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Bitwise Operators in Java: Types, Implementation and Advantages

By Rohan Vats

Updated on Jan 27, 2025 | 15 min read | 15.2k views


Operators are essential in programming for efficient computation and data manipulation. This article focuses on Bitwise operators in Java, including Bitwise logical operators and the Bitwise complement operator. 

These operators operate directly on binary representations and are widely used for tasks like encryption, data compression, and optimizing memory by manipulating specific bits. 

You’ll explore their implementation, practical use cases, and how they improve low-level programming in Java.

Overview of Bitwise operators in Java

Bitwise operators in Java are specialized tools that perform operations directly on binary representations of integers. They work at the bit level, manipulating individual bits to execute tasks like shifting, flipping, or combining binary values. These operators are highly efficient for low-level programming, data encryption, and optimization tasks.

Here’s how they work and their types:

  • Bitwise AND (&): Compares each bit of two integers and returns 1 only if both bits are 1.
  • Bitwise OR (|): Compares each bit of two integers and returns 1 if at least one bit is 1.
  • Bitwise XOR (^): Compares bits of two integers and returns 1 if the bits are different.
  • Bitwise Complement (~): Also called the Bitwise complement operator in Java, it inverts all bits of an integer, flipping 1 to 0 and vice versa.
  • Left Shift (<<): Shifts bits to the left, filling zeros from the right.
  • Right Shift (>>): Shifts bits to the right, preserving the sign bit for negative numbers.
  • Unsigned Right Shift (>>>): Shifts bits to the right and fills zeros, ignoring the sign bit.

These Bitwise logical operators make Java highly efficient for tasks like encryption, encoding, and optimizing memory usage. Understanding their behavior is crucial for binary-level operations.

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Now, let’s explore the different types of Bitwise operators in Java and how they work.

Different Types of Bitwise Operators in Java Explained

Bitwise operators in Java are powerful tools that allow programmers to manipulate individual bits of binary numbers. These operators are essential for tasks like combining, shifting, and flipping bits, which are fundamental in low-level programming, encryption, and optimization processes. 

By working directly with binary data, Bitwise operators help you write efficient and compact code for operations that require precision and speed.

Building on this connection, understanding the types of Bitwise operators in Java is crucial for implementing such optimizations effectively. 

Also Read: Top 8 Reasons Why Java is So Popular With Developers in 2025

Let’s dive into the various Bitwise operators with detailed explanations, examples, and truth tables, starting with a quick overview of them in a tabular format.




Bitwise AND & Returns 1 if both corresponding bits are 1.
Bitwise OR ` `
Bitwise XOR ^ Returns 1 if the bits are different.
Bitwise Complement ~ Inverts each bit (1 becomes 0 and 0 becomes 1).
Left Shift << Shifts bits to the left, adding zeros on the right.
Signed Right Shift >> Shifts bits to the right, preserving the sign bit.
Unsigned Right Shift >>> Shifts bits to the right, filling zeros regardless of sign.

Let us now have a look at each of these operators in detail. 

1. Bitwise OR (|)

The Bitwise OR operator (|) compares each bit of two numbers and returns 1 if either of the corresponding bits is 1.


result = number1 | number2;


Let’s calculate 5 | 3:

  • Binary for 5: 0101
  • Binary for 3: 0011
  • Bitwise OR: 0101 | 0011 = 0111 (Decimal 7)

Truth Table:

A truth table is a tabular representation used in logic, mathematics, and computer science to show all possible truth values for logical expressions or operations. It lists all combinations of input values (e.g., true or false) and their corresponding output for a given logic gate or operation. 

Truth tables are essential for understanding the behavior of logical operations like AND, OR, and NOT.

Here is a truth table for the example above:

Bit 1

Bit 2

Result (OR)

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

Bitwise OR is commonly used in bit masking and setting specific bits. Let’s move to Bitwise AND, which filters bits by preserving only the 1s common to both inputs.

