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Q. How Much Gap Is Accepted For Study In Canada?

Most colleges and universities in Canada accept local and international students with gaps. However, they are subject to certain regulations. A study gap of 2 years is acceptable for undergraduate and diploma courses, and a gap of 5 years is accepted for postgraduate courses.

Canadian educational institutions that offer higher education opportunities welcome students from all corners of the world and provide affordable tuition options. Study gaps are considered acceptable and, in fact, encouraged as part of acquiring new skills and learning experiences. However, students need to submit relevant documents and provide supporting evidence to show that they have valid reasons for taking them.

Common reasons for accepting study gaps by Canadian institutions are as follows:

  • Pursuing hobbies and other educational interests.
  • Intensive medical care or taking care of family members who have various health issues.
  • Taking study gaps in order to prepare for specific entrance examinations.
  • Lack of funding opportunities, not being accepted for student loans and other financial constraints that prevent them from pursuing higher education courses.
  • Professional work experiences and internships.
  • Career path changes.

International students need to go through the admissions guidelines carefully, document their studies, and constructively use their gap times to strengthen applications and increase their chances of getting accepted. For students who do not have sufficient documentation, a gap of no longer than 6 months is advised for them.

Some of the main documents required to support a study gap are - medical prescriptions, mark sheets, and skills certificates. The top colleges that accept study gaps in Canada are Centennial College (Toronto), Royal Roads University (British Columbia), Humber College (Toronto), New York Institute of Tech (Vancouver, NYIT), and Seneca College (Toronto).

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