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Must Read 73 Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers: Ultimate Guide 2024

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Must Read 73 Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers: Ultimate Guide 2024

Attending a Google analytics interview and wondering what are all the questions and discussions you will go through? Before attending a Google analytics interview, it’s better to have an idea of the type of Google analytics interview questions so that you can mentally prepare answers for them.

This will make it easier for you to appear in SEO interview questions and answers. Practicing SEO questions and answers beforehand can have a great impact on your hiring, therefore, let’s take a look at some of the most important SEO interview questions and answers.

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To help you out, I have created the top Google analytics interview question and answers guide to understand the depth and real-intend of Google analytics interview questions. Let’s get started.

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Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers 2024:

Let’s segregate the article into three sections:

  1. Basic Level Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers
  2. Intermediate Level Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers
  3. Expert Level Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers

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Basic Level Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers

1. What is Google Analytics? Tell me something about Google Analytics?

This is almost always the first Google Analytics interview question you will face. Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool offered by Google to help you track and analyze the performance of your website.

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Google Analytics records various activities of users when they visit your site like user engagement, visitor flow, number of conversions, along with attributes such as age, gender, interests with the help of tracking code.

Google Analytics aggregates the data in multiple ways like User level, Session level, Pageview level, Event level. 

The main purpose of the tool is to help you make decisions to improve the site performance and revenue. 

2. What is session?

When a user visits a site, a session gets initiated. It lasts for 30 minutes, though it can be changed. A session can be defined as the number of interactions a user takes within a time frame on the website. 

The actions can be visit pages, download e-books, purchases products, etc. As session times out, non-active users won’t distort data. Example, visitors who keep your website open in a different tab won’t be counted past the 30-minute session marker.

3. What is Google Analytics Goals?

A goal in Google Analytics let you track user interactions on your site. You can define which interactions you want to track like visiting thank you page after purchase, form submissions, ebook downloads and more. It helps you measure how well your website converts and fulfil your target objectives. 

We can have 20 goals per web property. 

In Google Analytics, there are four ways to track goals

a) URLs (Destination Goals – specific location within your site)

b) Time (Duration Goals – how long your visitor last in your website) 

c) Pages/Visit  – about the pages and visitors

d) Events –  actions they take

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4. What is meant by conversions and how will you track conversions through GA?

One of the important questions suggested by most of Google analytics questions and answer guides. Conversions happen when your predefined Google Analytics goals are accomplished thus generating ROI to the website.

For example, if the user takes any desired action on the website, like filling the form or signing up a newsletter, or simply showing a high level of engagement, etc. Goals can be utilized in Google analytics to set the conversion tracking. 

Any completed user activity that is important for your business is called a conversion. In normal words, a conversion is a successful accomplishment of a predefined goal. 

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5. What is meant by KPI in Analytics?

KPI or Key Performance Indicator is a measurable performance indicator helps website managers to track and analyze the performances of the websites based on defined business objectives. It helps them operationalization of their marketing goals.

Some of the important examples of KPIs are

  • Sessions
  • Users
  • Bounce Rate
  • Average Time
  • Conversion Rate
  • Pages/Sessions
  • Pageviews

6. What is Funnel in Goals?

One of the most common google analytics interview question, a funnel is a series of web pages (navigation path) which your visitors needs to go through to achieve website goals. 

A funnel is made up of one goal web page and one or more funnel pages. 

It helps you determine where your users start and exit the sales process. Based on the analysis, you can remove the bottlenecks in your conversion process. Up to 20 funnel pages can be set up in Google analytics. 

4 types of funnels available in GA

  • Goal Funnel
  • Sales Funnel
  • Multi-Channel Goal Funnel
  • Multi-Channel Sales Funnel

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7. What is Acquisition report in Google Analytics?

According to Google, The attribution tab shows how many conversion events were driven by each source and ad network”

There are two sections in Google Analytics that help you know your attribution performance. One is the Attribution section and another one is multi-channel funnels. 

Attribution section uses attribution modelling to let you know the value of each of your marketing channels.  It helps you understand the origin of your site visitors like organic, social, and referrals. It is the process of distributing credits for conversions to touchpoints in a user’s conversion journey.

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8. What do you know about the bounce rate? 

