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Inferential Statistics

Updated on 30/09/2024435 Views

In the massive ocean of data, statistics play the role of our interpreter. It gives us the means to structure, synthesize, and interpret data. But statistics itself has two main branches: descriptive and inductive. Inferential statistics, allows you to analyze a sample from the given data to estimate the average size of the entire data set. This implies that you can make inferences about the whole data set from a smaller sample. 

Applications of Inference Statistics

Here are some applications of inference statistics:

  • Marketing: A firm uses inferential statistics to make comparisons between two website designs, each with a segment of users, by A/B testing. 
  • Medical Research: In clinical trials, inferential statistics is used by researchers to test the effectiveness of new drugs and how they can improve patient outcomes.

Core Concepts of Inferential Statistics

Inference statistics uses hypotheses testing to go beyond gathered data to make a generalization about a larger population.

A. Hypothesis Testing 

Suppose there is a bakery that wants to determine whether sales will go up using a new, healthier cookie recipe. Here's how hypothesis testing helps:

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): It is the basics, that there is no difference between the new cookies and the old ones in the sales.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): This is the null hypothesis's opposite, which means that the cookies, indeed, will be beneficial for sales.

Making Decisions

Hypothesis testing isn't perfect, and there's always a chance of making errors:

  • Type I Error (α): The null hypothesis (H0) is disallowed even though it is true (false positive). Imagine you made a mistake by thinking the new cookies increased sales when, in reality, it was just a random fluctuation.
  • Type II Error (β): We mistakenly retain the null hypothesis (H0) in cases where it is false (false negative). In most of the inferential statistics examples, this translates to the fact that the new cookies would not affect sales when they have a positive impact on sales.

The P-Value: Our Navigator in the Labyrinth

The p-value is a key tool that helps decide whether to reject the null hypothesis. It is the probability of finding our data (or more extreme data) under the null hypothesis assumption.

A low p-value (generally less than 0.05) indicates it's improbable that the observed data happened by chance, which leads us to reject the null hypothesis and support the alternative hypothesis. For the bakery case, a low p-value signifies that the cookies probably contributed to the increase in sales.

B. Sample Size and Power Analysis

Imagine tossing a coin to see if it is an honest coin. Can you be sure that a coin is biased if it lands heads once? Probably not. The sample size is one of the most important aspects of inferential statistics. A big sample size allows for a more precise image of the population. 

Statistical Power: The Odds of Getting it Right

For example, you think that a new fertilizer is better than the old one and it can increase the crop yield. You perform a hypothesis test with a small sample size, and even an actual improvement in yield might not be a statistically significant difference (low p-value). This leads to a Type II error: unfortunately, accepting a false effect instead.

Calculating Sample Size

Online calculators and statistical software can provide the necessary information to determine the right sample size for your research. Such devices include a level of confidence (usually 95%) and the estimated effect size (the magnitude of the difference you anticipate seeing).

C. Unveiling the Statistical Toolbox: Frequent Inferential Test

Now that we're familiar with the core concept of inferential statistics, let's delve into the arsenal of the diverse statistical tests used for data analysis and conclusion. Let’s look at 3 widely used tests:

Chi-Square Test

Say you're a marketing manager and you're trying to find out if there's an association between website design (old versus new) and customer conversion rate. You can use the Chi-Square test with the key assumption that the data is categorical, and the frequency of each category should be more than 5.


For instance, you're a fitness instructor and you want to know if a new workout plan leads to a significant increase in average calorie burn compared to the standard one. This is where the T-Test comes in with the assumption that the data has to be normally distributed and should have equal variances in both groups.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

What if you are interested in the calorie burn of three workout programs (standard, high-intensity, and endurance)? This is where ANOVA test comes in with the key assumption that the data is normally distributed and exhibit equal variances across all groups.

Implementing Inferential Statistics 

Here are some real-world scenarios where inferential statistics play a crucial role:

1. A/B Testing for Website Design Changes

Question: Does a new webpage design with bigger product pictures result in higher CTR (click-through rate)?


  • Null Hypothesis (H₀): The CTR for the new website layout is no different from the original website layout.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H₁): The new layout with larger pictures will certainly result in higher CTR.

Statistical Test: Chi-Square Test (an advantageous choice for comparing proportions)

Result: A p-value smaller than 0.05 (usually) signifies the null hypothesis can be rejected. This means that the new structure is possibly affecting CTR in a significant manner, which is a factor to be considered when making a website redesign decision.

2. Clinical Trials for Drug Efficacy

Question: Is the medication, compared to the placebo, capable of significantly reducing blood pressure?


  • Null Hypothesis (H₀): The research revealed no difference in blood pressure levels between the drug and placebo groups.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H₁): The new medication results in lower average blood pressure.

Statistical Test: T-Test (a T-Test is used in cases where the mean values of two groups are compared).

