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How To Generate Business Sales with Facebook Ads? 9 Easy Ways To Try

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7th Oct, 2019
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How To Generate Business Sales with Facebook Ads? 9 Easy Ways To Try

If you are looking for the short version: There are nearly 2 billion active users on Facebook which makes it is one of the largest and best platforms for advertising your business. The company itself is on the way to clinching $4 billion from advertising revenue alone. So, ads aren’t going unnoticed or unclicked either. Sales are happening.

If you want the long version: There is a particular brand of ads that succeed on Facebook and in this article, we’ll be looking at what they are so that you can leverage your ads, in the same way, generate sales and growth. Read about our digital marketing tips for new age entrepreneurs.

What NOT to do:

Create ads without a goal

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You can track a lot of things while running Facebook ads like number of likes, engagement, email opt-ins, lead generation, etc. To create the most effective ads it is necessary to know where your business is and what it is hoping to achieve through these ads. For example: if you are a new business, brand awareness would be important for you and would translate to tracking the number of followers.

Create too many ads within 1 ad set

Even if you create 20 ads within 1 ad set, Facebook is only going to give maximum reach to one of those ads. So, do not crowd 1 ad set. Make separate sets and have no more than 5 ads in each of them.

Target too broadly

Facebook is pretty unique in the sense that you can burrow down and target as narrowly as you want. This means a millennials Croatian backpacker who listens to Bollywood classics is also targetable. So, make use of this amazing power to really niche down and be visible to the people who are looking for your solutions.

Use the wrong ad format

Display ads work better for Facebook audiences. In fact, your ad will be rejected internally by the system if it has too much text. Prefer to keep it low or let the delete button carry out its destruction.

Saturate your audience

If you see diminishing engagement rates even after narrowing down your targeting, then you are probably saturating your audience with ads. This can lead them to develop a negative image of your brand or tune you out- both of which you do not want to happen. So, take a break and come back when you have something truly valuable to share with your audience.

What to do:

Focus on low-commitment conversions

People jump onto Facebook for relaxing, for destressing, and for connecting. If you intersperse their experience by ads that they do not like or want, then your brand could suffer in the long term. Hence, do not try to sell products on Facebook. Facebook is for generating demand; not fulfilling it. Instead of asking for purchase, lead users towards filling up a form, signing up for the newsletter, etc. Then nurture those leads from there.

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Focus on lifetime value

If your focus is one getting money from the customers all at once, then Facebook won’t work for you. Users are not going to make a big purchase in the middle of stalking their cousin sister’s account. Focus on making every customer someone you can upsell to. Earn their trust (through more personalized social/ email marketing) and then pop the question.

How to make Facebook Ads work for B2B marketing

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Target precisely

Because it is worth mentioning again: Facebook’s targeting capabilities are unparalleled. So, make use of them to the fullest. Focus on location, age, gender, and interests. Interest targeting is the most powerful, yet the most misused feature. Within it, do not go for broad targeting since these users cost more and spend less. Go for precise targeting and focus on specific interests. This means instead of choosing ‘yoga’ as the interest, go for specific areas like vinyasa, a particular yoga school, Mind Body Green, Lululemon, etc.


This acronym can be broken down as:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

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Here’s how to implement it while writing Facebook ads copy:

  • Attention- use an attention-grabbing headline
  • Interest- spark interest by highlighting the most benefit
  • Desire- spark desire for obtaining the benefit through a discount, time-sensitive offer, or free trial period
  • Action- wrap it up with a CTA

As you can see, Facebook ads are not rocket science. But once you see them work, you’ll be taken in by their ease and effectiveness. It’s (finally) time for those sales to go up, no? If you would like to master digital marketing including Facebook ads, content marketing, and more, check out our digital marketing certification course. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How to create Facebook Ads?

When setting up a paid Facebook Ad, there are a lot of boxes you need to check, such as targeting the right people, getting the image dimensions to scale, running the correct type of ad, and much more. It can be a little confusing.

First, you will need to determine the most appropriate editor in Facebook to create your ad, namely the Ads Manager and the Power Editor.

Next up, you need to choose an objective. Facebook's Ads Manager is designed with your campaign objective in mind.

Next, it's time to choose your audience. Suppose you are starting out with paid advertising on Facebook. In that case, you'll probably have to experiment with several different targeting options until you reach an audience that gets you the results you want.

Lastly, set your budget. Facebook offers advertisers the option to either set a daily or lifetime budget.

2 How to determine which editor to choose when creating a Facebook ad?

Facebook offers two different tools for creating a paid ad, i.e., the Ads Manager and the Power Editor. To decide which one is the best fit for you and your goals, you will want to consider both your company's size and the number of ads you plan to run at once.

The Ads Manager is a straight fit for most companies looking to get started with Facebook ads.

The Power Editor can be a good alternative for larger advertisers looking for more precise control over various campaigns.

3How to choose an objective with Facebook Ads Manager?

Before you start creating a Facebook ad, the Ads Manager will prompt you to choose an objective for your campaign. There are ten diverse objectives to pick from. The list encompasses various options, from sending people to your website to getting installs of your app. Selecting one of these objectives gives Facebook a better idea of what you would like to do. This lets them present you with the best-suited adoptions.

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