One of the most common question in any Google Analytics interview question. Bounce rate is the percentage of website users who leaves the website from the landing page without visiting any other page or without taking any specific action. 

According to Google, Bounce rate is single-page sessions divided by all sessions or the percentage of all sessions on your site in which users viewed only a single page and triggered only a single request to the Analytics server.

To lower the bounce rate, increase the engagement on your page (with the help of internal links, CTA, etc), increase page speed, matching user experience and more. 

Bounce rate benchmarks change from genre to genre. Blogs tend to have high bounce rates and B2B sites should have lesser. Benchmarks also changes based on the industry.

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9. What are the top channels Google Analytics uses to track your traffic sources?

The top channels of traffic, tracked by Google Analytics:

  • Organic: People click search engine organic visit and land on your website
  • Direct: People who write down your website domain on URL bar on the browser and visit your website
  • Paid: People who click on PPC ads in SERP. 
  • Referral: People who come to your site from other sites like,, etc.
  • Social Channels: People visiting your site using Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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10. What is the difference between Clicks and Visits?

Clicks indicate an action performed on a site or a particular product. 

Visit indicates spending of time by users on a site.

11. How to identify the most popular pages on my website in Google Analytics?

To find the top pages of your website, you need to visit the behavior section of Google analytics.

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12. What is Behaviour in Google Analytics?

Again, one of the important google analytics interview question. The simple answer is: The behavior overview shows the amount of overall traffic. 

The behavior flow report shows you the path users take on your website. From the first landing page to the final page they visited on your website. 

Site content report shows the top content based on performance. 

Landing page report lets you see the top pages based on traffic. 

Site speed report shows the graph of the load time of all pages. 

13. Tell me about Dimensions & Metrics in Google Analytics.

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Dimensions are attributes of your data.

We can understand that dimensions are a featured or aspect of your data. It is not a quantitative variable but a qualitative one. Let us give us some examples 

  • Device
  • Source
  • Campaign
  • City
  • Goals
  • Page

Metrics are the numbers you find in dimensions. Metrics let you see what a user did, in numerical value. It is a quantitative measurement. Without dimensions, otherwise, it’s just numbers.

For example: If you find 50 page views for a specific blog post from NY, page views are metric and NY is the dimension here.

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14. What is Exit Rate?

Exit Percentage is the percentage of site exits that occurred from a specified page or set of pages. It is the page on your site that the visitor left from.

In Google Analytics, Exit page can be found in: 

Behavior > Site Content > Exit Pages. This report gives you a breakdown of the number of Exits, pageviews and the % Exits.

15. What is Search Depth?

Average search depth is a metric in Google analytics. It is

the average number of pages people viewed after performing a search.

This is calculated as Sum of all search_depth across all searches / (search_transitions + 1)

16. What is ‘Filters’ in Google Analytics?

In Google Analytics, filters are configured in views for a property. 

Filters are used to segment the data into smaller groups. Filters let you control which data is included in the reports. For example, you can filter out the internal traffic from showing inside analytics,

Filters can be created at either the view or the account level.

17. How to access personal information of visitors using GA?

Impossible. You can’t access personal information of visitors using GA.

18. How to find where visitors are clicking most?

With the help of In-Page Analytics, can find where visitors are clicking most. In-page analytics is an extension of Google Chrome that helps you see the click data right there on the page.

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19. What are cookies in Analytics?

Any Google Analytics Interview Question and Answers guide won’t complete without this question. Cookies are the text files that are stored on the visitor’s browsers when a visitor visits the website. 

It is essential to remember that cookies are browser-specific when it comes to ga.js. So, a user on chrome on their work laptop will have different cookies stored than if they are using chrome on their home computer.

20. How can you find the UA tracking code?

UA stands for Universal Analytics. The Universal Analytics tracking code can be found in the admin section of the web property.

21. How can you create your goal in Google Analytics?

To create a goal in Google Analytics, need to follow the 4 steps

  1. Click “Admin” in the navigation bar
  2. Click “Goals” under View
  3. Click “+New Goal
  4. Create your goal by following the wizard

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22. How to delete goals in GA?

No, we cannot delete the goal. We can stop recording the goal by disabling it.

23. What is meant by Average Load Time?

The avg. amount of the time taken by the website to load it in the browser.

