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Mudit Garg

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Mudit Garg is a student of UpGrad and Cambridge Judge Business School's Strategic Digital Marketing Program.


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Mudit Garg on Learning like There’s No Tomorrow
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Mudit Garg on Learning like There’s No Tomorrow

This article was published on Mudit Garg’s LinkedIn Pulse. As far as learning anything new is concerned, you never leave any sound unheard. There has been humongous shifts and continuous transformations in the field of marketing. And hence, the field of Digital attracts our attention. That’s Probably, why you’re reading this article, knowing more about the field of Digital Marketing, isn’t it? It is said, “There’s a right time to know everything”. I have always been on a mission to prove it wrong. The essence of life is to learn all you can, while you can. And here’s where UpGrad has been a mate to me when it comes to my learning journey. Being a college student is difficult. Being an engineering college student, eh, is even worse. While maximum time goes in tests, you would prefer to keep remaining under the hood. There comes no question of doing a parallel course, let alone of it being a PG level or Executive level course. And here’s when you’ll find something unusual! UpGrad Student Ankit Mishra on Staying Relevant in the Digital Race When I had submitted my query to UpGrad during my Semester 1, I was a total newbie to what Digital marketing was! 7 months down the line, I scored an Internship as a Digital Marketing Intern handling Search Engine Optimizations and Social Media Marketing! How did that happen? Well, authentic content, viable course setting, brilliant mentors and exceptional student support as a part of PG Certification in Digital Marketing & Communication.Not only does their course make you think and discover, but will also dive you through everything there is in the digital marketing industry. Eventually, you’ll be in the position to choose your specialization. PG Certification in Digital Marketing & Communication was my second collaboration with the team in Sem 4. Why (you may ask)? As I said above, learn all you can while you can. Not only did they surprise me with the ever-improving platform but also highly professional mentors, better case studies and detailed concepts in the field of Digital Marketing. As far as their industry experts are concerned, I must say, either they’ve got a good taste or excellent convincing skills. The panel furnished to the student is stunning throughout the course. When people (like me) look for an online course, we often look around the cost and step back. Who’s gonna spend time on lectures when there’s YouTube, right? Let alone the thought of paying them for videos! Eh, I’m really sorry if you could sync with the above! There’s a value to every concept you learn. What’s special? You never get these free anywhere. Take it this way, you know there’s an ice-cream. You also know there’s a shop. You know it’s taste, colour and the ingredients too. But until you taste it, you’ll never know if it’s good for you. And that hardly goes for free. This same example kind of holds true when it comes to online learning. PS. UpGrad gives a money back if the course doesn’t suit you within the first week. Lol. They cover it, don’t they? But yes, if you are a man of honour, with experience, yet no knowledge of Digital marketing, UpGrad’s courses are the ones I highly recommend to get yourself a jumpstart in your career. Proof you ask? I was able to score Google’s Garage, Analytics and AdWords Certifications, HubSpot’s Inbound and Inbound Marketing Certification, and 4 more online certifications, merely by the knowledge and support UpGrad Team offers to every student that comes into the loop. How does a Digital Marketer’s Salary Grow? What’s for delight? – A support that never leaves your back, even when you turn to them years after! If you’re still wondering, just one advice: Go for it! Learn MBA Courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career.

by Mudit Garg

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02 Jul 2018

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