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A Star Algorithm: A Quick Solution to Find the Shortest Route

Updated on 10/09/2024425 Views


In this guide, you will go through the concept of a star algorithm in detail, its principles, benefits, disadvantages, and various applications in artificial intelligence. You will also get an in-depth explanation of its working steps.

What does A star Algorithm mean?

A star algorithm calculates the shortest path between a starting point and a destination.

It is a helpful algorithm that is often used for map traversal to find the smallest path that needs to be taken. 

The A star algorithm was initially designed as a graph traversal problem, where robots used it to find their course. However, even today, it remains a widely popular algorithm for graph traversal.

Another point that makes the A star algorithm effective is the use of weighted graphs in its implementation. A weighted graph makes use of numbers to efficiently represent the cost of taking each path or course of action. This indicates that the algorithm should take the path with the least cost to find the best route of distance and time.

Let us now understand why users prefer to use the A star algorithm.

Using A star search Algorithm

A star search algorithm is an effective search algorithm that allows you to find the most optimal path between two nodes in any graph. The A star algorithm is used to find the shortest path, an extension of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.

In this expansion, elements can be stored in heaps in place of a priority queue. Moreover, an A star algorithm uses a heuristic approach, which provides additional information about how far we are from the goal node. This function uses a f-heap data structure to make searching more efficient.

Moving forward, let's get in-depth into the components of the A star algorithm.

Components of the A star Algorithm 

Imagine that you are navigating a map that has different places marked as points. On this map, roads connect one point to the other. Now, let's talk about two things:

Cost Functions

\(g(n)\): This the distance or effort it takes from the starting point to a particular point on the map.

\(h(n)\): This is the guess or estimate of how far it might be from a particular point to the destination. It's like estimating the remaining distance.

Together, the total cost to reach a point is the sum of these two: \(F(n) = g(n) + h(n)\)

Open and Closed Lists

Open List: This is a list of places you consider visiting next. It includes points you still need to explore fully.

Closed List: Once you've thoroughly explored a place and know its cost, move it to this list. It's like marking a place as thoroughly explored.

So, the A* algorithm is like planning a trip on a map. You estimate how far it might be to your destination from where you are, then consider places nearby that might get you closer. 

You keep track of the places you still need to check (open list) and mark off the ones you've fully explored (closed list).

Workings of the A Star Search Algorithm

Imagine that you are planning a road trip, however, you want to drive down the shortest route possible. This is where the A star algorithm comes in handy. This algorithm is like having an intelligent GPS that can guide you efficiently through the map. 

Here's how it works in simple steps:


  • Decide where you're starting and where you want to go on the map.
  • Set up two empty lists: one for places you're going to check out (let's call it "To Explore"), starting with just your starting point, and another for places you've already checked (let's call it "Explored").

Exploring the Map

Keep doing this until you've checked everywhere or found the goal.

  1. Look at the place closest to your "To Explore" goal.
  2. Move that place from "To Explore" to "Explored" so you don't recheck it.
  3. Check out all the places around this one on the map.
  4. For each of these places:
  • Calculate the distance you've traveled to get there (let's call it the "Actual Distance").
  • Guess how much further you think it is to the goal (let's call it "Estimated Distance").
  • Add these two distances to find the total distance ("Total Distance").
  1. If a place isn't on your "Explored" list:
  • If it's not on your "To Explore" list, add it and note its "Total Distance."
  • If it's already on your "To Explore" list, but the new total distance is shorter, update the total distance.

Finishing Up 

  1. Keep doing this until you've looked everywhere or found the goal.
  2. If you've looked everywhere and still need to find the goal, you might not be able to return to where you started.

The A star search algorithm is akin to exploring a map. You need to choose the next place closest to your goal, based on how far you've come and how much further you need to go. You need to keep doing this until you either find the goal or realize you need help from where you started.

Now, let us understand how to use the Pseudocode of the A-star search Algorithm

Using the Pseudocode of the A star search algorithm

The A star search algorithm's pseudocode is shown in the text below. This can be used to create the algorithm in any programming language and provides an explanation of the fundamental reasoning behind a method.

  1. Begin with the starting node in the open list
  • We start with the starting point and put it in the list of places to explore.
  1. If we've reached the destination node
  • If the starting point is the destination, we're done.
  • Otherwise, we'll move to the next step.
  1. If not at the destination, pick the node with the lowest f-score
  • We'll select the next place to explore based on which seems closest to the goal.
  1. Exploring the selected node
  • Now, we'll look at the chosen place and see what's around it
  • For each neighboring place
  • We'll update if we've found a better way to get there from where we are.
  • If we've never seen this place, it will be added to the list of places to explore.
  1. Repeat until done
  • We'll keep doing this until we either find the destination or exhaust all the options, realizing we can't reach it from where we started.

So, in simple terms, we start with where we are and keep looking for the best way to get to our destination, checking neighboring places and updating our plan as we go along.

