HomeDoctorate of Business AdministrationAcademic writing in education

Academic writing in education

Academic writing is an essential skill for educational purposes involving critical thinking and articulating ideas clearly. This article will provide an overview of academic writing, elaborating on the standard forms, purposes, and jobs.

What are the Main Forms of Academic Writing?

There are a few fundamental forms of academic writing:

  • Essays – An essay presents an argument and evidence in continuous prose, typically a few paragraphs long. Essays teach how to make a thesis and support it.
  • Research papers – Research papers involve investigating a topic in depth by reviewing literature, gathering data, and presenting findings. They teach research and analysis skills.
  • Literature reviews – Literature reviews summarize and synthesize the ideas and contributions of different authors on a particular topic. They teach critical reading and comparison of sources.
  • Lab reports – Lab reports explain procedures, methods, data, and analysis for scientific experiments. They teach scientific process documentation and interpretation.
  • Reflective writing – Reflective writing analyzes experiences to promote learning and development. Examples are journals, statements of purpose, and process recordings.

What are the Purposes of Academic Writing?

There are several essential purposes of academic writing:

  • To demonstrate subject matter knowledge and mastery
  • To develop skills in critical thinking, research, and analysis
  • To present ideas and arguments logically and coherently
  • To learn proper citation, formatting, and language for academic disciplines
  • To contribute to the knowledge base of the field through research and publication

Practising academic writing helps prepare students for future professional careers involving planning, collaborating, leading teams, and corporate communications.

What are Some Similarities Between Academic and Business Writing?
Business Writing

There are overlaps in style and format between academic writing and business writing:

  • Careful proofreading and editing are essential for both
  • Referencing sources and avoiding plagiarism is mandatory
  • Logical flow and professional language are used throughout
  • Sections and headings used to organise content
  • Charts, graphs, and images were added to complement the text and strengthen the message

However, business writing tends to be more direct, concise, and persuasive than academic analysis and commentary.

What Kinds of Online Academic Writing Jobs Exist?

Some kinds of online academic writing jobs are:

  • Freelance essay, research paper, and assignment writing
  • Tutoring and coaching students on academic writing
  • Curriculum and test development roles
  • Editing and proofreading academic papers
  • Writing study notes, summaries, and manuals for educational companies
  • Creating academic content for textbooks, training programs
  • Transcribing video lectures or interviews

Requirements typically include a college degree, teaching experience, expertise in academic styles and formats, strong research skills, and mastery of the English language.

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In summary, developing academic writing abilities is valuable for educational and professional advancement. This overview presented key forms, purposes, similarities with business writing, and online job opportunities. Practicing core skills like thesis development, referencing, editing, and logical analysis are essential. With guidance and experience, academic writing can become more accessible and engaging.


1. What are some tips for improving academic writing?

A: Useful tips include reading exemplars in your discipline, starting writing early, seeking feedback from peers/faculty, attending academic writing workshops, keeping your audience in perspective, and consulting writing manuals or tutors when needed.

2. How is academic writing different from other styles of writing?

A: Academic writing tends to have a more formal tone, a clearly stated thesis, a structure based on logic rather than chronology, citations and references, and an avoidance of first-person pronouns compared to other styles.

3.  What resources can help with academic writing?

A: Helpful resources include writing centres, online writing labs, academic databases, libraries, writing mentors, classmates, professors’ office hours, tutors, style guides, and sample papers.

4.  Should I use active or passive voice in academic writing?

A: Active voice is typically recommended in academic writing because it is more concise and straightforward. However, passive may be appropriate at times to keep focus on ideas rather than actors. Decide based on the context.

5.  How can I avoid plagiarism in my academic writing?

A: Strategies to avoid plagiarism include properly paraphrasing source ideas in your own words, using direct quotes cautiously, citing all sources used, both in-text and reference lists, crediting others’ work, writing in your style, and using plagiarism-checking software as needed.

6. What formats are commonly used for structuring academic papers?

A: Common academic paper formats are MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, IEEE, ACM, and more styles specialised for specific disciplines. Follow the guidelines given by your institution or publisher.

kanika pruthi
kanika pruthi
Kanika has 5+ years of experience as a writer and content developer. She has written for a wide range of industry verticals, including hospitality, restaurants, non-profits, finance, IT, HR, technology, payroll, and education. She has worked as a creator for a few leading companies and has also helped brands grow through her creative writing.

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