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Long Short Term Memory(LSTM)

Updated on 13/09/2024442 Views

As I learned more about machine learning, I came across Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, a stunning invention that completely changed sequential data processing. Picture yourself reading through a mountain of text, such as movie reviews, and being able to quickly identify the author's feelings or anticipate a sentence's next word. Such accomplishments are made possible by LSTM in machine learning, a specific kind of recurrent neural network that overcomes the constraints of conventional RNNs and retains knowledge over time and intricacies. 

Machine learning has undergone a transformation thanks to LSTM's capacity to comprehend context and maintain long-term dependencies. It is now a mainstay in a wide range of applications, including time series forecasting and natural language processing.

What is LSTM?

LSTM in machine learning is a specialized type recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture that is strategized to excel at capturing long-term dependencies in sequential data. Because LSTM has feedback connections, as opposed to standard neural networks, it can handle complete data sequences as opposed to simply single data points. This makes it especially useful for jobs like time series, text, and speech data that call for the comprehension and prediction of patterns in sequences.

The long short term memory architecture is composed of multiple LSTM cells arranged in a sequential manner. Each LSTM cell consists of several components: a memory cell and 3 types of gates. These components work together to process sequential data and maintain long-term dependencies., The LSTM cell, at each time step, receives input data, processes it through the gates, updates its memory cell, and leads to an output. The output is then passed to the next LSTM cell in the network, allowing the LSTM to analyze sequential data over multiple time steps while retaining important information and discarding irrelevant details.

LSTM architecture and working

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks utilize specialized gates to control the flow of information within the memory cell, enabling them to retain long-term dependencies in sequential data. There are three main types of gates–forget gate, input gate, and output gate.

1. Forget gate

The forget gate removes information that is no longer useful from the cell state. It takes inputs u_t (current input) and s_{t-1} (previous cell output), which are then multiplied with weight matrices and added to a bias term. The result is passed through a sigmoid activation function (), generating a binary output. If the output is 0, the piece of information is forgotten, and if it's 1, the information is retained for future use. The equation for the forget gate is:

g_t = (V_g · [s_{t-1}, u_t] + c_g)


  • V_g: Weight matrix associated with the forget gate.
  • [s_{t-1}, u_t]: Concatenation of the previous hidden state h_{t-1} and the current input x_t.
  • c_g: Bias term associated with the forget gate. 

2. Input gate

The input gate in LSTM in machine learning adds useful information to the cell state. It filters and regulates the input information using the sigmoid function, similar to the forget gate. Additionally, a vector is created using the tanh function, containing values between -1 and +1, representing all possible values from s_{t-1} and u_t. Finally, the values of this vector and regulated values are multiplied to get the useful information. The equations for the input gate are:

  • i_t = (W_i · [s_{t-1}, u_t] + d_j)
  • Q_t = tanh(W_c · [s_{t-1}, u_t] + d_q)
  • Q_t = g_t ⊙ C_{t-1} + i_t ⊙ Q_t


  • tanh: tanh activation function
  • ⊙: element-wise multiplication
  • W_i: Weight matrix for input gate
  • W_c: Weight matrix for the candidate values
  • d_j: Bias term for the input gate
  • d_q: Bias term for candidate values

3. Output gate

The output gate processes necessary information from the current cell state, which is presented as output. First, a vector is produced by applying the tanh function to the cell. Then, the information is regulated using the sigmoid function and filtered by the values to be remembered using inputs s_{t-1} and u_t. Finally, the values of the vector and the regulated values are multiplied to be sent as output and input to the next cell. The equation for the output gate is:

p_t = (V_p · [h_{t-1}, x_t] + c_p)


  • V_p: Weight matrix associated with output gate
  • c_p: Bias term associated with the output gate

Applications of LSTM in machine learning

LSTM deep learning networks have found widespread applications across various domains in machine learning due to their ability to effectively model and analyze sequential data while overcoming the limitations of traditional recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Some key applications of LSTM in machine learning include:

1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  • Sentiment Analysis: LSTM networks are used to analyze and classify the sentiment of textual data, such as reviews or social media posts.
  • Text Generation: LSTM models can generate coherent and contextually relevant text, making them valuable for tasks like language modeling and text generation.
  • Named Entity Recognition (NER): LSTM networks are employed to identify and classify named entities, such as people, organizations, and locations, within textual data.

2. Machine translation

LSTM networks are extensively utilized in machine translation systems for translatating text from one language to another. They effectively capture the contextual dependencies and nuances of language, leading to more accurate translations.

3. Speech recognition

LSTM-based models are employed in speech recognition systems to transcribe spoken language into text. They excel at capturing temporal dependencies in audio sequences, leading to improved accuracy in speech recognition tasks.

4. Time series forecasting

Long short term memory networks are broadly used for time series forecasting tasks, such as predicting stock prices, weather patterns, or energy consumption. They can capture both short-term fluctuations and long-term trends in sequential data.

