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ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance)

Updated on 27/09/2024345 Views

Analysis of variance or (ANOVA) is a vital statistical tool used to compare means among multiple groups. Whether in experimental research, social sciences, or business analytics, ANOVA helps researchers understand the significant differences between group means and if those differences are due to actual effects or chance. 

In this article, we will cover what is ANOVA test, its principles, examples, types, assumptions, and more. Let's get started.


The history of ANOVA traces back to the early 20th century when statisticians and scientists sought efficient methods to analyze data. Sir Ronald Fisher, developed the foundational concepts of ANOVA in the 1920s. 

Fisher introduced the method to compare means and determine if observed differences were statistically significant. Initially referred to as "the F-test" due to its reliance on the F-distribution, ANOVA quickly gained popularity as it could compare multiple groups while controlling for error rates. 

Understanding ANOVA

The ANOVA test assesses the variance within and between groups to determine if the observed mean differences are statistically significant. Instead of conducting multiple t-tests to compare each pair of groups, ANOVA allows for a simultaneous comparison of all groups, reducing the risk of Type I errors and providing a comprehensive analysis.

The general formula for the F-statistic in ANOVA is:

F = Variance Between Groups/ Variance Within Groups


  • F is the F-statistic,
  • Variance Between Groups measures the variation between the means of different groups,
  • Variance Within Groups measures the variation within each group.

The F-statistic is determined by dividing the variance between groups by the variance within groups. This ratio provides insight into whether the differences in group means are statistically significant or likely due to random variation.

Types of ANOVA

There are two types of ANOVA:


One way ANOVA is used when there is a single categorical independent variable (with three or more levels) and a continuous dependent variable.

Let's consider a hypothetical scenario in which a pharmaceutical company tests the effectiveness of three different drug formulations in treating a specific medical condition. The company randomly assigns 60 patients into three groups, each receiving one of the three-drug formulations. After a certain treatment period, the patient's response to the treatment is measured based on a standardized health improvement score.

In this case, the null hypothesis (H0) is that there is no difference in the average health improvement scores among the three-drug formulations. The alternative hypothesis (H1) is that at least one of the drug formulations leads to significantly different health improvement compared to the others.

Here's a breakdown of the data collected:

  • Group 1 (Drug A): n1 = 20 patients, mean health improvement score = 75, standard deviation = 8
  • Group 2 (Drug B): n2 = 20 patients, mean health improvement score = 80, standard deviation = 7
  • Group 3 (Drug C): n3 = 20 patients, mean health improvement score = 78, standard deviation = 9

Now, let us perform the one way ANOVA analysis using a significance level (α) of 0.05.

Calculate the Grand Mean (GM):

GM = (Σn * X̄) / N

GM = ((20 * 75) + (20 * 80) + (20 * 78)) / 60

GM = (1500 + 1600 + 1560) / 60

GM = 4660 / 60

GM = 77.67

Calculate the Sum of Squares Total (SST):

SST = ΣΣ(X - GM)²

SST = (20*(75-77.67)²) + (20*(80-77.67)²) + (20*(78-77.67)²)

SST = (20*(-2.67)²) + (20*(2.33)²) + (20*(0.33)²)

SST = (207.1289) + (205.4289) + (20*0.1089)

SST = 142.578 + 108.578 + 2.178

SST = 253.334

Calculate the Sum of Squares Between (SSB):

SSB = Σ(ni * (X̄i - GM)²)

SSB = (20 * (75 - 77.67)²) + (20 * (80 - 77.67)²) + (20 * (78 - 77.67)²)

SSB = (20 * (-2.67)²) + (20 * (2.33)²) + (20 * (0.33)²)

SSB = (20 * 7.1289) + (20 * 5.4289) + (20 * 0.1089)

SSB = 142.578 + 108.578 + 2.178

SSB = 253.334

Calculate the Sum of Squares Within (SSW):


SSW = 253.334 - 253.334

SSW = 0

Calculate the Degrees of Freedom:

  • Degrees of Freedom Total (dfT) = N - 1 = 60 - 1 = 59
  • Degrees of Freedom Between (dfB) = k - 1 = 3 - 1 = 2
  • Degrees of Freedom Within (dfW) = dfT - dfB = 59 - 2 = 57

Calculate the Mean Squares:

  • Mean Square Between (MSB) = SSB / dfB = 253.334 / 2 = 126.667
  • Mean Square Within (MSW) = SSW / dfW = 0 / 57 = 0

Calculate the F-Statistic:

F = MSB / MSW = 126.667 / 0 = undefined

Since the mean square within (MSW) is 0, we cannot proceed with calculating the F-statistic. This situation typically occurs when there is no variation within the groups, possibly due to data entry errors or other issues. In practice, if the MSW is 0, it indicates a problem with the data that must be addressed before interpreting the results of the ANOVA test.

In this example, the ANOVA test could not be completed due to the absence of within-group variation. The company would need to investigate the data collection process and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurements before proceeding with further analysis.


Two way ANOVA extends the analysis to two independent variables simultaneously. It assesses the interaction effects between these variables on the dependent variable. 

Let us consider a hypothetical study examining the effect of fertilizer type and watering frequency on plant growth. The study involves two categorical independent variables: fertilizer type (with three levels: A, B, and C) and watering frequency (with two levels: daily and weekly). The dependent variable is the plant height measured in centimeters after a certain growth period.

The study randomly assigns 90 plants to six treatment groups formed by combining the three fertilizer types and two watering frequencies, with 15 plants in each group. After the designated growth period, the height of each plant is recorded.

