How the Random Forest Algorithm Works in Machine Learning
Updated on Mar 04, 2025 | 14 min read | 7.1k views
For working professionals
For fresh graduates
Updated on Mar 04, 2025 | 14 min read | 7.1k views
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Due to its performance quality and adaptability, Random Forest stands as one of the popular machine learning algorithms. The classification method named "Random Forest" utilizes numerous decision trees constructed from different subsets of provided datasets to generate better predictive accuracy. Rather than depending on a single decision tree, the random forest aggregates the predictions from each tree and determines the final output based on the majority of votes from these predictions.
Random forest serves as an essential instrument in machine learning for various reasons:
Its capacity to execute both classification and regression tasks with great precision has made it a preferred choice for data scientists and researchers. Random forest serves as an efficient tool that physicians and bankers use to resolve practical matters.
This blog delves into how the random forest algorithm works in machine learning starting with its base components up to its significant benefits.
Understanding the Random Forest Algorithm is essential for anyone taking machine learning courses, as it is a powerful ensemble learning method used for classification and regression tasks.
The ensemble method Random Forest generates various decision trees during training before using them to produce accurate and reliable predictions. Each stand-alone decision tree can make errors because of overfitting problems.
Random Forest addresses these problems through its ability to combine different tree outputs which train separately on distinct subsets of the data. Random Forest achieves high dependability due to its data selection methods which make the system resistant to noise.
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Random Forest requires a two-step operation for its process. N decision trees are integrated during the first stage of random forest construction which proceeds to the prediction generation phase of individual trees from the initial stage.
Bagging: The process of generating a distinct training subset from sample training data through replacement is referred to as Bagging. The ultimate result is determined by majority vote. Here are the procedures included in Bagging:
Boosting: Boosting refers to the process of integrating weak learners into strong learners by developing sequential models, ensuring that the final model achieves the highest level of accuracy. Here’s a paraphrase of the provided text: example: XG BOOST, ADA BOOST,.
In a Random Forest, the predictions made by individual trees are combined to create the final output, employing majority voting for classification tasks and averaging for regression tasks; in essence, each decision tree within the forest predicts a data point, and the overall prediction is derived by merging these separate predictions via either majority voting (for classification) or averaging (for regression), thus harnessing the collective knowledge of several trees to yield a stronger prediction.
"Building the forest" in a Random Forest algorithm pertains to the methodology of generating numerous individual decision trees, each developed using a random selection of the data and features, which are subsequently merged to create the "forest."
The steps below describe - How the Random Forest Algorithm Works in Machine Learning:
Step 1: Choose random samples from a specified dataset or training set.
Step 2: This algorithm will create a decision tree for each training dataset.
Step 3: The voting process will occur by averaging the decision tree.
Step 4: Ultimately, choose the prediction result that received the highest number of votes as the final outcome.
In a Random Forest algorithm, outcomes are generated by aggregating the predictions from numerous decision trees, with each tree trained on a random portion of the dataset. The ultimate prediction is established by performing a majority vote (for classification) or averaging the results (for regression) among all trees in the forest.
In healthcare, RFs provide numerous opportunities for early diagnosis that are not only more affordable than neural networks but also address the ethical issues related to NNs. Although neural networks demonstrate remarkable effectiveness in various clinical prediction tests, their application in the actual clinical setting is challenging because they function as black-box models, which results in a lack of interpretability.
Although decision-making in neural networks lacks traceability, it is entirely clear in the scenario of random forest. Healthcare providers can comprehend the reasons behind the decisions made by the random forest. For instance, if an individual suffers negative side effects or passes away from treatment, they can clarify the reasoning behind the algorithm's decision.
In the finance industry, random forest analysis can be used to forecast mortgage defaults and detect or thwart fraud. Consequently, the algorithm assesses whether the customer is prone to default or not. To identify fraud, it can examine a sequence of transactions and assess their likelihood of being fraudulent.
An additional illustration. RFs can be trained to predict the likelihood of a customer closing their account by analyzing transaction patterns and frequency. By utilizing this model on the total population of current users, we can predict churn for the upcoming months. This gives the company highly valuable business insights that assist in pinpointing bottlenecks and establishing a lasting collaboration with customers.
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The algorithm is being utilized more frequently in e-commerce to predict sales.
Imagine you are attempting to forecast if an online customer will purchase a product after viewing an advertisement on Facebook. In this scenario, there might be just a few shoppers who made a purchase after viewing the advertisement (perhaps 5% made a purchase), whereas a significantly larger group of shoppers did not make a purchase.
Applying the random forest classifier to customer information like age, gender, personal preferences, and interests will enable you to forecast which customers are likely to purchase and which are not with fairly high precision. By directing an advertising campaign towards potential customers, you’ll enhance your marketing investment and boost sales.
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In the following section, we examine the main benefits that render Random Forest a powerful instrument for numerous data-oriented activities.
Random Forest is an ensemble learning method that employs various decision trees to generate predictions. It can represent intricate, non-linear connections between characteristics and the target variable.
It minimizes the overfitting issue in decision trees and aids in enhancing the precision. It decreases prediction variance in comparison to an individual decision tree.
Random Forest is capable of managing a diverse range of data types, such as numeric and categorical data. It can manage outliers and missing values, and does not need feature scaling since it employs a rule-based method instead of calculating distances.
Random forest offers insights into the significance of each feature within the data, which can greatly assist in comprehending the underlying patterns.
Random forest is capable of managing extensive datasets with high dimensionality, which makes it a favored option in various industries.
