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TOEFL Vocabulary List 250+ words

Updated on 16 June, 2023

Pragya Sharma

Pragya Sharma

Sr. Content Editor

If you tell someone you are preparing for the TOEFL (or the Test of English as a Foreign Language), the most common advice you will receive is to build your vocabulary. Have you ever wondered why everyone suggests going through the TOEFL vocabulary list even when there is no separate test section for it? Well, it is because good vocabulary can build the foundation for acing each section and excel the language in general. The next question that may arise is which words to learn from the massive vocabulary pool available. This article answers this query with the ultimate list of the most widely used 250+ words (with their definitions) in the TOEFL exam.

Types of TOEFL Exam

As established, TOEFL is a widely recognized English proficiency exam measuring a non-native English speaker's ability to understand and use the language in an academic setting. The TOEFL exam has two main versions: the Internet-Based Test (iBT) and the Paper-Based Test (PBT). 

Internet-Based Test (iBT)

The TOEFL iBT is the most popular version of the exam. It has four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Here is a breakdown of each section:

  1. Reading section: This section consists of 3-4 academic passages, with 10 questions for each passage. Test-takers are required to read the passages and answer questions related to comprehension, vocabulary, and text structure. In some cases, you may also need to complete tables or summaries.
  2. Listening section: In this section, you will listen to academic lectures and conversations and answer questions about the content. Note-taking is allowed during this section, which can help you answer questions more accurately.
  3. Speaking section: This section consists of six tasks that require you to express your thoughts on various topics, discuss short academic texts, and talk about lectures or conversations you have listened to. Your responses are recorded and scored based on language use, fluency, and pronunciation.
  4. Writing section: This section requires you to write two essays. The first essay integrates information from a reading passage and a listening passage, while the second requires you to present your opinion on a given topic.

Paper-Based Test (PBT)

The Paper-Based Test is used in places where the iBT is not available. It consists of three sections: Reading, Listening, and Writing. The Speaking section is not included in this version of the test. The total duration of the Paper-delivered Test is approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Why is Having Strong TOEFL Vocabulary List Important for TOEFL Exam

  1. Reading comprehension: A rich TOEFL vocabulary list enables you to understand complex reading passages easily and answer questions based on them accurately.
  2. Writing effectiveness: With a strong vocabulary, you can express your thoughts more clearly and persuasively in essays and other written tasks.
  3. Listening comprehension: Understanding a wide range of vocabulary helps you catch crucial details in lectures and conversations during the exam's listening section.
  4. Speaking fluency: A robust vocabulary lets you articulate your ideas more effectively during the speaking section test, resulting in a higher score.
  5. Overall English proficiency: Mastering the TOEFL vocabulary list 2023 will comprehensively enhance your English language skills. You can easily excel in the TOEFL exam and communicate confidently in real-life situations.

Ultimate TOEFL Vocabulary List

The following TOEFL vocabulary list provides a list of important words in TOEFL vocabulary. These words are carefully chosen based on their frequency of use in academic and professional contexts and cover a wide range of topics. Make sure to familiarize yourself with these words to improve your reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills for the TOEFL exam.


  1. Abundant (adjective): Present in great quantity or plentiful.
  2. Accelerate (verb): To increase the speed of something.
  3. Accommodate (verb): To provide sufficient space or resources for someone or something.
  4. Accumulate (verb): To gather or collect over time.
  5. Accurate (adjective): Free from error or to be precise.
  6. Adept (adjective): Highly skilled or proficient in a particular area.
  7. Adhere (verb): To stick or cling to something.
  8. Adjacent (adjective): Close to or next to.
  9. Adorn (verb): To decorate or add beauty to something.
  10. Advocate (verb): To publicly support or recommend a particular cause or policy.


  1. Banish (verb): To force someone to leave a place or country.
  2. Barrier (noun): Something that blocks or obstructs.
  3. Befriend (verb): To become friends with someone.
  4. Belittle (verb): To make someone or something seem less important or valuable.
  5. Beneficial (adjective): Having a positive or helpful effect.
  6. Biased (adjective): Unfairly favoring one side or group.
  7. Bizarre (adjective): Very strange or unusual.
  8. Bolster (verb): To support or strengthen something.
  9. Brief (adjective): Short in length or duration.
  10. Buoyant (adjective): Able to float or rise in a liquid or gas.


