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  • Top 15 Python Game Project Topics for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Coders

Top 15 Python Game Project Topics for Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced Coders

By Rohit Sharma

Updated on Mar 18, 2025 | 43 min read | 12.7k views


The gaming sector has undergone a significant transformation with the emergence of the Python programming language. Python, recognized for its ease of use and clarity, has transformed the landscape for both developers and gamers. Thanks to its vast libraries and frameworks, Python has accelerated game development, making it more efficient and highly scalable. 

Although it has not been the primary language for AAA games, it has become popular in indie development, prototyping, and educational games. Python allows developers to efficiently create captivating 2D and 3D games using robust libraries such as Panda3D, Pygame, and Godot. 

Let’s investigate the evolution of Python in game development and the analysis of top python game projects topics. Let's delve in!

Best Python Game Projects Topics for Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Developers

Below are the top python game projects topics for different levels; Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced. If you are pursuing a software engineering course these project ideas will come handy.

Beginner-Level Python Game Projects

1.  Number Guessing Game

Brief Intro & Objective: The game creates a random number from 1 to 100, and the player must guess what it is. The program gives input on whether the guessed number is too low or too high until the right number is identified.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • Fundamental knowledge of Python programming.
  • Understanding of loops, conditional statements, and user input.
  • Discover how to utilize the random module for generating random numbers.
  • Learn how to gather user input and offer engaging responses.
  • Create a basic command-line game using Python.

Libraries Used: 

  • Random module
  • Tinker and Pygame  (for GUI)

Game Mechanics

  • Access the Random Module: Utilize the random module to create a random number.
  • Create a Random Number: Utilize random.randrange(1, 100) to create a random number from 1 to 100.
  • Acquire User Input: Utilize input() to ask the user to make a guess for the number.
  • Give Feedback: Utilize conditional statements to determine if the guess is too low, too high, or accurate, and offer suitable feedback.
  • Keep Asking Until Right: Utilize a while loop to continually prompt the user for a guess until the right number is identified.

Code Breakdown

import random
n = random.randrange(1,100)
guess = int(input("Enter any number: "))
while n!= guess:
    if guess < n:
        print("Too low")
        guess = int(input("Enter number again: "))
    elif guess > n:
        print("Too high!")
        guess = int(input("Enter number again: "))
print("you guessed it right!!")


Estimated Time to complete the project: 1 - 2 Hours

2. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Brief Intro & Objective

ROCK PAPER SCISSORS is a classic game for two players. In every round, participants start by declaring, “rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” Every player raises a fist for the rock, a flat hand for the paper, or their index and middle fingers for scissors on "shoot." The rock smashes the scissors, the scissors slice the paper, and the paper wraps the rock.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

To comprehend the program provided below, you should possess a fundamental understanding of the following Python concepts:

  • Python's Random library
  • Python loops

In this instance, we will utilize the randint() function from the random module. This function will produce a random number within the given range.

Libraries Used 

random module

Game Mechanics

  • Import the random module and generate a list of game choices.
  • Prepare the player, which means the computer and yourself.
  • Develop the game utilizing the while loop.

Code Breakdown

import random 
play = ["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"]
computer = play[random.randint(0,2)] 
player = False
while player == False: 
    player = input("Rock, Paper, Scissors?") 
    if player == computer: 
    elif player == "Rock": 
        if computer == "Paper": 
            print("You lose!", computer, "covers", player) 
            print("You win!", player, "smashes", computer) 
    elif player == "Paper": 
        if computer == "Scissors": 
            print("You lose!", computer, "cuts", player) 
            print("You win!", player, "covers", computer) 
    elif player == "Scissors": 
        if computer == "Rock": 
            print("You lose...", computer, "smashes", player) 
            print("You win!", player, "cuts", computer) 
        print("That's not a valid play. Check the spelling!") 
        player = False 
    computer = play[random.randint(0,2)]



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Estimated Time to complete the project: 1 - 3 Hours

3. Tic-Tac-Toe

Brief Intro & Objective

Tic Tac Toe is an easy game for two players where they place X and O in a 3×3 grid. The objective is to align three of your symbols in a row, whether horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • Fundamental ideas of Python
  • Defining user functions in Python
  • Ciclos en Python (bucle for, if else, if elif else)
  • try-except structure in Python
  • Python's while loop

Libraries Used

  • Tkinter
  • Pygame
  • NumPy
  • random

Game Mechanics

  • Initialize a list called board that contains 9 spaces, representing the 9 slots on the Tic Tac Toe board.
  • Import functions player_move(), is_victory(), is_draw().
  • The function is_victory() evaluates if a player has won in the game. It takes the player's icon as an input and checks if there are three of that icon in a row on the board. It returns True if a player wins; otherwise, it returns False. 
  • The function is_draw() checks if the game concludes in a draw by assessing whether all spaces on the board are filled. If every position is filled and no player has won, it yields True; otherwise, it yields False. 
  • The while loop continues the game until a player wins or it results in a tie. Within the loop, the board is shown. Following that, the player_move() function is called, allowing the initial player to make a move. 
  • The board shows again to reflect the updated status. Then, calling the is_victory() function will assess whether the starting player has succeeded. If they triumph, the match ends and a victory notification is displayed. If it isn't, the is_draw() function is called to check whether the game results in a draw. 
  • If the game results in a draw, a message shows up and the match ends. If neither the first player nor the game has concluded with a win or a draw, the second player makes a move and the process repeats. 

Code Breakdown

board = [" " for x in range(9)]

def print_board():

    row1 = "| {} | {} | {} |".format(board[0], board[1], board[2])

    row2 = "| {} | {} | {} |".format(board[3], board[4], board[5])

    row3 = "| {} | {} | {} |".format(board[6], board[7], board[8])






def player_move(icon):

    if icon == "X":

        number = 1

    elif icon == "O":

        number = 2

    print("Your turn player {}".format(number))

    choice = int(input("Enter your move (1-9): ").strip())

    if board[choice - 1] == " ":

        board[choice - 1] = icon



        print("That space is already taken!")

def is_victory(icon):

    if (board[0] == icon and board[1] == icon and board[2] == icon) or \

       (board[3] == icon and board[4] == icon and board[5] == icon) or \

       (board[6] == icon and board[7] == icon and board[8] == icon) or \

       (board[0] == icon and board[3] == icon and board[6] == icon) or \

       (board[1] == icon and board[4] == icon and board[7] == icon) or \

       (board[2] == icon and board[5] == icon and board[8] == icon) or \

       (board[0] == icon and board[4] == icon and board[8] == icon) or \

       (board[2] == icon and board[4] == icon and board[6] == icon):

        return True


        return False

def is_draw():

    if " " not in board:

        return True


        return False

while True:




    if is_victory("X"):

        print("X wins! Congratulations!")


    elif is_draw():

        print("It's a draw!")



    if is_victory("O"):


        print("O wins! Congratulations!")


    elif is_draw():

        print("It's a draw!")



Estimated Time to complete the project: 1 - 2 Hours

4. Hangman

Brief Intro & Objective

In the hangman game, one participant chooses a word while the other players guess the word one letter at a time. Each time the guessed letter is accurate, the player who chose the word will show where the letter is located.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

To create the Hangman game using Python, you should apply fundamental Python concepts such as the random module, integers, strings, characters, input and output functions, and Boolean values.

Libraries Used 

  • random
  • string
  • Tkinter
  • Pyglet
  • playsound

Game Mechanics

  • Initially, we will request the user's name. We will gather the user input by utilizing the input() method. Following execution, the input() function gathers input from the user and provides a string.
  • Subsequently, we will choose a word and request the user to begin guessing the letters in that word.
  • We will also specify the highest number of attempts the user is allowed to make.
  • We will now employ a while loop to continuously prompt the user to guess the character until the attempts run out.
  • Within the while loop, if the user correctly identifies the character. We will incorporate it into the reply. If not, we will inform the user that they have erred.
  • If the player manages to identify all the letters of the word within the allowed number of tries, they succeed in the game.
  • If the user uses up all their tries without successfully guessing the entire word, they lose.

Code Breakdown

import time

name = input("What is your name? ")

print ("Hello, " + name, "Time to play hangman!")


print ("Start guessing...")


word = ("secret")

guesses = ''

turns = 10

while turns > 0:         

    failed = 0             

    for char in word:      

        if char in guesses:    

            print (char,end=""),    


            print ("_",end=""),     

            failed += 1    

    if failed == 0:        

        print ("You won")


    guess = input("guess a character:") 

    guesses += guess                    

    if guess not in word:  

        turns -= 1        

        print ("Wrong")  

        print ("You have", + turns, 'more guesses' )

         if turns == 0:           

                print ("You Lose"  )


Estimated Time to complete the project: 2 - 5 Hours

5. Simple Quiz Game

Brief Intro & Objective

Participants are given a set of questions, and they need to select the right answer from four choices. The game monitors the score, gives instant feedback on the accuracy of every response, and utilizes text-to-speech features to vocalize the questions and choices.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • Obtaining input from the user via the terminal
  • Arranging information in formats such as lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
  • Utilizing if statements to evaluate various conditions.
  • Reiterating tasks using for and while loops
  • Wrapping code with functions

Libraries Used 

  • random
  • tkinter
  • Pygame
  • json

Game Mechanics

  • Establish a variable to keep track of the score, for example, score.
  • Pose inquiries to a user (utilizing the input() function)
  • If a user provides a right answer, then raise the score by 1 and display (correct!)
  • if a user's answer is wrong then print(incorrect!)
  • and finally display the user's score.

