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What is Quantum Computing

Updated on 11/09/2024355 Views

Quantum computing is a multidisciplinary field using quantum mechanics to solve hard and complex problems more quickly than classical computers. Quantum computers use the unique behavior of quantum physics, such as superposition, entanglement, and quantum interference. Quantum computers are different from classical computers, which work with a limited set of inputs and use an algorithm to spit out an answer.

Quantum computers can help answer questions that need to be answered to optimize efficiency and value creation. Quantum computers are designed to be very cold, about a hundredth of a degree above absolute zero, to avoid ``decoherence,'' or retain their quantum states. The quantum state can be disturbed instantly by vibrations or temperature changes. Let’s understand more about quantum computing and its principles in this tutorial.

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing solves complicated problems that conventional computers or supercomputers can not handle or solve quickly enough. It does this by utilizing specialized technology, such as computer hardware and programs that incorporate quantum physics. Utilizing concepts from basic physics, quantum computing is an innovative method of computation that can swiftly tackle extraordinarily complicated problems.

What is a QUBIT?

Quantum particles are the representation of quantum bits or qubits. The processing ability of a quantum computer is mostly derived from the modification of qubits by control mechanisms. Bits in classical computers can be compared to qubits in quantum computing. The processor of a classical computer effectively manipulates bits to perform its tasks. Comparably, the quantum processor processes qubits to accomplish all of its tasks.

A bit is an electrical signal that is usually on or off in classical computing. Thus, the classical bit's state can be either one (on) or zero (off). Nonetheless, the qubit can exist in a superposition of states since the principles of quantum mechanics govern it.

Importance of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing has promised to help in the revolutionisation of many industries like medicine, artificial intelligence, machine learning, finance, etc. The investors and the government have invested an extensive amount of money to achieve quantum supremacy.

As quantum computing seems like reality, it is much needed for us to understand its importance as well:

  1. With time the problems in the world have surpassed the level of the problem-solving capability of the advanced tech, therefore to solve these problems the process of quantum computing is used.
  2. Problems like complex cyber security problems, stocks, finance, profile management, molecular study, etc., are some of the most complex problems that are very difficult to solve by a supercomputer. To be more productive in such scenarios, quantum computing is used.
  3. Quantum computing can even help us carry out a complex chemical reaction that supercomputers can not perform and it would be challenging for them to handle and control all the factors instantly.
  4. With the help of this quantum computing, ammonia-based fertilizers could be easily available at the cheapest and the most affordable price. This will help us to reduce the manpower usage and production time.
  5. With quantum computing, we can easily solve complex non-linear problems that are very difficult for traditional computers to solve as they are designed for solving linear problems.
  6. With the help of quantum computing, it is effortless for us to handle big amounts of data, especially in the digital age where data is everything. Therefore, quantum computers are much better at handling large chunks of data effectively and efficiently.

Uses of Quantum Computing and its Applications

With the increasing demand for faster computation and efficiency in solving problems, the demand for quantum computing has increased, surpassing the capabilities of modern computers and supercomputers. It is the reason quantum computation is being used in several industries. Here are some examples.

  1. Machine learning: Quantum computing can be used for analyzing and developing algorithms like neural networks. It is also used in deep learning and machine learning algorithms where the main work is done upon optimizing the problems, which could easily be optimized with the help of quantum computers.
  2. Drug development: Quantum computers can be used to develop new medicines. These new medicines can be developed on a more stable and accurate molecular composition, decreasing the manpower and the production time of medicines.
  3. Automotive industry: There is already been a long time since the automotive industry has been using quantum computing technology to develop modern vehicles. Quantum computing is used in navigation apps, designed to let the driver know about the route properly and congestion on the route, etc.

Types of Quantum Technology

Quantum technologies can be categorized into three main areas: sensing, computers, and communications.

Quantum computers can be categorized into several types, including:

  • Photonic: It uses photons to carry and process quantum information.
  • Neutral atoms: It uses atoms suspended in a vacuum by laser beams.
  • Trapped ions: It uses atoms or molecules with an electrical charge
  • Quantum dots: It uses silicon qubits made up of pairs of quantum dots.

Quantum simulators are another type of quantum computer that can simulate real-world systems.

How Does Quantum Computing Work?

Depending on the ideas of quantum entanglement and the superposition of matter, this area of computer science uses a distinct computation technique from the conventional one. Theoretically, it could support significantly more states in every information unit and perform numerical operations using far more effective algorithms like quantum annealing or Shor's algorithm.

Quantum mechanics, a branch of physics that analyzes atomic and subatomic particles, can be utilized to overcome the constraints of traditional computing with a proper use of supercomputers. Applied quantum computing overcomes the tunnel effect that restricts present nanometric scale programming and allows for the execution of numerous simultaneous operations, despite clear practical challenges with scalability and inconsistency.

Using the principles of quantum theory, quantum computing performs operations on quantum models and resolves mathematical puzzles. It is used to simulate a variety of quantum systems, including complex chemical structures, superconductivity, and photosynthesis.

