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Named Entity Recognition(NER)

Updated on 13/09/2024459 Views

Imagine a library that has an infinite number of books that are all loaded with knowledge. Manually scanning through this kind of information to locate particular details would be a very laborious process. This is where Named Entity Recognition in NLP (Natural Language Processing) comes onto the scene. NLP is a bridge connecting human language and machines, allowing computers to comprehend and analyze the meaning behind written text. 

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a mighty tool in the NLP toolbox. It works on the extraction and classification of the entities being mentioned in the text data. Their examples are people, places, organizations, dates, times, quantities, and so on. With this entity's identification, NER provides a way to obtain useful information and organize it in a structured manner. 

Core Concepts of NER

The essence of Named Entity Recognition (NER) is to categorize and identify particular pieces of data in the text. Named entities that are the representatives of real-world objects or concepts are in these categories. NER systems can be trained to identify many types of entities, giving us a great chance to pick out important information from text. 

Types of NER

There are many different types of Named Entities. Named Entity Recognition (NER) systems can typically identify a range of named entities, including:

  1. People: Name and title of persons.
  2. Organizations: Companies, institutions, government agencies, and others.
  3. Locations: Nations, cities, geographic locations, monuments, and other places of interest.
  4. Dates and Times: For example, the dates, times, etc.
  5. Quantities: Numbers, amounts, percentages, and other quantities (e.g., $10,000 and 25%).

Two Main Directions of NER

There are two primary approaches to NER:

  1. Rule-Based NER: This conventional approach uses a fixed set of rules and patterns to do this. The rules would be searching for specific combinations of letters, capitalization, or patterns within the text.
  2. Machine Learning-Based NER: The contemporary method is based on statistical models that are trained on huge data sets with labels. The NER model is trained to detect patterns and features in the data that are related to the classes of entities.

Named Entity Disambiguation (NED)

NER systems could face ambiguity when dealing with the named entities. Another example is the name "Apple", which can be interpreted as a fruit or a technology company. Here is where Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) is being used. NED is going to deal with this vagueness by paying attention to the context and other details. It may employ knowledge bases, or other techniques, to find the most probable meaning of the entity in a certain context. 

Implementing NER Systems

Developing an NER system requires several major components. Let's delve into each one to understand how a raw text document is transformed into a treasure trove of named entities:

Data Preparation

Furthermore, as in other cases, the high-quality annotated data is the foundation of a sound NER system. This data comprises text pieces with named entities, which are labeled manually by their types (person, place, organization, etc.).

Annotators perform an exact tagging of each entity in the text to give the training data for the NER model to identify patterns and associations. 

Feature Engineering 

Data preparation is a prelude to the main event, but feature engineering is the equipment that the actors (algorithms) need to play their part. Here, we preprocess the raw text into a format that the NER model can understand. This involves extracting relevant features from each word in the sentence, such as:

  • Part-of-Speech (POS) tags
  • Prefixes and suffixes
  • Capitalization

Model Selection and Training 

We now have the data ready and features extracted; it is time to choose the best NER model. Popular options include:

  • Conditional Random Fields (CRFs): They are very good at sequence labeling tasks like NER and show the relationships between words in a sentence. 
  • Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM) Networks: These potent recurrent networks can process text in both directions, which allows them to understand the context of a word based on the surrounding words, thus improving the accuracy of entity recognition. 

Evaluation and Improvement 

The NER system is an iterative methodology. The trained model is assessed using precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. These metrics are used to assess the model's ability to correctly identify real-world entities and to avoid false positives (incorrectly labeling non-entities). 

PrecisionRecall Curve

Based on the evaluation results, we can move on to the next step and improve the system. This might involve:

  • Data augmentation
  • Hyperparameter tuning
  • Ensemble methods
  • Open-source NER Libraries


You do not need to start creating an NER system from the zero point. Several open-source libraries provide pre-trained NER models and tools for various programming languages:

  • spaCy (Python): A powerful NLP library with an embedded NER component that supports customization. 
  • NLTK (Python): An inclusive toolkit for NLP tasks, including NER. 
  • Stanford CoreNLP (Java): A pipeline widely used by NLP that has the latest NER model. 

Challenges: Assessment and Refinement of NER Models

After the basic concepts of Named Entity Recognition (NER) were covered, we went further into the complicated parts of the evaluation and fine-tuning of NER models for real-life situations. Similar to any machine learning system, NER models need to be evaluated and tuned to improve their performance. The following will analyze the issues, strategies, and contributing elements surrounding this crucial phase.

Challenges in Evaluating NER Models

Challenges in evaluating NER models are given below:

  • Error Analysis: The identification of the particular types of errors your NER model makes is the main thing in the improvement process. Methods like confusion matrices are used to show the errors by category (missed entities, wrong classifications) by visualization.
  • Domain-Specific Entities: The NER models trained on generic data may have a hard time dealing with the entities peculiar to a certain domain. For example, a model that was trained on news articles might fail to deal with medical codes in healthcare documents.
  • Imbalanced Datasets: The text data from the real world is often not balanced, where some entity types are overrepresented while others are underrepresented. This can distort the model's training, making the common entities the priority.