Now further, the code used to implement the A star Algorithm in Python.

Implementing A star Algorithm in Python

This A star algorithm implementation determines the shortest path on a grid between a start state and a goal state. You can customize the `neighbors` function to define the possible moves from each state and the `heuristic` function to estimate the cost from a state to the goal state.


import heapq

Class Node:

    def __init__(self, state, parent=None, g=0, h=0):

        self.state = state

        self.parent = parent

        self. g = g  # cost from start to current node

        self. h = h  # heuristic cost from the current node to goal

    def f(self):

        return self.g + self.h

def astar(start_state, goal_state, neighbors_fn, heuristic_fn):

    open_set = []

    closed_set = set()

    start_node = Node(state=start_state, g=0, h=heuristic_fn(start_state))

    heapq.heappush(open_set, (start_node.f(), id(start_node), start_node))

    while open_set:

        _, _, current_node = heapq.heappop(open_set)

        if current_node.state == goal_state:

            path = []

            while current_node:


                current_node = current_node.parent

            return path[::-1]  # reverse to get the path from start to goal


        for neighbor_state in neighbors_fn(current_node.state):

            if neighbor_state in closed_set:


            neighbor_g = current_node.g + 1  # assuming uniform cost for all edges

            neighbor_h = heuristic_fn(neighbor_state)

            neighbor_node = Node(state=neighbor_state, parent=current_node, g=neighbor_g, h=neighbor_h)

            for i, (_, _, open_node) in enumerate(open_set):

                if open_node.state == neighbor_state and open_node.f() > neighbor_node.f():

                    open_set[i] = (neighbor_node.f(), id(neighbor_node), neighbor_node)




                heapq.help push(open_set, (neighbor_node.f(), id(neighbor_node), neighbor_node))

    Return None  # No path found.

# Example usage:

def neighbors(state):

    x, y = state

    return [(x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)]  # Assuming 4-connected grid

def heuristic(state):

    goal_state = (5, 5)  # Example goal state

    return abs(state[0] - goal_state[0]) + abs(state[1] - goal_state[1])  # Manhattan distance heuristic

start_state = (0, 0)  # Example start state

goal_state = (9, 9)   # Example goal state

path = astar(start_state, goal_state, neighbors, heuristic)


Moving to the next section, let's examine the advantages and disadvantages of the A star search algorithm. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of A Star Algorithm

Here’s a look at the advantages and disadvantages of the a star search algorithm: 

Advantages of A star algorithm

An A-star algorithm in artificial intelligence offers several advantages for finding an optimal solution. Below are a few advantages of the A-star search algorithm.

  1. Shortest Routes: A* always finds the shortest path by making intelligent guesses, saving time.
  2. Versatile: A* isn't just for maps but also for robots, games, and delivery routes.
  3. Intelligent Guesses: A* predicts the best way to go, saving time by not checking every option.
  4. Customizable: A* can be adjusted for different needs by changing guessing methods.

Disadvantages of A star algorithm in Artificial Intelligence

An A star search algorithm has a few disadvantages that must be considered before deciding.

  1. Memory Hungry: A* needs a lot of memory, especially on big maps.
  2. Relies on Good Guesses: Finding the best route quickly depends on good guesses.
  3. Can't Handle Changes Well: If things change during the search like roads closing, it doesn't adapt quickly.
  4. Struggles with Expensive Choices: It can take a long time to find the best path if moving between places is expensive.

Now, further let us understand about Handling Dynamic Environments

What Are Dynamic Environments and how to handle them?

In real life, things like traffic or road closures can make finding the best path tricky for the A star algorithm. But there are ways to help it:

  1. Adjusting Plans on the Go: Instead of deciding on a route all at once, the algorithm can change its plan as it goes, reacting to new info like closed roads or traffic jams.
  2. Using Live Info: By looking at live data like traffic updates, the algorithm can make smarter decisions about which way to go.
  3. Changing its Guesses: The algorithm's way of guessing the best path can be updated in real-time based on what's happening, so it can find the right path even if things change.

These tricks make the A star algorithm better at dealing with real-life situations where things don't stay the same all the time.

Wrapping Up!

A star search algorithm is excellent for finding the shortest path in different situations, but it needs a lot of memory and relies on good guesses. It struggles if things change while searching, and it might take longer if moving between places is expensive.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When should I use the A star algorithm?

A star algorithm is ideal for navigation, optimization, and pathfinding tasks where finding the shortest path is crucial.

  1. Is A Star a greedy algorithm?

No, the A* algorithm is not inherently greedy as it considers actual and estimated costs during exploration.

  1. What is the difference between A* and greedy?

A* algorithm differs from greedy algorithms by considering both actual and estimated costs during path exploration, making it more comprehensive and efficient in finding optimal solutions.

Kechit Goyal

Kechit Goyal

Team Player and a Leader with a demonstrated history of working in startups. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor of Technology (BTech…Read More

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