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Word Embeddings in NLP

Updated on 13/09/2024325 Views

Many developers involved in natural language processing use word embeddings. Word embeddings are numeric representations of words in a lower-dimensional space, including semantic and grammatical information. They play an important part in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. 

Word embedding in NLP involves representing words in text analysis as real-valued vectors. This has significantly enhanced the computer’s capacity to read text-based content more effectively and is regarded as one of the most important breakthroughs in deep learning for solving hard natural language processing tasks.

This article will discuss everything you need to know about word embeddings. I will explain its applications, techniques, and much more.

Word Embedding in NLP - Overview

Word embedding, a crucial concept in natural language processing (NLP), involves representing words in a numerical format suitable for text analysis. Usually, a real-valued vector forms this representation that encodes word meaning. In this vector space, it is expected that words with similar meanings will be close together, thus enabling semantic understanding.

Word embeddings have a great role to play in NLP since they act as an intermediary between textual data and machine learning algorithms. By transforming words into numerical representations, they enable algorithms to comprehend language. 

By the end of this guide, you will understand word embeddings like a pro. I will explain its techniques, its importance, applications, and every other thing you should know.

What are Word Embeddings?

Word vectors or word embeddings are potent ways of representing words and documents. 

Numeric vectors, known as word embeddings, give each word a unique representation, ensuring that words with similar meanings have similar vector values. This allows algorithms to approximate meaning and represent words in a reduced-dimensional space, resulting in faster computations. A simple example of word embeddings is converting the word "banana" into a numeric vector that might look like [0.1, 0.3, -0.2, 0.5].

Word embeddings serve as a feature extraction method, transforming text into numeric vectors that can be easily fed into machine learning models. This preserves the semantic and syntactic information of the text, enabling the model to learn from the data more effectively.

For example, imagine you're building a sentiment analysis model to classify customer reviews as positive or negative. By using word embeddings, you can convert each review into a series of numeric vectors, capturing the essence of the text. These vectors can then be input into embeddings in machine learning algorithms, which learn to classify reviews based on the patterns in the data.

Many practitioners opt for pre-trained word embedding models like Flair, fastText, SpaCy, and others, which offer ready-to-use representations trained on large text corpora. This saves time and computational resources, while still providing robust representations for various NLP tasks like word embedding in NLP Python.

Why Are Word Embeddings So Important?

Word embeddings hold paramount importance in machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) for several compelling reasons:

1. Capturing Semantic Meaning

Word embeddings excel at quantifying and categorizing semantic similarities between linguistic items. They provide a rich representation of words, embedding semantics within the vector space dimensions. For instance, in sentiment analysis, words like "happy" and "joyful" share similar vector representations, indicating positive sentiment.

2. Dimensionality Reduction

Unlike traditional bag-of-words models, which assign each word a unique dimension, word embeddings map words into a lower-dimensional space based on semantic features. This reduces computational complexity, making algorithms more efficient and manageable.

3. Handling Large Vocabularies

Word embeddings efficiently handle large vocabularies by representing words as dense vectors, overcoming challenges posed by the curse of dimensionality and sparsity issues. Through the word embeddings model, nlp can ensure robust performance even with an extensive vocabulary.

4. Pioneering Transfer Learning

Pre-trained word embeddings learned from extensive datasets improve transfer learning.

Categories of Word Embedding Methods

1. Prediction-Based Embeddings

Prediction-based embeddings are generated by models that predict words from their neighboring words in sentences. These methods strive to place words with comparable contexts close to each other in the embedding space. Some techniques under this category 

  • Word2Vec (Skip-gram and Continuous Bag of Words)
  • FastText
  • GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation)

2. Frequency-Based Embedding

These methods leverage word frequency in the corpus to generate vector representations. By analyzing how often words appear, they encode semantic information.  Some techniques under this category

  • Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) 
  • Co-occurrence Matrix

Important Techniques of Word Embedding You Should Know

Here are the word embedding techniques that help convert words into dense vector representations.

