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Mastering Data Analytics

Step-by-step guides and resources to master data analytics, from foundational concepts to advanced techniques.

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What is Data Analytics

Updated on 23/08/2024506 Views

In today's world, data is very valuable. But how can we use the data we gather? Data analytics is the process of processing raw data and trying to figure out trends.  This tutorial will cover the basics of what is data analytics and will give you an introduction to data analytics. 

Having worked as a data analyst myself, let me give you a basic idea of what is data analysis.

Introduction to Data Analytics

The first step in how to learn data analytics is having a basic idea of what data analysis is. Let me give you a brief idea about what is data analytics before we go further into the article.

Using Data analytics is similar to using a magnifying glass to look at an object. It gives us a clearer view of the object we are looking at and helps us recognize patterns, look for trends, and make an educated guess.

Steps in Data Analysis

There are a lot of steps that involve data analysis. To sharpen your data analytics skills, you must know about these steps which are generally taken for data analysis.

  • Clearly predefine what you hope to achieve with the data analysis in your project. Determine essential questions and objectives.
  • We then gather data from different sources like databases, files, and APIs.
  • In this step, we identify duplicates, handle missing values, and maintain data consistency. This step is called cleaning the data
  • We use visual tools such as charts and graphs to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in the dataset.
  • Then we use statistical methods or algorithms to gain insights and answer problems that we defined in the first step.
  • We then make and use reports, presentations, or visualizations to clearly present our findings in a comprehensive manner.
  • The final step includes Improving accuracy and insights by reviewing and refining analysis in response to feedback or fresh data.

Types of Data Analysis

In this section of the tutorial, let me discuss the types of data analytics. There are mainly 4 types of data analytics.

Descriptive analytics

This type of data analytics refers to the consideration of historical data and draws an investigation into what might have happened in the past. The main processing method of descriptive analytics involves the collection, sorting, and filtering of data in an attempt to make useful decisions, findings of the discovered pattern, and trends. The key question answered by descriptive analytics is, "What happened?". It is commonly used for reporting, performance monitoring, and producing dashboards.

Diagnostic analytics

This type of analytics digs deeper into data to find out why specific events or trends took place. It involves assessing data connections and dependencies to determine the root causes and factors influencing specific outcomes. Diagnostic analytics helps troubleshoot problems and discover root causes. The main question it tries to answer is"Why did it happen?".

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics uses historical data and statistical algorithms to predict future events and trends. It is used to build predictive models based on data patterns and trends. This allows us to make accurate guesses about future events. Predictive analytics mainly tries to answer "What is likely to happen?". It is mainly used for things like estimating demand, predicting customer behavior, analyzing risks, and optimizing resource allocation.

Prescriptive analytics

Prescriptive analytics is an extension of predictive analytics. It recommends actions or strategies based on predicted insights. It takes into consideration a variety of possible outcomes and recommends the best course of action to achieve our goal. Prescriptive analytics mainly answers the question "What should we do?". It is mainly used for optimizing decisions, planning scenarios, and providing optimal suggestions.

Techniques Used in Data Analytics

There are a lot of techniques and methods that are used in data analytics. In this section of the tutorial, I have discussed some of them.

Regression analysis

Firstly let me talk about regression analysis. Regression analysis is a sophisticated data analysis technique that, taken into consideration, finds the relation of a dependent variable with another one or more independent variables. Practically, it helps to find the relationship between the values of the predicted dependent variable and the values of the independent variables.

Factor analysis

Now let us talk about factor analysis. As the name suggests it is a method where we try to find hidden factors that might be of help in understanding the relation between two variables. It is used when there is a large amount of data. It reduces or summarizes the data so that it is easier to comprehend.

Monte Carlo simulations

One of the important techniques of data analysis is Monte Carlo simulations. Monte Carlo simulations are computational techniques for modeling and evaluating complicated systems or processes. It uses repeated random sampling. It is named after Monaco's famous Monte Carlo Casino. It is named so because of the probabilistic nature of the simulations and how it helps us battle randomness.

Cohort analysis

This is the process of categorizing a data set into groups of similar data. It is usually done by consumer demography. This allows data analysts to delve deeper into the figures related to a specific sample of the dataset.

Time series analysis

Time series analysis is a statistical approach to investigating and interpreting data measured at consecutive periods of time. It is the analysis of patterns, trends, and relations in data with the aim of making predictions, predictions, or inferences for the future. Time series analysis is common in sectors like finance, economics, business, engineering, and environmental research.

Importance of Data Analytics

If you want to learn data analytics, then you should definitely know why data analysis is so important. Here, I have listed a reason why data analytics is important.

