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Angular Tutorial: A Complete Guide to Creating Single-Page Applications

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Step-by-Step Angular Tutorial: Building Dynamic Web Applications from Scratch

Updated on 14/09/2024491 Views


Angular is an Open Source Web Application Framework that is being maintained by Google and by a community of power users. Angular is written in a superset of JavaScript which happens to be TypeScript. It does so with a wide range of strong tools and exceptional features available for the front-end developer. This guide will cover the Angular language tutorial, the Angular tutorial for beginners, the Angular 8 tutorial, and every point related to the Angular tutorial.

Angular tutorial implements component-based architecture in which the applications are built using components that are reusable and self-contained. This modularity makes code reusable, the code maintainability is enhanced, and collaboration among developers is facilitated. Angular follows a well-planned release cycle and provides LTS (long-term support) releases that guarantee application stability and compatibility for high-profile applications at the enterprise level. Due to this, Angular gains its reputation of being a robust framework to be used for applications that need continuous maintenance and support.

Key Features of Angular Tutorial

The features of the Angular tutorial will enable you to build a wide range of highly scalable and effective applications. Angular also has strong features written in the definition of the command line that includes top tools like handling the application’s state, data binding, routing, and dependency injection.

Component-Based Architecture: With Angular, components are not considered independent, but rather they are similar to a ring of linked components. As a result, when a change is made, all ring components are affected, which makes the code maintainability a lot higher and its reusability is also dramatically improved.

Two-Way Data Binding: In Angular, two-way-data binding (meaning the data shared between the model objects) makes the process flawless and time-saving.

Dependency Injection: Throughout the life cycle of Angular, the dependency injection system is working. This system injects all the components, services, and other objects into the Angular application with no tight coupling at all, which makes it maintainable and testable for the code.

Templates and Directives: Angular provides the users with a highly customizable parameterizing feature to simplify their work and other useful built-in directives such as ngIf, ngFor, and ngSwitch that are designed to enforce the creation of complex and interactive user interfaces.

Routing and Navigation: The router creator of the Angular is built-in and it helps developers define and drive routes of the amalgamation of the Single Page Application, giving the page cuts and flow required during the transition from one view to another.

Forms Handling: Infinitely, Angular provides components like template-driven forms alongside reactive forms that are tailored for things related to form creation and handling which include data binding, validation, and error handling.

HTTP Client: The Angular library offers an HTTP client module that can be used to request data from or consume RESTful services, the features of which include: request interception, error handling, and, lastly, observables.

Testing Support: The platform comprises a feature named Angular platform that has a toolkit that includes testing functions like unit testing, integration testing, and the E2E testing feature. Jasmine, Karma, and Protractor are among the few tools you can utilize for your Angular application testing.

Getting Started with Angular Tutorial Step by Step

The Angular initialization process is simple, especially when using the Angular CLI which is inbuilt with the tool for project settings and management. Here are the key steps of Angular basics for beginners:

  1. Installation: 

The first to do in the beginning is to set up the Angular CLI, which is a command line interface tool that operates in the background to support building Angular applications. You can install the Angular CLI using npm (Node Package Manager) by running the following command:

“npm install -g @angular/cli”

  1. Creating a New Project: 

If you have successfully set up the Angular CLI, then creating a new Angular project is easier by this command:

“ng new my-app”

This will result in a new my-app directory that has the generated files for the new Angular project with its corresponding folders.

  1. Running the Development Server: 

The next step is to build an Angular project. Then, you can move to the project directory and start the development server by executing this command:

“cd my-app

ng serve --open

This will spin up the development server, and then use your favorite browser to display the application.

  1. Define Routes:

In the router module of Angular, you can move(the*) into different(numerous) components you have developed earlier. Open the "app-routing.module.ts" file and define routes for your components:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';

import { HomeComponent } from './home/home.component';

// Import other components as needed

const routes: Routes = [

  { path: '', component: HomeComponent },

  // Define routes for other components



  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],

  exports: [RouterModule]


export class AppRoutingModule { }

  1. Update App Component HTML:

Open the "app.component.html" file, and add the router outlet tag to display the routed components:


  1. Build Your Components:

Thus, this time when a reputation is formed through interactions between individuals will not be repeated; instead, what was assembled virtually previously will be used as an interface. Now, work with the HTML, CSS, and TypeScript files of the selected components and sketch out the react and webpack build process to implement the visuals, markup, and logic determined earlier in your design task playground.

