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10 Startup Ideas for Techies to Become an Entrepreneur

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30th Jan, 2019
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10 Startup Ideas for Techies to Become an Entrepreneur

Being a techie is an advantage nowadays. The Internet opens ample vistas for techies looking for great employment opportunities. But techies also enjoy an edge over other ordinary graduates, they can launch great startups. Indeed, startup ecosystems in most countries are conducive for techies to become entrepreneurs.
Despite these inherent advantages, most techies fumble in the dark about what to do with their knowledge, skills, and experience. While some open copycat startups whose success is dicey, others come up with innovative ideas but find limited markets.
As a techie, if you want to launch a great startup that can ensure success, you need some workable ideas that need minimal investment.

Here is the list of 10 tested and proven startup ideas for techies that can help you become an entrepreneur:

1. Best Startup Ideas

A great feature of these startup ideas is they can be launched from home. Further, you need not look for funds from outside sources.

2. App Development

As mobile Internet usage grows, people worldwide increasingly use apps for various activities. Common functions performed through smartphones includes online shopping, reading news, conducting financial transactions and entertainment, among others. This requires apps.
As a techie, you can launch a startup that develops apps for all sorts of organizations. Going by the sheer number of apps available on Google Play and Apple Store, you can be assured of ample business. Any techie can launch an app development startup from home and with minimal investment.
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3. Data Analytical Services

In the booming world of e-commerce, every online business is anxious to know about how they are performing in cyberspace vis-à-vis their competitors. For this, they outsource services that can analyze data of their website. This data includes the geographical location of visitors, most viewed products, the conversion rate from visitor to customer, cost of operations and lots more.
If you are a techie adept in data analysis, launch a startup in this field. It is indeed a great startup idea for techies since e-commerce is here to stay. A data analytical services startup, therefore, will become an evergreen enterprise. There should be no dearth of clients.

4. Blogger

Any techie with good knowledge about the field can open a professional blog. Indeed, setting up a blog is relatively economical and can offer high returns. All you need is a great domain name that can be purchased online. And you would need website hosting services and other essentials that are highly affordable.
Create an excellent blog by writing about your passion, skills or even the field of your specialization. Two excellent bloggers that have struck it rich include Ariana Huffington of the US who owns HuffPost and Amit Agarwal from India. The two had unique ideas for the blog, passion for writing and were willing to exert extra efforts to ensure success. You too can launch a great startup as a blogger.

5. Digital Marketing Training

Digital marketing can merely be described as a process where a business promotes itself on the Internet and tries to get higher ranking on Google searches. However, the process is more complex. It involves Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and lots more.
Nowadays, there exists a huge demand for digital marketing professionals. Should you wish to cash on this booming demand and have required skills as a techie, open a startup that trains aspiring digital marketing professionals. This is an evergreen field, and you will experience no dearth of students.

6. Digital Marketing Services

While still on topic, you can also launch a startup as a techie in the field that offers digital marketing services to companies. Nowadays, digital marketing is vital for all businesses serious about remaining in the competitive online market. Understandably, not all companies can afford a separate digital marketing department. Hence they outsource the function from external sources.
As techie and expert in digital marketing, launch a startup that provides these essential services. If your startup delivers results a client desires, you may be overwhelmed with orders and contracts. It is indeed a very lucrative enterprise.

7. Online Threat Management

Indisputably, businesses worldwide are experiencing an increasing threat from hackers, phishers, and malware and ransomware attackers. They cause immense losses to companies. Most companies cannot afford fulltime threat management staff. This is where you can step in as techie and open a startup that offers online threat detection and management services.
Understandably, there are large organizations in this sector. However, their services can prove unaffordable to most small and medium businesses. You can launch a great startup that helps companies protect their websites and data from online threats as a techie.

8. Payroll Management

Are you a techie adept with accounting and financial transactions? Then launch a startup that manages payrolls for companies. Businesses that have high payrolls and need to remit salaries, wages and allowances on time need this service. Such clients will send you raw data related to staff attendance, paid and unpaid leave, deductions for taxes and other purposes, incentives, bonuses, and other details.
Your job as techie would be to use accounting software, calculate how much has to be paid to each employee and remit the money to the bank using their online payments systems. Or, you may offer payroll management services that calculate wages and send them to the company to make payments.
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9. Online Ads Management

Companies worldwide spend billions of Dollars on online advertising to boost their business for gaining an edge over rivals. Unfortunately, not every online advertising campaign is a success. This occurs due to targeting the wrong audience, unattractive ads, insufficient budget, and several other reasons.
You, as a techie, can launch a startup for online ads management. This means creating clever marketing, branding and advertising strategies for the client, drawing budgets, identifying the target audience and finding proper ways and means to ensure that ads are viewed. This can prove a very lucrative startup if you possess the necessary skills as a techie.

10. Remote Assistance

Remote assistance is a process that enables you to troubleshoot problems faced by clients with their software or hardware. It is a feature that is commonly utilized by people and companies using Windows-based systems. Providing remote assistance services to individuals and companies is a great startup idea if you are a techie adept in Windows and other related software.
Nowadays, lots of software is available for techies that wish to offer remote assistance services. This is a startup that any techie with adequate knowledge of fixing glitches in software can launch from home. Providing online remote assistance dispenses with the need to wait long for fixing glitches.

11. Artificial Intelligence Development (Bonus Idea)

Artificial Intelligence or AI is fast replacing humans in various spheres. Of course, AI cannot eliminate or match human intelligence at any point in time. But AI is finding increasing uses in multiple areas like the finance and investment industry through Interactive Voice Response systems and others.
As AI continues to find increasing acceptance in various industries, techies proficient in the field can launch a startup that offers such services. You can develop AI-based solutions for clients. This is emerging as a fast-growing industry. Indeed, AI is billed as the future of all businesses that need to interact with the client.
A techie can broadly be defined as someone that has adequate skills and experience in some technical field. If you have the necessary talent, try any of these 10 startup ideas for techies. A lot of startups are also bought over by established leaders in various fields. Who knows? Your startup might make a splash worldwide if it is innovative and has ample business.
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Remember, even global giants like Amazon, Airbnb and Uber began as startups. Today they are leading brands in their respective fields. Armed with the right idea and skills, you too can achieve great success and carve your niche in history.

If you want to learn more about marketing and entrepreneurship, Liverpool Business School & upGrad offers Master of Business Administration (MBA) Liverpool Business School which helps you to transform your career. The program provides 1-on-1 mentorship from industry leaders, 1-week immersion program at University campus, dual credentials (MBA from LBS & PGPM from IMT), network with peers at offline basecamps and more.


Garima Pachauri

Blog Author
Garima is a free thinker and an enthusiastic writer. Her area of interest in blogging is Business ideas, Tips on career, business start-up and education related topics.
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