HomeDoctorate of Business Administration5 Best Countries to Migrate and Restart Your Career in 2024

5 Best Countries to Migrate and Restart Your Career in 2024

Deciding to move abroad and restart your career can be daunting but also liberating. With so many options, how do you choose the best country to migrate to? Key factors to consider include job opportunities, quality of life, ease of gaining residency or citizenship, and costs. This blog explores some of the top destinations for Indian professionals looking to take their careers globally.

1. Canada

With its strong economy, world-class cities, and relatively straightforward immigration process, Canada tops many lists as the best country to migrate to from India.

Why Move to Canada

  • Abundant jobs in fields like IT, healthcare, finance, and engineering
  • High demand for skilled immigrants to fill labour shortages
  • Option to gain permanent residency in as little as 6 months through Express Entry
  • Low crime rates and political stability
  • Multicultural cities with large Indian diasporas, like Toronto and Vancouver

Permanent Residency

Gaining permanent residency (PR) in Canada is straightforward for skilled immigrants. Options include:

  • Express Entry – gain PR within 6-12 months
  • Live/work in Canada through a work/study visa for 1+ year, then apply for PR

Applicants for PR generally need proof of work experience, language ability, education credentials, and sufficient settlement funds.

2. Australia

With endless coastlines and vibrant, diverse cities like Sydney and Melbourne, Australia makes for an appealing migration destination, combining a great lifestyle and abundant jobs.

Why Move to Australia

  • Strong economy with low unemployment
  • High wages compared to many countries
  • Leading industries include mining, healthcare, construction, finance, and tech
  • Laidback lifestyle and English-speaking population

Permanent Residency

Like Canada, Australia offers fairly straightforward pathways to permanent residency through their economic class visas. Common options include:

  • Living/working in Australia for 2+ years on a temporary skilled work visa, then applying for PR
  • Being nominated for PR by state/territory or employer

Factors like English skills, skilled work experience, age, and education level determine eligibility for PR.

3. New Zealand

best country to migrate

If you dream of a balanced lifestyle filled with natural beauty and outdoor living paired with job opportunities abroad, New Zealand is an attractive option. It can be the best country to settle down.

Why Move to New Zealand

  • A small population with skill shortages provides abundant jobs
  • Stunning natural scenery from coastlines to mountain ranges
  • Laidback lifestyle and culture emphasizing work-life balance
  • English speaking with low crime rates

Permanent Residency

Gaining PR in New Zealand is very realistic for skilled workers who fit labour market demands. 

The main options are:

  • Arriving on a Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa
  • Working for 2+ years in NZ on a temporary work visa, then applying for PR

Applicants are scored on qualifications, work experience, age, and language ability. Having an existing job offer bolsters applications.

4. Germany

With Europe’s largest economy and thriving industries like engineering, automation, manufacturing, and research, Germany presents abundant prospects, which is why it may be the best country to migrate from India.

Why Move to Germany

  • Free or extremely low-cost university education
  • Leading industries frequently hire foreigners, including engineering, IT, manufacturing, finance, healthcare, and more
  • Generous 4+ weeks paid vacation and work-life balance valued
  • Stable economic and political climate as part of the EU

Permanent Residency

  • Live in Germany for 21+ months on an eligible temporary visa, then apply for PR
  • Hold an EU Blue Card for 33+ months, then apply for PR
  • Show strong German language skills and integration into the community

Permanent residents can access healthcare, education, and welfare benefits like German citizens. Becoming a citizen generally requires 6-8 years of residency.

5. United Kingdom

The UK’s diverse job market, spanning fields like finance, law, academia, medicine, journalism, and more, appeals to immigrants despite its complicated visa system.

Why Move to the UK

  • Abundant jobs from traditional sectors like banking, law, and finance to emerging tech and startups
  • World-leading universities
  • A diverse, multicultural society with a large Indian diaspora
  • Can leverage English language fluency

Permanent Residency

The UK does not offer a dedicated PR route. But immigrants can permanently settle after 5+ years residing in the UK on eligible long term work, study, or family visas.

Common pathways are:

  • Arriving on Skilled Worker Visa, renewing for 5+ years until eligible to settle
  • Studying in the UK then switching to a work visa for 5+ more years
  • Options for spouses/partners to also gain rights to live permanently

Gaining settlement allows residents to access healthcare, pensions, etc like UK citizens. But full citizenship requires another year of tests.

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Final Takeaways

These countries dominate as top destinations providing abundant opportunities from access to visa routes to obtaining permanent residency status down the line. A shared objective across these economies is attracting global talent. Their considerations around quality of life and welcoming cultures also beckon.

kanika pruthi
kanika pruthi
Kanika has 5+ years of experience as a writer and content developer. She has written for a wide range of industry verticals, including hospitality, restaurants, non-profits, finance, IT, HR, technology, payroll, and education. She has worked as a creator for a few leading companies and has also helped brands grow through her creative writing.

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