24. How to change the session time in Google analytics?

Again, one of the popular Google analytics interview questions. Yes, by clicking on the session settings in the admin section let us change the session timings from 30 mins to however we like.

25. What is treemaps report in GA?

Treemap visualization let the user highlight the biggest influence of a data set. One of the advantages of treemap visualization is how easily it can display correlated display. It has made reporting easy. Many kinds of reports can be managed easily in GA. 

26. Which type of traffic uses auto-tagging?

Google ads traffic uses auto-tagging feature.

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27. What are the demographics report in Google Analytics?

Demographics in Google Analytics offers to give detail about the age and gender of the website visitors, along with the interests they express through their online travel and purchasing activities. It can be found in the ‘Audience Report’ of Google analytics. 

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28. What is ‘Site Search’ report in Google Analytics?

The site search button on the website helps users to search inside the website. The site search reports in GA allows website managers to find the keywords or queries people use to search on the website. It helps them to understand what people search and design or optimize pages accordingly. Mainly used by e-commerce websites, so if you are attending a Google analytics interview of eCommerce website, learn more about it.

29. What is users?

Users are that have had at least one session within the given time frame. Both active and repeated users are counted.

30. What is the most important things in Google Analytics you will want to analysis?

Google Analytics gives a lot of information and each information is essential. But there are few things we concentrate every day like the number of sessions, traffic sources, top-performing pages, funnel and goal conversions, bounce and exit rate.

31. Difference between clicks and users

The clicks column indicates how many times your users clicked your website listing while users indicate the number of unique users who clicked your listing. 

There are many reasons why these numbers don’t match. Important reasons are:

  • A user might click your listing multiple times. 
  • A user might click on the listing but closed the page before loading it properly. 
  • No tracking code on the landing page.
  • Redirect on the landing page
  • Single-click with multiple visits

32. What is the difference between Clicks and Sessions in Google Analytics reports?

The clicks column indicates how many times your listings were clicked by users and session indicates the number of unique sessions initiated by users. There are many reasons why these don’t match. Primary reasons are:

A user might click your listing multiple times

A user might click but closed the page before loading fully

33. What are ‘Page Views’ in Google Analytics?

A pageview (or pageview hit, page tracking hit) is an instance of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser. Pageviews is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed.

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34. What is Label in Google Analytics?

Label provides more information about the action of the user.

35. How to link search console and google analytics?

To use search console reports, you need to enable search console data sharing in settings.

How to do:

Click admin >> select the property

Click property settings

Under search console, select the reporting view & save.

36. Is it possible to disable Google Analytics?

Yes, it’s possible.

37. What is the purpose of Track Page View?

Track page view helps to register a pageview

38. How to track user engagement on Flash or AJAX websites?

We can use event tracking or we can track interactions as pageviews and set goals.

Intermediate Level Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers

39. What is ROI and how to calculate it?

One of the most popular in google analytics questions and answers list. ROI stands for Return on Investments.

How to calculate ROI: (Revenue – Cost) / Cost.

You can utilize the ROI analysis report to find the ROI implications of your multi-channel funnel data-driven attribution model.

40. What is Event Tracking?

It is one of the common Google analytics interview questions. Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. 

Downloads, mobile ad clicks, gadgets, Flash elements, AJAX embedded elements, and video plays are all examples of actions you might want to track as Events.

For example, if you like to see how many visitors download an ebook, watched a video, you can set up event tracking.

42. What are the three elements of Event Tracking?

Three elements of event tracking are-

  • Categories
  • Actions
  • Labels

43. What is RPC in Google Analytics?

RPC stands for Revenue Per Clicks is an e-commerce metric available in Google analytics. Which simply says the value of each click. With the help of RPC, you can identify the keywords which are affecting your campaign. It is not a common google analytics question but can be asked sometimes to check your in-depth knowledge.

Revenue per click is calculated as follows: Goal Value x Conversion Rate.

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44. What is Custom dimensions and metrics?

Custom dimensions and custom metrics are like default dimensions and metrics in your Google Analytics account, except they are created by you to collect and analyze data Analytics don’t track otherwise. 

You need to have edit permission to create or edit custom dimensions and metrics.

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45. Explain the Reverse Goal Path Report in Google Analytics.

As the name implies, the report follows the user journey to the destination page. Reverse goal path report retraces the last three steps that the visitor took in finishing a goal. 

