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Histograms in statistics

Updated on 30/09/2024434 Views

I remember the first time I encountered a histogram in statistics, in high school. Our teacher brought in a dataset of students' test scores and asked us to create a visual representation of the data. We were initially confused; however, as we began plotting the data into bins and constructing the histogram, a clear picture of the distribution emerged. This hands-on experience highlighted the power of histograms in revealing patterns that might not be immediately obvious. Histograms in statistics are graphical representations that organize a dataset into bins or intervals, displaying the frequency of data points within each bin. They are crucial for data distribution, identifying trends, and detecting outliers.

What are histograms in statistics?

The histogram definition in statistics states that they are graphical representations used in statistics to visualize the distribution of a dataset. They group data into continuous number ranges called bins. Each bin corresponds to a vertical bar. The height of each bar depicts the density, or the number of data points that fall within that bin.

On a histogram, the horizontal axis displays the bins, which are the number ranges. These ranges are determined based on the data being analyzed and ensure that each data point is included in one of the bins. The vertical axis, or the frequency axis, reflects the count of data points in each bin.

A histogram graph resembles a bar graph used to depict continuous data. Unlike bar graphs, histograms do not have gaps between the bars, reflecting the continuous nature of the data. This makes histograms particularly useful to visualize data distributions and identify patterns like skewness, modality, and spread.

Constructing a histogram

Creating a histogram in statistics involves following a series of steps to ensure accurate representation of data distribution:

1. Mark class intervals and frequencies

Start by marking class intervals (X-axis) and frequencies (Y-axis). Class intervals represent the ranges into which data is grouped. Frequencies indicate how often data points fall within these intervals.

2. Consistent scales for both axes

Ensure that the scales for the X-axis and Y-axis are consistent. This uniformity is crucial for accurately interpreting the histogram. The scales must allow a clear and proportional representation of the data distribution.

3. Exclusive class intervals

Class intervals need to be exclusive. This means each data point should belong to a single interval. This exclusivity prevents overlap and ensures clarity.

4. Draw rectangles

For each class interval, draw a rectangle with the base representing the class interval and the height corresponding to the frequency of that interval. The base of each rectangle lies along the X-axis, while the height extends up to the appropriate frequency value on the Y-axis.

5. Equal intervals: proportional heights

When the class intervals are equal in width, the height of each rectangle is proportional to the corresponding class frequency. This means taller rectangles represent higher frequencies, providing a visual comparison of data distribution across intervals.

6. Unequal intervals: proportional areas

If the class intervals are unequal, the height of each rectangle is adjusted so that the area of the rectangle is proportional to the class frequency. This adjustment ensures that each rectangle accurately represents the relative frequency despite varying interval widths.

7. No gaps between rectangles

Unlike bar graphs, histograms in statistics do not have gaps between successive bars. The rectangles in a histogram are adjacent, reflecting the continuous nature of the data. This lack of gaps distinguishes histograms from other types of graphical representations and emphasizes the connection between adjacent intervals.

Interpreting histograms

Once a histogram is constructed, interpreting it correctly is crucial to understand the data distribution. Some key aspects you should focus on are:


  • A histogram in statistics is symmetric if left and right sides are approximately mirror images.
  • Symmetric histograms resemble a bell curve (normal distribution), where most data points cluster around the central peak and frequencies decrease evenly on both sides.


  • A histogram is skewed if it is not symmetric.
  • Positively or right-skewed: The right tail (higher values) is longer or fatter than the left tail. This indicates that a majority of data points are clustered at the lower end, with a few large values stretching out the tail.
  • Negatively or left-skewed: The left tail (lower values) is longer or fatter than the right tail. This suggests that most data points are at the higher end, with a few small values extending the tail.

Identifying skewness helps understand the direction of the data spread and can influence statistical analysis, such as selecting appropriate measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode).

Modality (unimodal, bimodal, multimodal)

Modality refers to the number of peaks (modes) in a histogram in statistics.


  • A unimodal histogram has a single peak.
  • This suggests a single dominant category or range where most data points are concentrated.
  • Examples include normally distributed data or data from a single population group.


  • A bimodal histogram has two distinct peaks.
  • This indicates the presence of two different groups or clusters within the data.
  • Common in datasets representing mixed populations, such as heights of adults and children combined.


  • A multimodal histogram has more than two peaks.
  • It reflects multiple clusters or categories within the data, suggesting a more complex structure.
  • Useful for identifying subgroups in heterogeneous populations.

Determining optimal bin width

The preference of bin width in a histogram affects how data is represented and interpreted. Here are several methods to determine the optimal bin width:

1. Sturges' rule:

The formula to determine the number of bins (k) is: 


  • This method works well for smaller datasets but can under-smooth larger datasets.

2. Scott’s rule:

The formula for the bin width (h) is: 


  • Scott’s Rule is effective for normally distributed data.

3. Freedman-Diaconis rule:

  • The formula for the bin width (h) is: 
  • This rule is robust to outliers and skewed data distributions.

4. Rice rule:

The formula to determine the number of bins (k) is:


  • This rule tends to produce more bins than Sturges' Rule and can be useful for larger datasets.