Code Breakdown

print("Wellcome to quiz game !!")

print('NOTE: if your spelling is incorrect then it is considered as wrong answer')

score = 0

question_no = 0

playing = input('Do you want to play ? ').lower()

if playing == 'yes':

    question_no += 1

    ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does CPU stand for? ').lower()

    if ques == 'central processing unit':

        score +=1

        print('correct! you got 1 point')




        print(f'current answer is --> central processing unit')

    question_no += 1

    ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does GPU stand for? ').lower()


    if ques == 'graphics processing unit':

        score +=1

        print('correct! you got 1 point')




        print(f'current answer is --> graphics processing unit')

    question_no += 1

    ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does RAM stand for? ').lower()


    if ques == 'random access memory':

        score +=1

        print('correct! you got 1 point')




        print(f'current answer is --> random access memory')

    question_no += 1

    ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does PSU stand for? ').lower()


    if ques == 'power supply unit':

        score +=1

        print('correct! you got 1 point')




        print(f'current answer is --> power supply unit')

    question_no += 1

    ques = input(f'\n{question_no}. what does ROM stand for? ').lower()


    if ques == 'read only memory':

        score +=1

        print('correct! you got 1 point')




        print(f'current answer is --> read only memory')


    print('thankyou you are out of a game.')


print(f'\nnumber of question is {question_no}')

print(f'your score is {score}')


    percentage = (score *100)/question_no

except ZeroDivisionError:

    print('0% quetions are correct')

print(f'{percentage}% questions are correct.')


Estimated Time to complete the project: 1- 3 Hours

Also Read: Free Python Course for Beginners | Free Python Beginners Course

Intermediate-Level Python Game Projects

6. Snake Game

Brief Intro & Objective

A fantastic game that has been increasing in popularity among the public for many generations. The Snake game can be navigated using the four directional buttons based on the way it's moving. The objective of playing the game is to achieve the highest score by collecting food or fruits. The player is unlucky if the snake hits the wall or collides with itself.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • User-defined functions in Python.
  • Python pygame.Color() function
  • Python pygame.time.Clock() function
  • Python random.randrange(start, stop, step) method
  • Python pygame.display.set_caption() method
  • Python pygame.display.set_mode() function

Libraries Used 

  • Pygame
  • Turtle

Game Mechanics

  • Begin by importing essential libraries such as pygame, the time module, and the random module.
  • Initialization of Pygame and manages the FPS
  • Setting up the Snake's locations, Food locations, and Snake's direction in the game window
  • developing a UDF (user defined function) to show the score obtained during gameplay
  • Creating the UDF - end_gameover() for the situation when the snake collides with the wall or consumes itself and the Game is OVER
  • The last step is to develop the primary function for the complete Snake game.

Code Breakdown

import pygame

import time

import random

snake_speed = 10

width_x = 960

height_y = 720

black = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0)

white = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)

red = pygame.Color(255, 64, 64)

green = pygame.Color(118, 238, 0)

blue = pygame.Color(0, 205, 205)


pygame.display.set_caption('Snakes Game in Python')

window_snakegame = pygame.display.set_mode((width_x, height_y))

frame_per_sec = pygame.time.Clock()

# Initial snake position

position_snake = [120, 60]

# Initial snake body

body_snake = [

    [120, 60],

    [110, 60],

    [100, 60],

    [90, 60],

    [80, 60]


# Initial food position

position_food = [

    random.randrange(1, (width_x // 10)) * 10,

    random.randrange(1, (height_y // 10)) * 10


spawn_of_food = True

# Initial direction

direction_snake = 'LEFT'

flexible_to_change = direction_snake

score = 0

# Function to display score

def score_metrics(selection, color, font, size):

    font_score = pygame.font.SysFont(font, size)

    surface_score = font_score.render('The Score earned: ' + str(score), True, color)

    rect_score = surface_score.get_rect()

    window_snakegame.blit(surface_score, rect_score)

# Function for game over screen

def end_gameover():

    font_displayscore = pygame.font.SysFont('Times New Roman', 50)

    surface_gameover = font_displayscore.render('The current score for you: ' + str(score), True, red)

    rect_gameover = surface_gameover.get_rect()

    rect_gameover.midtop = (width_x / 2, height_y / 4)

    window_snakegame.blit(surface_gameover, rect_gameover)





# Main game loop

while True:

    for event in pygame.event.get():

        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:



        elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

            if event.key == pygame.K_UP and direction_snake != 'DOWN':

                flexible_to_change = 'UP'

            if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and direction_snake != 'UP':

                flexible_to_change = 'DOWN'

            if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and direction_snake != 'RIGHT':

                flexible_to_change = 'LEFT'

            if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and direction_snake != 'LEFT':

                flexible_to_change = 'RIGHT'

    # Updating direction

    if flexible_to_change == 'UP':

        direction_snake = 'UP'

    if flexible_to_change == 'DOWN':

        direction_snake = 'DOWN'

    if flexible_to_change == 'LEFT':

        direction_snake = 'LEFT'

    if flexible_to_change == 'RIGHT':

        direction_snake = 'RIGHT'

    # Moving the snake

    if direction_snake == 'UP':

        position_snake[1] -= 10

    if direction_snake == 'DOWN':

        position_snake[1] += 10

    if direction_snake == 'LEFT':

        position_snake[0] -= 10

    if direction_snake == 'RIGHT':

        position_snake[0] += 10

    # Snake body mechanics

    body_snake.insert(0, list(position_snake))

    # Check if the snake eats the food

    if position_snake[0] == position_food[0] and position_snake[1] == position_food[1]:

        score += 10

        spawn_of_food = False



    if not spawn_of_food:

        position_food = [

            random.randrange(1, (width_x // 10)) * 10,

            random.randrange(1, (height_y // 10)) * 10


    spawn_of_food = True


    # Draw snake

    for position in body_snake:

        pygame.draw.rect(window_snakegame, blue, pygame.Rect(position[0], position[1], 10, 10))

    # Draw food

    pygame.draw.rect(window_snakegame, red, pygame.Rect(position_food[0], position_food[1], 10, 10))

    # Collision detection with walls

    if position_snake[0] < 0 or position_snake[0] > width_x - 10:


    if position_snake[1] < 0 or position_snake[1] > height_y - 10:


    # Collision detection with itself

    for block in body_snake[1:]:

        if position_snake[0] == block[0] and position_snake[1] == block[1]:


    # Display score

    score_metrics(1, white, 'Times New Roman', 20)

    # Update the display


    # Control game speed



Estimated Time to complete the project: 2 - 5 Hours

7. Pong Game

Brief Intro & Objective

Pong is a well-known computer game that mimics table tennis. In this game, the two participants manage the two paddles located on opposite sides of the game screen. They adjust the paddles higher or lower to strike the moving ball. A player’s score goes up either when they strike the ball or when the rival fails to make the hit.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

It is recommended that the developer possess prior experience in Python and the Turtle module. Additionally, use the command below to install the Turtle module if it isn't already installed.

Libraries Used 

  • Pygame
  • turtle

Game Mechanics

  • Initially, we begin by importing the modules.
  • Let's proceed to develop the main screen.
  • Next, we produce the two paddles, the ball, and the scoreboard while configuring their attributes.
  • Following that, we develop the functions for paddle movement and associate the keyboard buttons with their corresponding functions.
  • Ultimately, we write the game code, contained within an endless loop. In this document, we
  • Shift the ball
  • Verify the ball's impact with the walls, meaning the player failed to hit the ball.
  • Verify the intersection of the ball with the paddle.
  • Alter the trajectory of the ball according to the aforementioned two scenarios.

Code Breakdown

import turtle

screen = turtle.Screen()

screen.title("DataFlair Pong game")

screen.setup(width=1000 , height=600)

paddle1 = turtle.Turtle()




paddle1.shapesize(stretch_wid=6, stretch_len=2)


paddle1.goto(-400, 0)

paddle2 = turtle.Turtle()




paddle2.shapesize(stretch_wid=6, stretch_len=2)


paddle2.goto(400, 0)

ball = turtle.Turtle()





ball.goto(0, 0)

ball.dx = 2

ball.dy = -2

player1 = 0

player2 = 0

score = turtle.Turtle()




score.goto(0, 260)

score.write("Player1 : 0 Player2: 0", align="center", font=("Courier", 20, "bold"))

def movePad1Up():

     y = paddle1.ycor() #Getting the current y-coordinated of the left paddle

     y += 15

     paddle1.sety(y) #Updating the y-coordinated of the paddle

def movePad1Down():

    y = paddle1.ycor()#Getting the current y-coordinated of the left paddle

    y -= 15

    paddle1.sety(y)#Updating the y-coordinated of the paddle

def movePad2Up():

    y = paddle2.ycor()#Getting the current y-coordinated of the right paddle

    y += 15

    paddle2.sety(y)#Updating the y-coordinated of the paddle

def movePad2Down():