Result: A p-value less than 0.05 indicates statistical significance. 05 indicates that the drug may have a clinically significant effect on blood pressure, which, in turn, could impact the drug approval decision-making process.

3. Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Question: Does one company location have greater customer satisfaction than the other company location?


  • Null Hypothesis (H₀): The average score of satisfaction is the same for both locations.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H₁): Customer satisfaction rates vary by the two locations.

Statistical Test: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (tests for differences among means of more than two groups).

Results: The ANOVA test for p-value indicates that there is a difference in the satisfaction scores. In addition, tests such as post-hoc can be conducted to determine the specific sites that are significantly different.

Confidence Intervals

Confidence intervals are a variety of values used to estimate an unknown population parameter. They give a range in which we can be fairly sure that the actual parameter is located. For example, if we have a 95% confidence interval for the mean of a dataset, it means that we are 95% sure that the true mean of the population is within that interval.

To calculate a confidence interval, we need:

  • A sample statistic (e.g., sample mean or proportion).
  • The standard error of the statistic.
  • A value from the right distribution (e.g., z-value or t-value).

The formula for confidence interval for a population mean is: 



 XˉXˉ is the sample mean, ZZ is the critical value, and SESE is the standard error.

For instance, let’s assume that the sample mean (𝑋ˉXˉ) is 50, the standard error (SE) is 5, and the confidence level is 95%. The Z-value for a 95% confidence level is 1.96. The confidence interval would be: 

  • CI=50±(1. 96×5)
  • CI=50±9. 8
  • CI=[40.2, 59.8]

This means that we can be 95% sure that the true population mean is somewhere between 40.2 and 59.8.

Wrapping Up

Inferential statistics are a huge step ahead in transforming isolated data points into a window into the bigger picture. It helps look into hypothesis testing, the importance of sample size, and the use of the popular statistical tests.


1. What are inferential statistics?

Inferential statistics make use of data from a sample to draw inferences about a larger dataset. They allow researchers to draw conclusions that go beyond what is provided by the data. For instance, inferential statistics help estimate population parameters, test hypotheses, and forecast with sample data.

2. What is the difference between inferential statistics and descriptive statistics?

Descriptive statistics presents and explains the features of a dataset, for example mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics uses a sample to make predictions or draw conclusions.

3. What is the role of inferential statistics?

The main objective of inferential statistics is to generalize conclusions about the population based on the sample, through evaluation of population parameters, hypotheses testing, and making predictions.

4. What are the most common inferential statistical methods?

Common inferential statistical methods include Hypothesis Testing, Confidence Intervals, t-tests, ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), Regression Analysis, and Chi-Square Tests.

5. What is the formula for inferential statistics?

Inferential statistics don't have any single formula because it is the umbrella term for different techniques and methods. However, a common formula used in inferential statistics is the formula for the standard error of the mean (SEM):

SEM = 𝜎/√n


  • σ is the standard deviation of the sample.
  • n represents the sample size. 

With this formula, we can determine how correct the sample mean is as an estimate of the population mean.

6. Is Chi-Square a parametric statistic?

It is true that Chi-Square test is an inferential statistic. It is used to test the hypothesis that there exists a strong association between the categorical variables. The test contrasts the observed frequencies in each category against the frequencies that are expected if no association is present.

7. What are some drawbacks of inferential statistics?

Inferential statistics have several limitations, including:

  • Sampling Bias: It can be misleading if the sample is not a correct representation of the population.
  • Assumptions: Inferential methods are based on the assumption.
  • Sample Size: A small sample size can bring about unreliable inferences.
  • Complexity: In some instances, inferential methods can be quite complex and need a strong background in statistical principles.

8. What are the benefits of inferential statistics?

The advantages of inferential statistics include:

  • Generalization: They make it possible for researchers to make projections and generalize findings from a sample to the whole population.
  • Decision Making: Inferential statistics is the tool through which data can be used to make decisions.
  • Hypothesis Testing: They allow us to test hypotheses and figure out the probability of the results being random.

9. What is the F value in inferential statistics?

The F value is a statistic used in ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and regression analysis. It indicates that the group means are significantly different, which in turn implies that 1 group is different from the other groups. It helps to check the relevance of the entire model.

calculates the ratio of systematic variance to non-systematic variance. A higher F value 

10. Is correlation an inferential statistic?

Indeed, correlation can be considered an inferential statistic to conclude the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables in a population based on a sample. Correlation coefficients (like Pearson's r) enable an understanding of how the variables are related, and statistical tests can be used to see if the correlation is significant or just due to chance.

Ashish Kumar Korukonda

Ashish Kumar Korukonda

9+ years experienced data analytics professional, Currently leading entire Analytics unit which includes Analytical Engineering, Product & Busine…Read More

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