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11 Successful Tips to get Ranked on Google

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15th Jan, 2019
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11 Successful Tips to get Ranked on Google

The writers have more control over getting their pieces on the people’s online radar. Down towards that like all things, Google relies on algorithms and formulas to ensure that they are giving people what they want. According to the Google News Help Center, the site selects and ranks articles based on many factors, including originality, diversity, freshness, places, and relevance.

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Go to the process equipped with proven tips and editorial strategies to reduce the focus of search engines and to promote your overall traffic on Google News and to Increase Traffic On Your Website.

  1. Publish Unique Content

The Google News index gives the value of unique, original content with a clear feature. Resist the request to revive or restore existing articles. Instead, publish relevant, unique, and most important trusted copy to get a higher priority than other articles.

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  1. Headlines substance

Headlines play an important role in Google’s tracking formula – count them. The logic for ranking in the news box is more “simple structured” than general search results, which is essential to use correct words and word combinations. Take advantage of powerful keywords and tell as much of the story as possible by including names, companies, associations, and events in your article titles.

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  1. First paragraph

Get to the point quickly. In the first paragraph, launch your piece by answering your story’s founder 5W (Who, What, Where, When, and Why). Use your first few sentences to provide as much detail as possible and run home to discuss the rest.

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  1. Click-through Rate

Google tracks each click on each article, so give the preferred click-through rate the highest priority. Clickable components such as Focus on Headline, Description (many content management system CMS usage excerpts as meta description), first sentence, images and videos to increase the probability of increasing your online competitiveness.

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  1. Use Multimedia

The Google News index looks for content that provides a multimedia experience, which makes use of graphics and/or video important. While using an image, Make sure you follow those Google tips for maximum return on investment.

  1. Become a Brand

As a journalist, your online reputation becomes your digital brand – do not wander from it. Your readers will come back frequently based on the estimation of your published material. If you are writing for a major national publication, then the same rules apply. Embrace the brand you are writing and try to give to your audience when they click on your piece.
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  1. Stay Tuned

As a news writer, you are dependent on automated daily events, such as weather events, breaking news, and world events. However, there are many topics and programs that are estimated, like elections or sports events. Stay tuned in your news perspective to customize the results. Unexpectedly respond quickly, but ensure a diverse, attractive mix of topics for your readers, as well as keep a constant focus on the estimated items.

  1. Optimize for Rankbrain

Rankbrain is Google’s machine-learning AI system, which has been revealed by Google in a wide range of factors contributing to one of the top three ranking indicators.
Google uses Rankbrain to handle questionable or unique questions that were never asked before. New brand new questions create up to 15% of all searches in a day, and as Google daily processes 3 BN searches, this means that one day 450 meters of search is completely unique.
Machine learning is clearly necessary to deal with this huge demand, and search marketers can actually be difficult to customize.
However, according to our recent post on how to optimize content for Rankbrain, you can do so in many ways, most importantly. Create content that answers unique questions that are especially relevant to your audience are there.
There will be time, research and a little test and error, but with a clear reference and helpful information in your clearly formatted, long-form content, you can begin to see more visibility for relevant questions.

  1. Optimize for ‘I have’ search queries

According to Google, ‘micro-moments’ are important touch points within today’s consumer travel, and when they are added together, they finally decide how the journey ends.
It basically points to mobile as the main driver for local search, and in fact, you must be so mandatory for it.
Since Chris Lake mentions in his post for optimizing for micro-moments, mobile searchers are very active and brands are not loyal, so there is a big opportunity especially due to poor mobile user experiences, many businesses are retreating.
Here the advice is about anticipation, relevance, and ease of use:

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  1. Optimize your local presence

From the last point, if you are not actually ‘there’, then this is not a good optimization for the ‘I have’ search query. So you need to solve your local SEO. You can do this even by optimizing your Google from My Business page. Out of many other things, you have to make sure that you have the following features: 

  • A long and unique description of your business
  • Choose the right categories
  • Important information on opening times
  • Image – Lots Of Imagery
  • Regular updates
  • A local phone number and business address.

And one of the other major local SEO factors is making sure that you have many customer reviews

  1. Answer a question

With the adaptation of natural language, the following is able to answer questions directly with your content.
Google scraps third-party websites so that the searchers can be presented with a clear SEP answer of their ‘Knowledge-based questions’. Although the main site was used in Wikipedia, it is decreasing because Google acknowledges that more quality experts are coming from other publishers.

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Find out what question your site can answer and create content that really does. If you are as brief as possible, it will help you give the questions in the headline and you answer the question as soon as possible in the article.

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Avani Shah

Blog Author
Avani Shah is a Marketing Manager at TemplateTrip. Avani is also experienced in Prestashop Responsive Themes, WordPress E-commerce Themes, Opencart Parallax Theme. She also likes to share her thoughts, on SEO, Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Web Development.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1How to rank in the number one position on Google?

You have to have a solid SEO strategy to gain the number one spot on Google search results. Select a set of keywords and keep publishing relevant and authoritative content which is the number one driver for Google search rankings.

Make sure that you regularly update your content through blogging and any relevant content space. Check your metadata to ensure that it adheres to best practices for your website. This involves some deep diving into Title, Description as well as Keywords.

Lastly, having a link worthy site adds a lot of value when Google crawls through your web pages. Gaining links from other websites not only boosts your search engine optimisation efforts but adds credibility and authority to your website. This in turn helps you gain better rankings on Google Search.

2 How long does it take to rank your page on Google?

Generally, the timeline to rank your page on Google is anywhere between 61 to 182 days. That is about 2 to 6 months on average. This is if you are really lucky.

There are several factors such as website strength, competition, budget, skills, etc. that come into play in helping you rank on Google. However, looking at the petabytes of historical ranking data will help you arrive at an informed guesstimate of how soon you can expect to rank on Google search results.

Findings point towards the fact that low volume keywords rank on Google in a short time whereas high volume keywords can take up to a year to show some tangible results.

3Can you pay Google to rank higher?

No, you cannot pay Google to organically rank higher in the search results. However, if you are looking for short term results, you can certainly explore Google’s Pay-per-Click model that will help your business gain traction and momentum.

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