The case covers contract selection issues in a manufacturing firm, towards procurement of a key component. It involves detailed comparative analysis of long-term wholesale contract, options-based contract, and buyback contract with spreadsheet modelling and statistics.
Vasant Fresh Foods case study deals with an important issue of food wastage in a supply chain that handle products that are perishable (like vegetables). Vasant Farm Fresh is creating a supply chain in Ahmedabad, India, to integrate farmers with retailers and provide fresh produce to customers. To design the supply chain, Vasant Farm Fresh must identify the optimal procurement quantity for fresh produce, build collection centres at specific locations, know the produce attributes and other variables influencing demand and finally reduce food wastage.
This case examines in detail the initiatives taken by ITC Ltd, to utilize the potential of information technology for improving the performance of its agricultural commodities export business in the early 21st century. The case covers in detail how the company designed and executed the e-choupal project in the country’s rural areas, and inspires business strategy in several other sectors.
How can a poorly educated, decentralized workforce perform so beautifully in an environment that can charitably be described as unpredictable and challenging? The answers hold lessons not only for companies seeking to expand in emerging markets but also for all developed-economy enterprises across sectors.
This case focuses on how Industry 4.0 (machine vision, AI, blockchain and IoT) can be applied to improve supply chain transparency and speed payment to financially underprivileged suppliers and aid sustainability.
In this, participants will be assigned to groups of four, and work collaboratively. The groups have to decide on a topic by the middle of the course, using any one (or preferably two or three) major topics from the course. Critique/validate/extend the concepts/models by way of some primary research. This may be your own company data or secondary data. The specific task is to identify a significant problem and address it using academic insight gained from the course and supported by data and analysis. This provides an opportunity to apply the learning from the course in an actual problem and work collaboratively with a diverse team. A 10 minute presentation and a 3000 words report is expected by the end of the course.
*This Referral Offer is valid only on the Certificate Program in Supply Chain Management.