  1. Calculate (verb): To determine the amount or number of something by using mathematics.
  2. Candid (adjective): Honest and straightforward.
  3. Capable (adjective): Having the ability or skill to do something.
  4. Captivate (verb): To attract and hold the interest and attention of someone.
  5. Challenging (adjective): Difficult in a way that tests one's abilities or determination.
  6. Charismatic (adjective): Having a powerful personal charm that attracts and influences others.
  7. Coherent (adjective): Logically connected and consistent.
  8. Collaborate (verb): To work together with others to achieve a common goal.
  9. Commemorate (verb): To honor the memory of someone or something with a ceremony or celebration.
  10. Competent (adjective): Having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.


  1. Daunting (adjective): Intimidating or discouraging.
  2. Debilitate (verb): To weaken or impair the strength or vitality of someone or something.
  3. Decipher (verb): To interpret or understand the meaning of something.
  4. Decline (verb): To gradually become less, worse, or lower.
  5. Deficient (adjective): Lacking in some necessary quality or element.
  6. Deliberate (adjective): Done intentionally or on purpose.
  7. Demolish (verb): To destroy or tear down completely.
  8. Denounce (verb): To publicly declare something wrong or evil.
  9. Depict (verb): To represent or show in a picture, sculpture, or other artistic form.
  10. Derive (verb): To obtain or develop something from a specific source.


  1. Eccentric (adjective): Unconventional and slightly strange.
  2. Efficient (adjective): Producing the desired result without wasting time or effort.
  3. Elaborate (adjective): Complex and detailed.
  4. Empathize (verb): To understand and share another person's feelings.
  5. Encapsulate (verb): To express the most important parts of something concisely.
  6. Endeavor (noun): A serious attempt or effort to do something.
  7. Enhance (verb): To improve the quality, value, or extent of something.
  8. Enthusiastic (adjective): Having or showing great excitement and interest.
  9. Enumerate (verb): To list or mention things one by one.
  10. Evolve (verb): To develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.


  1. Facilitate (verb): To make something easier or less difficult.
  2. Fathom (verb): To understand or comprehend something deeply.
  3. Fickle (adjective): Likely to change frequently, especially in one's loyalties or affections.
  4. Fluctuate (verb): To change or vary irregularly in number or amount.
  5. Formidable (adjective): Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, or capable.
  6. Foster (verb): To encourage or promote the development of something.
  7. Frivolous (adjective): Not having any serious purpose or value.
  8. Fundamental (adjective): Forming a necessary base or core; of central importance.
  9. Futile (adjective): Incapable of producing any useful result; pointless.
  10. Fervent (adjective): Having or displaying a passionate intensity.


  1. Garner (verb): To gather or collect something, especially information or approval.
  2. Garbled (adjective): confused or distorted, or vague communication.
  3. Generate (verb): To create or to produce.
  4. Generous (adjective): Showing a readiness to give more of something than is necessary or expected.
  5. Genial (adjective): Friendly or cordial.
  6. Grandiose (adjective): Splendid or unduly important.
  7. Glaring (adjective): Highly conspicuous or obvious.
  8. Gregarious (adjective): Fond of the company of others or sociable.
  9. Gruesome (adjective): Causing horror or repulsion or grisly.
  10. Guile (noun): Deceitful, cunning, or slyness.


  1. Hackneyed (adjective): Overdone and derivative.
  2. Hamper (verb): To restrain or inhibit progress.
  3. Haphazard (adjective): Lacking any obvious principle of organization.
  4. Harmonious (adjective): Forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
  5. Haughty (adjective): snobbish or excessively proud.
  6. Heed (verb): to pay attention.
  7. Hesitate (verb): To pause or wait in uncertainty or unwillingness.
  8. Hindrance (noun): A thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.
  9. Hostile (adjective): Too unfriendly.
  10. Hypothesize (verb): To propose an explanation or theory for something.


  1. Idealize (verb): To regard or represent something as perfect or better than in reality.
  2. Illuminate (verb): To light up or make clear.
  3. Immerse (verb): To involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest.
  4. Impart (verb): To make information or knowledge known.
  5. Impede (verb): To delay or prevent someone or something by obstructing them.
  6. Implement (verb): To put a decision or plan into effect.
  7. Incisive (adjective): Clear and sharp in thought or expression.
  8. Incompatible (adjective): Unable to exist or work together without conflict.
  9. Inconclusive (adjective): Not leading to a firm conclusion or result; not ending doubt or dispute.
  10. Indispensable (adjective): Absolutely necessary or essential.