   y = paddle2.ycor()#Getting the current y-coordinated of the right paddle

   y -= 15

   paddle2.sety(y)#Updating the y-coordinated of the paddle


screen.onkeypress(movePad1Up, "Left")

screen.onkeypress(movePad1Down, "Right")

screen.onkeypress(movePad2Up, "Up")

screen.onkeypress(movePad2Down, "Down")

while True:




  if ball.ycor() > 280:


   ball.dy *= -1 #Bouncing the ball

  if ball.ycor() < -280:


   ball.dy *= -1#Bouncing the ball

  if ball.xcor() > 480 or ball.xcor() < -480:

   if(ball.xcor() <-480):

    player2 += 1 #Increasing the score of right player if left player missed


    player1 += 1 #Increasing the score of left player if right player missed

   ball.goto(0, 0)

   ball.dx *= -1

   ball.dy *= -1


  score.write("Player1 : {} Player2: {}".format(player1, player2), align="center", font=("Courier", 20, "bold"))

  if (ball.xcor() < -360 and ball.xcor() > -370) and (paddle1.ycor() + 50 > ball.ycor() > paddle1.ycor() - 50):

   player1 += 1


   score.write("Player A: {} Player B: {}".format(player1, player2), align="center", font=("Courier", 20, "bold"))


  if(ball.dy>0 and ball.dy<5): #If dy is positive increasing dy


  elif(ball.dy<0 and ball.dy>-5): #else if dy is negative decreasing dy


  if(ball.dx>0 and ball.dx<5):#If dx is positive increasing dx


  elif(ball.dx<0 and ball.dx>-5): #else if dx is negative decreasing dx


  ball.dx *=-1

  if (ball.xcor() > 360 and ball.xcor() < 370) and (paddle2.ycor() + 50 > ball.ycor() > paddle2.ycor() - 50):

  player2 += 1


  score.write("Player A: {} Player B: {}".format(player1, player2), align="center", font=("Courier", 20, "bold"))


  if(ball.dy>0 and ball.dy<7):#If dy is positive increasing dy


  elif(ball.dy<0 and ball.dy>-7):#else if dy is negative decreasing dy


  if(ball.dx>0 and ball.dx<7):#If dx is positive increasing dx


  elif(ball.dx<0 and ball.dx>-7): #else if dx is negative decreasing dx




Estimated Time to complete the project: 1 - 2 Hrs

8. Space Invaders

Brief Intro & Objective

The Space Invader Game is a simple 2D game created with a popular framework for Python called Pygame. The game features a player maneuvering a spaceship, who shoots at opposing spaceships while simultaneously dodging the projectiles aimed at him/her by those enemy ships. Challenges in this game are effectively designed to escalate following the score, featuring heightened speeds and firing rates of adversaries.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • Duplicating code with for loops and while loops
  • Employing if statements to dictate outcomes under varying circumstances.
  • Creating functions to encapsulate code
  • Utilizing lists to save various items

Libraries Used 

  • Math
  • Pygame
  • Random

Game Mechanics

  • First, install the Pygame software.
  • Growing users and intruders.
  • Automating the movement of the spaceman and the user through keyboard controls.
  • Automated random firing from space invaders with user-controlled shooting via keyboard.
  • Detect item collisions and react accordingly.

Code Breakdown

import math

import random

import pygame

from pygame import mixer


display_width, display_height = 800, 600

display = pygame.display.set_mode((display_width, display_height))

space_bg = pygame.image.load(r"")"")

pygame.display.set_caption("Space Guardian")

game_icon = pygame.image.load(r"")


text_font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 32)

header_font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 64)

hero_image = pygame.image.load(r"")

hero_x = 370

hero_y = 500

hero_x_change = 0

hero_y_change = 0

enemy_sprites = []

enemy_x_pos = []

enemy_y_pos = []

enemy_x_change = []

enemy_y_change = []

number_of_enemies = 5

base_enemy_velocity = 0.4

i = 0

while i < number_of_enemies:


   enemy_x_pos.append(random.randint(0, 736))

   enemy_y_pos.append(random.randint(50, 150))



   i += 1

bullet_sprite = pygame.image.load(r"")

bullet_x = 0

bullet_y = 500

bullet_x_change = 0

bullet_y_change = 10

bullet_state = "ready"

enemy_bullet_sprite = []

enemy_bullet_x = []

enemy_bullet_y = []

enemy_bullet_y_change = []

enemy_bullet_state = []

j = 0

while j < number_of_enemies:






   j += 1

score = 0

game_level = 1

text_x = 10

text_y = 10

game_over_font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 64)

def start_menu():

   display.fill((0, 0, 0))

   title_text = header_font.render("Space Guardian", True, (255, 255, 255))

   display.blit(title_text, (200, 200))

   instructions = text_font.render("Press ENTER to Start", True, (255, 255, 255))

   display.blit(instructions, (250, 300))


   start = False

   while not start:

      for event in pygame.event.get():

         if event.type == pygame.QUIT:



         if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:

            start = True

def display_score(x, y):

   score_text = text_font.render("Score: " + str(score), True, (255, 255, 255))

   display.blit(score_text, (x, y))

def display_level(x, y):

   level_text = text_font.render("Level: " + str(game_level), True, (255, 255, 255))

   display.blit(level_text, (x, y + 40))

def game_over():

   over_text = game_over_font.render("GAME OVER", True, (255, 255, 255))

   display.blit(over_text, (200, 250))

def player(x, y):

   display.blit(hero_image, (x, y))

def enemy(x, y, index):

   display.blit(enemy_sprites[index], (x, y))

def fire_hero_bullet(x, y):

   global bullet_state

   bullet_state = "fire"

   display.blit(bullet_sprite, (x + 16, y + 10))

def fire_enemy_bullet(x, y, index):

   global enemy_bullet_state

   enemy_bullet_state[index] = "fire"

   display.blit(enemy_bullet_sprite[index], (x + 16, y + 10))

def collision_detected(enemy_x, enemy_y, bullet_x, bullet_y):

   distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(enemy_x - bullet_x, 2) + (math.pow(enemy_y - bullet_y, 2)))

   return distance < 27

def player_hit(player_x, player_y, bullet_x, bullet_y):

   distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(player_x - bullet_x, 2) + (math.pow(player_y - bullet_y, 2)))

   return distance < 30

def game_loop():

   global bullet_x, bullet_y, bullet_state, score, game_level

   global hero_x, hero_y, hero_x_change, hero_y_change

   global enemy_x_pos, enemy_y_pos, enemy_x_change, enemy_y_change

   global enemy_bullet_x, enemy_bullet_y, enemy_bullet_state, enemy_bullet_y_change


      hero_x = 368  # Example starting position

      hero_y = 480  # Example starting position

      hero_x_change = 0

      hero_y_change = 0

      bullet_x = 0

      bullet_y = 500

      bullet_state = "ready"

      score = 0

      game_level = 1

      number_of_enemies = 5

      enemy_x_pos = [random.randint(0, 736) for _ in range(number_of_enemies)]

      enemy_y_pos = [random.randint(50, 150) for _ in range(number_of_enemies)]

      enemy_x_change = [base_enemy_velocity for _ in range(number_of_enemies)]

      enemy_y_change = [40 for _ in range(number_of_enemies)]

      enemy_bullet_x = [0 for _ in range(number_of_enemies)]

      enemy_bullet_y = [0 for _ in range(number_of_enemies)]

      enemy_bullet_state = ["ready" for _ in range(number_of_enemies)]

      enemy_bullet_y_change = [10 for _ in range(number_of_enemies)]

      running = True

      start_menu()  # Call start menu

      while running:

         display.fill((0, 0, 0))

         display.blit(space_bg, (0, 0))

         for event in pygame.event.get():

            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

               running = False

         if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:

            if event.key == pygame.K_a or event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:

               hero_x_change = -5

            if event.key == pygame.K_d or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:

               hero_x_change = 5

            if event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_UP:

               hero_y_change = -5

            if event.key == pygame.K_s or event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:

               hero_y_change = 5

            if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and bullet_state == "ready":

               bullet_sound = mixer.Sound(r"C:\Users\souvi\OneDrive\Desktop\koko\Space-Invaders-Pygame\laser_sound.wav")


               bullet_x = hero_x

               bullet_y = hero_y  # Initialize bullet_y when firing

               bullet_state = "fire"

         if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:

            if event.key == pygame.K_a or event.key == pygame.K_d:

               hero_x_change = 0

            if event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_s:

               hero_y_change = 0

         hero_x += hero_x_change

         hero_y += hero_y_change

         if hero_x <= 0:

            hero_x = 0

         elif hero_x >= 736:

            hero_x = 736

         if hero_y <= 0:

            hero_y = 0

         elif hero_y >= 536:

            hero_y = 536

         e = 0

         while e < number_of_enemies:

            if enemy_y_pos[e] > 440 or player_hit(hero_x, hero_y, enemy_bullet_x[e], enemy_bullet_y[e]):

               for j in range(number_of_enemies):

                  enemy_y_pos[j] = 2000



            enemy_x_pos[e] += enemy_x_change[e]

               if enemy_x_pos[e] <= 0:

                  enemy_x_change[e] = base_enemy_velocity + (game_level - 1) / 4

                  enemy_y_pos[e] += enemy_y_change[e]

               elif enemy_x_pos[e] >= 736:

                  enemy_x_change[e] = -(base_enemy_velocity + (game_level - 1) / 4)

                  enemy_y_pos[e] += enemy_y_change[e]

         if enemy_bullet_state[e] == "ready" and random.random() < 0.008:

            enemy_bullet_x[e] = enemy_x_pos[e]

            fire_enemy_bullet(enemy_bullet_x[e], enemy_bullet_y[e], e)

         if enemy_bullet_state[e] == "fire":

            fire_enemy_bullet(enemy_bullet_x[e], enemy_bullet_y[e], e)

            enemy_bullet_y[e] += enemy_bullet_y_change[e]

         if enemy_bullet_y[e] >= 600:

            enemy_bullet_y[e] = enemy_y_pos[e]

            enemy_bullet_state[e] = "ready"

         if bullet_state == "fire":

            collision = collision_detected(enemy_x_pos[e], enemy_y_pos[e], bullet_x, bullet_y)

            if collision:

               explosion_sound = mixer.Sound(r"C:\Users\souvi\OneDrive\Desktop\koko\Space-Invaders-Pygame\explosion.wav")


               bullet_y = 500

               bullet_state = "ready"

               score += 1

               enemy_x_pos[e] = random.randint(0, 736)

               enemy_y_pos[e] = random.randint(50, 150)

            enemy(enemy_x_pos[e], enemy_y_pos[e], e)

               e += 1

         if bullet_state == "fire":

            fire_hero_bullet(bullet_x, bullet_y)

            bullet_y -= bullet_y_change

            if bullet_y <= 0:

               bullet_y = 500

               bullet_state = "ready"

         display_score(text_x, text_y)

         display_level(text_x, text_y)

         player(hero_x, hero_y)


      except Exception as e:

         print(f"An error occurred: {e}")



if __name__ == "__main__":



Estimated Time to complete the project: 2 - 3 Hours

9. Flappy Bird Clone

Brief Intro & Objective

Flappy Bird is an infinite game featuring a bird guided by the player. The goal of this game is to stop the bird from hitting the ground or crashing into obstacles such as pipes. Each time the bird goes through the pipes, the scores increase by one. The game concludes when the bird hits the pipes or plummets to the ground from gravity.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

In this endeavor, you will gain knowledge about:

  • How to configure the project files for the Flappy Bird game
  • How to display the introductory animation for the game
  • How to execute the core gameplay mechanics for Flappy Bird
  • How to show the game over screen when the player fails
  • How to create helper functions for the game

Libraries Used 

  • Pygame
  • Sys
  • Time
  • Random

Game Mechanics

  • To begin with, we will import the necessary modules.
  • Next, we will produce a scrolling backdrop.
  • This phase includes incorporating the Sprite Animation into the Game.
  • We will subsequently incorporate some physics into the Game.
  • In this phase, we will incorporate the scrolling pipes into the Game.
  • Next, we will include a score tally.
  • We will finally implement functions for game over and resetting the game.

Code Breakdown

import pygame

import sys

import time

import random


clock = pygame.time.Clock()

def draw_floor():

    screen.blit(floor_img, (floor_x, 520))

    screen.blit(floor_img, (floor_x + 448, 520))

def create_pipes():

    pipe_y = random.choice(pipe_height)

    top_pipe = pipe_img.get_rect(midbottom=(467, pipe_y - 300))

    bottom_pipe = pipe_img.get_rect(midtop=(467, pipe_y))

    return top_pipe, bottom_pipe

def pipe_animation():

    global game_over, score_time

    for pipe in pipes:

        if < 0:

            flipped_pipe = pygame.transform.flip(pipe_img, False, True)

            screen.blit(flipped_pipe, pipe)


            screen.blit(pipe_img, pipe)

        pipe.centerx -= 3

        if pipe.right < 0:


        if bird_rect.colliderect(pipe):

            game_over = True

def draw_score(game_state):

    if game_state == "game_on":

        score_text = score_font.render(str(score), True, (255, 255, 255))

        score_rect = score_text.get_rect(center=(width // 2, 66))

        screen.blit(score_text, score_rect)

    elif game_state == "game_over":

        score_text = score_font.render(f" Score: {score}", True, (255, 255, 255))

        score_rect = score_text.get_rect(center=(width // 2, 66))

        screen.blit(score_text, score_rect)

        high_score_text = score_font.render(f"High Score: {high_score}", True, (255, 255, 255))

        high_score_rect = high_score_text.get_rect(center=(width // 2, 506))

        screen.blit(high_score_text, high_score_rect)

def score_update():

    global score, score_time, high_score

    if pipes:

        for pipe in pipes:

            if 65 < pipe.centerx < 69 and score_time:

                score += 1

                score_time = False

            if pipe.left <= 0:

                score_time = True

    if score > high_score:

        high_score = score

width, height = 350, 622

clock = pygame.time.Clock()

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))

pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy Bird")

back_img = pygame.image.load("img_46.png")

floor_img = pygame.image.load("img_50.png")

floor_x = 0

bird_up = pygame.image.load("img_47.png")

bird_down = pygame.image.load("img_48.png")

bird_mid = pygame.image.load("img_49.png")

birds = [bird_up, bird_mid, bird_down]

bird_index = 0

bird_flap = pygame.USEREVENT

pygame.time.set_timer(bird_flap, 200)

bird_img = birds[bird_index]

bird_rect = bird_img.get_rect(center=(67, 622 // 2))

bird_movement = 0

gravity = 0.17

pipe_img = pygame.image.load("greenpipe.png")

pipe_height = [400, 350, 533, 490]

pipes = []

create_pipe = pygame.USEREVENT + 1

pygame.time.set_timer(create_pipe, 1200)

game_over = False

over_img = pygame.image.load("img_45.png").convert_alpha ()

over_rect = over_img.get_rect(center=(width // 2, height // 2))

score = 0

high_score = 0

score_time = True

score_font = pygame.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", 27)

running = True

while running:


    for event in pygame.event.get():

        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:  # QUIT event

            running = False


        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:  # Key pressed event

            if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and not game_over:  # If space key is pressed

                bird_movement = 0

                bird_movement = -7

            if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and game_over:

                game_over = False

                pipes = []

                bird_movement = 0

                bird_rect = bird_img.get_rect(center=(67, 622 // 2))

                score_time = True

                score = 0

        if event.type == bird_flap:

            bird_index += 1

            if bird_index > 2:

                bird_index = 0

            bird_img = birds[bird_index]

            bird_rect = bird_up.get_rect(

        if event.type == create_pipe:


    screen.blit(floor_img, (floor_x, 550))

    screen.blit(back_img, (0, 0))

    if not game_over:

        bird_movement += gravity

        bird_rect.centery += bird_movement

        rotated_bird = pygame.transform.rotozoom(bird_img, bird_movement * -6, 1)

        if < 5 or bird_rect.bottom >= 550:

            game_over = True

        screen.blit(rotated_bird, bird_rect)




    elif game_over:

        screen.blit(over_img, over_rect)


    floor_x -= 1

    if floor_x < -448:

        floor_x = 0






Estimated Time to complete the project: 1 - 2 Hours

10. Memory Puzzle Game

Brief Intro & Objective

Memory Puzzle Game is the top-rated memory game or mental workout. The player taps on the tile to uncover it, and when two matching tiles are uncovered, the effect rises and the score goes up. To finish the game, the player needs to uncover all matching pairs of shapes. Once the game concludes, the total moves required to finish the game are shown on the screen.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

This project demands a solid understanding of Python and the Pygame library. The Pygame module features a graphics library utilized in various programming languages to create the Graphical User Interface, known as GUI.

Libraries Used 

  • Pygame
  • Random 

Game Mechanics

  • Import Modules
  • Generating main function, board, Revealed box function
  • Partitioning a list into lists
  • Import coordinate function
  • pixel coordinates to box coordinates conversion
  • Draw synthetic sugar and icon
  • Creating box cover
  • Portraying and covering animation
  • Drawing full board and Highlight
  • Kick start the game animation
  • Making function for game won

Also Read: What are Lists in Python?