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2. Bitwise AND (&)

The Bitwise AND operator (&) compares each bit of two numbers and returns 1 only if both corresponding bits are 1.


result = number1 & number2;


Let’s calculate 5 & 3:

  • Binary for 5: 0101
  • Binary for 3: 0011
  • Bitwise AND: 0101 & 0011 = 0001 (Decimal 1)

Truth Table:

Bit 1

Bit 2

Result (&)

0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

This operator is useful in extracting specific bits from numbers. Next, let’s look at Bitwise XOR, which toggles bits based on differences.

3. Bitwise XOR (^)

The Bitwise XOR operator (^) is an important operator in Java that compares two binary numbers and returns 1 only if the corresponding bits differ.


result = number1 ^ number2;


Let’s calculate 5 ^ 3:

  • Binary for 5: 0101
  • Binary for 3: 0011
  • Bitwise XOR: 0101 ^ 0011 = 0110 (Decimal 6)

Truth Table:

Bit 1

Bit 2

Result (^)

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

This operator is widely used in encryption and error detection. Let’s move on to the Bitwise Complement Operator, which flips every bit of a number.

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4. Bitwise Complement Operator in Java (~)

The Bitwise Complement Operator (~) inverts each bit of a number, flipping 1 to 0 and 0 to 1.


result = ~number;


For 5:

The Bitwise complement operator (~) inverts all the bits of a number, turning 0 into 1 and 1 into 0. For the number 5, here's the step-by-step explanation:

  • Binary for 5 (32-bit representation): 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000101.
  • Bitwise complement: Invert all bits:  00000000000000000000000000000101=11111111111111111111111111111010~00000000 00000000 00000000 00000101 = 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111010 00000000000000000000000000000101=11111111111111111111111111111010
  • Two’s complement representation:
    In a 32-bit signed integer system, the result 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111010 is interpreted as a negative number. To calculate the decimal value:
    1. Invert the bits: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000101 (this is 5 in binary).
    2. Add 1: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000110 (this is 6 in binary).
    3. Add the negative sign: -6.

Decimal result: -6. This happens because the Bitwise complement flips all bits, and in two's complement, the result represents the negative of the original number incremented by 1.

Truth Table:


Result (~)

0 1
1 0

This operator is effective for inverting bits but requires caution with negative results. Next, let’s discuss Shift Operators, starting with Bitwise Left Shift.

5. Bitwise Left Shift (<<)

The Bitwise Left Shift Operator (<<) moves bits to the left by a specified number of positions, adding zeros on the right. Each shift multiplies the number by 2.


result = number << shifts;


 For 3 << 2

A left shift (<<) moves the binary digits of a number to the left by the specified number of positions.

  • Binary for 3: 00000011
  • Left shift by 2: 00001100 (two zeros added on the right)
  • Decimal result: 12

This effectively multiplies 3 by 22=4

Truth Table:




Binary Result

3 2 12 00001100

6. Signed Right Shift (>>)

The Signed Right Shift Operator (>>) moves bits to the right while preserving the sign bit.


result = number >> shifts;


For -8 >> 2:

A right shift (>>) moves the binary digits of a number to the right by the specified positions, keeping the sign bit (most significant bit) unchanged for negative numbers. For -8 >> 2:

  • Binary for -8 (2’s complement): 11111000
  • Right shift by 2: 11111110 (two bits shifted right, sign bit preserved)
  • Decimal result: -2

This effectively divides -8 by 22=4 rounding toward negative infinity.

Truth Table:




Binary Result

-8 2 -2 11111110

7. Unsigned Right Shift (>>>)

The Unsigned Right Shift Operator (>>>) moves bits to the right and fills zeros from the left, ignoring the sign bit.


result = number >>> shifts;


For -8 >>> 2:

An unsigned right shift (>>>) moves the binary digits to the right, filling the leftmost bits with 0 regardless of the sign. For -8 >>> 2:

  • Binary for -8 (32-bit representation): 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111000
  • Unsigned right shift by 2: 00111111 11111111 11111111 11111110 (two bits shifted right, leftmost bits filled with 0)
  • Decimal result: 1073741822

This treats the number as unsigned, effectively dividing it by 22=4 while discarding the sign.

Truth Table:




Binary Result

-8 2 1073741822 00111111 11111111 ...

These operators collectively enable powerful and efficient binary manipulations in Java.

