiful Soup for this project.

It will help acquire data and store that in different formats for easy decision making and analysis. The Beautiful Soup Python Package can be useful for extracting data from XML and HTML documents. In these Python projects for final year students, you can use the package alongside the best parser to provide idiomatic methods of navigating, searching, and modification.

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

It is the use of machine learning and natural language processing to ascertain the sentiments of users based on their emotions. It not only gives polarity but also a feeling or emotion of the people. We can use this analysis from tweets to understand the mood of the public towards a brand or general elections of a country, etc. It is one of the unique project ideas for college students to find tweets using specific hashtags and extract them to compute and analyze the data using R and Python programming languages.

SMS Spam Filtering

Another interesting project idea is SMS spam filtering. Since SMS is immensely popular for communication, this folder can get filled with spam items. With deep learning algorithms and TensorFlow, you will be able to create a seamless model for spam detection. Deep neural networks are adept at identifying spam short text messages with a high accuracy rate of almost 99%. 

Hangman Game

One of the major project ideas for final year students can be creating something exciting. Hangman is a fun word game. One person thinks of a word, and their friend tries to guess it, letter by letter. They only have a certain number of guesses. The goal? Find the hidden word. 

You can make a computer version of Hangman using a class. The player tries to guess a hidden word’s letters. If they make the wrong guess too many times, they lose. They guess a letter by clicking a button with that letter on it. To make the buttons work, you need special classes called listeners. Listeners react when the player clicks a button. 

A builder crafts the primary board, calling a process every time a new game kicks off. The essential program enables this class’s execution as an application. The core routine shapes a window, selecting it to comprise a Hangman panel and placing the window in the screen’s middle.

Placement Cell

One of the most interesting mini project ideas for college students can also be creating a placement cell for colleges. This task involves using several programming languages for the front end. Meanwhile, the back end of the project has to be done using MySQL.

The cell will come with the user and admin modules. All unknown users will have to register and upload the required details. The application in this segment will include details regarding the ongoing and upcoming placements in a college. On the other hand, it will also include details of students taking part in the placement drive.

Wireless Sound Control

This is one of the most exciting Python-based final year project ideas for IT students. You can use libraries like OpenCV and Pycaw to build this model. The aim of this project is to give users a hands-free way to control system volume.

You can make a MediaPipe model to change the volume with hand movements. Move your hand in front of the camera and watch the system sound rise or drop.

Smart Farming with IoT Technologies

Smart farming devices can identify the temperature, humidity, and moisture in the soil. They are great for helping farmers understand soil conditions. Building this special device will require you to use sensors, jumper wires, and an Arduino Nano IDE. By staying directly connected to the soil, this device will show all measurements on the monitor.  

Course Management System

It is one of the final year project topics that will focus on Java. In this system, you will be able to update course content and experiment with different features, like a search bar. Tools for asynchronous bulletin board messaging or real-time chat can be used to implement this. The Course Management System houses these tools. There are three modules – administrator, student, and instructor, which are essential for the system to work flawlessly. 

Employee Tracking System

It is one of the project ideas for college students to track the performance of employees and check their attendance. This system will be extremely useful for organizations in maintaining employee data. The Java GUI and SQLite technology will be particularly useful for building this database. 

E-Healthcare System

One of the major project topics can be building a digital healthcare system that maintains the data of all patients. It can support quick retrieval of data for helping patients and doctors. This seamless system can be built using the CRISP-DM to store all records accurately. 

E-Commerce Website Development

One of the most demanding final year project ideas for engineering students is building a website. It will require you to use full-stack development knowledge, including MEAN and MERN. Having extensive knowledge of JavaScript will help you develop this website with features like payment methods and filtering options. You will also need to be proficient with UI and back-end knowledge to succeed in this project.

Smart Security Application

Every day, people and businesses confront this issue of security. This is one of the final year project topics that lets you handle your security systems from any place at any time. In your cozy corner, you get the reins of your security. This can have extra features such as location detection, GPS, and emergency alerts. APIs can also help protect private data, preventing uninvited access.

Portfolio Application

It is one of the data science projects for final year that students can be made to work on. This tool will create a graphic portfolio showcasing your abilities, workload, endeavors, and more. Input your info. That’s all it needs. Craft an unshakeable, perfectly suitable site using NodeJS and Express. Handle databases, run AJAX inquiries with JQuery, and incorporate REST API. See your ideas spring to life within a genuinely operational project. 

IoT-Based Vehicle Accident Detector

This modern detection system relies on IoT to spot anything blocking the vehicle’s path using sensors. If something’s there, it alerts the driver to shift course or halt, preventing potential accidents. An accelerometer and GPS sensor get the job done. Different machine learning systems are in play here. Through IoT, a reaction is born when signals from the accelerometer and GPS sensor reach the cloud.