Code Breakdown

import random

import pygame

import sys

from pygame.locals import *

def main():

    global Frame_Speed_Clock, DIS_PlaySurf


    Frame_Speed_Clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    DIS_PlaySurf = pygame.display.set_mode((Window_Width, Window_Height))


    X_mouse  = 0 

    Y_mouse = 0 

    pygame.display.set_caption('Memory Game by PythonGeeks')


    Board = Randomized_Board()

    Boxes_revealed = GenerateData_RevealedBoxes(False)


    first_Selection = None  




    while True: 

        mouse_Clicked = False



        Draw_Board(Board, Boxes_revealed)


        for event in pygame.event.get(): 

            if event.type == QUIT or (event.type == KEYUP and event.key == K_ESCAPE):



            elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION:

                X_mouse, Y_mouse = event.pos

            elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:

                X_mouse, Y_mouse = event.pos

                mouse_Clicked = True


        x_box, y_box = Box_Pixel(X_mouse, Y_mouse)

        if x_box != None and y_box != None:

            if not Boxes_revealed[x_box][y_box]:

                Draw_HighlightBox(x_box, y_box)

            if not Boxes_revealed[x_box][y_box] and mouse_Clicked:

                Reveal_Boxes_Animation(Board, [(x_box, y_box)])

                Boxes_revealed[x_box][y_box] = True 

                if first_Selection == None: 

                    first_Selection = (x_box, y_box)


                    icon1shape, icon1color = get_Shape_Color(Board, first_Selection[0], first_Selection[1])

                    icon2shape, icon2color = get_Shape_Color(Board, x_box, y_box)


                    if icon1shape != icon2shape or icon1color != icon2color:


                        Cover_Boxes_Animation(Board, [(first_Selection[0], first_Selection[1]), (x_box, y_box)])

                        Boxes_revealed[first_Selection[0]][first_Selection[1]] = False

                        Boxes_revealed[x_box][y_box] = False

                    elif Won(Boxes_revealed): 




                        Board = Randomized_Board()

                        Boxes_revealed = GenerateData_RevealedBoxes(False)

                        Draw_Board(Board, Boxes_revealed)




                        Start_Game (Board)

                    first_Selection = None 



def GenerateData_RevealedBoxes(val):

    Boxes_revealed = []

    for i in range(Border_Width):

        Boxes_revealed.append([val] * Border_Height)

    return Boxes_revealed


def Randomized_Board():

    icon = []

    for color in All_Colors:

        for shape in All_Shapes:

            icon.append( (shape, color) )



    num_IconsUsed = int(Border_Width * Border_Height / 2) 

    icon = icon[:num_IconsUsed] * 2 



    board = []

    for x in range(Border_Width):

        column = []

        for y in range(Border_Height):


            del icon[0] 


    return board


def Split_Groups(group_Size, List):

    result = []

    for i in range(0, len(List), group_Size):

        result.append(List[i:i + group_Size])

    return result


def leftTop_Coord(x_box, y_box):

    left = x_box * (Box_Size + Gap_Size) + X_margin

    top = y_box * (Box_Size + Gap_Size) + Y_margin

    return (left, top)


def Box_Pixel(x, y):

    for x_box in range(Border_Width):

        for y_box in range(Border_Height):

            left, top = leftTop_Coord(x_box, y_box)

            box_Rect = pygame.Rect(left, top, Box_Size, Box_Size)

            if box_Rect.collidepoint(x, y):

                return (x_box, y_box)

    return (None, None)


def Draw_Icon(shape, color, x_box, y_box):

    quarter = int(Box_Size * 0.25) 

    half    = int(Box_Size * 0.5)  


    left, top = leftTop_Coord(x_box, y_box) 


    if shape == CIRCLE:, color, (left + half, top + half), half - 5), BackGround_color, (left + half, top + half), quarter - 5)

    elif shape == SQUARE:

        pygame.draw.rect(DIS_PlaySurf, color, (left + quarter, top + quarter, Box_Size - half, Box_Size - half))

    elif shape == DIAMOND:

        pygame.draw.polygon(DIS_PlaySurf, color, ((left + half, top), (left + Box_Size - 1, top + half), (left + half, top + Box_Size - 1), (left, top + half)))

    elif shape == LINES:

        for i in range(0, Box_Size, 4):

            pygame.draw.line(DIS_PlaySurf, color, (left, top + i), (left + i, top))

            pygame.draw.line(DIS_PlaySurf, color, (left + i, top + Box_Size - 1), (left + Box_Size - 1, top + i))

    elif shape == OVAL:

        pygame.draw.ellipse(DIS_PlaySurf, color, (left, top + quarter, Box_Size, half))


def get_Shape_Color(board, x_box, y_box):

    return board[x_box][y_box][0], board[x_box][y_box][1]


def Box_Cover(board, boxes, coverage):

    for box in boxes:

        left, top = leftTop_Coord(box[0], box[1])

        pygame.draw.rect(DIS_PlaySurf, BackGround_color, (left, top, Box_Size, Box_Size))

        shape, color = get_Shape_Color(board, box[0], box[1])

        Draw_Icon(shape, color, box[0], box[1])

        if coverage > 0: # only draw the cover if there is an coverage

            pygame.draw.rect(DIS_PlaySurf, Box_Color, (left, top, coverage, Box_Size))



def Reveal_Boxes_Animation(board, boxesToReveal):

    for coverage in range(Box_Size, (-Speed_Reveal) - 1, -Speed_Reveal):

        Box_Cover(board, boxesToReveal, coverage)


def Cover_Boxes_Animation(board, boxesToCover):

    for coverage in range(0, Box_Size + Speed_Reveal, Speed_Reveal):

        Box_Cover(board, boxesToCover, coverage)


def Draw_Board(board, revealed):

    for x_box in range(Border_Width):

        for y_box in range(Border_Height):

            left, top = leftTop_Coord(x_box, y_box)

            if not revealed[x_box][y_box]:                pygame.draw.rect(DIS_PlaySurf, Box_Color, (left, top, Box_Size, Box_Size))


                shape, color = get_Shape_Color(board, x_box, y_box)

                Draw_Icon(shape, color, x_box, y_box)


def Draw_HighlightBox(x_box, y_box):

    left, top = leftTop_Coord(x_box, y_box)

    pygame.draw.rect(DIS_PlaySurf, HighLight_Color, (left - 5, top - 5, Box_Size + 10, Box_Size + 10), 4)

def Start_Game(board):

    covered_Boxes = GenerateData_RevealedBoxes(False)

    boxes = []

    for x in range(Border_Width):

        for y in range(Border_Height):

            boxes.append( (x, y) )


    box_Groups = Split_Groups(8, boxes)


    Draw_Board(board, covered_Boxes)

    for boxGroup in box_Groups:

        Reveal_Boxes_Animation(board, boxGroup)

        Cover_Boxes_Animation(board, boxGroup)


def Game_Won (board):

    coveredBoxes = GenerateData_RevealedBoxes(True)

    color_1 = Light_BackGround_color

    color_2 = BackGround_color


    for i in range(13):

        color_1, color_2 = color_2, color_1 


        Draw_Board(board, coveredBoxes)




def Won(Boxes_revealed):

    for i in Boxes_revealed:

        if False in i:

            return False 

    return True

Frame_Speed = 30 

Window_Width = 640 

Window_Height = 480

Speed_Reveal = 8 

Box_Size = 40 

Gap_Size = 10 

Border_Width = 10 

Border_Height = 7 


assert (Border_Width * Border_Height) % 2 == 0, 'Board needs to have an even number of boxes for pairs of matches.'

X_margin = int((Window_Width - (Border_Width * (Box_Size + Gap_Size))) / 2)

Y_margin = int((Window_Height - (Border_Height * (Box_Size + Gap_Size))) / 2)


Gray     = (100, 100, 100)

Navyblue = ( 60,  60, 100)

White    = (255, 255, 255)

Red      = (255,   0,   0)

Green    = (  0, 255,   0)

Blue     = (  0,   0, 255)

Yellow   = (255, 255,   0)

Orange   = (255, 128,   0)

Purple   = (255,   0, 255)

Cyan     = (  0, 255, 255)


BackGround_color = Gray

Light_BackGround_color = Navyblue

Box_Color = Cyan

HighLight_Color = Yellow


CIRCLE = 'circle'

SQUARE = 'square'

DIAMOND = 'diamond'

LINES = 'lines'

OVAL = 'oval'


All_Colors = (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Cyan)


assert len(All_Colors)* len(All_Shapes) * 2 >= Border_Width * Border_Height, "Board is too big for the number of shapes/colors defined.”


if __name__ == '__main__':



Estimated Time to complete the project: 4 - 10 Hours

Advanced-Level Python Game Projects

11. Platformer Game

Brief Intro & Objective

The platformer game is the most cherished genre of video games, tracing back to classics; this 2D action game tests players to run, leap, and fight foes through side-scrolling stages. Conversely, contemporary platformers feature lifelike physics and stunning 3D visuals. 

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • Basic understanding of Python, including:
  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • Object-oriented programming (optional)
  • Link to older Pygame tutorial series available for those unfamiliar with OOP.