The report helps the webmaster to analyze the number of conversions generated by each conversion path. It provides a rewind replay of the journey. 

How to access?

Go to Conversions > Goals > Reverse Goal Path to access the report.


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46. What is site speed report in Google analytics?

A slow site can harm your website ranking. So, it’s important to have good website speed. To collect site speed data, Go to reports, select behavior > site speed.  

Site speed reports show how quickly your website loads and ready to interact with visitors. It helps you to identify the areas to be improved.

The Site Speed reports measure three aspects of latency:

  • Page-load time for a sample of pageviews on your site.
  • Execution speed or load time of any discrete hit, event, or user interaction that you want to track
  • How quickly the browser parses the document and makes it available for user interaction.

47. How to avoid spam in GA?

We can filter out this data from spam sources.

48. How much customization possible in Google Analytics?

We can customize the GA but not as a whole. Few features and modules can be customized according to our needs.

49. What is the use of Time lag report?

Time lag report helps us to find the time lag in between the original session and completion of the goal.

50. What is the purpose of Visit Duration report?

Visit duration report categorizes the visits based on the amount of time, visitors spend on the site.

51. What is event action in Google analytics?

We use the action parameter to name the type of event we want to measure. This action is literally what the user does.

52. What is Conversion Report in Google Analytics?

Conversion report is a detailed report on if the visitors have completed the pre-defined goal. It says whether the visitor converted to customer or not. The conversion report shows you the path your customers take, from the entrance to completing a purchase or filling the form.

53. Explain Account, Property & Views in Google Analytics.

It is one of the general Google analytics interview questions and answers guide. Let’s see account, property and views in detail. 

An account is your access point for Analytics. You need at least one account to access analytics. You can define the relationship between account and properties depends on your requirements. You can either have one to one relationship or you can have one to many relationships. 

Property is a website, mobile app or device. An account can have multiple properties. When we add a property to an account, it generates the code that we can use to gather data from the property. The code contains a unique ID that identifies the data from that property.

View is your access point for reports. We can offer views to users so they can find the reports based on view’s data.

54. What is category in Google Analytics?

A category is a name that you supply to a group of similar events you want to analyze. For example, profitable engagement, YouTube videos, Reading, etc.

55. What is Google Segments?

One of the important Google analytics interview questions. 

A segment is a subset of your analytics data. Like a piece of cake in your whole big cake of data. For example, among your entire set of users, one segment might be from Mumbai. Another segment might be users who downloaded an ebook from the website. 

Segments help you separate and understand the subsets of data to help you examine the trends in the business. For example, if you see people from Delhi stopped using your service recently, you can check if your local competitor started a campaign or your local page has any technical issues, etc.

Segment types:

  • Subsets of users
  • Subsets of sessions
  • Subsets of hits

56. What is ‘Real Time’ report in Google Analytics?

Real time reports give information about the traffic, insights, reactions, sources and more on a real time basis. The reports get updated immediately and hit is reported seconds after it occurs. 

How to see?

Navigate to your view>> Open reports>> Real-time

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57. What is Multi-Channel Funnel Report?

By multi-channel funnels report, you can analyse how your marketing channels work together to create conversions. The report helps to demonstrate the value of the channel. With the help of a specific campaign, you can further identify which is driving conversions. Top Social Media Marketing Interview Questions

58. What is the best way to track e-commerce sales through Google analytics?

After you install the pixels, go to the admin panel of Google analytics. Under “All website data” you can find “eCommerce settings”. Switch on to turn on the eCommerce tracking. Also, turn advanced features like Related products or enhanced eCommerce reporting.

59. Explain Behaviour Flow Report in Google Analytics.

The behavior flow report shows the journey of the visitors from one section to the next. This report helps you identify content or continuity issues on the website. It shows the navigation behaviour of users which is very helpful for eCommerce websites. It helps you discover which content works better for you. 

60. What do you understand by assisted conversions?

Assisted conversions tab in Google Analytics is to analyze the indirect value of a marketing channel, an element with UTM or a landing page you want to track. The measurement of interactions other than the final click that leads to a conversion is called assisted conversion.

With the assisted conversion, we can identify the values of channels which helps at the initial, mid-level cycle. This helps businesses to stop ignoring channels which take the customers to the final marketing channel which eventually gets converted. 