  • Data analytics helps in making informed decisions. As a result, companies base their opinions on facts rather than intuition or assumption. It enables organizations to identify trends, patterns, and connections better, ultimately leading to enhanced strategic planning and decision-making. 
  • Businesses use data analysis to find new prospects. Firms utilize data to identify new opportunities for growth, innovation, and enhancement. Companies can analyze data to see what market is doing where and what issue they require their assistance with. 
  • Companies use data analytics to optimize operations. Specifically, they may use data to reveal bottlenecks, inefficiencies, cost-saving, and performance opportunities in their operations. 
  • Data analysis is used to understand customers. It is used to analyze consumer trends and behavior, satisfaction, and preference. Organizations can use data on consumers to offer personalized experiences, adjust services, and improve customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Data analytics enables firms to better manage risks. By examining data on market trends, financial performance, and risk variables, firms can detect potential dangers, minimize threats, and make informed risk management decisions.
  • Data analytics drives innovation by offering insights into developing trends, client needs, and market demand. Data analytics may help firms create new goods, services, and business models that fit changing customer expectations and industry trends.
  • Data analytics gives firms a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Data-driven insights may help businesses stand out, improve operational efficiency, and remain ahead of the competition.

Real-Life Applications of Data Analytics

Here, In this part of the data analytics tutorial, let me discuss some uses of data analytics with respect to our day-to-day lives.

Business intelligence(BI) 

Sales and marketing patterns, consumer analysis, and market conditions are essential sources of knowledge before committing to financial commitments. 

Customer analysis

Customer analysis is the process of analyzing customer data. It helps find what customers like or dislike, how often they purchase, and other information. It helps understand customer buying patterns. This allows companies to develop marketing plans that cater to clients. 

Financial statement analysis

Data analysis is also used to find out how a company is doing financially by analyzing financial statements. It helps in a lot of things including recognizing and preventing fraud, assessing risk, forecasting market trends, and making financial commitments. 

Healthcare analysis

For patient surveillance and management, disease surveillance, treatment and clinic procedures, research, delivery chains, and facility planning. Supply 

Chain management

It is the practice of analyzing current data and treating it to optimize deliverables and demand. It also consists of managing stock and managing it appropriately, improving delivery schedule coordination, and getting closer to employees who produce products.

Marketing analysis

Data analysis is used to determine the efficiency of marketing activities. Data analytics also help to assess customer sentiment and select the proper demographic to aim the advertisement with minimal marketing costs. 

Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance uses data analysis and machine learning methods to anticipate equipment problems, plan maintenance in advance, reduce downtime, and enhance asset efficiency. 

Risk management

Data analysis is used to help identify dangerous factors and mitigate risk across several areas. It is used in industries like financial markets, insurance, cyber security, and regulatory compliance. 

Social media analysis

Social media data analysis to understand consumer sentiment, track brand recognition, and its reviews, identify thought leaders, and boost the return on investment in social media marketing while avoiding mistakes.

To Sum Things Up

Data analytics is used by almost every company to find out how they can grow, make fewer mistakes, and so much more. It is used to find patterns and trends which helps us avoid potholes with certainty. Doing a data analytics course for beginners course might help you learn more about this topic. This tutorial has answered your question about what is data analytics.

If you are wondering how to become a data analyst, I would recommend doing a certified course on what is data analytics. I would suggest doing it from upGrad. Their courses are in collaboration with some of the best universities around the world. Some of the best professors teach in their courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is data analytics introduction?

Data analytics is the process of evaluating raw data in order to draw conclusions about the information contained therein. It refers to a set of techniques and processes for analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing data in order to discover patterns, trends, and insights that can guide decision-making and drive business strategy. 

  1. How do you explain data analytics?

Data analytics is the study of data to find patterns, trends, and important details in a dataset. This helps us make a more informed choice and make fewer mistakes.

  1. How do you introduce data analysis?

Data analysis can be best introduced as the process of taking raw data or datasets and converting them into segmented information that can be processed by a user.

  1. What are the 4 types of data analytics?

Yes, here are the four forms of data analytics in a nutshell.

  • Descriptive analytics summarizes historical data to help understand what happened.
  • Diagnostic Analytics: Delves deeper to determine why something happened.
  • Predictive analytics predicts future trends and outcomes based on patterns.
  • Prescriptive Analytics: Recommends activities based on predictive insights to improve results.
  1. What is data analytics in simple words?

Data analytics is similar to detective work for information. It entails gathering, organizing, and analyzing data to gain meaningful insights and make informed decisions. It's all about leveraging data to solve riddles and discover patterns that can help businesses and organizations run more smoothly and efficiently.

  1. What is the role of data analytics?

Data analytics is used in a lot of places like financial analysis, health analysis, business analysis, and much more. This question is discussed in more detail in the tutorial.

Ashish Kumar Korukonda

Ashish Kumar Korukonda

9+ years experienced data analytics professional, Currently leading entire Analytics unit which includes Analytical Engineering, Product & Busine…Read More

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