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Mastering Angular Dependency Injection: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated on 13/09/2024452 Views


Angular is famous for being a robust framework that many people use to develop good websites that are interactive and dependable. The Dependency Injection (DI) design pattern serves as the bedrock of Angular’s architecture, an innovative idea that has fundamentally changed how developers build apps.

Initially developed by the software engineer and author Martin Fowler in the late 1980s, Dependency Injection has since become a cornerstone of modern software development.

In this guide, we will examine Angular dependency injection in depth. I will elaborate on its main aspects, demonstrate its practical application through examples, and much more.


Angular is the go-to framework for easy development of modern online apps. Dependency Injection (DI) is the design pattern at the center of Angular’s architecture, a powerful approach that speeds development by properly handling component dependencies.

Through this comprehensive tutorial, we will seek to comprehend what dependency injection entails in Angular programming. 

By the end of this guide, you will understand how Angular dependency injection functions and how to successfully apply it to your applications.

What is Dependency Injection?

As a programming concept, dependency injection liberates your classes from being tightly coupled with their dependencies. This means that instead of creating instances of dependent objects within a class, dependency injection allows you to provide these objects from external sources.

Understanding the different types of classes involved in the process is essential. Let's break them down:

  • Client Class: The client class, also known as the dependent class, is the component or class that relies on the services provided by other classes. In the context of Angular, this often refers to components, directives, or other features requiring access to external functionalities.
  • Service Class: As the name suggests, the service class provides specific functionalities or services to other parts of the application. These services encapsulate business logic, data retrieval, or any other operations required by the client classes.
  • Injector Class: Although not explicitly defined in your code, the injector class plays a crucial role in the dependency injection process, especially in frameworks like Angular. The injector is responsible for creating instances of service classes and injecting them into client classes when requested. Angular's dependency injection mechanism automatically handles the instantiation and injection of service instances into client components based on their dependencies.

Let's illustrate this with a practical example.

Let’s say you have two classes: a UserService and a UserComponent. The UserComponent must fetch user data from the backend, which the UserService handles. Traditionally, you might instantiate the UserService directly within the UserComponent. 

However, dependency injection lets you decouple these classes by injecting the UserService into the UserComponent from an external source, typically through the Angular framework's injector mechanism.

In this scenario, the UserService acts as the service class responsible for providing user-related functionalities. The UserComponent, on the other hand, serves as the client class, which relies on the UserService to perform its tasks. The injector class, provided by Angular under the hood, facilitates the injection of the UserService into the UserComponent, ensuring loose coupling and promoting modularity within your application.

What is Dependency Injection in Angular

Angular dependency injection is more than just a programming concept; it fundamentally shapes how you design and structure your Angular applications. DI in Angular is a design pattern that promotes modular and maintainable angular code by managing the dependencies between various components and services.

Dependency Injection (DI) is integrated into the Angular framework and enables classes with Angular decorators (including Components, Directives, Pipes, and Injectables) to set up the required dependencies.

Let's look into a basic example to understand how dependency injection works in Angular.

Let’s say we have a class called HeroService that acts as a dependency for a component. To indicate that HeroService can be injected, we decorate it with the @Injectable decorator:


class HeroService {}

Now, to make HeroService available for injection, we can provide it in several ways:

At the component level

We can do the injection at the component level by using the provider’s field of the @Component decorator. This makes HeroService available to all instances of the component and other components or directives used in its template:


  selector: 'hero-list',

  template: '...',

  providers: [HeroService]


class HeroListComponent {}

At the application level 

We can also make it available for injection at the application level, using the providedIn: 'root' field in the @Injectable decorator. This ensures that Angular creates a single, shared instance of HeroService and injects it into any class that requires it throughout the application:


  providedIn: 'root'


class HeroService {}

Once a dependency is provided, injecting it into a class is straightforward. The most common method is by declaring it in the class constructor:

@Component({ … })

class HeroListComponent {

  constructor(private service: HeroService) {}


Alternatively, you can use the inject method:

@Component({ … })

class HeroListComponent {

  private service = inject(HeroService);


You should note that when Angular encounters a class with dependencies, it checks if instances of those dependencies already exist in the injector. If not, it creates them using the registered providers before injecting them into the class constructor.