With multiple channels and routes to your audience all playing diverse role in bringing consumers toward the final outcome, each channel deserves credit. That is why assisted conversions are important.

61. What is Audience Report in Google Analytics?

Group of audiences based on any attribute that is helpful to your business. 

The group might be simply previous shoppers or it can be as specific as audiences who viewed the page for product A and then within 5 sessions or 10 days returned to purchase the product.

It can be broad or very specific based on your needs. It gives us information about visitors to help you understand your buyer persona.

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62. What is remarketing audience in google analytics?

Remarketing audience is required to run remarketing campaigns in Google ads. Users who had already engaged with your website but didn’t convert can become your audience. After the list is ready, you can target those audiences with special offers and initialize your remarketing campaign. 

63. What are UTM Parameters?

UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module. UTM Parameters are added to URLs in order to track organic traffic, referral traffic and CPC (Cost Per Click) traffic.

The UTM is appended to your website URL in order to make them unique and also make it easy for you to track the exact source of your website visitors. The various UTM parameter includes:

utm_source (Campaign Source)

utm_medium (Campaign Medium)

utm_content ( Campaign Content) [Optional Parameter]

utm_campaign (Campaign Name)

utm_term (Campaign Keyword) [Optional Parameter]

Expert Level Google Analytics Interview Questions & Answers

64. Different types of custom reports

There are 3 types of Custom Reports in Google Analytics-

  • Explorer
  • Flat Table
  • Map OverlayExplorer:A Standard Google analytics report that consists line graph and data table that include dynamic the elements like search, sort and secondary dimensions.Flat Table:A static sortable table that displays that data in rows.Map overlay:A Map of the world of different regions and countries displaying in darker colours to indicate the traffic and engagement volume.

65. How can you set up and install tracking for mobile apps?

Install tracking code lets you gather and send data from mobile apps to your analytics account. 

Steps to set and install tracking code for mobile apps:

  • Enable app install tracking in your account for android and iOS
  • Update your Analytics SDK for Android and iOS
  • Set up Custom Campaigns.

66. What are custom events and how is it implemented?

This is one of the most frequently asked SEO questions and answers. Custom parameters can be added to your landing page URLs and it’s an advanced type of URL parameter.

Steps to create custom parameter:

  • Choose an analytics level 
  • Define your parameters – Custom parameters have two parts (Name and Value)
  • Add custom parameter in the Custom parameter field
  • Add your custom parameter to the Tracking template field

67. Tell me some of the reports in Google Analytics

  • Mobile performance report
  • Traffic acquisition report
  • Content efficiency report
  • Keyword analysis report
  • New vs Returning visitors
  • Landing pages report
  • Bounce rate vs Exit rate report

68. What is “(Not Provided)” data in Keyword Reports?

Honestly, this is one of the regular questions in the google analytics interview question. To answer this you have to understand why google does this. 

In October 2011, Google changed the way it harvests data from search to protect users’ privacy.

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How to solve this:

Use traffic sources data from the queries report

Examine Google ads data 

Use search console – search queries data

69. What is Cohort in GA?

This is one of the advanced google analytics interview question. Cohort is a group of users who share a common characteristic, identified by an Analytics dimension. Cohort can also be understood as a group of visits who share the same content with the same time. Cohorts in analytics are based on acquisition date.

Cohort includes four sections-

  • Cohort type
  • Cohort size
  • Metric
  • Date range

70. What is ‘Attribution Model’ in Google Analytics?

Attribution model is the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touchpoints in conversion paths. It can be set based on your marketing strategy and user behavior. For example, First interaction model assigns 100% value to the first touchpoint.

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You can find attribution model settings here:

Conversions > Attribution > Model Comparison Tool.

71. What are all the popular Default Attribution Models?

  • Last Interaction
  • First Interaction
  • Linear
  • Time Decay
  • Position Based
  • Last Non-Direct Click
  • Last Google Ads Click

72. What is Benchmarking

Benchmarking is a tool which compares your site performance to your industry’s average. This insightful tool helps you to set meaningful targets, gain insight into trends occurring across industry. 

