Accreditation, Number of Students and Faculties
As per the information for 2010 the total number of students who enrolled in Dakota State University in Madison, South Dakota is approximately 3,058 of which 47% are female students and the rest 53% are male. As per the information for 2021 nearly 9,847 undergraduates are also there in the educational organisation. There are more than 377 employees and approximately 155 faculty are available at Dakota State University for various support services and information for the university. This reputed university is one of the state's greatest employers, which consists of a total range of various professional opportunities and some benefits too.
University Campus, Facilities, Labs and Courses
The campus size of this popular university is 62 acres and it utilises a semester-based academic calendar. There is an excellent range of cafes, restaurants and some convenience shops positioned across all the campuses of Westfield State University. Various monthly offers and discounts are also available to students who have their college Id. There is a lab is located on the university premises and a central library is also located on the university campus. Some major courses at this university are MS (18 months to 2 years), BBA (4 years), B.Tech (2 to 4 years) and so on.
Streams, Number of Courses and Other Offerings
This renowned university of Madison in South Dakota includes some necessary streams like Commerce, Liberal Arts, Science, Psychology, Journalism and so on. Business, Marketing, Communication, Biomedical Science, Fitness, Computer and more are some of the necessary programmes of this university. A central library is located on the university premises so that students of this educational institution could explore various books whenever they need.
Dakota State University Acceptance rate
Dakota State University in Madison, South Dakota is very considerate in every aspect. The acceptance rate of this renowned university named Dakota State University in general was over 83.6% according to a survey in the year 2020.
Admission Eligibility Criteria
Dakota State University in Madison, South Dakota has some specific criteria relating to admission eligibility for undergraduate
- Every student needs to have a minimum age of 18 years.
- Every student must have a minimum of 2.0 unweighted high school GPA on a 4.0 scale.
Required official copies of a student's SAT or AP scores and ACT scores also.
Every student needs to have a foreign nationality.
- Official high school GED or transcript is needed in a few cases.
Dakota State University in Madison, South Dakota has some specific criteria relating to admission eligibility for postgraduate students such as:
- Firstly, a bachelor's degree is much needed for every student.
- English language efficiency marks are also required in some cases.
- Every applicant needs to have a 3.0 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale in the last 60 credit hours of their bachelor's degree.
- Eligible candidates must have finished their bachelor's degree from a reputed as well as certified college.
Documents, Test and Average Score Required
Required documents for applying for the undergraduate degree at Dakota State University in Madison, South Dakota are described below:
- A school leaving certificate in the original language is required.
- Students need to submit their SAT scores as well as ACT scores.
Country-specific documents such as proof of university documents are required.
Required documents for applying for the postgraduate degree at Dakota State University in Madison, South Dakota are described below:
- Every candidate needs to have a personal statement scheme which is required in some cases.
- Internship certificates are also required in a few master's programmes.
- LIU Brooklyn graduate entrance application (online) is required in some cases.
- A certificate of bachelor's degree including an official translation is much needed.
Popular courses at Dakota State University
Dakota State University in Madison, South Dakota is one of the finest universities located in Madison, South Dakota and it usually includes several popular courses for students such as Accounting, Education, Business Management, Marketing, and Cyber Operations and so on. Students from different places come to be a part of this famous university to grab essential knowledge for a better future.