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Memorial University of Newfoundland

Memorial University of Newfoundland Rankings 2025

St. Johns, Canada

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Memorial University of Newfoundland’s ranking in the world in 2024?

Memorial University is ranked #641-650 in the QS World University Rankings list for 2024 and #661-670 in 2025. It has been ranked 501-600th in the World University Rankings 2024 by Times Higher Education (THE) and #730 in Best Global Universities by U.S. News & World Report.

What is Memorial University of Newfoundland's ranking in QS 2024?

The Memorial University of Newfoundland QS ranking is #641-650 for 2024 and #661-670 for 2025. It has been ranked #51-100 in the QS WUR Ranking by Subject and #=572 in the QS Sustainability Ranking.

In which academic fields is Memorial University of Newfoundland ranked highest?

The mathematics, mechanical, aeronautical, and manufacturing engineering, engineering, and postgraduate computer science programs of Memorial University of Newfoundland are well regarded. As of 2023, QS has Memorial University of Newfoundland listed among the best universities worldwide in the field of mathematics.

What is the ranking of Memorial University of Newfoundland's Computer Science programme?

According to Times Higher Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland computer science ranking is 301-400. According to US News and World Report the university ranks #531 in Computer Science. 

What are the benefits of attending a highly ranked university like Memorial University of Newfoundland?

Memorial University is one of the biggest in Atlantic Canada, with over 100 degree programs, over 90 professional development courses, and certificate programs. You can also choose from more than 450 online courses.  The faculty members are among the top academics in respective disciplines, renowned for their superior research and teaching abilities as well as for being some of the best supervisors in the country.

How do rankings affect the value of a degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland?

Memorial University is a highly competitive university that receives a large number of applications each year for its undergraduate, graduate, and extensive online programs from both domestic and foreign candidates. Students who want to continue higher education focusing on careers are drawn to the highly ranked disciplines.

How does Memorial University of Newfoundland compare to other major universities in Canada in terms of ranking?

Although it has a far better acceptance rate, the University of Toronto is thought to be the hardest university in Canada to get into. It is, however, among the top Canadian universities attracting overseas students when measured against other institutions.


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