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  • Why Communication Skills are Important for MBA Aspirants?

Why Communication Skills are Important for MBA Aspirants?

By Kamal Jacob

Updated on Nov 28, 2022 | 6 min read | 9.2k views


Communication Skills For MBA Students

Businesses run on an effective communication from the top tier to the frontrunners. That is why it’s imperative for business schools that they put more effort into improving the communication skills of students. 

Besides, MBA students should acquire the confidence to communicate easily and effectively to have an edge over other candidates.

One of the most significant reasons for teaching communication skills to MBA aspirants is to prepare them for managerial positions at top organizations. Leadership roles require a candidate to have constructive communication skills to keep every member of a team aligned towards the goals and objectives of a project or the overall values of an organization. 

So, let us first know more about the importance of communication skills for MBA students :

1. Delegating tasks

As a leader of a team, you must be able to delegate tasks with a transparent communication approach for all your colleagues. Every team member is equally important and you being the manager must align everyone and keep them on the same page. It’s your job to tell your team exactly what is expected out of each member, what are the objectives, and the challenges and the metric with which the success of a project would be measured. Until a clear way of communication is established, no business can function effectively.

Also Read: 8 Skill MBA Degree Helps to Improve 

2. Listening is as, if not more, important as speaking 

Communication is not a one-way road. Ideally, communication is a multi-lane highway where each vehicle carries an idea and the destination is prescribed. You, as a manager, should always keep the flow of ideas undeterred – be it from a junior employee or a major client. Communication skills teach students how to identify pain points of a person or organization from a conversation and it helps them decide on the right approach to solve a problem.

3. Motivation is the key to success

All MBA students must remember that they are preparing to become leaders. As a leader, one must always remember that teams function not only on data and results but also on confidence and motivation. It is important to appreciate the efforts of all team members and encourage them to achieve more. This is done by using a clear communication approach.

Now, you must be wondering how to acquire these skills and become a successful leader. Don’t worry! upGrad is always here to help you.

Get best MBA courses from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career.

Here’s how upGrad makes sure MBA students have impeccable communication skills:

Our organization believes in open communication. By this, we mean that every member of our family must be well-versed in communicating their ideas, challenges, concerns and insights. And, by family, we mean our students and our team members.

In upGrad’s business courses, we cultivate a communication theory known as the 7C’s of Communication.

Introduced by University of Wisconsin professors Scott Cutlip and Allen Center and published in their book Effective Public Relations (1952), the 7Cs of Communication are an effective means to ensure that you are able to deliver high-quality communications, both written as well as verbal.

So, what are these 7C’s?

The 7Cs of Communication stands for – 

  • Clarity
  • Conciseness
  • Completeness
  • Consideration
  • Concreteness
  • Correctness
  • Courtesy

What do these terms mean?

  • Clarity – Be very specific about one message at a time. Avoid communicating too much information all at once.
  • Conciseness – Say what you need to say in the least possible words. Avoid using big words or jargons to sound better.
  • Completeness – Your message should include all the facts and information required.
  • Consideration – You must remember to understand the points of view of every member of your audience, including their background, education, and experience. Ensure no negative attitude is being displayed from your side.
  • Concreteness – Your message should never be vague and directionless. Always ensure that you support your communication with data and statistics with a clear vision in mind.
  • Correctness – Ensure your message is free of any error – grammatical or factual. Do a triple-check before sending out any email or other forms of communication. Always consult authentic sources only.
  • Courtesy – The style of communication and the message itself should be free of any kind of bias. You must remember to be polite, humble and respectful to all recipients.

Wrapping Up

If you are find that an MBA  is the right choice for you, upGrad offers several online MBA programs that will help you realize the long-standing ambition of advancing your career in the chosen direction. 

  • MBA (Global), Deakin Business School (DBS): This two-year online MBA course with dual credentials from Australia’s DBS and IMT Ghaziabad has emerged as a popular choice among MBA aspirants. Deakin is also among the top 1 percent B-schools worldwide. The online course is supplemented with dedicated mentorship and offline networking opportunities.
  • MBA, Liverpool Business School: Accredited by UK’s Liverpool Business School, this online MBA course includes a week-long immersion program at the university campus. The duration of the MBA course is 20 months, during which you get a career and mentorship support from industry leaders. Upon successful completion, you will also receive a PGP in Management credential from IMT Ghaziabad.

Choose one now, and you will find that the choicest of dream jobs across all continents in Fortune 500 companies are within your grasp!


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What skills do MBA aspirants need?

2. How can I develop good communication skills?

3. What are the advantages of good communication skills?

Kamal Jacob

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