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What Is Ensemble Learning Algorithms in Machine Learning?

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What Is Ensemble Learning Algorithms in Machine Learning?

This guide will give you a thorough understanding of ensemble learning, ensemble methods in machine learning, ensemble algorithm, as well as important ensemble techniques, like boosting and bagging if you are a beginner who wants to understand in detail what an ensemble is or you want to brush up on your knowledge about variance and bias. This article’s goals are to present the idea of ensemble learning in machine language and explain the techniques that employ it. Let us first begin this guide with a basic question: what is ensemble learning in machine learning?

What Is Ensemble?

By mixing the predictions from various models, ensemble learning is a broad meta-approach to machine learning that aims to improve predictive performance. There are three techniques that rule the field of ensemble learning, even if there are an apparently infinite number of ensembles you can create for your predictive modeling issue. So much so that it is a topic of study that has given rise to numerous more specialized approaches rather than algorithms.

Bagging, stacking, and boosting are the three primary classes of ensemble learning techniques, and it’s critical to understand each one thoroughly and take it into account in any predictive modeling project.

But before building on math and code, you need a careful introduction to these strategies and the fundamental concepts underlying each technique.

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To have the right approach for ensemble machine learning, you must be aware of:

  • Using the prediction from various decision trees, bagging entails the result. 
  • When numerous distinct model types are fitted to the same data, stacking is used to learn how to combine the predictions most effectively.
  • A weighted average of the predictions is produced by boosting, which entails adding ensemble members in a sequential manner that corrects the predictions provided by earlier models.

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Ensemble Techniques

Here is a collection of ensemble techniques, starting with the most fundamental techniques and progressing to the most sophisticated ones.

Simple Ensemble Methods

In statistical parlance, modes are the numbers that appear frequently in a dataset. To predict results for every data point, the experts of machine learning use different models in ensemble techniques. These models are treated as distinct votes by these experts. Therefore, the prediction produced by the majority of models is considered to be the final prediction.

Advanced Ensemble Methods

The main objective of bagging is to reduce the number of errors that occur in decision trees. Here, the goal is to generate random replacement (subsets of the training data) samples of training datasets. Decision trees or other models are then trained using the subsets. 

Boosting: “Boosting,” an iterative ensemble method, modifies an observation’s weight in accordance with its most recent classification. In the event that observation is misclassified, “boosting” raises its weight, and vice versa. Boosting algorithms provide superior predictive models by reducing bias mistakes. 

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Standard Ensemble Learning Strategies

The term “ensemble machine learning” describes methods that aggregate the results of at least two different models.

Although there are practically countless ways to accomplish this, the most frequently discussed and used classes of ensemble learning approaches are probably three. Their success in solving a variety of predictive modeling issues is largely responsible for their appeal.

Over the past few years, a wide range of ensemble-based classifiers have been created. However, a lot of these are variations on a small number of well-known algorithms, whose abilities have also been well-examined and generally publicized.

We might refer to these ensemble learning techniques as “standard” because of how frequently they are used.

  1. Bagging in machine learning.
  2. Stacking in machine learning.
  3. Boosting in machine learning.

Each strategy is described by an algorithm, but more importantly, the success of each approach has led to a plethora of extensions and associated techniques. As a result, it is more helpful to think of each as a group of methods or accepted strategies for ensemble learning.

Instead of delving into the details of each technique, it is helpful to briefly describe, compare, and go through each method. It’s also crucial to keep in mind that although these three methods are frequently discussed and used, they do not entirely capture the scope of ensemble learning.

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Bagging in machine learning

The term “bootstrap aggregating” is an acronym for the ensemble approach known as “bagging,” which was one of the first to be suggested. 

Subsamples from a dataset are formed for this procedure, and they are referred to as “bootstrap sampling.” Simply said, replacement is used to generate random subsets of a dataset, and as a result, multiple subsets may include the same data point. 

Now that these subsets have been handled as separate datasets, several machine learning models will be fitted to them. The predictions from all such models trained on various subsets of the same data are taken into account during test time. 

The final forecast is calculated using an aggregation process. Be aware that a concurrent stream of processing takes place in the bagging procedure. The bagging method’s primary goal is to lower the variance of the ensemble predictions. 

As a result, the ensemble classifiers that are selected typically have low bias and high variance. Popular ensemble techniques built upon this methodology include: 

  • Extra Trees, 
  • Random Forest Classifiers, 
  • Bagged Decision Trees.