This process of providing and injecting dependencies in Angular enhances code modularity and testability and also provides a cleaner and more maintainable codebase for your Angular applications. 

Types of Dependency Injection in Angular

When injecting dependencies into Angular components and services, you can employ three main methods. Let's discuss these main types of angular dependency injection:

1. Constructor Injection

This is perhaps the most common type of dependency injection in Angular. Constructor injection uses a class constructor to provide dependencies. This makes it injectable in angular. Here's an example:


class UserService {

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}


In this example, the UserService requires the HttpClient dependency, which leads to angular injection via its constructor.

2. Setter Injection

In setter injection, the client class exposes a setter method into which the injector injects the dependency. This allows for more flexibility, as dependencies can be set or changed after the object is constructed. Here's an example:


class AuthService {

  private _httpClient: HttpClient;

constructor() {}

set httpClient(httpClient: HttpClient) {

this._httpClient = httpClient;



Here, the httpClient setter method allows the AuthService to receive the HttpClient dependency from the injector.

 3. Interface Injection

Interface injection occurs when the dependency provides an injector method that injects the dependence into any client supplied to it. However, the clients must implement an interface that exposes a setter method accepting the dependency. Here's a simplified example:

interface Logger {

  log(message: string): void;



class ConsoleLogger implements Logger {

  log(message: string): void {





class LogService {

  constructor(private logger: Logger) {}


In this example, LogService depends on the Logger interface. ConsoleLogger implements this interface, providing the required functionality.

The choice of injection method depends on the specific requirements and scenarios within your application.

Constructor injection is often preferred for its simplicity and clarity, while setter and interface injections offer more flexibility in certain situations. Ultimately, selecting the appropriate injection method ensures your Angular application remains maintainable and scalable.

Core Concepts in Angular’s Dependency Injection You should Know 

Understanding the core concepts of Angular's dependency injection (DI) is crucial for effectively building scalable and maintainable applications. Let's explore these fundamental concepts to empower you with the knowledge needed to leverage DI in your Angular projects:

 1. Providers

Providers play a central role in dependency injection by managing the instantiation and lifecycle of angular dependencies that can be injected into components and services. They can be defined at different levels, such as component, module, or application level, and are configured using the Provider Property. Consider the following example:


export class MyService {

  getData() {

return "Data from MyService";




  selector: 'my-component',

  providers: [MyService],

  template: '{{ data }}'


export class MyComponent {

  constructor(private myService: MyService) {}

data = this.myService.getData();


In the example above, MyService is provided at the component level and injected into MyComponent.

2. Injection Properties

Angular provides several injection properties to configure how dependencies are injected:

(i) useClass Property

It specifies the class to be used as a dependency. For instance, in this example, MyService is replaced with MyOtherService using the useClass property.:


export class MyService {

  getData() {

return "Data from MyService";




export class MyOtherService {

  getData() {

return "Data from MyOtherService";



  selector: 'my-component',

  providers: [{ provide: MyService, useClass: MyOtherService }],

  template: '{{ data }}'


export class MyComponent {

  constructor(private myService: MyService) {}

data = this.myService.getData();


(ii) useValue Property: 

It specifies a value to be used as a dependency. In this example the value myValue is provided as a dependency.


  selector: 'my-component',

  providers: [{ provide: 'MyValue', useValue: myValue }],

  template: '{{ data }}'


export class MyComponent {

  constructor(@Inject('MyValue') private data: string) {}


(iii) useFactory Property

It specifies a factory function to create a dependency. For instance:

export function myFactory() {

  return "Data from useFactory";



  selector: 'my-component',

  providers: [{ provide: 'MyValue', useFactory: myFactory }],

  template: '{{ data }}'


export class MyComponent {

  constructor(@Inject('MyValue') private data: string) {}


3. Injectors

Injectors are responsible for creating and managing dependencies within an Angular application. The root injector is automatically created by Angular, with subsequent injectors being children of the root injector. Consider the following example:


export class MyService {

  getData() {

return "Data from MyService";




  selector: 'my-component',

  template: '{{ data }}'


export class MyComponent {

  constructor(private injector: Injector) {}

data = this.injector.get(MyService).getData();


In the example above; the Injector is used to retrieve an instance of MyService within MyComponent.

