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Functions of Operating System: Features, Uses, Types

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29th Feb, 2024
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Functions of Operating System: Features, Uses, Types

The operating system (OS) stands as a crucial component that facilitates the interaction between software and hardware in computer systems. It serves as a mediator, managing system resources and providing a user-friendly interface. In this article, I’ll dive into the functions of operating systems (OS), such as memory management, processor management, device management, etc., showing why they matter. We’ll look at features that make using them easy and the security they provide. Understanding the functions of an OS along with its features, uses, and operating systems is essential for comprehending the backbone of modern computing. 

Come let’s dive in to understand the backbone of modern computing. By the end, you’ll realize the important role the OS plays in ensuring everything runs smoothly in your digital world.  

What is an Operating System?   

An operating system is software that controls the hardware of a computer. Furthermore, it serves as a foundation for application programs and a bridge between computer hardware and users. Allocating resources and services, including memory, devices, processors, and information, are the main functions of the operating system. To be able to handle these resources, the operating system also comes with programs, including file systems, schedulers, memory management modules, traffic controllers, and I/O programs. All that the operating system does is create a framework for other applications to operate in. You can further elevate your skills in Full Stack Development with IIITB’s top-notch course. 

Why is an Operating System Required? 

There are various reasons why an operating system (OS) is necessary. Some of them are: 

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  • Resource Arbitration: The OS acts as a mediator, resolving conflicts over resource usage among different applications and users. It ensures fair and efficient allocation of resources to maximize system performance. 
  • Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL): By abstracting hardware details, the OS shields applications from hardware variations, allowing software to remain compatible across different hardware configurations. This abstraction simplifies software development and maintenance. Check out this Software Development Courses Online to understand it better. 
  • Platform for Application Development: Operating systems provide a platform on which software developers can create and run applications. They offer development frameworks, libraries, and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that simplify application development and enable cross-platform compatibility. 
  • Task Scheduling and Prioritization: The OS employs scheduling algorithms to determine the order in which processes are executed. It prioritizes critical tasks and ensures timely processing of time-sensitive operations, such as real-time computing and multimedia playback. 
  • Power Management: Modern operating systems include power management features to optimize energy usage and extend battery life in portable devices. These features include sleep modes, CPU throttling, and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling. 
  • System Monitoring and Performance Optimization: Operating systems provide tools for system monitoring, performance analysis, and optimization. Administrators can monitor system resource usage, identify performance bottlenecks, and optimize system configurations to improve overall efficiency. 
  • Inter-Process Communication (IPC): The OS facilitates communication and data exchange between processes through IPC mechanisms such as pipes, sockets, and shared memory. This enables collaboration between different software components and supports distributed computing. 
  • System Configuration and Administration: Operating systems provide utilities and tools for system configuration, administration, and maintenance. Administrators can manage user accounts, configure system settings, install software updates, and troubleshoot system issues. 
  • Fault Tolerance and Disaster Recovery: Some operating systems incorporate fault-tolerant features to minimize system downtime and data loss in the event of hardware failures or system crashes. These features include redundant hardware configurations, data mirroring, and automatic failover mechanisms. 
  • Customization and Personalization: Operating systems offer customization options and personalization features that allow users to tailor their computing experience to their preferences. Users can customize desktop layouts, themes, and settings to create a personalized computing environment. 

What are the Features of an Operating System?   

The characteristics of an operating system include: 

  1. Concurrency: The ability to execute multiple processes or threads simultaneously, allowing for efficient utilization of system resources. 
  2. Multiprogramming: Supporting the execution of multiple programs at the same time, with the operating system managing the switching between them. 
  3. Hardware Abstraction: Providing a uniform interface to hardware resources, shielding applications from the complexities of specific hardware implementations. 
  4. Virtualization: Allowing multiple instances of operating systems or virtual machines to run concurrently on a single physical machine, providing isolation and flexibility. 
  5. Protection and Security: Implementing mechanisms to protect system resources from unauthorized access, ensuring data integrity and user privacy. 
  6. Fault Tolerance: Providing mechanisms to detect, recover from, and handle errors or failures in hardware or software components, ensuring system reliability. 
  7. Memory Management: Efficiently managing system memory, including allocation, deallocation, and virtual memory techniques to maximize available memory. 
  8. File System Management: Organizing and managing files and directories on storage devices, providing mechanisms for file operations and ensuring data integrity. 
  9. User Interface: Providing interfaces, such as graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or command-line interfaces (CLIs), for users to interact with the operating system and applications. 
  10. Device Management: Controlling and managing input/output devices, including device drivers and communication protocols, to facilitate device interaction. 