  1. Jabber (noun): vague and lively conversation.
  2. Jeopardize (verb): To put at risk or to endanger.
  3. Jibe (noun): Mocking statement.
  4. Jocular (adjective): Amusing.
  5. Jointly (adverb): Together.
  6. Judicious (adjective): Wise or showing good judgment.
  7. Justify (verb): Difficult to present a fair explanation for an action or circumstance.
  8. Juxtapose (verb): To place side by side for comparison or contrast.
  9. Jovial (adjective): Cheerful and friendly.
  10. Jargon (noun): Specialized language used by a particular profession or group.


  1. Keen (adjective): Sharp or intellectually alert.
  2. Kinetic (adjective): Relating to motion or active.
  3. Knack (noun): A special skill or talent.
  4. Knowledgeable (adjective): Having or showing a lot of knowledge or information.
  5. Kudos (noun): Praise and honor received for an achievement.
  6. Kyphosis (noun): An abnormal curvature of the spine.
  7. Kaleidoscope (noun): A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements.
  8. Kindle (verb): To ignite or arouse interest.
  9. Kismet (noun): Fate or destiny.
  10. Knoll (noun): A small hill or mound.


  1. Lament (verb): To express sorrow or regret.
  2. Laud (verb): To praise or to extol.
  3. Lavish (adjective): Extravagant or abundant.
  4. Legacy (noun): Something handed down from an ancestor or predecessor.
  5. Lethargic (adjective): Sluggish or lacking energy.
  6. Levity (noun): Lightness of mind, character, or behavior.
  7. Liaison (noun): A person who establishes and maintains communication for mutual understanding and cooperation.
  8. Liberal (adjective): Open to new ideas or favoring individual freedom.
  9. Linguistics (noun): The scientific study of language and its structure.
  10. Luminous (adjective): Emitting or reflecting light; glowing.


  1. Magnanimous (adjective): Generous in forgiving an insult or injury.
  2. Malaise (noun): A vague feeling of bodily discomfort or uneasiness.
  3. Maneuver (verb): To skillfully guide or manipulate something.
  4. Manifest (adjective): Clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
  5. Marred (adjective): Damaged or spoiled.
  6. Mediate (verb): To settle disputes between parties.
  7. Meticulous (adjective): Extremely careful and precise.
  8. Mitigate (verb): To make something less severe or intense.
  9. Mollify (verb): To soften in feeling or temper; to pacify.
  10. Multifaceted (adjective): Having many aspects or phases.


  1. Nascent (adjective): Just coming into existence or starting to display signs of future potential.
  2. Nebulous (adjective): Vague or unclear.
  3. Negligent (adjective): Careless or inattentive.
  4. Niche (noun): A specialized market or position that is well-suited for the person occupying it.
  5. Nominal (adjective): Existing in name only or not significant.
  6. Nonchalant (adjective): Coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited.
  7. Notoriety (noun): The state of being famous or well-known for a negative reason.
  8. Nuance (noun): A subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, or response.
  9. Nurturer (noun): Someone who provides care and support for someone or something.
  10. Nystagmus (noun): Involuntary, rapid, and repetitive eye movement.


  1. Obliterate (verb): To destroy completely; to wipe out.
  2. Obscure (adjective): Not well-known; difficult to understand.
  3. Obstinate (adjective): Stubborn or refusing to change.
  4. Omnipotent (adjective) Having unlimited power or authority.
  5. Onerous (adjective): Burdensome or oppressive.
  6. Opulent (adjective): Rich and luxurious.
  7. Orator (noun): A person who delivers an oration; a public speaker.
  8. Ostentatious (adjective): Characterized by a vulgar or pretentious display.
  9. Oust (verb): To remove from a position or place.
  10. Overhaul (verb): To take apart to examine and repair if necessary.


  1. Pacify (verb): To bring peace or calm; to soothe.
  2. Palliative (adjective): Relieving pain or alleviating a problem without dealing with the underlying cause.
  3. Paragon (noun): A model of excellence or perfection.
  4. Pariah (noun): An outcast; a person who is generally despised or avoided.
  5. Parsimonious (adjective): Excessively frugal or stingy.
  6. Peculiar (adjective): Strange or odd, or uncommon.
  7. Perseverance (noun): The quality of persisting in a task or goal despite obstacles or difficulties.
  8. Pervasive (adjective): Spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.
  9. Plausible (adjective): Seemingly reasonable or probable; believable.
  10. Poignant (adjective): Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.