What is the Difference Between Quantum Computing and a Traditional One?

Here are some differences between quantum and traditional computing:

Data representation: Traditional computers use bits to represent data, while quantum computers use qubits.

Computation speed: Quantum computers can solve some problems faster than traditional computers and are helpful for companies in quantum computing.

Optimization: Quantum computers are good at solving optimization problems, including finding the best solution among several possibilities.

Parallel processing: Conventional computing has some limitations while performing parallel processing capabilities, which may reduce the efficiency of certain problems.

What is the Need for Quantum Computers?

Scientists and engineers use supercomputers to solve challenging tasks. These are enormous and traditional computers that can perform complex calculations and sophisticated artificial intelligence. They frequently have thousands of traditional CPU and GPU cores. They find it hard to resolve some issues.

If a supercomputer is unable to solve a problem, it is likely because the large and traditional machine was given an extremely complicated task to answer. Complexity is a common cause of failure in traditional computers. There are some difficult issues that we are unable to resolve at any scale with traditional technology. Quantum physics is the foundation of quantum computing. In many cases, the finest tools we have for comprehension need to be computers that perform calculations utilizing the quantum states of quantum bits.

How Does a Quantum Computer Work?

In comparison with classical computers, quantum computers can handle exponentially more data as they base their computations on the likelihood of an object's state before it is determined, rather than just 1 or 0. The specific location of a physical state is used by classical computers to perform logical operations. Typically, these are binary, which means that one of the two places is the basis for its activities. Instead, processes in quantum computing coding utilize an object's quantum state to create what is referred to as a qubit. These states, which include an electron's spin or a photon's polarization, are the undefined characteristics of an object before they are observed.

These kinds of quantum computing examples could be applied to forecast multi-particle contacts in chemical reactions, generate difficult-to-break security codes, and solve difficult mathematical issues.

Timeline for Quantum Computers

Quantum computing has been developing in five periods:

  • Theoretical foundations (1900–1980)
  • Emergence (1980–1994)
  • Quantum Algorithm Development (1994–2000)
  • Quantum Computer Construction (2000–2021)
  • Ongoing Advancements (2021–Present)

Principles of Quantum Computing

With this understanding of quantum computing, let’s understand the principles:


This quantum computing coding principle states that one may add two or even more states that will lead to another valid quantum state. The superposition of qubits will help in inheriting parallelism and allow them to process different types of operations.


When two systems are so close together that they provide an understanding of each other, regardless of their distance from one another, this phenomenon is known as quantum entanglement. Quantum processors can use measurements of one particle to infer information about another. Quantum computers can tackle complicated problems more quickly, all thanks to learning quantum computing.


This is defined as the loss of the quantum state. There are many factors like environmental factors, which can cause qubit’s state to collapse.

Limitations of Quantum Computing

The unpredictable nature of qubits is a significant barrier to the development of quantum computing. A qubit can be every combination of the two states, while a bit in modern computers can only be one or zero. A qubit's status changes can cause inputs to be lost or changed, which can affect the accuracy of the outcomes. The fact that millions of qubits would have to be interconnected by a quantum computer to function at the scale required is another barrier to topological quantum computing development. That amount is much beyond the handful of quantum computers that are known today.

Wrapping Up!

There are actual quantum computers and those are currently in use now. However, they are solving climate change, accelerating the likelihood of financial forecasts, or accomplishing other similarly ambitious goals mentioned. Commercial uses for quantum computing about such difficulties might exist, but that is a long way off. The latest generation of quantum computers has unique cooling temperatures as well as hardware specifications. However, it would not be long until quantum computing becomes a widely used computational technology as many significant businesses, governments, and universities keep investing in quantum computing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is an example of using quantum computing?

Quantum computing can be used in making medicines, financial modeling, online security, etc.

  1. What is the main goal of quantum computing?

Quantum computing uses quantum mechanics to solve problems that classical computers can not or can not solve quickly enough. The goal of quantum computing is to speed up research and development and solve complex data or optimization problems that classical computers cannot process.

  1. What would quantum computing do?

This helps in solving problems that are considered complex for traditional computers. They use effects like superposition and interference to solve the problems.

  1. Is quantum computing the future?

This technology has the potential to revolutionize the world and solve complex problems, which are difficult for even traditional computers.

  1. Can AI use quantum computing?

Quantum computing for machine learning can use artificial intelligence (AI) to create a new computing revolution. Quantum computing can increase speed, efficiency, and accuracy.

  1. Will quantum computing replace AI?

Quantum computing can improve artificial intelligence (AI) by making it faster, more efficient, and more accurate.

  1. Is quantum computing a good career?

Quantum computing is a good career, having a lot of potential and being a high-paying field.

  1. Does Google use quantum computing?

Google uses quantum computing. In 2019, Google informed that they had achieved "quantum supremacy" with the help of a programmable superconducting processor.


Rohan Vats

Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Assionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engi…Read More

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