Top 10 Real Time Python Projects [Beginners to Advanced]
Updated on Feb 14, 2024 | 8 min read | 14.4k views
For working professionals
For fresh graduates
Updated on Feb 14, 2024 | 8 min read | 14.4k views
Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages in the USA. The average annual salary of a python developer in the US is $79,395. Enticing, isn’t it?
If you wish to start your tech journey with Python, you’ll have to learn the theoretical concepts and simultaneously execute your knowledge in real-world projects. This blog lists ten real-time Python projects that will help you polish your coding skills and add value to your CV.
Here are some exciting and valuable Python Project Ideas from beginner to advanced level:
One of the best and classic real-time python projects that you must give a try is the hangman game. It is a guessing game played by two or more players. One player thinks of a word or a sentence and writes it down with some alphabet missing from the word.
The other players must guess that word by alphabet from A-Z and fill it in the missing positions. If the other player guesses the correct alphabet, it appears in the missing space. When the player correctly serves all the missing alphabets, the man gets hung, and the player wins.
The hangman game is a beginner-level python project because it does not require any complex coding. It only involves python loop functions. Here is your step-by-step guide to creating the hangman game with Python.
To gain learning experience, you should first try writing the code on your own. However, if you get stuck, you can find the hangman code online.
Another python project for beginners is the scientific calculator. A scientific calculator is different from a digital calculator. They are used to solve complex engineering and mathematical problems quickly. Therefore, building a scientific calculator through Python is very useful.
You can build an advanced scientific calculator app for your desktop by using the Python Tkinter GUI script. Let us see how you can design a scientific calculator with Python:
Anagram is a vocabulary game where the players have to make different small words from a bigger word. You can also build an anagram by using the Python language. In Python, an anagram is made with the help of strings. If the characters of one string can be rearranged to form another string, it is called an anagram, such as late and tale.
To design an anagram, you must know python strings. You must also ensure that all the characters are lowercase or uppercase because T and t are different Python characters. Therefore, to build an anagram, the characters of the strings must be interchangeable. You can use the lower () to convert the characters into lower case.
There are four techniques to design an anagram in Python.
Since most websites or platforms make it mandatory for their users to enter special characters, upper case and lower case characters while generating their password, a password generator comes in handy. Moreover, due to increased cyber security threats, it has become necessary to use a password generator to create strong passwords.
Following are the steps to design a password generator using Python.
Another interesting Python project is the location finder using a phone number. Through this app, you will be able to find that a phone number is from which country. Following are the steps to design a location finder with Python:
Since people are becoming more aware of their health, building a calorie tracker with Python is a fantastic project idea. You can create a calorie tracker in Python with the help of Django, an open-source web development Python framework. To construct a calorie tracker, you must know the basic concepts of Python, Django framework, HTML, bootstrap, and CSS.
Here are the steps to create a calories tracker using Python:
A speech-to-text converter is another practical Python project. To work on this project, you should be familiar with speech recognition APIs (application planning interfaces) like Google cloud speech. Here is how you can design a speech-to-text converter with Python.
Chatbots have become popular in e-commerce businesses to resolve customer grievances. Here is how you can build a Chatbot using Python:
You can also create an MP3 music player with Python. Following are the steps to build a music player.
To create an app from Python that extracts text from an image, you need to have basic knowledge of Tesseract, OpenCV, and Tkinter.
Also, Check out all Trending Python Tutorial Concepts in 2024.
Python has a simple syntax and is hence a beginner-friendly language. Not just that, developers of all experience levels worldwide used Python to build robust applications and software tools. Thus, mastering Python will only help you reap numerous benefits. You can bag high-profile software development and data science jobs and design meaningful tools to help solve real-world problems. Such beginner-level projects are an excellent way to start your Python journey.
Another lucrative option for Python aspirants is a professional certification course. For instance, upGrad’s Executive PG Program in Data Science will be an ideal course for those who want to learn practical skills required in data science or engineering. You can choose from three specializations – deep learning, data analytics, and data engineering.
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