Here's an example of updating the "home.component.html" file:

<h1>Welcome to the Home Page</h1>

  1. Serve Your Application:

Once you've built your components, serve your Angular application using the following command:

ng serve

Understanding Angular Tutorial Concepts

Modules: Libraries are organized in the Angular application of modules by design with every module representing a group of related components, directives, pipes, and services. Components, directives, and pipes that belong to the NgModule are declared by the NgModule decorator. The NgModule works as a container that allows to assembly of different components and directives that ship reusable behavior and presentation.

Components: Parts are the elements that make up an Angular app, in that they represent the UI components that users work on. A single component is expressed as a TypeScript class which determines the component's behavior and this is followed by a template which in turn defines the component's HTML markup.

Templates: Templates are a type of HTML file that has the appearance of the component or you can say the structure of the component on display. Besides the Angular templates, you can add interpolation which permits you to inject the values from the component class into HTML mark-up in an appropriate way.

Directives: Instructions are HTML tags that serve to define how Angular should act with the DOM element when the code is run on browsers. viamguad vımng ngısizeof vımng ngısmlacılyı vımng custom directives are also provided by Angular. Furthermore, it provides directives like ngIf, ngFor, and ngModel.

Services: Services are a kind of reusable parts where logic lives, which subsequently are used by component instances. Services expose business logic, interact with data, or are used to modularize common functionality so that it can be reused by various components.

Building the Angular Application with the Help of Angular Tutorial

Creating Components: Here I will guide you on how to build your own Angular app that will have several components. This will be done by generating a new component using the Angular CLI:

“ng generate component home”

This will generate a new directory home and a file will be placed in it for the HomeComponent.

Routing: Angular has a very strong routing mechanism, which enables you to navigate from one view to another in a single-page application. I will be configuring routing for my application by indicating the desired routing in the app-routing.module.ts file and then adding the directive to the app.component.html file.

Services: Then, I will develop a simple service giving access to my components. I will create a new service by using the Angular CLI.

“ng generate service data”

This will structure out a new file named data.service.ts and will contain a rough implementation of the DataService class. Then, I apply the DataService class updates to give a list of items to the components.

Consuming Services: Lastly, the home component is altered to fetch data from the DataService. With that, I inject DataService into HomeComponent's constructor and use it to fetch data and display it.

Advanced Angular Tutorial Concepts

Forms: With the Angular tutorial, you get a strong framework for creating forms and it supports markup for both template forms and reactive forms. I am going to dive into both of those Angular form-building approaches and talk about what are the pros and cons of each approach.

HTTP Client: As for the HTTP client module that is in Angular by default, it allows you to send HTTP requests from your app without much effort. In this section, you will learn how to retrieve the data from an API using the HttpClient module in Angular and display it in your application.

State Management: This is because the maintenance of ‘application state’ is a significant part of developing advanced Angular applications. Next, we will discuss the different state management methods in Angular such as those employing RxJS, Angular services, and NgRx library.

Real-Life Examples of Applications Built with Angular Tutorial

Implementing the Angular tutorial is the choice of many businesses due to its multi-purpose and useful properties for building numerous applications. 

Gmail: This is an extremely popular email service that also uses Angular for its web client. The two-way data binding and dynamic templating features offered by Angular are among the many powerful tools that provide users with a straightforward and agreeable way to manage emails, contacts, and calendars.

YouTube TV: YouTube TV is one of the applications created by Google and used to watch TV shows online, applies Angular in the creation of the web interface. Regardless of whether you are using the web browser or the app, Angular provides a component-oriented architecture and an extremely powerful routing model with which you can achieve a smooth and fast user experience.

Upwork: The main site that directs employers and freelancers is Upwork which is built on the use of Angular. As Upwork relies on modular architecture and in-built features of Angular forms and data-binding, it makes the user interface present job listings, client communication, and the payment process easy to use.

PayPal: PayPal is a widely used payment system, which employs Angular for various parts of the user interface. The Angular skills in forming, authenticating, and interchanging data confirm the competency for the checking process and the account management features on the PayPal webpage.

HBO Max: HBO Max, a web app owned by WarnerMedia Inc., makes the most out of Angular for its web app. With Angular’s competencies to create responsive layouts, manage user authentication, and stream content, HBO Max subscribers won’t fall.

