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Angular Forms: A Complete Guide

Updated on 16/09/2024427 Views


Angular is a well-liked open-source JavaScript framework for creating web apps. It was developed by Google. Forms in Angular offers a range of functionalities that enable us to efficiently and methodically handle and manage user input. Form is the primary component of web applications that enable user interaction and data submission.

In this guide, I will discuss in detail about the aspects, types and methods of Angular Form. You can learn and improve your knowledge of form generation, validation, user input management, and much more.


An essential component of Angular that is used to create dynamic web applications is Angular Forms. Template-driven forms and reactive forms are the two primary categories. Template-driven forms work best with less sophisticated validation requirements and are dependent on Angular directives. However, reactive forms give developers more freedom and control since they let them create unique validation logic and specify form controls dynamically.

For template-driven forms, we will work with directives like ngModel and ngForm to bind form controls to data models and handle form submissions. Reactive forms, on the other hand, involve creating FormGroup and FormControl in Angular instances to manage form data and validation rules programmatically.

Furthermore, mandatory field validation, email format validation, and custom validation procedures for intricate scenarios are among the usual validation tasks for which Angular offers Validators. Developers proficient with forms can design dynamic and sophisticated forms that improve user experience and expedite data processing in Angular applications.

What Are Angular Forms?

Angular forms are like digital paper where users write information on websites. In Angular, forms can be template-driven or reactive. Template-driven forms use Angular directives within HTML templates to create and validate forms, while reactive forms use a more programmatic approach with TypeScript to handle form logic. Depending on the complexity of the application and the preferences of the developer, both styles provide advantages that let developers create dynamic, responsive web forms quickly.

Types of Angular Forms

Angular provides different types of forms to handle user input and validation. These forms help developers create interactive and user-friendly web applications.

1. Template-Driven Forms

Template-driven forms are easy to create and suitable for simple forms with basic validation requirements. In these forms, we define the form structure directly in the HTML template using directives like ngModel.


  • Quick and easy to set up
  • Ideal for small-scale applications
  • Suitable for simple validation tasks

2. Reactive Forms

Reactive form in angular offers more flexibility and control over form elements and validation. They are defined programmatically in the component class using FormBuilder and FormControl objects.


  • Greater flexibility and control over form elements
  • Suitable for complex forms with dynamic validation requirements
  • Easier to test and maintain


The differences between template-driven and reactive forms


Template-Driven Forms

Reactive Forms


Defined in HTML template

Defined in component class






Customizable and dynamic




Suitable for

Simple forms

Complex forms

Both types of forms have their advantages and are suitable for different scenarios. Choosing the right type depends on the complexity of our form and our project requirements.

How to Create Angular Forms?

Developers may easily record user input, carry out validations, and interact with data by creating forms in Angular. Template-driven forms and reactive forms are the two basic form arrays in angular.

Template-driven forms are simple and excellent for basic forms. Since we build them up directly in the HTML code, they are simple to use. Reactive forms, on the other hand, offer us greater flexibility and control.

A) Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Template-Driven Forms

Here is the step-by-step process to create template-driven forms.

Setting up and Installing

1. Set up the Angular CLI:

Make sure the system has the Angular CLI installed globally. If not, npm can be used to install it:

install -g @angular/cli using npm

2. Create a New Angular Project:

To create a new Angular project, use the Angular CLI:

Creating a new My Forms Project

3. Locate and Select Your Project:

Navigate to the directory of your project:

cd my-forms-project

Making a Form With ngModel and ngForm

1. Incorporate Form Elements:

Create a new form component in the Angular project:

ng create my-form's component

2. Create the Form in HTML:

Open the my-form.component.html file, then create the form using HTML elements. To bind data and manage form submissions, use Angular directives like ngModel and ngForm.

Adding Form Validation

1. Implement Validation:

Add validation to the form fields using Angular's built-in validators such as required, minLength, maxLength, etc. We can also create custom validators as needed.

2. Display Validation Errors:

Use Angular Form validation features to display error messages to users when they input invalid data or miss required fields.

Handling Form Submission

1. Handle Form Submission:

In the component class (my-form.component.ts), we can implement a method to handle the form submission. We can use Angular's (ngSubmit) event to trigger this method when the form is submitted.

2. Process Form Data:

Inside the form submission method, access the form data using the form's model and perform any necessary processing or actions, such as sending the data to a server or updating the UI.

B) Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Angular Form Reactive

Here is the method to create Angular Form reactive.

1. Installation and Setup:

First, let’s install Angular on our computer and create a new project. Ensure that the essential tools and dependencies are installed for Angular development.

2. Creating a Form Using FormBuilder:

We can use the FormBuilder service provided by Angular to create a reactive form in our component. Define the form structure by adding form controls, specifying their initial values, and setting up validators for data validation.

3. Adding Form Controls and Validators:

Within the form, add form controls such as text inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc., using FormBuilder Angular methods like control() or group(). Apply validators like required, min/max length, pattern, etc., to ensure the entered data meets specific criteria.