Here's a breakdown of the data collected:

Fertilizer Type:

  • Fertilizer A: Groups 1, 2 (Daily), and 7, 8 (Weekly)
  • Fertilizer B: Groups 3, 4 (Daily), and 9, 10 (Weekly)
  • Fertilizer C: Groups 5, 6 (Daily), and 11, 12 (Weekly)

Watering Frequency:

  • Daily: Groups 1-6
  • Weekly: Groups 7-12

Now, let's perform the two-way ANOVA test using a significance level (α) of 0.05.

Calculate the Grand Mean (GM): The grand mean is the average of all observations across all groups.

Calculate Sum of Squares Total (SST): SST symbolizes the total variation in the dependent variable.

Calculate the Sum of Squares Between (SSB): SSB captures the variation between groups due to the main effects of fertilizer type and watering frequency.

Calculate the Sum of Squares Within (SSW): SSW accounts for group residual variation, including random error and interaction effects.

Calculate the Degrees of Freedom:

  • Degrees of Freedom Total (dfT) = N - 1
  • Degrees of Freedom Between (dfB) = (a - 1) + (b - 1), where 'a' is the number of the levels of the first factor (fertilizer type) and 'b' is the number of levels of the second factor (watering frequency)
  • Degrees of Freedom Within (dfW) = dfT - dfB

Calculate the Mean Squares:

  • Mean Square Between (MSB) = SSB / dfB
  • Mean Square Within (MSW) = SSW / dfW

Calculate the F-Statistic: F = MSB / MSW

Determine the p-value: It is the probability of observing an F-statistic as extreme as the one calculated, assuming the null hypothesis is true.

Interpret the results: If the p-value is less than the chosen significance level (α), ignore the null hypothesis and conclude that at least one of the factors (fertilizer type or watering frequency) has a significant effect on plant growth. Additionally, analyze any significant interaction effects between the two factors.

The two-way ANOVA statistics allow us to assess the main effects of two categorical independent variables (fertilizer type and watering frequency) and their interaction effect on the dependent variable (plant growth). By considering multiple factors simultaneously, researchers can gain deeper insights into the factors influencing the outcome variable and make more informed decisions.

Understanding Post-Hoc Tests 

Post-hoc tests are statistical procedures carried out after an ANOVA to identify precisely which group means are significantly different from each other. Since ANOVA only indicates that there is at least one significant difference but does not specify where it lies, post-hoc tests are necessary for further clarification. 

Importance of Controlling Type I Errors 

When making multiple comparisons, the probability of committing a Type I error increases. Without adjustments, each additional test compounds the risk of false positives. For example, with a significance level of 0.05, each individual test carries a 5% risk of Type I error, and multiple tests increase this risk cumulatively. Post-hoc tests adjust for this inflation, maintaining the overall significance level.

Assumptions of ANOVA

Before performing ANOVA, it's crucial to ensure that certain assumptions are met:

  • Independence: Observations within each group must be independent of each other.
  • Normality: The data within each group should be approximately normally distributed.
  • Homogeneity of Variance: The variance of dependent variable should be mostly equal across all groups.

If these assumptions are not adhered to, the results of the ANOVA test may not be valid, and alternative approaches or transformations may be necessary.

Practical Applications

ANOVA finds application in various fields, including:

  • Experimental research: Determining the effectiveness of different treatments or interventions.
  • Quality control: Assessing whether manufacturing process variations lead to product quality differences.
  • Market research: Comparing consumer preferences across multiple product variations or brands.
  • Social sciences: Analyzing survey data to understand group differences in attitudes or behaviors.

Final Thoughts

ANOVA is a handy tool in stats that compares averages across different groups. It looks at how much variation there is within and between each group. This helps researchers spot important differences and figure out what's causing them. Whether you're comparing one thing at a time one way ANOVA or juggling multiple factors (two way ANOVA), ANOVA gives you a clear picture of how things are connected. Knowing ANOVA lets researchers make smarter choices backed by strong stats, pushing discoveries forward in various fields.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ANOVA?

ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) compares means among multiple groups, determining if there are significant differences and what factors contribute to them.

When should I use ANOVA?

ANOVA is used when you have three or more groups to compare, rather than just two, to assess differences and relationships more comprehensively.

What are the assumptions of ANOVA?

Assumptions of ANOVA include independence of observations, normality in the groups, and homogeneity of variances between groups.

What are the types of ANOVA?

Types of ANOVA include one way ANOVA for single-factor experiments and two-way ANOVA for multiple factors or interactions.

How is ANOVA different from t-test?

ANOVA can compare means across multiple groups simultaneously, while t-tests only compare means between two groups.

What are ANOVA tests used for?

ANOVA tests are used in experimental research, quality control, market research, and social sciences to analyze group differences and relationships.

Is ANOVA more powerful than t-test?

ANOVA can be more powerful than t-tests for multiple comparisons, especially when more than two groups are involved.

Is ANOVA a two-tailed test?

ANOVA doesn't inherently specify a one- or two-tailed test; the direction of the test depends on the research question and hypothesis.

What is P value in ANOVA?

The p-value in ANOVA indicates probability of getting observed results if null hypothesis is true, helping determine statistical significance.

Can ANOVA be used for non-parametric data?

While ANOVA is typically used for parametric data, non-parametric alternatives like the Kruskal-Wallis test can be used for non-normal distributions.

Ashish Kumar Korukonda

Ashish Kumar Korukonda

9+ years experienced data analytics professional, Currently leading entire Analytics unit which includes Analytical Engineering, Product & Busine…Read More

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