Fine-Tuning Strategies for Enhanced Performance

Fine-tuning strategies to enhance the performance are given below:

  • Hyperparameter Tuning: NER models are dependent on the various parameters that govern their operations.
  • Active Learning: This method is centered on the purposeful choice of the most relevant data points for the model to be trained on.
  • Ensemble Learning: The combination of different NER models, each having different configurations or algorithms, can be used to take advantage of the strengths of each and thus, to obtain better performance overall.

Considerations for Robust Evaluation

Below are some considerations for a robust evaluation:

  • Evaluation Metrics: Try to be more precise than just accurate when you assess your NER model.
  • Cross-Validation: Avoid the pitfall of overfitting your model to the training data. Methods such as k-fold cross-validation consist of the division of the data into several folds, the training of a portion of the data, and the evaluation of the rest of the folds.
  • Human Evaluation: Metrics are useful in giving us information, but human evaluation can be used to judge the output of a model qualitatively.

Recap: The Role of Named Entity Recognition (NER)

NER is a precursor to the great strides that have been taken in the technology arena. Suppose a future where AI assistants can interpret the context of your requests and identify specific restaurants when you ask for restaurant recommendations or schedule appointments based on doctor names and dates that you mention in your emails. The sky is the limit as the NER becomes the building block for more sophisticated and interactive technology. 

The world of NER is an abundant source of possibilities if you are interested in language processing and data analysis. Along with the evolution of deep learning and the growing number of open-source tools, entering the NER field has never been more possible than nowadays.  


1. What is Named Entity Recognition (NER) and how can I use it? 

NER is a natural language processing (NLP) technology that aids in the identification and categorization of entities inside a text, including names of individuals, groups, locations, dates, and so on. . NER may be used to extract valuable information from unstructured text data, automate tasks like information retrieval, improve search engines, and also enhance some NLP applications like sentiment analysis and information extraction. 

2. What is the difference between NLP and NER?

NLP (Natural Language Processing) is a broader field that includes the study of human language by computers in general. It includes text categorization, opinion mining, translation, and many other activities. While NER is a narrower task in NLP, it is concerned only with recognizing and classifying named entities in text. 

3. What is NER's role in NLP?

NER plays a crucial role in various NLP applications, including:

  • Information Extraction: Identifying the entities in the text, that are relevant for further analysis. 
  • Document Summarization: Automated summarizing by using salient entities as the base. 
  • Question Answering Systems: Getting information and giving answers from text based on named entities. 
  • Entity Linking: Naming entities and linking them to knowledge bases for more data. 

4. What does the NER stand for? 

The technique of recognizing and categorizing named entities—such as individuals, groups, places, and other pertinent entities—in text data is known as Named Entity Recognition, or NER. 

5. What is the role of NER in aiding the learning process?

The benefits of NER include:

  • Improved Text Understanding: Use of key terms to understand the text better. 
  • Automation of Information Extraction: Minimizes the delays and details associated with data retrieval and analysis. 
  • Enhanced Search Functionality: Enables more accurate and in-context search results. 
  • Time and Cost Savings: Eliminates the necessity of manual data annotation and data extraction. 

6. What are the applications of NER?

NER has diverse applications across industries, including:

  • Finance: Getting essential facts from financial reports and newspaper articles. 
  • Healthcare: Working with medical records to extract patient information and trends in treatment. 
  • Legal: Identifying the meaningful entities in the legal documents for case analysis. 
  • E-Commerce: Improving product search and recommendation engines. 
  • Social Media Analysis: Identifying the influencers, social media posts, and trends from the event. 

7. What is the sample of Named Entity Recognition?

An example of NER in action is identifying the following entities in a sentence:

"The Apple Company will be opening a new store in New York City in one month".


  • Organization: Apple Company 
  • Location: New York City
  • Date: Next month

8. What are the different types of NER?

NER can classify named entities into various categories, including:

  • Person
  • Organization
  • Location
  • Date
  • Time
  • Money
  • Percent
  • Product
  • Event

And more, in particular, with respect to the application and domain. 

9. What is the basic concept of Named Entity Recognition?

At its core, NER involves:

  • The input text is tokenized into words or phrases. 
  • Analyzing and distinguishing the features and patterns that are characteristic of named entities. 
  • Entity recognition is performed by categorizing tokens into pre-defined entity types using either machine-learning algorithms or rule-based systems. 
  • Post-processing and refining the entity boundaries to improve accuracy. 

By making yourself competent in NER, you can obtain useful information from textual data and add more sophisticated functions to your NLP applications. 

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Assionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engi…Read More

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