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How Do You Move Columns in Excel

Updated on 27/06/2024459 Views

It is no wonder that MS Excel has made it easy for us to store and manage huge datasets. Excel has many functionalities that can help us accomplish our data-related tasks in absolutely no time.

While working with data, you may have to make many alterations every now and then.

Say you have prepared a data set containing the marks of fifteen students in four subjects- English, Maths, Social Science, and Science. After all the work, you are suddenly instructed to put the marks of Maths before English.

There is no need to get worked up! Moving columns in MS Excel is extremely easy. In this tutorial, I will be sharing how do you move columns in Excel without tampering with the data.

Moving Columns in Excel Using Drag Option

This may seem like an easy option, but it requires steady hands to execute this. It took me a lot of time to master this technique of moving columns simply by dragging.

Let me show you an example of how to drag column in Excel. Let us take this example of a dataset, where we will have the marks of 15 students in English, Maths, Social Science, and Science.

Source: MS Excel

Now, we will be moving the column containing the marks in Mathematics before the column containing the marks in English. I am listing the steps below on how move columns in Excel:

Step 1: First, you will have to select the column that you wish to move. In this case, we will be selecting the column containing the marks in Maths.

Step 2: Hover the pointer over the edge of the selection. You will see that the cursor appears as a four-sided arrow.

Step 3: Press and hold the “Shift” key on your keyboard. Drag the selected column to a new location. A faint “I” will appear along the length of the column. This will indicate where the new column will be moved.

Step 4: Now release the mouse button. Leave the “Shift” key later. You will see that the column has moved to a new position.

See? It's that easy! All you need is a little bit of practice, and this technique can save you a lot of time!

How Do You Move Columns in Excel by Cutting and Pasting

Are you wondering “how do I move columns in Excel some other way?”

If you are unable to proceed with the dragging technique, there is another way you can move columns in Excel, i.e., by cutting and pasting.

You can either do this using keyboard shortcuts, or through mouse clicks. I will be discussing both these techniques with you.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Let me guide you on how do you move columns in Excel simply by using keyboard shortcuts.

Step 1: To begin with, select the cells in the column. To select the column, press Ctrl+Space.

Step 2: Press the shortcut Ctrl+X and cut the column. Ctrl+X is the shortcut that is used to cut cells. You can learn more such shortcuts if you sign into an Excel course for beginners.

Step 3: Choose the column before which you wish to paste the column that you have cut.

Step 4: Press Ctrl along with the + sign. This way, the cut cells will be entered in the desired destination.

Using Mouse Clicks

You can also easily accomplish this task simply with a few clicks on your mouse. Know how do you move columns in Excel using mouse clicks:

Step 1: Select the columns that you want to move to a new position.

Step 2: Right click on the cells and click on “Cut”.

Step 3: Choose the column before which you want these cells to be inserted. In this case, since we want the Maths marks to appear before the English marks, we will have to select the column containing the English marks.

Step 4: Now again right click, and choose the “Insert cut cells” option. This way, your selected column will be shifted to your desired location.

Rearranging Many Columns in Excel

The steps that I mentioned above are pretty easy to apply and helpful when you have only one column to move. However, when you have to move multiple columns at a time, these processes may become time-consuming and hectic.

I’ll now introduce one magic move, using which you can rearrange many columns at a time.

Step 1: First things first, begin by selecting the entire dataset.

Step 2: From the “Sort and Filter” option, choose “Custom Filter.

Step 3: After this, you will see the “Custom Filter” box appear on your screen.

Step 4: Choose “Options”. The “Sort Options” box will appear on the screen. Click on “Sort Left to Right”.

Step 5: Select “Row 2” in the box that reads “Sort by”, since all the headings are contained in the Row 2 of the dataset.

Step 6: Choose the order in which you want the dataset to be altered. The change will be reflected on your screen.

Wrapping Up

A robust knowledge in Excel helps professionals gain an edge and seek immense growth in their career.

Hope this tutorial has given you a complete idea on how to move cells in Excel. When you are using MS Excel, the capabilities and options you can explore are endless. You can learn more such tips and tricks by signing into upGrad’s Excel certification course.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit the website, choose a course that suits you the best, and start learning from the fundamentals.


1. How do I rearrange columns in Excel?

If you are wondering how do you move columns in Excel, you can do it either by cutting and pasting, dragging, or by using the sort and filter option. Read through the tutorial above to get a detailed guideline on the three.

2. How do I move columns in Excel without replacing?

When we move columns in Excel, we do not really replace any value. Instead, we make room for the data to fit into the dataset. The above tutorial on how do you move columns in Excel provides a detailed guide on how to move columns without actually replacing or disturbing any data.

3. How do I move columns in Excel and keep formatting?

If you want to move columns in Excel and also preserve the formatting, select the column. Hover over the edge of the column; you will see a four-headed arrow. Drag the column and drop it in its new location.

4. How do I move columns in Excel one drive?

To move cells in Excel Online on OneDrive, choose the column to be moved. Select and cut it using Ctrl+X. Move to the destination where you want to paste the column, right-click, and click on “Paste”. Save your changes once you are done.

5. How do I rearrange columns?

To rearrange columns in Excel, you need to select sort from the “Sort and Filter” option. A detailed guide on the same has been provided in the tutorial above.

6. How do I rearrange columns in sheets?

You can rearrange your columns by selecting sort from the “Sort and Filter” option. You can go through a step-by-step guide provided in the tutorial above.

7. How do I move columns to rows in Excel?

To begin with, select the cells. Right click and select “Copy,” then right click on the destination cell where you want to transpose the data. Choose “Paste Options” and select “Transpose. ” The rows will be converted to columns.

8. How do I rearrange columns alphabetically in Excel?

In order to rearrange columns in Excel alphabetically, go to sort and filter and then custom your sort. Choose whether you want to rearrange your columns in the order A-Z or Z-A, and the result will be reflected on your screen. Go through the tutorial above to go through a detailed guide.



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