Libraries Used 

  • Python 3 
  • Pygame

Game Mechanics

  • Creating the Game Window
  • Making a Player Sprite
  • Player Movement and Physics
  • Platforms and Collision Detection
  • Adding Enemies and Hazards
  • Winning, Losing, and Reset

Code Breakdown

import pygame




screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT))

pygame.display.set_caption(‘Pixel Platformer‘)

running = True

while running:

    for event in pygame.event.get():

        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

            running = False

    screen.fill((147, 210, 220))



class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, x, y):


        self.sprite_sheet = pygame.image.load(‘player.png‘).convert()

        self.image = self.get_image(0, 0)

        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

        self.rect.x = x

        self.rect.y = y

    def get_image(self, x, y):

        image = pygame.Surface([32, 32])

        image.blit(self.sprite_sheet, (0, 0), (x, y, 32, 32))

        image.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0))  # Transparent black background

        return image

    def update(self):


player = Player(100, 300)

all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group(player)

running = True

while running:


    screen.fill((147, 210, 220))





class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, x, y):

        self.vel_x = 0

        self.vel_y = 0

        self.on_ground = False

    def update(self):

        self.vel_y += GRAVITY

        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()

        if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:

            self.vel_x = -PLAYER_SPEED

        elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:

            self.vel_x = PLAYER_SPEED


            self.vel_x = 0

        if keys[pygame.K_UP] and self.on_ground:

            self.vel_y = -20

        self.rect.x += self.vel_x

        self.rect.y += self.vel_y

        if > WINDOW_HEIGHT:


class Platform(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):


        self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])

        self.image.fill((255, 0, 0))

        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

        self.rect.x = x

        self.rect.y = y

all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()

platforms = pygame.sprite.Group()

p1 = Platform(300, 550, 200, 60)

p2 = Platform(80, 400, 100, 30)

p3 = Platform(500, 300, 150, 30)

all_sprites.add(p1, p2, p3)

platforms.add(p1, p2, p3)

def update(self):

    hits = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, platforms, False)

    if hits:

        self.on_ground = True

        self.vel_y = 0

        self.rect.bottom = hits[0]


        self.on_ground = False

    if self.rect.left < 0:

        self.rect.left = 0

    elif self.rect.right > WINDOW_WIDTH:

        self.rect.right = WINDOW_WIDTH

class Spike(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, x, y):


        self.image = pygame.image.load(‘spike.png‘).convert_alpha()

        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

        self.rect.x = x

        self.rect.y = y

spikes = pygame.sprite.Group()

s1 = Spike(350, 530)

s2 = Spike(100, 380)

all_sprites.add(s1, s2)  

spikes.add(s1, s2)

spike_hits = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, spikes, False)

if spike_hits:


    running = False

class Goal(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, x, y):


        self.image = pygame.image.load(‘goal.png‘)

        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

        self.rect.x = x

        self.rect.y = y

goal = Goal(700, 510)


goal_hit = pygame.sprite.collide_rect(player, goal)

if goal_hit:

    level_complete = True

    running = False

font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)

win_text = font.render("Level Complete!", True, (255, 255, 255))  

lose_text = font.render("Game Over!", True, (255, 255, 255))

if level_complete:

    screen.blit(win_text, (WINDOW_WIDTH//2 - win_text.get_width()//2, 

                           WINDOW_HEIGHT//2 - win_text.get_height()//2))


    screen.blit(lose_text, (WINDOW_WIDTH//2 - lose_text.get_width()//2,

                            WINDOW_HEIGHT//2 - lose_text.get_height()//2))




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Estimated Time to complete the project: 15 - 20 Days

12. Multiplayer Online Game

Brief Intro & Objective

A game in which your primary goal is to rival others. Simply click on a tile to position your piece. The system is designed to create a contest among your friends or siblings. 

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • How a Client/Server System Works
  • How to Develop Applications to an External Server
  • How to Code a Client
  • How to Code a Server
  • Sending Encrypted Data Such as Objects Over a Port
  • Connecting Multiple Clients to a Server

Libraries Used 

  • Pygame
  • Sockets
  • Pygelt
  • Kivy 

Game Mechanics

  • Since its a multiplayer game, we have to build client ( and server side (
  • For, we need to import libraries and functions pygame, pickle, select, and socket.
  • Then import sprites and if else classes to perform true or false operations. 
  • Then we have to create game events, game type to perform movement options like LEFT, RIGHT, UP, and DOWN. 
  • For, import libraries and add main server and secondary server. 

Code Breakdown

import pygame, sys

from pygame.locals import *

import pickle

import select

import socket

WIDTH = 400

HEIGHT = 400


screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))


clock = pygame.time.Clock()

sprite1 = pygame.image.load('images/BlueThing/BlueThing_front.png')

sprite2 = pygame.image.load('images/Ladette/Ladette_front.png')

sprite3 = pygame.image.load('images/TrashPanda/TrashPanda_front.png')

sprite4 = pygame.image.load('images/Tubby/Tubby_front.png')

serverAddr = ''

if len(sys.argv) == 2:

  serverAddr = sys.argv[1]

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

s.connect((serverAddr, 4321))

playerid = 0

sprites = { 0: sprite1, 1: sprite2, 2: sprite3, 3: sprite4 }

class Minion:

  def __init__(self, x, y, id):

    self.x = x

    self.y = y

    self.vx = 0

    self.vy = 0 = id

  def update(self):

    self.x += self.vx

    self.y += self.vy

    if self.x > WIDTH - 50:

      self.x = WIDTH - 50

    if self.x < 0:

      self.x = 0

    if self.y > HEIGHT - 50:

      self.y = HEIGHT - 50

    if self.y < 0:

      self.y = 0

    if == 0: = playerid

  def render(self):

    screen.blit(sprites[ % 4], (self.x, self.y))

#game events

#['event type', param1, param2]


#event types: 

# id update 

# ['id update', id]


# player locations

# ['player locations', [id, x, y], [id, x, y] ...]

#user commands

# position update

# ['position update', id, x, y]

class GameEvent:

  def __init__(self, vx, vy):

    self.vx = vx

    self.vy = vy

cc = Minion(50, 50, 0)

minions = []

while True:

  ins, outs, ex =[s], [], [], 0)

  for inm in ins: 

    gameEvent = pickle.loads(inm.recv(BUFFERSIZE))

    if gameEvent[0] == 'id update':

      playerid = gameEvent[1]


    if gameEvent[0] == 'player locations':


      minions = []

      for minion in gameEvent:

        if minion[0] != playerid:

          minions.append(Minion(minion[1], minion[2], minion[0]))


  for event in pygame.event.get():

    if event.type == QUIT:



    if event.type == KEYDOWN:

      if event.key == K_LEFT: cc.vx = -10

      if event.key == K_RIGHT: cc.vx = 10

      if event.key == K_UP: cc.vy = -10

      if event.key == K_DOWN: cc.vy = 10

    if event.type == KEYUP:

      if event.key == K_LEFT and cc.vx == -10: cc.vx = 0

      if event.key == K_RIGHT and cc.vx == 10: cc.vx = 0

      if event.key == K_UP and cc.vy == -10: cc.vy = 0

      if event.key == K_DOWN and cc.vy == 10: cc.vy = 0




  for m in minions:




  ge = ['position update', playerid, cc.x, cc.y]




import socket

import asyncore

import select

import random

import pickle

import time


outgoing = []

class Minion:

  def __init__(self, ownerid):

    self.x = 50

    self.y = 50

    self.ownerid = ownerid

minionmap = {}

def updateWorld(message):

  arr = pickle.loads(message)


  playerid = arr[1]

  x = arr[2]

  y = arr[3]

  if playerid == 0: return

  minionmap[playerid].x = x

  minionmap[playerid].y = y

  remove = []

  for i in outgoing:

    update = ['player locations']

    for key, value in minionmap.items():

      update.append([value.ownerid, value.x, value.y])




    except Exception:




    print ('sent update data')

    for r in remove:


class MainServer(asyncore.dispatcher):

  def __init__(self, port):


    self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    self.bind(('', port))


  def handle_accept(self):

    conn, addr = self.accept()

    print ('Connection address:' + addr[0] + " " + str(addr[1]))


    playerid = random.randint(1000, 1000000)

    playerminion = Minion(playerid)

    minionmap[playerid] = playerminion

    conn.send(pickle.dumps(['id update', playerid]))


class SecondaryServer(asyncore.dispatcher_with_send):

  def handle_read(self):

    recievedData = self.recv(BUFFERSIZE)

    if recievedData:


    else: self.close()




Estimated Time to complete the project: Several Months

13. 3D Maze Game

Brief Intro & Objective

The 3D Maze Game is an engaging Python project in which players maneuver through a procedurally created 3D maze to achieve an objective. This initiative strengthens essential Python programming abilities, game creation principles, and 3D rendering methods. The aim is to develop a playable maze exploration game that is both functional and visually captivating. 

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Procedural Maze Generation
  • Event Handling and User Input
  • 3D Graphics and Rendering
  • Game Physics and Logic

Libraries Used 

  • Random 
  • Pygame
  • NumPy
  • Panda3D / PyOpenGL

Game Mechanics

  • Move through the maze using keyboard controls (WASD keys or arrow keys). 
  • A maze generated procedurally through the use of an algorithm such as DFS or Prim’s algorithm. 
  • Obstacles & Difficulties are randomly positioned walls, secured doors, or shifting obstacles. 
  • Collectibles (Food/Coins)distributed throughout the maze for bonus points. 
  • The main objective of the game is player needs to locate the exit within a specified time frame. 