  1. Quandary (noun): A state of uncertainty or perplexity.
  2. Quell (verb): To suppress or subdue; to calm.
  3. Querulous (adjective): Complaining or whining.
  4. Quintessential (adjective): Representing the perfect example of a class or quality.
  5. Quirk (noun): A peculiar behavior or characteristic.
  6. Quixotic (adjective): Exceedingly idealistic, unrealistic, and impractical.
  7. Quorum (noun): The minimum number of members of a group or organization required to be present for a valid transaction of business.
  8. Quotidian (adjective): Daily, ordinary, or every day.
  9. Quizzical (adjective): Indicating mild or amused puzzlement.
  10. Quota (n): A fixed share or portion; a limit on the quantity.


  1. Rancor (noun): Bitter resentment or ill will.
  2. Rebuke (verb): To express sharp disapproval or criticism.
  3. Reclusive (adjective): Preferring to live in isolation or withdrawn from society.
  4. Redundant (adjective): Repetitive or exceeding what is necessary.
  5. Refrain (verb): To stop oneself from doing something.
  6. Regale (verb): To entertain or amuse with talk or storytelling.
  7. Reiterate (verb): To say or do something again, often for emphasis or clarity.
  8. Relinquish (verb): To give up or surrender something.
  9. Remorse (noun): Deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed.
  10. Renounce (verb): To formally declare one's abandonment of a claim, right, or possession.


  1. Sagacious (adjective): Wise or discerning.
  2. Sanction (noun): Official permission or approval for an action.
  3. Scapegoat (noun): A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others.
  4. Scrutinize (verb): To examine closely and critically.
  5. Sedentary (adjective): Characterized by much sitting and little physical exercise.
  6. Serendipity (noun): The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
  7. Skeptical (adjective): Doubting or questioning.
  8. Solace (noun): Comfort or consolation during distress or sadness.
  9. Sporadic (adjective): Occurring at irregular intervals.
  10. Stagnant (adjective): Not flowing or moving or inactive


  1. Tactile (adjective): Related to or perceived through the sense of touch.
  2. Tantamount (adjective): Equivalent in seriousness to or virtually the same as.
  3. Tenuous (adjective): Very weak or slight.
  4. Terse (adjective): Sparing in the use of words or concise.
  5. Timorous (adjective): Showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence.
  6. Transitory (adjective): Lasting only a short time; temporary.
  7. Trepidation (noun): A feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.
  8. Trivial (adjective): Of little value or importance.
  9. Turbulent (adjective): Characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not controlled or calm.
  10. Tyro (noun): A beginner or novice.


  1. Ubiquitous (adjective): Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
  2. Unanimous (adjective): In complete agreement or united.
  3. Uncanny (adjective): Strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.
  4. Undermine (verb): To weaken or damage, especially gradually or insidiously.
  5. Undulate: (verb) To move with a smooth wavelike motion.
  6. Unfathomable (adjective): Incapable of being fully understood.
  7. Unprecedented (adjective): Never before seen or experienced.
  8. Unruly (adjective): Disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control.
  9. Usurp (verb): To take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
  10. Utilitarian (adjective): Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive.


  1. Vacillate (verb): To waver between different opinions or actions.
  2. Venerate (verb): To regard with deep respect or awe.
  3. Verbose (adjective): Expressed in more words than are needed.
  4. Vex (verb): To make someone feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried.
  5. Viable (adjective): Capable of working successfully or feasible.
  6. Vigilant (adjective): Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
  7. Vindicate (verb): To clear someone of blame or suspicion.
  8. Virtuoso (noun): A person highly skilled in music or another artistic pursuit.
  9. Volatile (adjective): Easily evaporated at normal temperatures or liable to change rapidly and unpredictably.
  10. Voracious (adjective): Wanting or devouring great quantities of food; having a very eager approach to an activity.


