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Django Vs Ruby on Rails: Difference Between Django and Ruby on Rails

By Rohan Vats

Updated on Jul 03, 2023 | 10 min read | 6.1k views


Once again it’s a battle between intelligibility and efficiency; it is a simple, understandable and easy-to-use technology set against one that offers an expeditious development experience, it’s convenience against functionality — it’s Django vs Ruby on Rails.

Ordinarily, it boils down to being a matter of preference and what use a particular technology will be put to. Regardless, one should have all the details laid out before them before they can make an informed decision. So, yes, Django vs Ruby on Rails it is! 

Before we get into a comparison of the two popular web frameworks, let’s lay the groundwork for future references by exploring the various advantages and disadvantages of Ruby on the Rails and Django. 

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What is Ruby on the Rails?

Ruby on Rails, or RoR, is understandably Ruby-based and an MVC (Model-View-Controller) web application framework written under the MIT License. It is an open-source, server-side platform that came into being 16 years ago. 

The entire Ruby on Rails framework is centred around its two foundational principles – DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and Convention Over Configuration. In other words, it offers a time-saving and conventional platform for developers to write efficient code.

Ruby on Rails is packed with plenty of default structures such as databases, web services, and pages that can be customized later. Also, you needn’t go through the entire web development cycle in order to make modifications to something. 

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Ruby on Rails is shipped with a couple of native integrations, some of which are – 

  • ActiveJob; used to schedule background processes
  • Object Relationship Mapper (ORM)
  • ActiveStorage; which includes file storage systems such as AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, among others

Some of the most popular names associated with RoR are: 

  • GitHub
  • Airbnb
  • Shopify
  • Twitch
  • Basecamp
  • SEOly
  • HEY

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Read: Python vs Ruby

What are the advantages of Ruby on Rails? 

  1. Ruby on Rails can be modified easily
  2. It allows structured altering of the database and is easy to migrate.
  3. It is known for faster development.
  4. It is packed with a number of tools and presets alongside an excellent testing environment. 
  5. Since Ruby on Rails is open-sourced, it has an active community of developers.
  6. Its component structure contains over 150,000 total gems for download. This makes way for greater functionality without having to code a lot. 
  7. There is ample support provided to users through its comprehensive guide, The Rails Way.

What are the disadvantages of Ruby on Rails?

  1. It doesn’t offer the best platform to create APIs
  2. The documentation process is not as standardized and high-quality as one may have hoped. This is especially the case with gems which are not that common. 
  3. Coding on Ruby on Rails becomes complex with time and developers may face difficulty reading the code. Further, rework also proves to be quite time-consuming. 
  4. Runtime speed could be higher. 
  5. Since documentation is not very efficient, RoR provides developers with test suites for code information, who in turn are required to study the code. 

What is Django? 

Often dubbed as ‘the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines’, Django is a remarkable open-source, high-level Python-based framework that encourages the creation of complex and database-driven websites. It is known for its promptness in development, simplicity, and pragmatic design.

Django was released in 2005 and is handled by an American non-profit organization named Django Software Foundation. It was invented with an intent to meet deadlines while simultaneously meeting expectations. 

Like Ruby, Python is also an interpreted, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. This makes Django easy to use, quick and highly versatile. Django is fueled by rich libraries of tools, plugins and other features that contribute to a remarkably fast development. Some of these are: 

  • Django ORM
  • Authentication
  • HTTP libraries
  • Multi-site support
  • Django Admin

It finds extensive use in data science, booking engines  fintech, e-commerce, and a variety of other domains. Some of the most popular companies have their services built using Python. These include:

  • Instagram 
  • Spotify
  • Udemy
  • The Guardian
  • NASA 
  • Pinterest
  • Mozilla 

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What are the advantages of Django?

  1. Django is open-source and has a huge community of developers and contributors who participate in regular conferences and training.
  2. It is highly scalable, boosting its capacity to deliver.
  3. It comes with a number of useful plugins and mature software that has undergone thorough scrutiny of numerous developers.
  4. It offers ample opportunity to customize.
  5. It supports Representational State Transfer (REST), a toolkit that makes building Web APIs simpler. 
  6. It operated on MVC (Model View Controller)
  7. It is extremely compatible with a number of operating systems and databases, thus, increasing its accessibility. 

What are the disadvantages of Django? 

  1. Django can not process multiple requests at the same time. This could hamper your development progress. 
  2. Since it operates on ORM (Object-Relational Mapper), there is tight-coupling of components. 
  3. Django is often said to be monolithic

Difference between Ruby on Rails and Django

Now, let’s explore the major differences between the two frameworks. We will touch upon the following parameters:

  1. Architecture 
  2. Language and Syntax
  3. Performance and Speed
  4. Scalability
  5. Installation 
  6. Popularity
  7. Usage


Although Django and Ruby on Rails both support MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework, Django’s is slightly different; it is MVT (Model-View-Template). 

In Django, Model is indicative of the database which includes the data structures, View monitors what the users see and is commonly called the Regular Expression-based URL Dispatcher, and Template represents a templating system that is compatible with Django Template Language (DLT). Django takes responsibility of the controller. 