Trees can be generated concurrently, as there is no dependency among iterations, thereby accelerating the training duration.
Like any approach, weighing the limitations against the advantages can assist you in developing a well-rounded perspective on the algorithm. When using random forests, some limitations to keep in mind are as follows:
More difficult to interpret than an individual decision tree, as the prediction cannot be clarified by just one diagram. Nonetheless, the significance of the variables can still be obtained.
Random forest may require considerable computational resources, especially when dealing with extensive datasets. It demands significant memory, which may pose a limitation when operating with restricted resources.
While random forest generally avoids overfitting, it can still happen in some situations, especially when dealing with noisy data.
We will now demonstrate the implementation of the Random Forest Classifier using a dataset from Kaggle. The dataset will be downloaded directly from Kaggle using the Kaggle API, preprocessed for missing values and categorical variables, and then used to train a Random Forest model for classification. We will evaluate the model's performance using accuracy and a classification report.
Titanic Dataset Overview
The Titanic dataset is widely used in machine learning to demonstrate classification models. It contains passenger details from the RMS Titanic disaster, and the objective is to predict whether a passenger survived based on their characteristics.
Dataset Source
The dataset is available on Kaggle under the title "Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster".
To fetch the dataset directly from Kaggle into Google Colab, follow these steps:
Kaggle provides an API that allows us to download datasets programmatically. To use it, we need to upload our Kaggle API token (kaggle.json) to authenticate.
Before downloading the dataset, we need to place kaggle.json in the correct directory and set the appropriate permissions.
# Install Kaggle API if not installed
!pip install kaggle
# Make a directory for the Kaggle token and move it there
!mkdir -p ~/.kaggle
!cp kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/
# Set proper file permissions
!chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
# Verify if Kaggle API is working
!kaggle datasets list
Kaggle datasets are stored in competitions or datasets sections. The Titanic dataset belongs to a Kaggle competition, so we use the following command to download it:
# Download the Titanic dataset from Kaggle competition
!kaggle competitions download -c titanic
# Unzip the dataset
After running this command, you should see the following extracted files:
We will now use Pandas to load and inspect the dataset.
import pandas as pd
# Load the training dataset
df = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
# Display the first few rows of the dataset
Output for Step 2:
Before proceeding with preprocessing, it's essential to understand the dataset's structure, missing values, and data types.
Run the following commands to get an overview
# Display dataset information
# Check for missing values
df.isnull().sum() #This will give a count of missing values in each column, guiding us on data cleaning strategies.
Output for Step 3:
Before we train our Random Forest Classifier, we need to clean and preprocess the dataset.
We already checked for missing values using df.isnull().sum().
Now we will fill the Missing values with either Mean, Median or The most common value, from its neighbours.
# Drop the "Cabin" column
df.drop(columns=["Cabin"], inplace=True)
# Fill missing "Age" values with the median
df["Age"].fillna(df["Age"].median(), inplace=True)
# Fill missing "Embarked" values with the most common value
df["Embarked"].fillna(df["Embarked"].mode()[0], inplace=True)
# Verify that no missing values remain
Machine learning models cannot work with categorical text data, so we must convert these into numbers.
The Titanic dataset has the following categorical variables:
Sex (male, female) → Convert to 0 and 1.
Embarked (C, Q, S) → Convert to numerical values using one-hot encoding.
# Convert "Sex" column to numerical (0 = female, 1 = male)
df["Sex"] = df["Sex"].map({"male": 1, "female": 0})
# One-hot encode "Embarked" column
df = pd.get_dummies(df, columns=["Embarked"], drop_first=True)
# Display dataset after encoding
Features (X) – Independent variables used for prediction.
Target (y) – The Survived column (1 = survived, 0 = did not survive).
We will also split the data into training and testing sets using an 80-20 split.
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Define feature columns (excluding "Survived" and irrelevant columns)
X = df.drop(columns=["Survived", "Name", "Ticket", "PassengerId"]) # Drop non-useful columns
y = df["Survived"] # Target variable
# Split into training (80%) and testing (20%) sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Display shape of training and testing sets
X_train.shape, X_test.shape
Now that we have preprocessed the data, we can train a Random Forest Classifier.
This model is an ensemble learning method that builds multiple decision trees and combines their predictions to improve accuracy and reduce overfitting.
We will use Scikit-Learn’s RandomForestClassifier and fit it to our training data.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
# Initialize the Random Forest model with default parameters
rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42, n_estimators=100)
# Train the model, y_train)
Output of Step 5.1
Now that our model is trained, we will use it to predict survival on the test dataset.
# Predict on the test set
y_pred = rf_model.predict(X_test)
To evaluate the model, we will calculate accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score.
These metrics will help us understand how well our model performs.
Accuracy – How many total predictions were correct.
Precision & Recall – Performance for each class (Survived vs. Not Survived).
F1-score – A balance between precision and recall.
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report
# Calculate accuracy
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
print(f"Model Accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}")
# Print classification report
print("Classification Report:\n", classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
Final Accuracy and Classification report (Output to step 5.3)
Our Random Forest Classifier achieved an accuracy of 81%, meaning that 81% of the test data was correctly classified. Let’s break down the classification report:
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UpGrad offers thorough courses in machine learning that will assist you in understanding and mastering the Random Forest algorithm, encompassing the theoretical foundations, practical execution, and sophisticated techniques tied to this influential ensemble learning approach. This enables you to effectively utilize it for real-world data analysis and prediction across different fields such as healthcare, finance, and marketing, with support on data preparation, feature engineering, hyperparameter tuning, model assessment, and result interpretation.
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