  1. Wane (verb): To decrease gradually or to decline.
  2. Wanton (adjective): Deliberate and unprovoked or reckless.
  3. Wary (adjective): Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
  4. Wistful (adjective): Having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing.
  5. Wrangle (verb): To have a long, complicated dispute or argument.
  6. Wreak (verb): To cause a large amount of damage or harm.
  7. Wry (adjective): Using or expressing dry humor, especially mocking.
  8. Wistful (adjective): Characterized by melancholy or longing.
  9. Wield (verb): To hold and use (a weapon or tool).
  10. Wisdom (noun): The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment


  1. Xenophobia (noun): Fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers.
  2. Xeric (adjective): Characterized by or adapted to a dry habitat.
  3. Xylophone (noun): A musical instrument played by striking a row of wooden bars of graduated length.
  4. Xenophile (noun): An individual who is attracted to foreign peoples, manners, or cultures.
  5. Xerography (noun): A dry photocopying process.
  6. Xerosis (noun): Unusual dryness, especially of the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes.
  7. Xenobiotic (adjective): Relating to or denoting a substance, typically a synthetic chemical, foreign to a living organism.
  8. Xiphoid (adjective): Sword-shaped, specifically relating to the xiphoid process of the sternum.
  9. Xenogenesis (noun):  The supposed generation of offspring that is completely different from either parent.
  10. Xeriscape (noun): A landscaping method developed especially for arid and semiarid climates that utilize water-conserving techniques.


  1. Yearn (verb): To have a strong desire or longing.
  2. Yield (verb): To give in or to produce or generate.
  3. Yonder (adverb): At or in that place or over there.
  4. Yoke (noun): A wooden cross piece fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to a plow or cart to be pulled.
  5. Yen (noun): A strong desire or craving.
  6. Yeoman (noun): A man holding and cultivating a small landed estate or a freeholder.
  7. Yield (noun): A return, as a profit or interest, on an investment or venture.
  8. Yttrium (noun): A silvery metallic element found in the same ores as elements of the lanthanide series.
  9. Yurt (noun): A circular tent of felt or skins on a collapsible framework used by nomads in Mongolia, Siberia, and Turkey.
  10. Yesteryear (noun): Last year or the recent past.


  1. Zeal (noun): Great enthusiasm or passion.
  2. Zenith (noun): The highest point or the peak.
  3. Zephyr (noun): A gentle breeze.
  4. Zest (noun): Great enthusiasm or enjoyment.
  5. Zigzag (noun): A line or course with abrupt changes in direction.
  6. Zodiac (noun): A belt of the heavens within about 8° either side of the ecliptic, including all apparent positions of the sun, moon, and most familiar planets.
  7. Zoology (noun): The scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.
  8. Zone (noun): An area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic, purpose, or use or subject to particular restrictions.
  9. Zoophyte (noun): A plant-like animal, especially a sea anemone or other member of the coelenterate group.
  10. Zirconium (noun): A grayish-white, metallic element used especially in electric apparatus and in refractory material.

Tips on How to Improve Vocabulary for TOEFL

It is essential to devise a TOEFL word list for an effective study plan that addresses all four skills assessed in the test. It will help you maximize your chances of success on the TOEFL exam. This plan should have professional and academic word list practice tests to make the most of your self-study. Below are some tips to help you create the best TOEFL vocabulary list and a well-planned study schedule: 

