Design Patterns: Singleton in Java
Updated on Nov 24, 2022 | 7 min read | 5.4k views
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Updated on Nov 24, 2022 | 7 min read | 5.4k views
Design Patterns are beneficial for programmers when they need to utilize the best available practices in object-oriented software development. Design Patterns can be understood as well-proved and tried and tested solutions for solving the design problem at hand. Design Systems describes the problem, the solution, when to apply the solution, and its consequences. In a way, Design Patterns can be thought of as different templates that software developers can implement when they are solving specific object-oriented design problems.
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Some of the features of using Design patterns in Java as compared to coding from scratch include:
Java programming language offers various Design Patterns for programmers and developers, which can broadly be broken down into three categories:
All of these patterns are used for different use cases and purposes. Through this article, let’s talk about one kind of Design Pattern in Java – Singleton Design Pattern, which falls under the Creational Design Patterns category.
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Singleton Design Pattern belongs to the Creational Design Pattern category. It ensures that a class only has one instance, providing this instance with a global access point. In doing so, the Singleton Design Pattern solves two problems at once – these include:
This is important to consider, especially when working on shared resources, like a database or a file. Imagine that you created an object, but after a while, decided to create a new one. In the Singleton Design Pattern, instead of receiving a new object, you’ll get the one you already made. That way, this Design Pattern ensures no redundancy of objects and that a class has only one instance. This behaviour is impossible to replicate with constructors because constructor calls must always return a new object.
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The global variables that you use to store essential objects are pretty handy. They are also equally unsafe since any piece of code has the power to overwrite the contents of your global variables, leading to an erroneous piece of code for you. Just like global variables, Singleton Patterns allows you to access different objects from anywhere in the program. However, unlike global variables, Singleton Patterns secures that instance from being overwritten by another program.
Nowadays, the Singleton Design Pattern is so widely used and prevalent that programmers may call something Singleton even if it solves just one of the above-listed problems. All the implementations of Singleton Design Patterns have the following two steps in common:
The government’s functioning is an excellent real-life example to understand how Singleton Design Patterns work. Regardless of the personal identities of the individuals who constitute the governments, the title, “The Government of X”, is the global point of access that identifies the group of people being talked about.
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Please go through the following list of steps to implement your own Singleton Design Pattern in Java:
Java is a highly diverse and influential programming language, and it has emerged as a foundation for most of the web and desktop applications in use today. It provides several features and strategies that programmers can use to develop better-performing software in an optimized fashion. Design Patterns are one such strategy adopted by Java programmers to make their codes readable, reusable, and understandable.
Design Patterns form one of the basic concepts that any aspiring software developer should look into. The world of software development is broad, and it covers all the aspects from front-end, back-end, database, server, and more. In such a scenario, the need of the hour is to be organized in your approach to learning. At upGrad, you can check out Software Development Courses that will help you build a long-lasting career in the field of software development. Offered in collaboration with IIIT-B, this course is taught by industry experts and gives you a chance to advance your career in the direction of your choice. Check out the course details and register today – the course starts 30th September 2021!
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