Biometric Attendance System

It takes the user’s fingerprint impression and cross-references it with the stored data. It is currently frequently used in many organizations to monitor employee attendance. It features a fingerprint sensor and a Deep Learning algorithm that compares the print as input and, if it cannot find the print, outputs the error. 

Image Encryption System

Since the system uses an encryption algorithm to encode images, unauthorized users are unable to access it. Encryption techniques such as AES must be used when transmitting digital photos in order to conceal the actual image and lower the risk. It then divides the photos into random groups and employs secret keys to establish the order of the encrypted image blocks. 

Face Detector

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This system compares the structure of your face with the stored data to identify your face. It analyzes the input using machine learning methods and verifies whether or not the system has the same information in the current database. It then proceeds to take a picture and sends it over an HTTP form-data request to the back end. After that, the API saves the data and compares it with the current database. This can be applied in establishments and locations that require a high level of security. 

Voice Recognition

This method recognizes a voice by analyzing the pattern and tone that a person uses when speaking. For machine translation, it makes use of neural machine translation. Features like speech recognition and classification are possible; voice is used as the input, and “Matched Voice” is the output. Working professionals can enter and quit organizations, whether they are public or private, using this method. 

Wrapping up

All these projects will be excellent additions to your portfolio as they will showcase your real-world skills and hands-on experience to prospective employers. So, which of these will you choose as your final year project?

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Rohit Sharma

Blog Author
Rohit Sharma is the Program Director for the UpGrad-IIIT Bangalore, PG Diploma Data Analytics Program.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Why are the practicals held in the last year of graduation?

The initial years of graduation are used in gaining theoretical knowledge about the subjects which is then made to implement in practicality in the final year. It is basically like an examination regarding the execution of all the concepts learned up to date. Working on a project enhances the student’s intellectual and empirical proficiency along with providing exposure to substantial work. Applying the knowledge of the different learned subjects will help in unraveling concealed abilities and developing niche skills.

2In which field should the project be made?

Since the science stream is substantially vast, the projects under it can also be numerous. Therefore choosing one is enigmatic. Interest in the subject and its scope and use in the future should be the main determinant of such a task. Considering the ambit in the future, the project can be related to Python, data science, and machine learning projects. A few examples can be the development of forest fire predictors, fake news detectors, traffic signs recognition, driver’s drowsiness detectors, chatbots, multiple-level image password authentication, accident detection, and alert systems.

3What do employers look for in the application?

Before any kind of interview is held, the preliminary screening of applications is done. The applicant’s educational qualification, past experiences, and research abilities are all jotted down in his/her CV, which is then forwarded to the recruiter. The recruiter, just based on the application, decides whether the person is to be called for further processes. Thus, your submitted application should be made impressive. Also, while applying to the relevant field, your experience plays a major role. For freshers, practicals replace experience. The topic, the research, and the project conclusion, all play a pivotal role not just at the time of screening of the application, but also during the interview. The knowledge gained will also be used at the time of the actual rendition of the job. Rightly said, no knowledge is wasted.

4Why are the practicals held in the last year of graduation?

The initial years of graduation are used in gaining theoretical knowledge about the subjects which is then made to implement in practicality in the final year. It is basically like an examination regarding the execution of all the concepts learned up to date. Working on a project enhances the student’s intellectual and empirical proficiency along with providing exposure to substantial work. Applying the knowledge of the different learned subjects will help in unraveling concealed abilities and developing niche skills.

5In which field should the project be made?

Since the science stream is substantially vast, the projects under it can also be numerous. Therefore choosing one is enigmatic. Interest in the subject and its scope and use in the future should be the main determinant of such a task. Considering the ambit in the future, the project can be related to Python, data science, and machine learning projects. A few examples can be the development of forest fire predictors, fake news detectors, traffic signs recognition, driver’s drowsiness detectors, chatbots, multiple-level image password authentication, accident detection, and alert systems.

6What do employers look for in the application?

Before any kind of interview is held, the preliminary screening of applications is done. The applicant’s educational qualification, past experiences, and research abilities are all jotted down in his/her CV, which is then forwarded to the recruiter. The recruiter, just based on the application, decides whether the person is to be called for further processes. Thus, your submitted application should be made impressive. Also, while applying to the relevant field, your experience plays a major role. For freshers, practicals replace experience. The topic, the research, and the project conclusion, all play a pivotal role not just at the time of screening of the application, but also during the interview. The knowledge gained will also be used at the time of the actual rendition of the job. Rightly said, no knowledge is wasted.

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