  • Assess and determine your goals: Before starting your TOEFL preparation, you must know your present level of English proficiency. Set clear objectives for your TOEFL preparation, such as achieving a specific score or improving a particular skillset. Establish a realistic timeframe, considering your proficiency level and the time you can dedicate to studying to achieve your goals. 
  • Broaden your knowledge: The TOEFL exam covers topics from various academic disciplines, such as astronomy, geology, marketing, political science, and anthropology. To succeed in the test, you must have a basic understanding of these subjects and their related vocabulary. You can expand your knowledge by taking practice tests, reading articles, watching different genres of documentaries, listening to the news, and so much more.
  • Create categories: Organize your TOEFL vocabulary list by categories, such as education, sports, or politics. This will help you learn words in context and better understand their usage.
  • Learn synonyms and antonyms: Familiarize yourself with synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings) to broaden your vocabulary and improve your understanding of word relationships.
  • Engage in conversation: Practice speaking with native English speakers or other learners to improve your vocabulary and fluency. Discuss different topics, and don't be afraid to ask for clarification if you encounter unfamiliar words.
  • Use flashcards and vocabulary apps: Create flashcards with new words and their definitions to review them regularly. You can also use academic word list vocabulary apps to help you memorize new words more effectively.
  • Practice using new words in context: Incorporate new words into your TOEFL word list, daily conversations, writing, and speaking practice. It will make you more comfortable using them in real-life situations and reinforce your understanding of their meanings and usage.
  • Learn word families and roots: Understanding word families (groups of words that share a common root) and roots (the core part of a word from which other words are derived) deduces the meanings of unfamiliar words and expands your vocabulary more efficiently.
  • Practice under timed conditions: To simulate the actual exam conditions, practice each section of the TOEFL under timed constraints. It will devise the proficiency to manage your time effectively during the exam.
  • Participate in vocabulary challenges:  Join vocabulary challenges, such as "Word of the Day," to learn new words and test your knowledge. It will keep you motivated and make learning vocabulary more enjoyable.
  • Monitor your progress regularly: Revisit the TOEFL word list you have learned to reinforce your memory and ensure long-term retention. Regular review is essential for effective vocabulary learning, and also regularly assess your progress by taking practice tests. Adjust your study plan and TOEFL word list based on your progress and areas that require improvement.
  • Keep a TOEFL vocabulary list 2023 journal: Write down new words you encounter and their definitions in a journal. Review the TOEFL vocabulary list 2023 journal regularly to reinforce your learning and track your progress.
  • Take professional help: If you find it challenging to prepare independently, contemplate seeking help from a qualified TOEFL tutor or enrolling in a preparation course. These resources offer personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your target score.
  • Plan your answers: The Writing and Speaking sections of the TOEFL exam require you to express your opinion and present arguments on various topics. To excel in these sections, prepare a rough outline or template for your answers, including your main points, supporting arguments, and examples. A clear structure will help you give well-organized and coherent responses during the test.
  • Stay motivated and positive:  Preparing for the TOEFL exam is a little challenging, but staying motivated and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the process is essential. Celebrate your achievements, learn from your mistakes, and focus on your goals.


A strong vocabulary is indispensable to enhance overall English language proficiency and achieve success in the TOEFL exam. The TOEFL vocabulary list shared in this article presents essential words commonly used in academic settings. It will help you improve your TOEFL reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. By mastering this word list, you can take a step forward to understand complex English texts, express yourself more effectively, and perform well on the TOEFL exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is a strong vocabulary important for the TOEFL exam?

A strong vocabulary is crucial for the TOEFL exam as it helps you understand and use English in an academic setting. It allows you to comprehend complex texts, express your ideas clearly, and answer questions effectively. A rich vocabulary improves your English language command and helps you communicate confidently.

How can I improve my vocabulary for TOEFL?

 You can improve your vocabulary for TOEFL by following these tips:

  1. Read and listen from sources to encounter new words in context.
  2. Use flashcards and TOEFL vocabulary list apps to memorize new words effectively.
  3. Practice using new words in context through conversations, writing, and speaking.
  4. Learn word families and roots to expand your vocabulary more efficiently.
  5. Participate in vocabulary challenges to make learning more enjoyable.
  6. Review regularly to reinforce your memory and ensure long-term retention.

Can I use the words from the TOEFL vocabulary list in real-life English communication?

Yes, the words from the TOEFL vocabulary list are not only relevant for the exam but also commonly used in real-life English communication, especially in academic and professional contexts. By grasping these words, you can improve your English language command and effectively share your thoughts in diverse situations beyond the TOEFL exam.

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Important Resources For PTE/SAT/ACT Exam

PTE Examination Eligibility Criteria

There are no specific PTE exam eligibility criteria set by Pearson VUE – the organizers of the test./

PTE Eligibility

PTE Academic Syllabus

PTE syllabus includes various sections such as Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening./

PTE Syllabus

PTE Exam Pattern

The PTE exam pattern is designed to test whether candidates can study at international institutions that have English as the main language for instructions./

PTE Exam Pattern

Popular Study Abroad Destinations

Study in Canada

Study in Canada

Study in Canada & Save up to 20 Lakhs with upGrad Abroad/

Study in Canada
Study in Australia

Study in Australia

Study in Australia & Save up to 20 Lakhs with upGrad Abroad/

Study in Australia
Study in USA

Study in USA

Study in the USA & Save up to 20 Lakhs with upGrad Abroad/

Study in USA
Pragya Sharma

Pragya Sharma

Sr. Content Editor

Pragya Sharma is a content developer and marketer with 6.5+ years of experience in the education industry. She started her career as a social media copywriter for NIELIT, Ministry of Electronics & IT, and has now scaled up as a 360-degree content professional well-versed with the intricacies of digital marketing and different forms of content used to drive and hook the target audience. She is also a co-author of 2 stories in an anthology based on the theme- women empowerment.

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