Creating a custom injector

When you're working on your Angular application and you find yourself needing to manage different instances of services or dependencies across various parts of your app, creating a custom injector can be a lifesaver. It's actually quite simple to do.

First off, you'll want to import the Injector module from @angular/core. This module gives you access to the create() method, which is the key to creating your custom injector.

Once you've imported the Injector, you can start setting up your custom injector. This is where you define which providers you want to include in your injector. Providers essentially tell Angular how to create instances of services or other objects that your components might need.

Let's say you have a service called MyService that you want to include in your custom injector. You would define it like this:

import { Injector } from '@angular/core';

const customInjector = Injector.create({

  providers: [

    { provide: MyService, useClass: MyService },



4. Hierarchical Injectors

In Angular, Dependency Injection (DI) is essential for managing component and service dependencies. Angular's injector system supplies instances of these dependencies as required. Hierarchical injectors, organized in a hierarchy mirroring the component tree, play a vital role in this process.

Here's what you need to know about hierarchical injectors in Angular:

Component Tree Hierarchy: Angular apps are structured as a tree of components, with each having parent-child relationships.

Injector Hierarchies: Each component has its injector responsible for managing service instances.

Service Instance Scope: Services are scoped to the injector associated with the requesting component, allowing for different service instances across the component tree.

Local Overrides: Components can override service instances provided by ancestor components, enabling localized customization.

Root Injector: The top-level injector, created at application start, provides a global scope for shared services.

NgModule and Injector: Angular modules define injector configuration, contributing to the hierarchy.

Consider this example:

// Service definition

class MyService {

  value: string;


// Root Module


  providers: [MyService],


class AppModule {}

// Parent Component


  selector: 'app-parent',

  template: '<app-child></app-child>',


class ParentComponent {}

// Child Component


  slate: '<p>{{ myService.value }}</p>',

elector: 'app-child',

  temp  providers: [MyService], // Local provider overrides the parent's MyService instance


class ChildComponent {

  constructor(public myService: MyService) {}


In this scenario, MyService is provided both at the root module and ChildComponent levels. The ChildComponent gets its instance of MyService due to the local provider, allowing for distinct values compared to the ParentComponent's instance.

5. Tokens

In Angular, dependency injection tokens are used to identify dependencies expressed as strings or classes. They are crucial for specifying which dependency should be used for a given token. Consider the following example:

export const MY_TOKEN = 'myToken';


export class MyService {

  getData() {

return "Data from MyService";




  selector: 'my-component',

  providers: [{ provide: MY_TOKEN, useClass: MyService }],

  template: '{{ data }}'


export class MyComponent {

  constructor(@Inject(MY_TOKEN) private myService: MyService) {}

data = this.myService.getData();


In the example above, MY_TOKEN is used to specify MyService as a dependency within MyComponent.

Real-World Implementation Dependency Injection in Angular

Implementing Dependency Injection in Angular is a fundamental aspect of building scalable and maintainable applications. I will explain it step by step.

1. Prerequisites

Before diving into dependency injection in Angular, ensure you have the necessary tools and dependencies installed on your machine. You'll need Node.js, a code editor, npm, and the Angular CLI. If Angular CLI is not installed, you can do so by running:

npm install -g @angular/cli

2. Creating a New Project

To create a new Angular project, use the Angular CLI command ng new followed by the name of your project. For example:

ng new my-app

This command generates a new Angular project with a default directory structure and configuration.

