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Cost Function in Machine Learning

Updated on 11/09/2024370 Views

In the rapidly changing tech-driven world, it has become essential for machine learning tools to be stronger. ML technique is built to make the best possible guesses based on the information it has & thus requires continuous improvement. The best possible way to make this happen is by focusing on something that is known as the cost function.

The cost function in Machine Learning is a technique that helps the model get better by finding out the smallest possible mistake that it commits. The more we improve this cost function, the more accurate it becomes, which leaves less room for any mistake.

In this article, we will talk about cost functions in machine learning, types of cost functions, their role & usage, and their importance.

Let’s first define cost function in machine learning.

What does Cost Function in Machine Learning mean?

A machine learning model requires a higher level of accuracy in order to execute well with real-world applications. But the question here remains is how should you calculate the accuracy of this model, i.e., to check how good or poor the model is performing in the real world?

If such is the case, then Cost function in machine learning plays a very important role. It is one of the most important machine learning parameters to estimate the model.

Now, let’s understand why you should use Cost Function in Machine Learning.

Why use Cost Function?

Despite there being a number of accuracy parameters, why do we need a cost function for a Machine learning model?

Let’s understand it with an example of classification of data. Imagine we have a dataset which contains the heights and weights of both cats and dogs, and we need to classify them accordingly.

Next, let’s briefly understand the optimization method to minimize Cost Function.

Optimization method to minimize the cost function in machine learning

In a model, different parts can have different costs. To avoid wasting resources, we want to reduce these costs as much as possible. Gradient Descent is a method that helps us do this by adjusting the model's parameters little by little until we reach the best possible values. This process is like guiding the model towards the lowest cost or error, which we call convergence.

Now, let’s understand different types of cost function in Machine learning

3 Types of Cost Function in Machine Learning

There are mainly three types of cost function in machine learning and it depends on the data you have, what you’re trying to achieve with it and why. So, let’s begin:

Regression In Machine Learning Cost Function

A Regression Machine Learning cost function helps make sense out of the complex data that we possess by creating a clear and an understandable model. It is a way to predict outcomes based on various factors. For instance, we can predict things like the weather, loan approval and salary.

This type of Cost Function helps us see how close our predictions are to the real outcome. Moreover, we aim to make this difference as small as possible. A regression model is an efficient way to predict things that vary continuously, like prices or probabilities. We can use cost functions to ensure these models make an accurate prediction.

1. Mean Error (ME)

A Mean error is the easiest approach and acts as a foundation for other Regression cost functions. It can also compute errors for each training dataset and calculator the mean of all derived errors.

But this method is not suggested because the error values are either positive or negative. While calculating means using this cost function calculator machine learning, the calculator cancels each other and gives a zero-mean error outcome.

2. Mean Absolute Error (MAE)

An MAE which is also known as L1 Loss would overcome the drawback of Mean error mentioned above. This cost function in machine learning formula computes the absolute distance between an actual output and predicted output and is simply insensitive to anomalies.

Overall, it effortlessly operates the dataset with any anomaly and predicts outcomes with a better precision.

However, an MAE comes with the drawback of being non-differentiable at zero. Thus it fails to perform well in a Loss Function Optimization Algorithms that involves a differentiation to evaluate an optimal coefficient.


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3. Mean Squared Error (MSE)

An MSE which is also known as L2 Loss and is the most used one. It improves the drawbacks of both an ME and MAE. It computes the distance between the actual output and predicted output by preventing negative error possibilities.

Due to these squaring errors, a MSE penalizes an high error caused by the anomalies and it is beneficial to the Loss Function Optimization algorithm to evaluate optimal coefficients.

It has some more enhanced Root Mean Square Error and Root Mean Squared Logarithmic Error.

Unlike a MAE function, the MSE is extensively sensitive to an anomaly where squaring the errors will quantify it multiple times.



Binary Classification In Machine Learning Cost Function

Both Binary and Multi class classification cost functions operate on the cross-entropy that works on the fundamentals of the Logistic Regression.

A Logistic Regression in Machine Learning Cost Function purely works on the probability concept and employs supervised learning algorithms. However, this cost function is complex and utilizes the Sigmoid Cost function in its predictive analysis algorithm for binary classification problems.

A Binary Classification cost function deals with the problem statement of any classification model and predicts categorical value like a 0 or 1.

This comes under a particular case of categorical cross-entropy when there is only one probability of the output class. This can be either positive/negative or true/false.