Code Breakdown

import pygame

from pygame.locals import *

from OpenGL.GL import *

from OpenGL.GLUT import *

from OpenGL.GLU import *

import random

# Define the maze dimensions and structure

maze_size = 10

maze = [[random.choice([0, 1]) for _ in range(maze_size)] for _ in range(maze_size)]

maze[0][0] = 0  # Start point

maze[maze_size - 1][maze_size - 1] = 0  # End point

# Colors

WHITE = (1, 1, 1)

BLACK = (0, 0, 0)

RED = (1, 0, 0)

# Initialize Pygame and OpenGL


display = (800, 600)

pygame.display.set_mode(display, DOUBLEBUF | OPENGL)

gluPerspective(45, (display[0] / display[1]), 0.1, 50.0)

glTranslatef(-5, -5, -20)

# Player movement variables

player_x, player_y = 0, 0

speed = 0.5

def draw_cube(x, y, z):

    """Draws a cube at the given position."""


    for surface in ((0, 1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 6, 7), (7, 6, 5, 4), (4, 5, 1, 0), (1, 5, 6, 2), (4, 0, 3, 7)):

        for vertex in surface:

            glVertex3fv(((x, y, z)[vertex % 3],) * 3)


def draw_maze():

    """Draw the 3D maze."""

    for row in range(maze_size):

        for col in range(maze_size):

            if maze[row][col] == 1:

                draw_cube(col, row, 0)

def move_player():

    """Move the player within the maze."""

    global player_x, player_y

    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()


    if keys[K_LEFT] and player_x > 0 and maze[player_y][player_x - 1] == 0:

        player_x -= 1

    if keys[K_RIGHT] and player_x < maze_size - 1 and maze[player_y][player_x + 1] == 0:

        player_x += 1

    if keys[K_UP] and player_y > 0 and maze[player_y - 1][player_x] == 0:

        player_y -= 1

    if keys[K_DOWN] and player_y < maze_size - 1 and maze[player_y + 1][player_x] == 0:

        player_y += 1

def game_loop():

    """Main game loop."""

    running = True

    while running:



        for event in pygame.event.get():

            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

                running = False






        glTranslatef(player_x, player_y, 0)


        draw_cube(0, 0, 0)






if __name__ == "__main__":



Estimated Time to complete the project: 40+ Hours

14. AI Chess Game

Brief Intro & Objective

Chess is a classic board game of strategy and wit, played by two individuals on an 8x8 grid with alternating light and dark squares. At the start of the game, every player sets up 16 pieces, arranging them in the rows nearest to themselves. Pawns are placed on the second row, while other pieces fill the first row. The objective of the game is to move your pieces to a position where you can take your opponent's king and achieve a "checkmate," resulting in your victory. Each piece follows specific movement guidelines that players must adhere to.

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • Implementing chess rules, generating moves, evaluating functions, utilizing search algorithms such as Minimax with alpha-beta pruning, analyzing game trees, employing data structures for board representation, optimizing techniques.
  • Applying fundamental AI concepts like learning and decision-making, and using libraries such as Python-Chess for easier chess logic management.

Libraries Used 

  • Python_chess
  • pugame

Game Mechanics

  • Install Required Libraries
  • Create Chess Board
  • Implement Game Rules
  • Create an AI Opponent using Machine Learning

Code Breakdown

import pygame

import time

import sys

board = [['  ' for i in range(8)] for i in range(8)]

class Piece:

    def __init__(self, team, type, image, killable=False): = team

        self.type = type

        self.killable = killable

        self.image = image

bp = Piece('b', 'p', 'b_pawn.png')

wp = Piece('w', 'p', 'w_pawn.png')

bk = Piece('b', 'k', 'b_king.png')

wk = Piece('w', 'k', 'w_king.png')

br = Piece('b', 'r', 'b_rook.png')

wr = Piece('w', 'r', 'w_rook.png')

bb = Piece('b', 'b', 'b_bishop.png')

wb = Piece('w', 'b', 'w_bishop.png')

bq = Piece('b', 'q', 'b_queen.png')

wq = Piece('w', 'q', 'w_queen.png')

bkn = Piece('b', 'kn', 'b_knight.png')

wkn = Piece('w', 'kn', 'w_knight.png')

starting_order = {(0, 0): pygame.image.load(br.image), (1, 0): pygame.image.load(bkn.image),

                  (2, 0): pygame.image.load(bb.image), (3, 0): pygame.image.load(bk.image),

                  (4, 0): pygame.image.load(bq.image), (5, 0): pygame.image.load(bb.image),

                  (6, 0): pygame.image.load(bkn.image), (7, 0): pygame.image.load(br.image),

                  (0, 1): pygame.image.load(bp.image), (1, 1): pygame.image.load(bp.image),

                  (2, 1): pygame.image.load(bp.image), (3, 1): pygame.image.load(bp.image),

                  (4, 1): pygame.image.load(bp.image), (5, 1): pygame.image.load(bp.image),

                  (6, 1): pygame.image.load(bp.image), (7, 1): pygame.image.load(bp.image),

                  (0, 2): None, (1, 2): None, (2, 2): None, (3, 2): None,

                  (4, 2): None, (5, 2): None, (6, 2): None, (7, 2): None,

                  (0, 3): None, (1, 3): None, (2, 3): None, (3, 3): None,

                  (4, 3): None, (5, 3): None, (6, 3): None, (7, 3): None,

                  (0, 4): None, (1, 4): None, (2, 4): None, (3, 4): None,

                  (4, 4): None, (5, 4): None, (6, 4): None, (7, 4): None,

                  (0, 5): None, (1, 5): None, (2, 5): None, (3, 5): None,

                  (4, 5): None, (5, 5): None, (6, 5): None, (7, 5): None,

                  (0, 6): pygame.image.load(wp.image), (1, 6): pygame.image.load(wp.image),

                  (2, 6): pygame.image.load(wp.image), (3, 6): pygame.image.load(wp.image),

                  (4, 6): pygame.image.load(wp.image), (5, 6): pygame.image.load(wp.image),

                  (6, 6): pygame.image.load(wp.image), (7, 6): pygame.image.load(wp.image),

                  (0, 7): pygame.image.load(wr.image), (1, 7): pygame.image.load(wkn.image),

                  (2, 7): pygame.image.load(wb.image), (3, 7): pygame.image.load(wk.image),

                  (4, 7): pygame.image.load(wq.image), (5, 7): pygame.image.load(wb.image),

                  (6, 7): pygame.image.load(wkn.image), (7, 7): pygame.image.load(wr.image),}

def create_board(board):

    board[0] = [Piece('b', 'r', 'b_rook.png'), Piece('b', 'kn', 'b_knight.png'), Piece('b', 'b', 'b_bishop.png'), \

               Piece('b', 'q', 'b_queen.png'), Piece('b', 'k', 'b_king.png'), Piece('b', 'b', 'b_bishop.png'), \

               Piece('b', 'kn', 'b_knight.png'), Piece('b', 'r', 'b_rook.png')]

    board[7] = [Piece('w', 'r', 'w_rook.png'), Piece('w', 'kn', 'w_knight.png'), Piece('w', 'b', 'w_bishop.png'), \

               Piece('w', 'q', 'w_queen.png'), Piece('w', 'k', 'w_king.png'), Piece('w', 'b', 'w_bishop.png'), \

               Piece('w', 'kn', 'w_knight.png'), Piece('w', 'r', 'w_rook.png')]

    for i in range(8):

        board[1][i] = Piece('b', 'p', 'b_pawn.png')

        board[6][i] = Piece('w', 'p', 'w_pawn.png')

    return board

def on_board(position):

    if position[0] > -1 and position[1] > -1 and position[0] < 8 and position[1] < 8:

        return True

def convert_to_readable(board):

    output = ''

    for i in board:

        for j in i:


                output += + j.type + ', '


                output += j + ', '

        output += '\n'

    return output

def deselect():

    for row in range(len(board)):

        for column in range(len(board[0])):

            if board[row][column] == 'x ':

                board[row][column] = '  '



                    board[row][column].killable = False



    return convert_to_readable(board)

def highlight(board):

    highlighted = []

    for i in range(len(board)):

        for j in range(len(board[0])):

            if board[i][j] == 'x ':

                highlighted.append((i, j))



                    if board[i][j].killable:

                        highlighted.append((i, j))



    return highlighted

def check_team(moves, index):

    row, col = index

    if moves%2 == 0:

        if board[row][col].team == 'w':

            return True


        if board[row][col].team == 'b':

            return True

def select_moves(piece, index, moves):

    if check_team(moves, index):

        if piece.type == 'p':

            if == 'b':

                return highlight(pawn_moves_b(index))


                return highlight(pawn_moves_w(index))

        if piece.type == 'k':

            return highlight(king_moves(index))

        if piece.type == 'r':

            return highlight(rook_moves(index))

        if piece.type == 'b':

            return highlight(bishop_moves(index))

        if piece.type == 'q':

            return highlight(queen_moves(index))

        if piece.type == 'kn':

            return highlight(knight_moves(index))

def pawn_moves_b(index):

    if index[0] == 1:

        if board[index[0] + 2][index[1]] == '  ' and board[index[0] + 1][index[1]] == '  ':

            board[index[0] + 2][index[1]] = 'x '

    bottom3 = [[index[0] + 1, index[1] + i] for i in range(-1, 2)]

    for positions in bottom3:

        if on_board(positions):

            if bottom3.index(positions) % 2 == 0:


                    if board[positions[0]][positions[1]].team != 'b':

                        board[positions[0]][positions[1]].killable = True




                if board[positions[0]][positions[1]] == '  ':

                    board[positions[0]][positions[1]] = 'x '

    return board

def pawn_moves_w(index):

    if index[0] == 6:

        if board[index[0] - 2][index[1]] == '  ' and board[index[0] - 1][index[1]] == '  ':

            board[index[0] - 2][index[1]] = 'x '

    top3 = [[index[0] - 1, index[1] + i] for i in range(-1, 2)]

    for positions in top3:

        if on_board(positions):

            if top3.index(positions) % 2 == 0:


                    if board[positions[0]][positions[1]].team != 'w':