1. Word2Vec

One of the most effective techniques in word embedding is Word2Vec, created by Tomas Mikolov during his tenure at Google. Word2Vec transforms words into a vector space representation, positioning similar words close to each other and distant from dissimilar ones. It harnesses semantic relationships and linguistic context to encode word meanings effectively.

Here is an implementation of Word2vec in the Python programming language

# Import necessary libraries

from gensim.models import Word2Vec

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

# Sample corpus

corpus = [

"The cat sat on the mat",

"The dog played in the garden",

"The sun is so beautiful",

"The birds are sad"


# Tokenize the corpus

tokenized_corpus = [word_tokenize(sentence.lower()) for sentence in corpus]

# Train the Word2Vec model

model = Word2Vec(sentences=tokenized_corpus, vector_size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)

# Test the Word2Vec model

word = "cat"

similar_words = model.wv.most_similar(word)

print(f"Words similar to '{word}': {similar_words}")

In the code above:

  • We import the necessary libraries, including Gensim for Word2Vec implementation and NLTK for tokenization.
  • We define a sample corpus consisting of a few sentences.
  • We tokenize the sentences into words.
  • We train the Word2Vec model using the tokenized corpus, specifying parameters like vector size, window size, minimum word count, and number of workers.
  • Finally, we test the trained model by finding words similar to a given word ("cat" in this case) using the most_similar() method.

The Continuous Skip-gram model and the Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) model are the two neural network-based variations of Word2Vec.



Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW)

Predicts the target word based on the context words in the sentence.

Continuous Skip-gram

Predicts the context of words based on the target word.

Both models learn from surrounding words, making them adept at capturing semantic relationships. This makes Word2Vec ideal for semantic analysis tasks like recommendation systems and knowledge discovery. Also, its efficient learning process accommodates large text corpora, making it scalable and versatile for diverse applications.

2. GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation

This model was developed at Stanford University by Socher and Manning. Unlike Word2Vec, which focuses on local context, GloVe captures global corpus statistics directly within the model. This technique excels in tasks like word analogy and named entity recognition.

While Word2Vec considers only neighboring words during training, GloVe analyzes the entire corpus to create a global word-word co-occurrence matrix. By leveraging this matrix, GloVe enhances word embeddings by capturing broader contextual information.

GloVe combines the strengths of matrix factorization methods like latent semantic analysis (LSA) and local context window methods like Skip-gram. Its simplified least square cost function reduces computational complexity, resulting in improved word embeddings.

In practical applications, GloVe demonstrates superior performance in word analogy and named entity recognition tasks compared to Word2Vec. While both techniques excel at capturing semantic information, GloVe's global approach offers distinct advantages in certain contexts. There are many pre-trained GloVe models.

Here's a short implementation of using pre-trained GloVe word embeddings in Python:

# Import necessary libraries

from gensim.models import KeyedVectors

# Load pre-trained GloVe word embeddings

glove_file = 'path_to_glove_file/glove.6B.100d.txt'  # Path to the GloVe file

word_vectors = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(glove_file, binary=False)

# Test the pre-trained GloVe model

word = 'king'

similar_words = word_vectors.most_similar(word)

print(f"Words similar to '{word}': {similar_words}")

In the code above:

  • We import the necessary libraries, including Gensim, to load pre-trained word embeddings.
  • We specify the path to the pre-trained GloVe file.
  • We load the pre-trained GloVe word embeddings using the load_word2vec_format() function from Gensim.

3. FastText

FastText is a prediction-based embedding technique that builds upon Word2Vec by incorporating subword information. By considering the internal structure of words, FastText generates robust embeddings, particularly for rare and out-of-vocabulary words.

Consider the word "banana." With FastText, the word is broken down into its constituent character n-grams, such as "ban," "ana," and "nan." Additionally, the whole word "banana" is also considered a separate feature. By capturing these subword structures, FastText can understand the word's meaning even if it's not explicitly present in the training data.