Stacking in machine learning

Similar to the bagging ensemble process for training multiple models, the stacking ensemble method also entails the creation of bootstrapped data subsets. 

Here, however, the results of all such models are fed into a meta-classifier, a different classifier that ultimately predicts the samples. The rationale behind utilizing two layers of classifiers is to assess how effectively the training set of data has been learned. 

There are also multi-level stacking ensemble techniques that use extra classifier layers between each one. However, for very little performance improvement, such procedures become quite costly computationally.

Boosting machine learning

The bagging mechanism functions very differently from the boosting ensemble mechanism. In this case, the dataset is processed sequentially rather than in parallel. The complete dataset is supplied to the first classifier, and the predictions are examined.

The boosting method’s primary goal is to lessen bias in the ensemble judgment. Other algorithms based on this strategy include Gradient Boosting Machines, Stochastic Gradient Boosting, and Adaptive Boosting.

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Why does ensemble learning in machine language work?

Dietterich in 2002 had a huge hand in demonstrating how ensembles can solve three issues. –

  • The statistical problem appears when the hypothesis space is excessively big compared to the amount of data that is available. There are numerous hypotheses with equal data accuracy, thus the learning system only selects one of them. There is a chance that the selected hypothesis will have poor unobserved data accuracy!
  • Computational Problem – When the learning process is unable to ensure finding the best hypothesis, a computational problem occurs.
  • Representational Problem – The Representational Problem occurs when there are no accurate approximations of the target class(es) in the hypothesis space.

Types of Ensemble Classifiers

A decision tree’s variance can be decreased by bagging. Let us now understand about random forest in ensemble learning in machine learning.

Random Forest: Bagging has been extended to Random Forest. A random selection of attributes is chosen at each node to calculate the split for each decision tree classifier in the ensemble. Each tree casts a vote during categorization, and the top class is presented.

Implementation steps of Bagging

From the original data set, many equal-sized subsets are made, choosing observations with replacements.

  • On each of these subsets, a foundation model is built.
  • Every model is independently and concurrently learned from every training set.
  • The combined forecasts from all the models yield the final results.
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In this blog, we learned how ensemble learning in machine learning uses techniques to enhance model performance. This strategy combines multiple models and takes into account each model’s forecast when making the final prediction.

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Ensemble approaches include bagging and boosting. Bagging is a parallel approach that uses bootstrapped aggregation. This means that many models execute simultaneously, and the ultimate output is determined by averaging the outputs generated by each model. Each weak learner in Bagging gets an equal say in the prediction of the end result. Bagging lowers the variability.

Boosting is a sequential strategy where the predictions of the second weak learner are made while the errors of the first weak learner are taken into account. Each iteration involves assigning and adjusting weights. Enhancing lessens bias. Some of the boosting approaches used to enhance the model’s overall prediction are Adaboost, GBM, and LightGBM. Acquire a 360 degree understanding of Machine Learning strategies with Advanced Certificate Programme in Machine Learning & Deep Learning from IITB.


Rohan Vats

Blog Author
Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1What is ensemble machine learning?

Ensemble learning in machine learning combines several learning algorithms to provide predictions that are more accurate than those produced by any one of the individual learning algorithms alone.

2What are ensemble methods?

Combining multiple models that create a single predictive model is an ensemble technique in machine learning. An example of an ensemble approach is Random Forest. Although there is a law of diminishing returns in ensemble formation, the number of component classifiers in an ensemble has a significant impact on the prediction's accuracy.

3What is bagging and boosting in machine learning?

Machine learning ensemble learning approaches include boosting and bagging. Bagging reduces variance and enhances generalization by training multiple models on various subsets of training data with replacement and combining their predictions. Boosting concentrates on misclassified data points and gives heavier weights in the following iteration, combining numerous weak learners to produce a strong learner. While boosting techniques like AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, and XGBoost are examples of bagging algorithms, Random Forest is an example of a bagging algorithm. Both methods are often employed and have a major impact on model performance.

4What are the differences between Bagging and Boosting?

The main goal of bagging is to minimize variance. Whereas, the basic goal of boosting is to lessen prejudice. Models with a low variance but a high bias are the basic models that are taken into account for boosting. Parallelizing bagging is possible. The various versions are fitted separately from one another. Boosting cannot be parallelized, therefore fitting multiple sophisticated models in succession can become prohibitively expensive.

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