                        board[positions[0]][positions[1]].killable = True




                if board[positions[0]][positions[1]] == '  ':

                    board[positions[0]][positions[1]] = 'x '

    return board

def king_moves(index):

    for y in range(3):

        for x in range(3):

            if on_board((index[0] - 1 + y, index[1] - 1 + x)):

                if board[index[0] - 1 + y][index[1] - 1 + x] == '  ':

                    board[index[0] - 1 + y][index[1] - 1 + x] = 'x '


                    if board[index[0] - 1 + y][index[1] - 1 + x].team != board[index[0]][index[1]].team:

                        board[index[0] - 1 + y][index[1] - 1 + x].killable = True

    return board

def rook_moves(index):

    cross = [[[index[0] + i, index[1]] for i in range(1, 8 - index[0])],

             [[index[0] - i, index[1]] for i in range(1, index[0] + 1)],

             [[index[0], index[1] + i] for i in range(1, 8 - index[1])],

             [[index[0], index[1] - i] for i in range(1, index[1] + 1)]]

    for direction in cross:

        for positions in direction:

            if on_board(positions):

                if board[positions[0]][positions[1]] == '  ':

                    board[positions[0]][positions[1]] = 'x '


                    if board[positions[0]][positions[1]].team != board[index[0]][index[1]].team:

                        board[positions[0]][positions[1]].killable = True


    return board

def bishop_moves(index):

    diagonals = [[[index[0] + i, index[1] + i] for i in range(1, 8)],

                 [[index[0] + i, index[1] - i] for i in range(1, 8)],

                 [[index[0] - i, index[1] + i] for i in range(1, 8)],

                 [[index[0] - i, index[1] - i] for i in range(1, 8)]]

    for direction in diagonals:

        for positions in direction:

            if on_board(positions):

                if board[positions[0]][positions[1]] == '  ':

                    board[positions[0]][positions[1]] = 'x '


                    if board[positions[0]][positions[1]].team != board[index[0]][index[1]].team:

                        board[positions[0]][positions[1]].killable = True


    return board

def queen_moves(index):

    board = rook_moves(index)

    board = bishop_moves(index)

    return board

def knight_moves(index):

    for i in range(-2, 3):

        for j in range(-2, 3):

            if i ** 2 + j ** 2 == 5:

                if on_board((index[0] + i, index[1] + j)):

                    if board[index[0] + i][index[1] + j] == '  ':

                        board[index[0] + i][index[1] + j] = 'x '


                        if board[index[0] + i][index[1] + j].team != board[index[0]][index[1]].team:

                            board[index[0] + i][index[1] + j].killable = True

    return board

WIDTH = 800

WIN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, WIDTH))


WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

GREY = (128, 128, 128)

YELLOW = (204, 204, 0)

BLUE = (50, 255, 255)

BLACK = (0, 0, 0)

class Node:

    def __init__(self, row, col, width):

        self.row = row

        self.col = col

        self.x = int(row * width)

        self.y = int(col * width)

        self.colour = WHITE

        self.occupied = None

    def draw(self, WIN):

        pygame.draw.rect(WIN, self.colour, (self.x, self.y, WIDTH / 8, WIDTH / 8))

    def setup(self, WIN):

        if starting_order[(self.row, self.col)]:

            if starting_order[(self.row, self.col)] == None:



                WIN.blit(starting_order[(self.row, self.col)], (self.x, self.y))

def make_grid(rows, width):

    grid = []

    gap = WIDTH // rows


    for i in range(rows):


        for j in range(rows):

            node = Node(j, i, gap)


            if (i+j)%2 ==1:

                grid[i][j].colour = GREY

    return grid

def draw_grid(win, rows, width):

    gap = width // 8

    for i in range(rows):

        pygame.draw.line(win, BLACK, (0, i * gap), (width, i * gap))

        for j in range(rows):

            pygame.draw.line(win, BLACK, (j * gap, 0), (j * gap, width))

def update_display(win, grid, rows, width):

    for row in grid:

        for spot in row:



    draw_grid(win, rows, width)


def Find_Node(pos, WIDTH):

    interval = WIDTH / 8

    y, x = pos

    rows = y // interval

    columns = x // interval

    return int(rows), int(columns)

def display_potential_moves(positions, grid):

    for i in positions:

        x, y = i

        grid[x][y].colour = BLUE

def Do_Move(OriginalPos, FinalPosition, WIN):

    starting_order[FinalPosition] = starting_order[OriginalPos]

    starting_order[OriginalPos] = None

def remove_highlight(grid):

    for i in range(len(grid)):

        for j in range(len(grid[0])):

            if (i+j)%2 == 0:

                grid[i][j].colour = WHITE


                grid[i][j].colour = GREY

    return grid


def main(WIN, WIDTH):

    moves = 0

    selected = False


    grid = make_grid(8, WIDTH)

    while True:

        pygame.time.delay(50) ##stops cpu dying

        for event in pygame.event.get():

            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:



            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:

                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

                y, x = Find_Node(pos, WIDTH)

                if selected == False:


                        possible = select_moves((board[x][y]), (x,y), moves)

                        for positions in possible:

                            row, col = positions

                            grid[row][col].colour = BLUE

                        piece_to_move = x,y

                        selected = True


                        piece_to_move = []

                        print('Can\'t select')




                        if board[x][y].killable == True:

                            row, col = piece_to_move ## coords of original piece

                            board[x][y] = board[row][col]

                            board[row][col] = '  '



                            Do_Move((col, row), (y, x), WIN)

                            moves += 1





                            selected = False



                        if board[x][y] == 'x ':

                            row, col = piece_to_move

                            board[x][y] = board[row][col]

                            board[row][col] = '  '



                            Do_Move((col, row), (y, x), WIN)

                            moves += 1





                            selected = False

                            print("Invalid move")

                    selected = False

            update_display(WIN, grid, 8, WIDTH)

main(WIN, WIDTH)


Estimated Time to complete the project: 5 - 7 Days

15. Real-Time Strategy Game

Brief Intro & Objective

A Python-based RTS (Real-Time Strategy) game allows players to control units and structures in real-time, overseeing resources, constructing armies, and devising strategies to outsmart rivals. The objective is generally to conquer the opponent by either annihilating their base, overpowering their troops, or achieving particular goals in the game. 

Key Concepts & Skills Learned

  • OOP
  • pathfinding algorithms
  • AI
  • Game loop and event handling
  • networking
  • resource management and optimization
  • Debugging and testing

Libraries Used 

  • pygame
  • pyglet
  • NumPy
  • Socket

Game Mechanics

  • Set up the selected library (e.g., Pygame) to create the game window and environment.
  • Establish systems for resources such as minerals or energy, which players gather and utilize to construct units and buildings.
  • Create classes for various units (like soldiers and workers) and structures (such as barracks and factories), including traits for health, attack strength, cost, and skills.
  • Design a game map featuring landscapes, barriers, and initial spots for players.
  • Process player commands for choosing units, giving instructions (move, attack, construct), and overseeing resources.
  • Enforce gameplay regulations, including unit battles, structure creation, and winning criteria.
  • Create an AI rival capable of resource management, unit construction, and combat engagement.
  • Include visuals for units, structures, and the surroundings, along with audio effects for activities and occurrences.
  • Make certain that the game refreshes immediately, managing actions and events as they happen.

Code Breakdown

import pygame

import sys

# Initialize Pygame


# Set up display



screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))

pygame.display.set_caption("Basic RTS Game")

# Define colors

WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

BLACK = (0, 0, 0)

GREEN = (0, 255, 0)

RED = (255, 0, 0)

# Define a basic unit class

class Unit(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, x, y):


        self.image = pygame.Surface((40, 40))


        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

        self.rect.x = x

        self.rect.y = y

        self.speed = 5

    def update(self):

        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()

        if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]:

            self.rect.x -= self.speed

        if keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]:

            self.rect.x += self.speed

        if keys[pygame.K_UP]:

            self.rect.y -= self.speed

        if keys[pygame.K_DOWN]:

            self.rect.y += self.speed

    def draw(self, surface):

        surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)

# Create a sprite group for all units

all_units = pygame.sprite.Group()

# Function to create a new unit

def create_unit(x, y):

    unit = Unit(x, y)


# Main game loop

def game_loop():

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    running = True


    # Create the first unit

    create_unit(100, 100)


    while running:



        for event in pygame.event.get():

            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

                running = False

        # Update and draw all units




        clock.tick(60)  # 60 FPS



if __name__ == "__main__":



Estimated Time to complete the project: 12 - 24 Months

Also Read: Python Banking Project [With Source Code]

How upGrad will help You in learning Python Game Development

upGrad is a platform that provides you with the resources to excel in game development and succeed in the gaming sector. If you are kick-starting your journey or aiming to boost your career in python, upGrad’s programs are designed to support you at every stage. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which Python libraries are best for game development?

2. Is Pygame suitable for developing complex games?

3. Can I develop 3D games with Python?

4. How can I implement AI in Python games?

5. What is the easiest game to code as a beginner in Python?

6. How do I handle graphics and animations in Python games?

7. Can Python be used for mobile game development?

8. Are there any open-source Python game projects I can contribute to?

9. Are there any game engines that support Python scripting?

10. What are some popular games developed using Python?

11. How do I debug and test Python games effectively?

Rohit Sharma

690 articles published

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