3. Implementation

Once your project is set up, you can start implementing dependency injection. Begin by creating a service using the Angular CLI:

ng generate service my-service

This command generates a service file (my-service.service.ts), which you can use to define functionality for your application.

Next, register the service with Angular's Dependency Injection system by adding it to the providers' array in the app module (app.module.ts). For example:

import { MyServiceService } from './my-service.service';


  providers: [MyServiceService],


export class AppModule { }

Now, you can inject dependencies into components and services. To inject a service into a component, add a constructor to the component and specify the service as a parameter. For example:

import { MyServiceService } from '../my-service.service';


  selector: 'my-component',

  template: '<p>{{ getMessage() }}</p>'


export class MyComponent {

  constructor(private myService: MyServiceService) {}

getMessage(): string {

return this.myService.getMessage();



To register a service with the root injector, you can use the providedIn: 'root' option in the @Injectable() decorator of the service:


  providedIn: 'root'


export class MyServiceService {

  getMessage(): string {

return 'Hello from MyService!';



This ensures that the service is available throughout the application.

4. Dependency Injection in Directives and Pipes

To inject services and other dependencies inside directives and pipes, define a constructor with the dependencies as arguments. For example:

import { Directive } from '@angular/core';


  selector: '[customDirective]'


export class CustomDirective {

  constructor(private el: ElementRef, private myService: MyServiceService) {}


5. Running the App

To view your Angular application, open a terminal window, navigate to the root directory of your project, and run the following command:

ng serve

Then, open a web browser and navigate to your localhost to view the app.

Benefits of Dependency Injection in Angular

Dependency injection provides several crucial advantages to Angular applications:

  • Improved Modularity: Component and service classes become more modular, promoting better organization and maintainability.
  • Simplified Testing: Testing in isolation becomes easier, eliminating the need for complex setups and mockups.
  • Improved Reusability: Thanks to the modular structure, code can be easily reused across different parts of the application.
  • Streamlined Codebase Management: With clearer dependencies and separation of concerns, the codebase becomes easier to manage and understand. 


In conclusion, understanding and using dependency injection (DI) in Angular is really important for making apps that are easy to work with and maintain. With DI, you can manage how different parts of your app depend on each other, which helps keep your code organized and easier to test.

Throughout this guide, we've looked at different parts of Angular's DI system, like how it works and how to use it in your own projects. We've also seen examples of how to inject dependencies into your components and services, which is a big part of making your app work smoothly.

When you follow the steps we've talked about, you can make the most out of DI in Angular. You now have the tools to build strong and reliable Angular apps.


  1. What is Angular dependency injection?

Angular dependency injection manages dependencies between different parts of an Angular app by providing dependencies to components and services instead of creating them internally.

  1. What are the three distinct types of dependency injection that exist in AngularJS?

The 3 types are constructor injection, setter injection, and interface injection, each injecting dependencies differently into components or services.

  1. What is dependency injection with an example?

Dependency injection in Angular involves providing dependencies from external sources. For example, instead of creating a service within a component, you can inject the service into the component.

  1. Why do we use DI in Angular?

DI in Angular promotes modularity, maintainability, and testability by reducing coupling between components and services, making code management easier.

  1. What are the benefits of dependency injection in Angular?

The benefits of dependency injection in Angular include improved modularity, simplified testing, enhanced reusability, and cleaner codebase management.

  1. How to create dependency injection in Angular?

Use the @Injectable decorator to define a service, then inject it into components or services using constructor injection or other methods provided by Angular.

  1. What are the 4 roles of dependency injection?

The roles include the client class, service class, injector class, and dependency, managing how dependencies are provided and injected.

  1. Where to add dependency in Angular?

Dependencies are added at component, module, or application level by including them in the provider’s array where they're needed.

Abhimita Debnath

Abhimita Debnath

Abhimita Debnath is one of the students in UpGrad Big Data Engineering program with BITS Pilani. She's a Senior Software Engineer in Infosys. She…Read More

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