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Linux Tutorial for Beginners – Step by Step Linus Guide

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Linux Tutorial for Beginners – Step by Step Linus Guide

What is Linux?

Linux is an open-source operating system written in computer languages like C and other assembly languages. Our smartphones, cars, home appliances, desktops, refrigerators and even thermostats have run on Linux since the mid-1990s, which has now been globally accepted as a reliable and secure operating system. Operating systems (OS) are essential for any device, and Linux is currently the most popular operating system. 

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Linux comprises essential parts necessary to know before learning Linus commands. These are as follows: 

  • Bootloader- A Bootloader is software responsible for booting a PC. A Bootloader is present in the boot section of any storage device, which locates and initiates the operating system on the device.
  • Kernel- Kernel is the key element inside Linux, managing the entire CPU, memory, and other software, working as a core interface. 
  • Init System- The Init system is a subsystem that helps bootstrap user space and controls daemons. In addition, this system is responsible for performing the boot process once initial booting is done and redeemed from the bootloader.
  • Daemons- Daemons are background application services like sound, printing etc., managing the background processes rather than being under the user’s direct control.
  • Graphical Server- Graphical Server subsystem in Linux displays graphics on the monitor screen. 
  • Desktop Environment- A Desktop Environment is the interaction interface of Linux. Desktop Environment extends numerous built-in features like gaming, web browser, configuration tools, settings, etc. In addition, users can choose from various environments like GNOME, Cinnamon, Mate, Pantheon, Enlightenment, etc. 
  • Applications- Linux has high-qualified applications installed immediately from a centralised location, just like Ubuntu. In addition, it is user-friendly and includes app store-like tools for easier navigation and configuration.

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The Linux Command Line

A Linux command line is an interface of text input from the user and commands executed by the system. The user has to manually type the commands for it to display on-screen and get executed by OS.


First, open the Linux command line and pop open a command tool/command prompt by pressing the “CTRL+ALT+T” keys together. 

Logging in to Linux through a tool like PuTTY, will ready the command line on its own. When the command line is opened up, the user might see a prompt like (user@system:~$), which implies the system is ready to execute your commands. 

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The commands can complete all tasks on Linux, and they occur at the interface of the Linux terminal, though these commands are case-sensitive. Press the “CTRL+ALT+T” keys together to open the Linux terminal and execute any command by pressing the “ENTER” key. 

Here are a few important commands to keep in mind while you learn the Linux command line:


  • pwd command- Used to display the location of the current directory. Syntax: pwd
  • mkdir command- Used to create a new directory under any directory. Syntax: mkdir <directory name>


  • touch command- Used to create multiple empty files. Syntax: touch <file name> and touch <file 1> <file 2>….<file n>
  • cat command- Used to create a file, display its contents, copy the contents, etc. Syntax: cat [OPTION]…[FILE]… etc. Press “CTRL+D” keys together to save the file.


  • head command- Used to display the first ten lines of the contents of a file. Syntax: head <file name>
  • tac command- The reverse of the cat command, it displays the file contents from the end. Syntax: tac <file name>


  • su command- Allows administration control from one user to another over Linux. Syntax: su <username>
  • id command- Used to display the group ID or the User ID. Syntax: id


  • The sed command- Also called the stream editor; it helps in editing files and displays the edited content, without saving any data permanently. Syntax: command | sed’s / <oldWord> / <newWord> /’
  • tr command- The tr command is used to translate file content. Syntax: command | tr <’old’> <’new’>


  • The find command- Used to find certain files within the directory. The (.) symbol is used to find current directory names, and the (/) is used to find any roots. Syntax: find. -name “*pdf”
  • The date command- Used to find dates, time zones, etc. Syntax: date 


  • The ip command- Used to assign any IP address or initialise/disable any system interface. Syntax: ip or an ip addr
  • The mail command- Used to send emails from the command line. Syntax: mail -s “Subject” <recipient address> 

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Fulfilling your goal to be an expert developer 

Learning Linux as an aspiring developer is indeed a work of dedication as much as it is a fuel for career improvement. If you aim to become a developer, too,  then upGrad’s online Executive PG Program in Software Development- Specialisation in Full Stack Development is an excellent choice.

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With a minimum eligibility of a Bachelor’s Degree with 50% or equivalent passing marks and a preferred (but not mandatory) knowledge of coding, upGrad’s course comprises fundamentals of Computer Science, Software Development Operations, Backend APIs and Web UIs. It is ideal for software developers, IT professionals, Tech Support professionals and aspiring developer-freshers.

The syllabus includes topics such as –

  1. Basics of Java Programing
  2. Object-oriented programing in Java
  3. OOD + Software Engineering 
  4. Data structures and algorithms
  5. Soft skills
  6. User interfaces and front-end development
  7. Backend development
  8. Software architecture and deployment
  9. Capstone projects
  10. Prerequisites as needed by the curriculum 

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Pavan Vadapalli

Blog Author
Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and long term technology strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is the use of Aspell in Linux?

Aspell stands for the Spelling Checker in the Linux operating system. As the name suggests, the Aspell program is a drop-in replacement and can be used as a stand-alone tool in the Linux command lines. However, it is mainly used by programs to utilise its spelling-check capabilities.

2How do I access files larger than 10 MB in the in/usr directory?

The following commands when run on Linux help access files larger than 10 MB in the in/usr dictionary: # find /usr -size +10M -exec ls -lah {} ;

3What is the use of the strings command in Linux?

The purpose of the strings command in Linux is to extract and put forth the humanly readable contents from any non-text file.

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