Impact of different binning strategies

The choice of binning strategy can significantly impact the interpretation of a histogram. Some potential effects are:

  • Overly wide bins: This can smooth out the data, hiding important features like multiple modes or skewness.
  • Overly narrow bins: This can lead to a noisy histogram with many empty or nearly empty bins, which can obscure the overall distribution shape.
  • Balanced bin width: Ideally, a balanced bin width reveals the underlying distribution without over-smoothing or excessive noise, highlighting key features such as central tendency, dispersion, skewness, and potential outliers.

Advanced techniques: Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)

KDE is an advanced technique that provides a smoothed estimate of the data distribution. Unlike histograms, KDE uses a continuous probability density function to estimate the distribution. Here’s how:

  1. Choosing a kernel: Common choices include Gaussian, Epanechnikov, and Tophat kernels. The kernel function K(x) is used to smooth the data points.
  1. Bandwidth selection: The bandwidth h controls the smoothness of the KDE. Smaller bandwidths capture more detail but can be noisy, while larger bandwidths provide a smoother estimate. Bandwidth can be selected using cross-validation or rules of thumb (e.g., Silverman's rule of thumb).
  1. Computing KDE: The KDE at a point x is computed as:
  • "The estimated density function at x equals the sum of the kernel function applied to the difference between x and each data point, divided by the product of the number of data points and the bandwidth."
  • In symbols: 
  • Here, xi​ are the data points.

Types of histograms

Histograms may be classified into different types based on frequency distribution of the data. Understanding these types helps to identify underlying patterns and distributions within the data. Here are examples of histogram graphs:

1. Uniform histogram

This displays a distribution where each class has the same number of elements, resulting in all bars being approximately the same height. This suggests that the number of classes might be too small, or the data is evenly spread across the intervals. Uniform histograms may have multiple peaks with relatively similar heights.

2. Symmetric histogram

Also called bell-shaped histogram graph in statistics, a symmetric histogram has a central peak with symmetrical tails on either side. When a vertical line is drawn down the center of the histogram, both sides mirror each other. This is often associated with normal distributions.

3. Bimodal histogram

A bimodal histogram has two distinct peaks that show the presence of two different groups or clusters within the data. Bimodality occurs when the dataset includes observations from two different populations or combined groups with sufficiently separated centers. The presence of two peaks highlights variability that suggests multiple modes or dominant categories.

4. Probability histogram

A probability histogram in statistics represents a discrete probability distribution. Each rectangle in the histogram is centered on a specific value of x, with the area of each rectangle proportional to the probability of that value. The heights of the bars correspond to the probabilities of each outcome. This type of histogram provides a visual depiction of the likelihood of different discrete events occurring.

Applications of histograms

Histograms are powerful tools in statistics used to represent data distributions visually. They have a variety of applications that help statisticians and data analysts understand different types of data distributions. Here are some key uses of histograms in statistics:

1. Normal distribution

In a normal distribution, data points tend to cluster around a central mean with symmetrical tails on either side. Histograms help to visualize the data and identify the normality.

2. Skewed distribution

Skewed distributions are asymmetrical, with a tail extending more on one side. Histograms are essential for identifying skewness and understanding constraints and natural limits in data.

3. Multimodal distribution

Multimodal distributions have multiple peaks or modes. Histograms are used to detect multiple peaks and visualize complexities.

4. Edge peak distribution

This type of distribution looks like a normal distribution but has an unusually high peak at one end. Histograms in statistics help to identify errors and understand anomalies.

5. Comb distribution

Comb distributions show alternating tall and short bars. Histograms are useful for rounding effects and providing accurate results that ensure correct bin width.

Wrapping Up 

Understanding histogram statistics is essential to generate insights from data distributions, trends, and anomalies. The foundational construction of histograms and their advanced applications, offer a thorough framework for comprehending intricate datasets. 


  1. What is a histogram?

Histograms are graphical representations of data distribution, where bars represent frequency of data within intervals, aiding visualization and analysis.

  1. How are histograms different from bar graphs?

Unlike bar graphs, histograms display continuous data distribution with bars touching, emphasizing frequency distribution within intervals.

  1. What is the purpose of a histogram?

The purpose of a histogram is to visually depict the distribution of data and enable insights.

  1. How do you create a histogram?

You need to group data into intervals, plot intervals on x-axis, frequency on y-axis, and draw bars representing each interval's frequency.

  1. What are the key components of a histogram?

Key components of a histogram include intervals on the x-axis, frequency on the y-axis, bars representing frequency, and absence of gaps between bars.

  1. Can histograms be used for inferential statistics?

Histograms can be used for inferential statistics by analyzing distributions to make inferences about populations or trends.

  1. Where are histograms commonly used?

Histograms are commonly used in various fields like statistics, data analysis, finance, healthcare, and research for visualizing and understanding data distributions.

  1. How to read a histogram?

To read a histogram, interpret bar heights as frequencies, observe patterns, symmetry, and skewness, and analyze the distribution's shape, central tendency, and variability.

Ashish Kumar Korukonda

Ashish Kumar Korukonda

9+ years experienced data analytics professional, Currently leading entire Analytics unit which includes Analytical Engineering, Product & Busine…Read More

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