5. Finance

Long and short term memory networks are used in financial applications for tasks like stock price prediction, fraud detection, and algorithmic trading. They can analyze historical financial data and detect patterns or anomalies to inform investment decisions.

Strengths and weaknesses of LSTM in machine learning

Understanding these strengths and weaknesses can guide the selection and deployment of long and short term memory algorithm in machine learning applications.

Strengths of LSTM:

  • Capture long-term dependencies: LSTM networks excel at capturing long-term dependencies in sequential data due to their specialized memory cell, enabling them to retain information over extended periods.
  • Reduction of gradient issues: They address the problem of exploding and vanishing gradients encountered in traditional RNNs by employing gating mechanisms. This selective recall or forgetting of information helps in training over long sequences more effectively.
  • Contextual understanding: LSTM networks are adept at capturing and remembering important context, even with significant time gaps between relevant events in a sequence. This capability makes them particularly suitable for tasks where understanding context is crucial, such as machine translation.

Weaknesses of LSTM:

  • Computational complexity: Compared to simpler architectures like feed-forward neural networks, long short term memory in deep learning are computationally more expensive. This increased complexity can limit their scalability, especially for large-scale datasets or resource-constrained environments.
  • Training time: Training LSTM networks can be more time-consuming compared to simpler models due to their computational complexity. Achieving high performance often requires more data and longer training times.
  • Sequential processing limitation: Since LSTM processes data sequentially, parallelizing the processing of sentences or sequences can be challenging. This sequential nature may lead to slower processing speeds, especially in tasks where parallelization could offer significant speedups.

Training strategies for LSTM networks

Training strategies for LSTM networks are vital for achieving optimal performance and preventing common issues like exploding gradients and overfitting. Here are some key training techniques:

  • Gradient clipping: LSTM networks often encounter exploding gradients, causing unstable learning. Gradient clipping caps gradient values during backpropagation, ensuring they remain within a reasonable range and promoting stable training.
  • Learning rate scheduling: Adjusting the learning rate is critical for stable convergence. Techniques like gradually reducing the learning rate or adapting it based on validation loss enhance LSTM model convergence.
  • Regularization methods: LSTM networks combat overfitting with techniques like dropout and randomly dropping units during training to encourage robust learning.

Key differences between LSTM and RNN

Here are some of the important differences between LSTM in machine learning and RNN:


LSTM (Long Short-term Memory)

RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)


Can process sequential data in both forward and backward directions

Limited to processing sequential data in one direction


Incorporates a specialized memory unit for long-term dependencies in sequential data

Does not possess a dedicated memory unit


Widely used in machine translation, speech recognition, text summarization, natural language processing, and time series forecasting

Commonly applied in natural language processing, machine translation, speech recognition, image processing, and video processing


More complex training process due to the complexity of gates and memory unit

Easier to train compared to LSTM

Ability to learn sequential data

Proficient in learning from sequential data

Designed to learn from sequential data

Long-term dependency learning

Capable of learning long-term dependencies in data sequences

Limited ability to learn long-term dependencies


Long Short-Term Memory, machine learning networks have become a ground-breaking breakthrough due to their exceptional ability to comprehend sequential data and capture long-term dependencies. LSTMs have become essential in a variety of applications, from time series forecasting to natural language processing, thanks to their specialized memory cells and gating mechanisms. Even if they have advantages like contextual awareness and gradient problem reduction, it's crucial to recognize that they may have drawbacks like computing complexity and training time. Still, LSTM in machine learning is pushing the envelope of sequential data analysis capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)   

What is the long-term short-term memory?

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) refers to a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) made to capture long-term dependencies in sequential data. It has specialized memory cells and gating mechanisms to selectively store or forget information.

What is LSTM and how it works?

LSTM is a type of RNN with specialized memory cells and gating mechanisms. It processes sequential data by selectively retaining or discarding information over time, allowing it to capture long-term dependencies in the data.

What is the difference between RNN and long short-term memory?

RNNs are basic neural networks designed for sequential data, while LSTM is a specific type of RNN with specialized memory cells and gating mechanisms. Unlike basic RNNs, LSTM can capture long-term dependencies in the data.

What are the 3 different types of memory?

In the context of LSTM, the three types of memory are: short-term memory (current cell state), long-term memory (accumulated knowledge stored over time), and working memory (information currently being processed).

Why is it called long-term memory?

It's called long-term memory because LSTM networks are specifically designed to capture and retain long-term dependencies in sequential data, allowing them to remember information from earlier time steps and use it in later predictions.

What is LSTM best used for?

LSTM is best used for tasks involving sequential data where capturing long-term dependencies is crucial, such as natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, time series forecasting, and any problem requiring memory over extended periods.

What is LSTM best for?

LSTM is best suited for tasks requiring the modeling of complex sequential relationships and long-term dependencies, such as language modeling, sentiment analysis, and speech recognition.

What is an LSTM good for?

LSTM is good for tasks where understanding context and capturing dependencies over long sequences is important, making it ideal for applications like machine translation, text generation, and sentiment analysis.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Assionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engi…Read More

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