4. Handling Form Submission:

Then we implement a function in our component to handle form submission events. Access the form's data using the value property of the form object. Perform any necessary actions, such as sending the form data to a server or displaying it on the UI.

Form Controls and Validators in Angular Form

Form controls are the building blocks of forms in Angular. They represent input fields like text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc., that users interact with to input data. Validators, on the other hand, are used to validate the data entered into these form controls to ensure it meets specific criteria or rules.

Types of Form Controls:

  • Text Input: Allows users to enter text data
  • Checkbox: Enables users to select multiple options
  • Radio Button: Allows users to choose one option from a list
  • Select Box: Provides a dropdown list of options for selection
  • Textarea: Allows users to enter multi-line text

Creating Form Controls

Use Angular's form directives like ngModel, formControl, or formControlName to bind form controls to data in the component class.


<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="username" name="username" required>


Types of Validators:

  • Required Validator: Ensures a field is filled out
  • Min/Max Length Validator: Checks the length of input
  • Pattern Validator: Matches input against a regular expression
  • Custom Validator: Allows for custom validation logic
  • Using Validators: Apply validators to form controls, using Angular's built-in validators or create custom validators as needed.


import { Validators } from '@angular/forms';

this.form = this.formBuilder.group({

username: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(4)]],

email: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.email]],

password: ['', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern(/^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{8,}$/)]],


Displaying Validation Errors:

Use Angular's validation features to show error messages based on validation results.


<div *ngIf="form.get('username').hasError('required') && form.get('username').touched">

Username is required.


Challenges in Angular Forms

Working with Angular Forms can indeed pose several challenges, especially when dealing with complex validation scenarios or managing form submission errors. Here are some additional challenges you might encounter:

1. Dynamic Form Controls: Managing the validation and state of dynamically produced controls on forms that are created depending on user input or external data sources can be difficult.

2. Custom Validators: Implementing custom validators for specific validation requirements, such as password strength validation or custom date formats, requires careful implementation and testing.

3. Cross-Field Validation: Validating form fields based on the values of other fields (e.g., ensuring a start date is before an end date) can be complex and require custom validation logic.

4. Error Handling and Display: Effectively displaying form validation errors to users in a clear and user-friendly manner, including inline validation messages and error summaries, is crucial for a good user experience.

5. Asynchronous Validation: Handling validation scenarios that require asynchronous operations, such as checking if a username is available during form submission, adds another layer of complexity.

6. Form State Management: Managing the state of large forms with multiple fields, including tracking changes, resetting form values, and handling form submission events, can be challenging to maintain.

7. Internationalization (i18n) and Accessibility (a11y): Ensuring that forms are accessible to all users, including those using assistive technologies, and supporting multiple languages through internationalization adds complexity to form development.


When it comes to coding and understanding different coding forms, it may get a little heavy. This guide details everything about Angular Forms with examples, making it easy to understand for the readers. Angular Forms is the most important component for creating dynamic web applications.

Developing engaging and user-friendly internet apps requires a solid understanding of angular shapes. For developers, this means having more options for creating and managing forms utilizing Angular features like template-driven forms and reactive form angular. To create engaging forms that successfully meet the demands of users, we have to keep trying new things and apply what we've learnt.


1. What are the forms in Angular?

Angular offers two types of forms: template-driven forms and reactive forms. Template-driven forms rely on directives within the HTML template, while reactive forms are built programmatically in the component class.

2. Which form is better in Angular?

The choice between template-driven and reactive forms depends on the complexity and requirements of our application. Template-driven forms are simpler and suitable for smaller projects, while reactive forms offer more control and flexibility, making them ideal for complex data handling.

3. How to add Angular forms?

You can use the FormsModule for template-driven forms and the ReactiveFormsModule for reactive forms. Import the respective module in your Angular module file and then use Angular form example directives and services to create and manage forms.

4. What is form data in Angular?

Form data in Angular refers to the information entered by users in form fields. This data can be accessed and processed using Angular's form controls and methods like value and patchValue.

5. What is a FormGroup in Angular?

A FormGroup in Angular is a collection of form controls organized into a group. It's used in reactive forms to manage and validate multiple form controls together, making it easier to work with complex forms.

6. Why is Angular faster?

Angular is designed with performance in mind, utilizing features like Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, tree shaking, and optimized change detection mechanisms. These techniques help improve the speed and efficiency of Angular applications.

7. What are the advantages of Angular?

Some advantages of Angular include its powerful features for building single-page applications (SPAs), a robust component-based architecture, two-way data binding, dependency injection for efficient code organization, and a strong community and ecosystem.

8. Why is React better than Angular?

React is often preferred for its lightweight nature, flexibility, and virtual DOM rendering, making it suitable for building dynamic and highly interactive user interfaces. However, Angular provides a more structured framework with built-in solutions for tasks like routing, form handling, and state management, which can be advantageous for large-scale applications and teams.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

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