FastText's applications extend to generating embeddings for unseen words, making it reliable for handling different real-world text sources.

4. Bag of Words (BoW)

BoW is yet another popular word embedding method that uses word frequency in a sentence or document to represent text. Each value in the vector corresponds to the count of a word, extracting features from the text. 

For example, the BoW representation for "good service" could be: [service: 1, good: 1, other_words: 0].

5. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

BERT relies on attention mechanisms to generate high-quality contextualized word embeddings. During training, embeddings pass through each BERT layer, allowing the attention mechanism to capture word associations based on surrounding words.

BERT is famous for its cutting-edge techniques and unparalleled achievements resulting from pre-training on wide-ranging data sets like Wikipedia among other large corpora of words.

6. Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)

TF-IDF is a statistical measure that assesses the importance of a word in a document within a corpus. It considers both the frequency of the word in the document and its rarity across the corpus. In word embeddings,

TF-IDF can serve as a basic technique where words are represented as vectors based on their TF-IDF scores across multiple documents. Despite its simplicity, TF-IDF proves effective in tasks like information retrieval and text classification.

7. Co-occurrence Matrix

A co-occurrence matrix quantifies how often different words appear together in a corpus. In word embeddings, each word is represented as a vector based on its co-occurrence frequencies with other words.

This technique enables the capture of semantic relationships between words, as words frequently appearing together are likely to be semantically related. However, co-occurrence matrices can become computationally expensive for large vocabularies.

Real-Life Applications of Word Embeddings

Here are some real-life applications of word embeddings you should know

1. Text Classification and Sentiment Analysis

Word embeddings can be used for accurate text classification and sentiment analysis by converting text into numerical vectors. This enables “embeddings machine learning” like ML algorithms to understand context and nuances.

2. Machine Translation

When there are no direct translations available, word embeddings can be used to accurately translate words in other languages by capturing the semantic links between words.

3. Improving Search Engines

Word embeddings improve search engines by capturing semantic relationships between words, enabling more accurate search results based on meaning rather than just keywords.

4. Named Entity Recognition

Word embeddings help accurately identify and classify named entities in text by capturing semantic and syntactic relationships between words.

5. Text Summarization

Word embeddings assist in the creation of brief and coherent summaries of extensive text documents by capturing the semantic meaning of words. This allows algorithms to understand the text's essential ideas.


In summary, word embeddings are a big deal in natural language processing. They enable computers to understand text easily, which aids applications like text classification and machine translation.

As we move toward a world that revolves around massive volumes of text data, the word embedding methods will only become more significant and determine our relationship with language.


  1. What is an example of a word embedding?

 An example of a word embedding is converting the word "cat" into a numeric vector like [0.2, -0.5, 0.8].

  1. What types of word embedding are there in NLP?

 In NLP, common types of word embeddings include Word2Vec, GloVe, and fastText.

  1. What distinguishes Word2Vec from word embeddings?

 Word embeddings and Word2Vec are similar but not the same. Word2Vec is a specific algorithm for generating word embeddings.

  1. Does GPT use word embeddings?

 Yes, GPT does use word embeddings as part of its architecture.

  1. Why is word embedding used?

Semantic links between words are captured by word embeddings, which represent words as dense vectors in a continuous vector space.

  1. What are the two types of word embedding?

The two main types of word embedding are count-based methods like GloVe and predictive methods like Word2Vec.

  1. What are word embedding methods?

Word embedding methods are techniques used to represent words as dense vectors, including algorithms like Word2Vec, GloVe, and fastText.

  1. What is word embedding size?

Word embedding size refers to the dimensionality of the vector space in which words are represented. A typical size might be 100, 200, or 300 dimensions.

  1. What are embedding methods?

Embedding methods are approaches used to convert words into dense vector representations, facilitating machine learning tasks in NLP.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Assionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engi…Read More

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