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Describe A Time When Your Computer Broke Down: IELTS Cue Card

Updated on 11 May, 2023

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study Abroad Expert

describe a time when your computer broke down

The International English Language Testing System or IELTS is an English language proficiency test taken for study, migration, or work. Any student sitting for the renowned IELTS must undertake the IELTS cue card task in the speaking sections. Describe a time when your computer broke down is one of the common topics. Computers have become an indispensable part of our lives. From being used to anticipate the future through data analysis to research and development, computers are necessary for everyone. The importance of a computer can be felt more in its absence. And since it's a machine, sudden breakdowns can be maddening.

Describe a time when your computer broke down: Sample 1

As a budding professional, I procured a laptop about three years back. After about a year of purchase, the laptop became slow, taking more time than usual to start. The frequent automatic restarts were all the more annoying. Considering this a windows update issue, I updated Windows whenever possible without knowing the core issue.

Despite the regular updates, the sudden shutdowns became frequent. The unavailability of technicians during the lockdown added to my fears even during the online classes. In 2020, when I was giving my last MBA online exam, it was that cliffhanging half hour left for the submission of the answer sheet when my fear was manifested. Upon uploading 80% of my answer sheet, a message stating “windows have started updating” turned up. From my previous experiences, I knew how my next few hours would be spent.

The half-hour duress was nearly a reality, and there were never-ending updates on my laptop. I could not think of a solution to upload my sheet. Since the portal for uploading sheets was incompatible with my cell phone, I had to dredge up a system. The exchange of even small conversations during the COVID-19 outbreak was prohibited, and here I was thinking of borrowing an entire system. Anticipating such a dismal situation, I self-e-mailed my answer sheet and reached out to my cousin, who is fortunately a neighbor. With due precautions, I could finally upload my answer sheet in time. The prevalence of common sense supplemented me to send the answer sheet from my cousin’s laptop, who happily agreed to upload my answer sheet.

The frustration of being helpless despite studying hard was a feeling I would never want to experience again. I pledged to prioritize any revamp in the computer. 

Tentative band score: 7   Total word count: 291

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Describe a time when your computer broke down: Sample 2

There are many instances of my computer breaking down amidst the most important tasks, and I remember them all profoundly. Well, I vividly remember the problem I had to face just before the project presentation at college.

As the project lead in my college submission project, the onus of presenting it to the reviewers laid on my shoulders; I felt no qualms about this or my ability to conduct the project presentation. As a student who prefers to work ahead of the deadline, all my paperwork was ready, and my team was confident as I completed everything on time.

Then came the day I had to showcase my hard work for the final year project. After switching the system, I had to connect it to the projector. I robustly entered and received the first blow! I tripped! However, I managed to stand up again and reached out to the wire.

I was dumbfounded when my system showed nothing but just the heading. It refused to move to the next slide. The disruption took a toll on me, and my credence was blown with the wind. I was then asked to restart the system and brief the review team in the meantime. Did that! but effervescence in me was amiss! And I could feel that.  The system took a long time to reboot, and due to the lack of time with the reviewing team, I returned without displaying my true abilities. Since then, I have always kept a backup system.  

 Tentative band score: 7 /  Total Word Count: 249

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IELTS Exam Pattern

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Mrinal Mandal

Study Abroad Expert

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