How to see benchmarking reports

Navigate to your view>>Reports>>Audience>Benchmarking

You can compare your data against benchmarks for the following metrics

  • Sessions
  • %New Sessions
  • Pages/Sessions
  • Avg. Session Duration
  • Bounce Rate

73. What is model comparison tool?

This is one of the most complex questions in Google analytics Question answer guide. What actually is model comparison tool? 

Attribution models are widely used to identify the right marketing channel and gives credit. But how do you decide which attribution model would work for your business?

Model comparison tool helps to compare conversion metric by using different attribution modeling like first interaction, last interaction, time decay and more. Model comparison tools helps you to compare three attribution models with one another. 

For example, you can compare how Twitter advertising works when you apply last clicks with linear and time decay attribution.


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9 Things That You Should Know About Google Analytics Before Appearing For The Interview –

Above mentioned SEO interview questions and answers will help you gain an insight on what questions the interviewer may ask you. However, when you appear and face SEO interview questions, you must make sure to know everything you can about Google Analytics –

  1. Measure Data – You must measure all the data before it really reaches your Google Analytics account. Your first Google Analytics idea to master is measurement. There are various ways to track data, so you need to be aware of them. The placement of the codes is one such example.
  2. Understand the concepts of Data Processing – After entering your account, the data actually passes via a Google Analytics processing engine before being saved there. The processing engine is essentially Google Analytics’ rule engine. Your original data is separated into sessions, and various filtering operations are performed on it. Essentially, the issue is with the restrictions that Google Analytics uses. To make the data more valuable to you, you need to understand how the processing engine truly operates and how you can change it.
  3. Use Metrics – Within Google Analytics, you essentially look at dimensions and metrics once you have viewed your data. To construct a more individualised collection of data within your account, you may also explore custom metrics and dimensions. In this regard, you must understand the distinction between metrics and dimensions. Metrics and dimensions also become very significant after data is combined since you need to understand the many scopes of that data in order to produce a report, for example.
  4. Explore and Analyse – Once you have all of that data in your account, you undoubtedly have a question you’d want the data to address. This is where our fourth principle, data exploration and analysis, comes into play. To find the answer to your query, you must go through and genuinely understand how to use each of the several options that Google Analytics makes available.
  5. Make Segments that are customized according to your needs – The most crucial skill to master when analysing in Google Analytics is undoubtedly custom segments. First and foremost, you must understand what segments are. Next, you must understand how to create segments using the customized segments builder and slice your data such that it provides you with the appropriate perspective.
  6. RegEx – The most crucial skill to master when analysing in Google Analytics is undoubtedly custom segments. First and foremost, you must understand what segments are. Next, you must understand how to create segments using the customized segments builder and slice your data such that it provides you with the appropriate perspective.
  7. Create Custome Reports –  Custom reports come in handy when you want to arrange your data in your own way when you become tired of the regular reports. Since you can’t just throw anything together and expect it to function, you may find that knowing your metrics and dimensions is really helpful once you begin creating a custom report starting from scratch.
  8. Customize and visualise your data – There are several customization options for measurement, including how to bring in data, but there are also options for configuring Google Analytics, which may effectively make or break your data. The reporting API may be used to extract that data from Google Analytics at that point. The reporting API serves as the file host to transfer data from Google Analytics to Google Sheets or BigQuery, where it may then be used by dashboarding applications like Google Data Studio.
  9. Making decisions that are data-driven – The notion of your Google Analytics method and then acting on your data is perhaps the most crucial one in this context. It’s important to take action on the data rather than just leaving it in Google Analytics. Only when you act on analytics data when it alters an aspect of the organisation or the behaviour of those who utilise the data does it become helpful.

How to Answer Google Interview Questions?

  • Understand the Question

Carefully listen to the questions asked by the interviewer.

Seek clarification if any part of the question is unclear. It shows your attention to detail.

  • Organize Your Thoughts

Mentally break down the problem into smaller components.

Discuss your approach out loud. This helps the interviewer understand your thought process.

  • Communicate Clearly

Explain your strategy step by step. Be articulate and concise in your explanations.

Focus on how you’re thinking, not just the final answer. Google values problem-solving processes.

  • Coding Skills

If the question involves coding, write clean, efficient, and well-structured code.

Explain your code as you write, discussing your decisions and logic.

  • Consider Multiple Solutions

If the problem has various solutions, discuss the pros and cons of each approach.