Multi-Class Classification In Machine Learning Cost Function

A Multi-class classification cost function functions for more than two classes in any classification model. This functionality is similar to that of Binary Classification Cost Functions but only with a slight extension.

For instance, here also the Class 0 represents a minimized cost function (). However, this model error is estimated to be from a higher class score values like it can be 1,2,3 etc.

The above score shows the outline of the average difference between an actual and a predicted probability distribution.

Lastly, this cost function uses the Softmax Function to calculate a probability of an observation that belongs to a predicted class. Its best real-world application is known as a Cost Function in a Neural Network.

Now, let’s understand what does the term Gradient Descent mean.

How can you define the term Gradient Descent

In any machine learning model, a training period is one of the most important phases to make the model more accurate. To analyze how the model works, you can run it across different case scenarios. But the inverse case, i.e. while ensuring how wrong the model is you need to run a comparative function.

A cost function in machine learning is a single real number which is utilized to indicate the distance between actual output and predicted output in any ML model. When you improvise the cost function is optimized through an algorithm to find the bare minimum possible error in the model, it is called gradient descent.

How can you define the term Cost Function for Linear Regression

Next, the linear regression is nothing but just a linear representation of the dependent and independent variables of any particular model that indicates how they are related to finding the maximum possible outputs of any given parameter.

As this cost function in machine learning showcases the points where the model is under-trained, linear regression is implemented to optimize the functions until the maximum possible points intersect with the regression line.

How can you define the term Cost Function for Neural Networks?

An artificial neural network is promoted in order to work like human brains, learn from mistakes and moreover improve. As discussed earlier the cost function is leveraged to find the flaws in any ML model, but there is no surprise that it is related to neural networks.Moreover, there are multiple layers in a real-life machine learning model and neural network algorithms to help find all the flaws against different outputs to find the total error. In a neural network, there are various nodes, weights, biases and connections. This may seem really complex but we can conduct such complex mathematical calculations easily by using technology.

Now, let’s understand how to implement CF in Python

How to Implement Cost Function in Python

Numpy is a Python library which helps with math operations on big arrays and matrices. First, import 'NumPy' and 'matplotlib' libraries, then upload your dataset. In Numpy, x-coordinates represent inputs, and y-coordinates represent outputs.

Next, we set the theta (θ) value to predict x-values. For this machine learning model, we also define learning parameters using variables like 'learning_rate' and 'iteration'. We store the number of points in a variable 'm'. To calculate the cost function and update theta, we use operations from the 'NumPy' library, completing the calculation in just one line.

Next, calculate the gradient descent and display theta for each iteration. Then, for plotting the graph, use plt.xlabel('iterations') and plt.ylabel('J(theta)') to show iterations on the x-axis and corresponding theta values on the y-axis of the graph.

Wrapping Up!

In the modern tech driven world, machine learning tools require continuous improvement to stay efficient. The cost function in machine learning plays an important role in this by helping models become more accurate.

By minimizing these mistakes, it can enhance the model’s performance. Moreover, there are different kinds of cost functions, each suited to different machine learning tasks such as regression and classification.

This function helps us understand how well the predictions match reality and guide us in optimizing the model. Using tools like Numpy and Python libraries to implement cost functions can make it more manageable.

By using various techniques like gradient descent, we can refine our models and make them quite effective in a real-world application. On the whole, understanding and utilizing cost functions are important steps towards building a powerful and reliable machine learning system.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the cost function in machine learning?

A cost function in machine learning is a mathematical formula that measures how well a model's predictions match the actual outcomes. It quantifies the error between predicted and actual values.

  1. Why is a cost function important in machine learning?

Cost functions are important in machine learning because they guide the model to minimize errors and improve accuracy. By optimizing the cost function, we can train models to make more accurate predictions, leading to better performance in real-world applications.

  1. How is the cost function minimized during training?

During training, the cost function is minimized using optimization techniques like gradient descent. The model's parameters are adjusted iteratively to reduce the cost function's value, leading to improved performance.

  1. Can cost vary based on machine learning tasks?

Yes, cost functions can vary based on the type of machine learning task. For example, regression tasks typically use MSE, while classification tasks use cross-entropy loss or hinge loss.

  1. What is the cost function with an example

An example of a cost function is Mean Squared Error (MSE), commonly used in linear regression. It calculates the average squared difference between predicted and actual values.

  1. What are the advantages of cost function?

The advantages of cost functions include:

  • They provide a quantitative measure of model performance.
  • They guide model optimization to minimize errors.
  • They help in comparing different models and selecting the best one for the task.
Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Assionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engi…Read More

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