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Understanding the different types of Bitwise operators in Java is essential for tasks like data manipulation and optimization. Interestingly, these operators can also play a role in solving problems like string permutations by efficiently managing binary states. Let’s briefly explore how permutations work in Java.

A Brief Overview: Permutation of a String in Java

Bitwise operations can optimize permutation generation by efficiently tracking included elements using bit masking.

In Java, a permutation of a string involves rearranging its characters in all possible orders. For a string of length n, there are n! (factorial of n) unique permutations. 

For example, the string "ABC" can generate permutations such as "ABC", "ACB", "BAC", "BCA", "CAB", and "CBA".

Generating permutations often involves recursive or iterative techniques. However, Bitwise operators in Java can also play a role in optimizing these algorithms. For instance, masking bits can efficiently track which characters are included in a current permutation, especially in problems requiring large datasets or generating subsets. 

By using the efficiency of Bitwise operations, you can enhance the performance of such computationally intensive tasks.

Knowing the different types of Bitwise operators in Java is the first step toward using them effectively. Once you’re familiar with their purpose, the next step is learning how to implement them in real-world situations. Let’s dive into the practical implementation of these operators.

How to Implement Bitwise Operators in Java?

Bitwise operators in Java allow you to perform operations on individual bits of integer data. They are especially useful for low-level programming tasks like cryptography, graphics programming, and bit manipulation. 

Below, you'll find a complete guide to implementing these operators, along with detailed examples and explanations.

Complete Java code for implementing Bitwise operators in Java

Bitwise operators include Bitwise AND, OR, XOR, and the Bitwise complement operator. Let’s implement them with examples.

Example: Basic implementation of Bitwise operators

public class BitwiseOperatorsDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int num1 = 6;  // Binary: 0110
        int num2 = 3;  // Binary: 0011

        // Bitwise AND
        int andResult = num1 & num2; // Binary: 0010
        System.out.println("Bitwise AND of " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + andResult);

        // Bitwise OR
        int orResult = num1 | num2; // Binary: 0111
        System.out.println("Bitwise OR of " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + orResult);

        // Bitwise XOR
        int xorResult = num1 ^ num2; // Binary: 0101
        System.out.println("Bitwise XOR of " + num1 + " and " + num2 + " is: " + xorResult);

        // Bitwise Complement
        int complementResult = ~num1; // Binary: Inverts all bits of num1
        System.out.println("Bitwise Complement of " + num1 + " is: " + complementResult);

        // Left Shift
        int leftShiftResult = num1 << 1; // Shifts bits of num1 left by 1 (Binary: 1100)
        System.out.println(num1 + " left-shifted by 1 is: " + leftShiftResult);

        // Right Shift
        int rightShiftResult = num1 >> 1; // Shifts bits of num1 right by 1 (Binary: 0011)
        System.out.println(num1 + " right-shifted by 1 is: " + rightShiftResult);

Input and Output Explanation

When you run the program, it performs various Bitwise operations. Here’s the output and its breakdown:

Input Values:

  • num1 = 6 (Binary: 0110)
  • num2 = 3 (Binary: 0011)


Bitwise AND of 6 and 3 is: 2

Bitwise OR of 6 and 3 is: 7

Bitwise XOR of 6 and 3 is: 5

Bitwise Complement of 6 is: -7

6 left-shifted by 1 is: 12

6 right-shifted by 1 is: 3

Explanation of Results:

  1. Bitwise AND (&): Compares each bit and sets the result to 1 if both bits are 1.
    • 0110 & 0011 = 0010 (Decimal: 2)
  2. Bitwise OR (|): Compares each bit and sets the result to 1 if at least one of the bits is 1.
    • 0110 | 0011 = 0111 (Decimal: 7)
  3. Bitwise XOR (^): Compares each bit and sets the result to 1 if the bits are different.
    • 0110 ^ 0011 = 0101 (Decimal: 5)
  4. Bitwise Complement (~): Inverts all bits of the number (1 becomes 0, and 0 becomes 1).
    • ~0110 = 1001 (in 2’s complement, -7 in decimal)
  5. Left Shift (<<): Shifts the bits to the left, filling with 0.
    • 0110 << 1 = 1100 (Decimal: 12)
  6. Right Shift (>>): Shifts the bits to the right, discarding the rightmost bit.
    • 0110 >> 1 = 0011 (Decimal: 3)

Understanding how to implement Bitwise operators in Java is only half the story. While their ability to manipulate individual bits offers unmatched efficiency, it's equally important to recognize their practical implications. 