These characteristics collectively define the behavior and functionality of an operating system, enabling it to manage hardware resources, run applications, provide user interfaces, and ensure system reliability and security. 

Functions of an Operating System 

The basic functions of an operating system (OS) encompass a wide range of tasks that enable the management and coordination of various hardware and software components in a computer system. These functions of OS include: 

Memory Management 

Primary Memory, often known as Main Memory, is controlled by the operating system. Every word or byte in main memory has an address, and they are arranged in a big array. Direct CPU access to main memory allows for quick storage. An application needs to be loaded into the main memory before it can be run. An operating system controls how memory is allotted and reassigned to different processes, making sure that no process uses memory that has been set aside for another. The following tasks are carried out by an operating system for memory management: 

  • It monitors primary memory, that is, the bytes of memory utilized by each user program. The memory addresses of the memory that hasn’t been used yet and the memory addresses that have already been allocated. 
  • When using multiprogramming, the operating system determines which processes get memory access first and for how long. 
  • When a process asks for memory, it allows it to it; when the process ends or is executing an I/O operation, it deallocates the memory. 

Processor Management 

The OS controls which programs have access to the CPU first and how much processing time each process takes when multiple programs are running simultaneously. We refer to this OS mechanism as Process Scheduling. The following tasks are carried out by an operating system for processor management. 

An operating system assigns different tasks to the processor and makes sure that it has adequate time to complete each task before moving on to the next. Monitors the state of the processes. The application that carries out this function is called a traffic controller. Gives a process access to the CPU, or processor. Processors that are no longer needed are de-allocated. 

Device Management 

Using the appropriate drivers, an OS controls device connectivity. To manage devices, it carries out the following tasks. 

  • Monitors every gadget linked to the system. identifies a software application that serves as the input/output controller for each device.  
  • Choose the process that has access to a given device and its duration. 
  • Distributes gadgets productively and effectively. Devices are dealt with when they are no longer needed. 
  • Different input and output devices are available. These input-output devices are managed by an operating system. 
  • It gets requests from various devices, completes a certain task, and replies to the requester process. 

File Management  

Directories are used to arrange a file system for convenient and effective usage. Additional files and folders might be contained in these directories. File management tasks are performed by an operating system. It monitors file status, user access settings, information storage locations, and much more. The file system is the collective name for these facilities. An operating system maintains organized records of data on the addition, removal, transfer, copying, and storing of files. By preventing unwanted access, it also preserves the integrity of the data kept in these files, including the file directory structure. 

User Interface or Command Interpreter 

Operating systems allow users to communicate with computers. Operating systems thus serve as an interface between the hardware and the user of computers. An array of commands or a graphical user interface (GUI) are used to provide this user interface. User interactions with the apps and hardware of the machine are made possible by this interface. 

Booting the Computer 

Booting is the process of turning on or off a computer. Cold booting is the process of turning on a computer after it has been fully turned off. Restarting a computer by using the operating system is known as “warm booting.” 

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The operating system uses comparable strategies, such as password protection, to safeguard user data. Additionally, it guards against illegal access to user data and programs. The operating system offers several methods to guarantee the security and integrity of user data. To safeguard user data, the following security precautions are taken: 

  • Safeguard against unwanted entry via login. 
  • Maintaining the firewall’s activity provides protection against intrusion. 
  • Preventing unauthorized access to the system memory. 
  • Putting up notifications about vulnerabilities in the system. 


The effective administration and coordination of hardware and software resources in a computer system depends on the main functions of the operating system. An operating system is necessary for a system to function smoothly and dependably because it controls memory, file systems, devices, security, networking, error correction and recovery, resource scheduling and allocation, and user interface functionality. These functions of OS collectively enable the operating system to facilitate the execution of applications, provide a user-friendly interface, maintain system security, and optimize resource utilization. Understanding the key functions of the operating system is fundamental for grasping its significance in modern computing environments. 


Geetika Mathur

Blog Author

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What are the functions of the operating system Wikipedia?

The functions of OS in Wikipedia are: 1. Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia with entries covering a wide range of subjects. 2. It allows users to create material collaboratively and is multilingual. 3. Users can access and add to the vast information base it has.

2What are the functions of processing devices?

Processing devices have the following functions: 1. Processing devices execute instructions for computational tasks. 2. They interact with memory and other hardware components. 3. CPUs, GPUs, and microcontrollers are examples.

3What are the features of the operating system?

Features of the Operating System: 1. Multitasking enables concurrent program execution. 2. Memory management optimizes RAM usage. 3. The file system organizes and stores data. 4. The user interface facilitates interaction. 5. Device management controls input/output devices.

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