Weather.com: Angular, which is the software framework that is being used for building websites like weather.com that allow weather forecasting and information. At Weather.com, the Angular modular architecture with lazy loading capability makes it easy to present weather data, illustrations, and prognoses without reducing the speed and fluidity of the user interface response.

You can learn Angular from scratch and also you can learn the Angular course online. In reality, this is not the only purpose of Angular, and thus, anyone can state the scaling up of modern web applications in different areas and industries. 

Deployment and Optimization

Deployment and optimization are vitally important stages of the software development life cycle since they ensure that applications are correctly deployed to users, and operate continuously and properly. 

Deployment Strategies

Traditional Web Server Deployment: Using Angular applications in a regular web server implies that all the compiled files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript bundled) must be copied to a server designed for serving static content. Apache, Nginx, and Microsoft IIS are quite common web servers that can fit the bill.

Cloud Platform Deployment: Cloud platforms, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), come with hosting features that can be used for deploying Angular applications. They are equipped with scalable infrastructure, automated scaling, and also various services like CDNs for the best performance.

Serverless Deployment: Serverless deployment consists of deploying an Angular application as a serverless function using the AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions platforms. This way removes the management of server infrastructure and enables scaling automatically depending on demand.

Optimizing Angular Applications

Code Minification and Bundling: Minifying and bundling of JS, CSS, and HTML files result in less number of HTTP requests, and therefore, the overall page downloading time goes down. For example, tools such as Angular CLI or Webpack will automatically handle the minification and bundling during the build time.

Tree Shaking: Reducing the application bundle size by deleting unused code (dead code) is carried out. Angular for CLI and Webpack also has a feature of tree shaking, which is the removal of unused code paths and dependencies during the build process.

Lazy Loading: Deploying lazy loading for modules and elements speeds up page performance by loading resources only when they are used. Angular's router supports lazy loading which enables the developers to extend the speed of the program by loading the modules asynchronously.

Final Thoughts

Angular is an effective and flexible tool for the development of contemporary web solutions. With a complete set of features including components, data binding, routing, forms handling, and dependency injection, it is very easy to build dynamic and interactive interfaces. Also, this guide is best for those who are looking for an Angular tutorial for beginners’ step-by-step guide or an Angular basics tutorial.

Regardless of whether it is a small project or large-scale enterprise application that you are developing Angular has got what it takes to help bring your ideas to life. Taking full advantage of what Angular can offer and abiding by the best practices for development, deployment, and optimization, one can come up with sites that users will appreciate and this will lead to business success.


1. What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source Javascript web framework mainly administered by Google and by a group of developers. Also, it is useful for the development of single-page web applications (SPAs) as well as dynamic web applications.

2. What are the key features of Angular?

The distinguishing multiple components of Angular include component-based architecture, Bi-directional data binding, Dependency injection, Templates and directives, and Routing and navigation.

3. What are the prerequisites for learning Angular?

Prerequisites for learning Angular include: Need to familiarize one's self with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Of course, web development knowledge is needed to deal with such issues but from a perspective of MVC and RESTful code architectures.

4. How do I set up my development environment for Angular?

To set up your development environment for Angular, you need to:

  • Install Node.js and npm.
  • The Angular CLI npm command should be run globally.
  • Create a fresh project in the Angular application using Angular CLI.
  • Install any other packages that are needed for your project separately; follow the installation instructions to install them.

5. What is Angular CLI, and why is it used?

An Angular CLI which is abbreviated for the command language interface is a strong command-line tool that reduces the difficulties of creating, scaffolding, exercising, building, and deploying an Angular application. It automates repeated tasks, ensures an applied project structure, and increases developer efficiency by way of expanding the development workflow.

6. What is a component in Angular?

In Angular, a component is a unique and enclosed portion that can be used multiple times with the application. 

7. How does data binding work in Angular?

In Angular, data binding helps the application to set up a link between the application data (the model) and the UI components (the view). Angular provides two-way data binding in a way that if any changes to the model are done, it will be reflected in the view and what is displayed in the view emerges to the model and makes observed changes.

8. How can I deploy an Angular application?

You can deploy an Angular application by App development following Angular CLI. It involves copying the compiled files (HTML, CSS, and JS bundles) to a web server. Hosting platforms. Serving the static files on the server will be done by the setup of the server.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

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