Highlight any innovative or unconventional ideas you might have.

  • Creativity and Innovation

Google appreciates creative thinking. Don’t hesitate to brainstorm unique solutions.

Explore different angles and be open to innovative problem-solving methods.

  • Collaboration and Communication

If the question involves teamwork, demonstrate your collaborative skills.

Clearly express your ideas and be receptive to feedback from the interviewer.

  • Practice Regularly

Use online platforms to practice coding problems. Practice under timed conditions.

Participate in mock interviews with friends or mentors for feedback.

What is the Importance of Google Analytics? 

Google Analytics is one of the powerful tool that offers detailed insights into website traffic and user behavior. So, let’s find out its importance: –

  • Understanding User Behavior:

Google Analytics tracks user interactions on websites, revealing which pages are most popular, how long visitors stay, and what actions they take. This data helps businesses understand user preferences and behavior patterns.

  • Website Performance Analysis:

It provides valuable information on website performance, such as page load times and bounce rates. Identifying slow-loading pages helps in optimizing the site for a better user experience.

  • Goal Tracking:

Businesses can set specific goals, such as completing a purchase or contact form. Google Analytics tracks these goals, enabling businesses to measure their conversion rates and optimize their marketing strategies.

  • Traffic Sources Analysis:

It categorizes website traffic into sources like organic search, social media, direct visits, and referrals. Understanding traffic sources helps businesses allocate resources effectively for marketing campaigns.

  • Content Optimization:

Businesses can create more targeted and relevant content by analyzing which content is most engaging to users. This leads to increased user satisfaction and higher chances of conversions.

  • Customization and Reporting:

Google Analytics offers customizable reports and dashboards, allowing businesses to focus on specific metrics tailored to their objectives. Customization enhances the relevance and usefulness of the data.

  • E-commerce Insights:

For online stores, Google Analytics offers in-depth e-commerce tracking. It provides data on products sold, average order value, and customer behavior, aiding businesses in optimizing their online sales strategies.

  • Continuous Improvement:
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Businesses can identify trends and improvement areas by continuously analyzing Google Analytics data. This iterative process leads to enhanced user experience and increased online success.


We hope our Google Analytics Questions and Answers guide is helpful. We will be updating the guide regularly to keep you updated.

If you want to explore and become an expert in Digital marketing, check out MICA and upGrad’s Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing & Communication. Become an expert in content marketing, social media, branding, marketing analysis and PR.



Blog Author
Meet Sriram, an SEO executive and blog content marketing whiz. He has a knack for crafting compelling content that not only engages readers but also boosts website traffic and conversions. When he's not busy optimizing websites or brainstorming blog ideas, you can find him lost in fictional books that transport him to magical worlds full of dragons, wizards, and aliens.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1Why do we need Google Analytics and why is it considered important for your website?

Google Analytics is a website analytics tool that is used for tracking website traffic data and collecting visitor insight. Most importantly, compared to other analytic tools, Google Analytics is free.
It provides information like top user-traffic sources, demographics, key website metrics like the number of visits, bounce rate, average page session duration, top-performing content etc.
Using the insight, you can come up with content marketing strategies, drive website traffic and be able to better retain visitors. Other key features of Google Analytics are:
1. Automatically collects all the report
2. Provide real-time website traffic insight
3. Generate customised reports
4. Can integrate with other tools and platforms like Google AdWords and other Google products

2What are the benefits of integrating Google Ads into Google Analytics?

There are several benefits of integrating Google Ads into Google Analytics. Once you are done with the integration into your Analytics account, you can have the following insights:
1. Campaign performance
2. Keywords tracking
3. Search queries
4. Display targeting, and
Shopping data
You can also generate treemaps reports that provide key information related to customer behaviour, multi-channel funnel reports (MCF).
However, there is one discrepancy in reporting one key data by both the tools. For example, in Google Ads, if a user clicks the link twice, it will be reported as two clicks. But, in Google Analytics, if the same user had clicked the link twice, it will be reported as one visit/session.

3How Google Analytics helps small businesses?

Google Analytics offers a plethora of information such as sources of traffic, track your business goals, discover effective search terms, bounce rate, traffic sources etc. This enables small businesses to optimise their digital media marketing campaigns and improve marketing ROI.

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