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This brings us to the advantages and challenges of using Bitwise operators in Java—key considerations that will help you decide when and how to use them effectively in your projects.

Advantages And Challenges Of Using Bitwise Operators In Java

Bitwise operators in Java are incredibly powerful, especially in scenarios requiring precise control over data at the binary level. However, while they offer significant advantages, they also come with certain challenges. 

Here’s a detailed breakdown to help you understand both the benefits and the hurdles.

Advantages of using Bitwise operators in Java

Bitwise operators in Java are incredibly fast and efficient because they work directly with binary data. They help you perform tasks like masking, toggling, and shifting bits with minimal memory usage. 

Let’s explore how these features make Bitwise operators invaluable in certain programming scenarios.




High Performance Bitwise operations are much faster than arithmetic operations because they work directly on binary representations. Multiplying or dividing by powers of 2 is faster using left (<<) or right shifts (>>) than using traditional multiplication/division.
Low Memory Usage Bit masking or toggling bits allows you to process large datasets with minimal memory usage. Storing multiple boolean flags in a single integer by setting or clearing specific bits.
Essential for Low-Level Programming Crucial in fields like graphics programming, encryption, compression algorithms, and writing device drivers. Manipulating pixel data, encrypting files, or developing embedded systems.
Precise Data Control Enables modification of specific bits without affecting the rest of the data. Using the Bitwise complement operator (~) to invert all bits for algorithmic needs.
Compact and Concise Code Simplifies tasks like toggling, setting, or clearing bits compared to arithmetic or conditional logic. Toggling the nth bit of a number using number ^ (1 << n).

While the advantages of Bitwise operators in Java are impressive, they aren't without their challenges. Understanding these limitations is essential to use them effectively and avoid any kinds of issues in your code. 

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After covering the overall advantages of Bitwise operators in Java, let us take a closer look at the challenges in the field and how to resolve them. 

Challenges of using Bitwise operators in Java

While Bitwise operators are powerful, they can be difficult to read and debug, especially for beginners. They require a strong understanding of binary arithmetic and are limited to integer types. Let’s look at these challenges in detail and how you can overcome them.




Complex Readability Bitwise logic can make the code harder to understand without proper documentation. Use clear variable names and add comments to explain each operation's purpose.
Error-Prone for Beginners Binary representations and bit shifts can be confusing, leading to bugs. Test each operation individually and validate results before integrating into larger codebases.
Limited to Integer Types Bitwise operators work only with integer types (byte, short, int, long), not float or double. Use Float.floatToIntBits() or Double.doubleToLongBits() to convert floating-point numbers to integer representations.
Challenging Debugging Small mistakes, like misplaced shifts or logical operators, can cause significant, hard-to-trace issues. Use debugging tools and write unit tests specifically for edge cases.
Not Beginner-Friendly Requires a strong understanding of binary arithmetic, which can overwhelm newcomers. Start with simple examples like flipping bits before moving to advanced scenarios.

By understanding both the advantages and challenges of using Bitwise operators in Java, you can confidently decide when and how to use them in your projects.

Also Read: Bitwise Operators in C Programming: Types and Implementation with Code Examples in 2025

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are Bitwise operators in Java?

2. What are the types of Bitwise operators in Java?

3. What is the Bitwise complement operator in Java?

4. What are the uses of Bitwise logical operators in Java?

5. How do shift operators work in Java?

6. What are the advantages of using Bitwise operators in Java?

7. What are the challenges of using Bitwise operators in Java?

8. Can Bitwise operators be used with floating-point numbers?

9. How is the XOR operator (^) useful in Java?

10. What are common applications of Bitwise operators?

11. How can beginners start learning Bitwise operators in Java?

Rohan Vats

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