In Ruby on Rails, Model is handled by ActiveRecord and is a representation of the data included in the database which includes comments, posts, images, etc. View comprises the data contained in the HTML template which is then sent to the Controller, and is evantally taken care of by ActiveView. Both Model and View are connected by ActionController that is also responsible for handling requests and sending responses.

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Language and Syntax

As we already know, Django is written on Python, Rails runs on Ruby. Both languages have distinct features. While Python imitates human language and promotes clarity and readability, Ruby is known for its flexibility and freedom. Users of Python know it to be the easiest language out there while Ruby is the most fun to write. 

When it comes to syntax, since Ruby encourages flexible codes, it’s difficult to solve problems as there can be a number of solutions. This lack of consistency is sometimes problematic. 

Django codes, on the other hand, are easier to debug and read. This positively affects the rate of development.

Performance and Speed

It’s been noted that Rails is faster than Django by 0.7%, thanks to its libraries and plugins which also increase its speed, Django makes up for this with its REST framework that has authentication modules and JSON serializers and deserializers, etc. This gives Django an edge over Rails. 


Django is easier to install (takes about a minute) than RoR. One requires knowledge of bundle and Gems. This is followed by an elaborate process of installation.


Django lags in this department despite being written on Python. Rails offers higher scalability because of the freedom and flexibility it allows when writing code.


Django wins in terms of popularity since it is written on Python which is a hugely popular programming language. However, Ruby on Rails also has a dedicated following of programmers and developers. 

Check out: 7 Top Django Projects on Github [For Beginners & Experienced]


Django is your go-to framework if your focus is on database-driven sites that can be built in less time. Django is also suited for analysis, scientific programming, and administration purposes.

Rails offer better usability, flexibility and freedom to developers, and hence, is perfect for metaprogramming.

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Django Vs. Ruby on Rails: Comparison Table

Here is a table representing the key differences between Django vs. Ruby on Rails to help you better distinguish them. Understanding what makes Django unique from Ruby on Rails will make it easy to choose the right framework. 

Parameters Django Ruby on Rails
Architecture Model-view-template architecture  Model-view-controller architecture 
Principle Explicit over implicit Convention is better than configuration
Language Python-based web framework Ruby programming language
Popularity  Django is more popular than Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails is less popular than Django
Scalability  Less scalable  Highly scalable
Flexibility Less flexibility for developers More flexibility for developers
Application Areas API, Customization Test-heavy, Standard features
Learning curve Steep learning curve  Smooth learning curve 
Speed  Slower than Ruby on Rails by 0.7% Faster than Django by 0.7%
Usage Data science, ML, and AI projects Metaprogramming, web projects
Example Dropbox, YouTube Shopify, Netflix
Community Support There are over 11,000 members of the Django community and over 4,000 useable pre-made packages.  Over 5,000 members of the RoR community have put forth their code to Rails, and there are numerous gems with code that are reusable.

Evaluating the unique features of each technical community and the widespread adoption of Django vs. Rails among software developers is a common tactic when considering the future projections of a tech stack. 

Ruby on Rails Vs Django: Which One To Choose & When? 

Overall, the top-ranked web frameworks, Ruby on Rails vs Django, are in fierce competition with one another. But in some cases, one takes precedence over the other. For instance, Django is the way to go if you’re developing an app that is highly complex and packed with impressive features. 

Nevertheless, Ruby on Rails is your best bet if you’re contemplating a speedy launch followed by working on the specifics of the website or web app. The reason is its capabilities, like automation and shortcuts, that make it simpler to add complicated functionality to web applications. 

When To Choose The Django Network:

It is best to leverage and rely on the Django framework when:

  • Working with large databases and intricate database-driven websites. 
  • Dealing with several projects for data visualization and analysis 
  • Handling many tasks involving sophisticated mathematics and computers 
  • Working with web applications with high-user traffic 
  • Establishing REST APIs 
  • Developing safe web applications that protect against typical issues 
  • Implementing large-scale initiatives involving numerous team members 
  • Working with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques 

When To Choose the Ruby on Rails Framework:

If you’re thinking about developing a website for a project that has the following requirements, Ruby on Rails will be a fantastic choice: 

  • Meeting a tight deadline and coming up with quick fixes 
  • Real-time product updates and sophisticated scalability 
  • Creating straightforward projects and MVPs 
  • With regard to various eCommerce projects 
  • For applications that call for rapid prototyping 
  • As you use well-known front-end frameworks and libraries 
  • Projects of a complex nature with distinctive features and modern functions 
  • For start-ups and small enterprises that demand great performance and scalability


If you want to find out more about Ruby Rail and Django and its programming languages, you can take a look at our Full-Stack Development Course. Not only will it provide you with the necessary knowledge, but it will also give you a properly structured curriculum. You’ll be able to learn the skill efficiently and effectively.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Explain Django architecture and its advantages

2. What is the directory structure of Django?

3. How is Ruby different from the Python language?

Rohan Vats

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