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Top Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Updated on 16/09/2024423 Views


Before we begin cracking these interview questions about Angular, we must know a bit about this tool. If you already didn't know, then Angular is a tool for building websites and it can create sites that can change data without reloading the page. Many companies use Angular because it's very powerful and efficient. Angular can simplify complex web-building tasks which makes it a perfect tool for creating complex websites.


This tutorial has everything you need to know about Angular interview questions. We start with the basics and gradually move to more complex topics. You will find questions for all skill levels with our set of carefully crafted interview questions. Freshers can learn the fundamentals. Experienced developers can test their knowledge.

We have also included questions on the latest Angular features to keep you updated about its latest features. Each section has clear answers to make it easy for you to understand tough concepts. You can practice these questions to boost your confidence.

Our guide also offers tips on how to answer questions smartly. We focus on how to present your answers in a real interview. This way, you can impress your future employers.

This tutorial does not just list questions and answers. It aims to build your understanding of Angular. By the end, you'll feel ready to face any Angular interview.

Top Angular Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

With the introduction of the topic now lets directly jump into the types of questions that an interviewer may ask during an interview. Also, note that there are different sections and they are based on difficulty levels. 

Angular Basics Interview Questions

  1. What is Angular?

Angular is a toolkit for making web apps. It lets you build dynamic, single-page sites easily. You may answer that it's a framework by Google for creating client-side applications.

  1. Explain data binding in Angular.

Data binding connects your HTML (the view) to your JavaScript objects (the model). You may answer that it syncs data between the model and the view, automatically updating one when the other changes.

  1. What are Angular directives?

Directives are instructions in the DOM to change its behavior or appearance.

You may answer that they are markers on DOM elements, guiding Angular to run or modify some behavior.

  1. Describe Angular's SPA features.

SPA stands for Single Page Application. Angular builds these so your website loads once, then just updates as needed.

You may answer that Angular creates web applications that load a single HTML page and dynamically update as the user interacts.

  1. Explain Angular's dependency injection.

This is a design pattern where a class receives its dependencies from external sources rather than creating them.

You may answer that Angular's DI framework provides components with the services they need, enhancing modularity and reusability.

  1. What are observables in Angular?

Observables help manage async data, like data coming from a web service. You may answer that the observables in Angular are from the RxJS library, enabling more powerful and complex data handling through streams.

Top 10 Angular Interview Questions for 2 Years Experienced Candidates

  1. What is data binding in Angular?

Data binding is a way for your HTML to display data from your TypeScript code. Angular syncs it automatically.

  1. Explain Angular directives.

Directives are instructions in the DOM. They tell Angular to change or adjust the HTML layout and behavior.

  1. How do you create a service in Angular?

To create a service, you use the CLI command ng generate service followed by the service name. Services help share data across components.

  1. Describe the Angular lifecycle hooks.

Lifecycle hooks are specific moments you can tap into. They let you run code at particular times in a component's life.

  1. What is dependency injection in Angular?

Dependency injection is a way to provide a new instance of a class with all the dependencies it needs. Angular handles this for you.

  1. Can you explain the concept of a module in Angular?

A module groups components, services, and other code files that are closely related. It organizes the app and defines how it compiles.

  1. What is RxJS and how is it used in Angular?

RxJS is a library for asynchronous programming. Angular uses it for handling data streams and propagation of changes.

  1. How do you manage state in Angular applications?

You can manage the state using services or libraries like NgRx. These tools help keep track of app data across components.

  1. What are observables in Angular?

Observables manage asynchronous data. They are from the RxJS library. You use them for data fetching and event handling.

  1. How can you optimize an Angular application's performance?

You can optimize by lazy loading modules, using trackBy in *ngFor, and avoiding complex computations in templates. Also, use the Angular build optimizer.

Angular Interview Questions for Freshers

These are the most basic interview questions related to Angular. These questions might help people who are applying as interns.

  1. What's the purpose of Angular CLI?

Angular CLI is a tool to initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular applications directly from a command shell.

  1. How do you bind CSS classes to HTML elements in Angular?

You can bind CSS classes to HTML elements using the [class.className] syntax or ngClass directive based on component logic.

  1. What is a pipe in Angular?

A pipe takes in data as input and transforms it to a desired output format without changing the original data source.

  1. Explain the concept of lazy loading in Angular.

Lazy loading lets you load JavaScript components only when they are needed and thus improves site performance.

  1. How does Angular handle forms?

Angular handles forms through two approaches: Reactive Forms and Template-Driven Forms.

  1. Describe how to communicate between components using Event Emitters.

Components communicate by using the @Output() decorator and EventEmitter to emit events for parent components to handle.

  1. What is Angular Universal?

Angular Universal is a technology that allows Angular apps to be rendered on the server side, improving loading times and SEO.

  1. How do you implement routing in Angular?

Routing in Angular is achieved by configuring routes in the AppRoutingModule and using the RouterOutlet directive to display components.

  1. What is AOT compilation?

Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation converts Angular HTML and TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript code during the build phase before the browser downloads and runs it.

  1. Explain the role of services in Angular.

Services in Angular are singleton objects used for sharing data and business logic across components without duplicating code.

Angular Interview Questions for Experienced Candidates

The below-listed Angular interview questions and answers for experienced candidates will show a deep understanding of Angular and its ecosystem. These questions will help professionals to crack even tougher questions easily.

  1. Explain Angular's change detection mechanism.

Angular's change detection mechanism checks for changes to data and updates the DOM to reflect those changes.

  1. How do interceptors work in Angular?

Interceptors intercept incoming or outgoing HTTP requests using the HttpClient. You can modify or log the requests and responses.

  1. Discuss Angular's security features.

Angular’s security features like sanitization protect against XSS attacks and ensure data binding is secure and prevent code injection.

  1. What is the Angular Renderer class?

The Renderer class performs safe DOM manipulations and it ensures your app remains platform-independent, enhancing security and flexibility.

  1. How can you optimize Angular applications for SEO?

To optimize Angular applications for SEO, use Angular Universal for server-side rendering, enabling crawlers to index your content better.

  1. Describe how to use Web Workers in Angular.

Web Workers run scripts in background threads, allowing Angular apps to perform heavy computations without affecting the user interface's responsiveness.

  1. What strategies can you use for state management in Angular?

For state management, you might use services with BehaviorSubject, NgRx, or Akita, depending on your application's complexity and needs.

  1. Explain the differences between @ViewChild and @ContentChild.

@ViewChild accesses a child component in the template, while @ContentChild accesses content children passed from a parent component.

  1.  How do you handle mobile-specific features in Angular?

For mobile-specific features, consider using Angular with frameworks like Ionic or NativeScript, which allow for the creation of native mobile applications.

  1. Discuss the role of Zones in Angular.

Zones provide a mechanism to hook into asynchronous tasks in Angular, helping in understanding and debugging application performance issues.

Five Angular Scenario-Based Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

Angular interview questions for experienced professionals often focus on real-world scenarios to assess problem-solving skills and in-depth knowledge. Here are five scenario-based questions just for such candidates:

  1. Handling Dynamic Content Loading

You need to display a list of items that change based on user input. How would you implement this in Angular without causing performance issues?

Answer: Use Angular's *ngFor directive with trackBy to efficiently update the DOM only where changes occur.

  1. Optimizing Large Forms

Imagine your application has a form with over 50 fields. What strategies would you use in Angular to ensure the form's responsiveness and user-friendly experience?

Answer: Implement lazy loading for different sections and use Reactive Forms for better performance and validation control.

  1. Securing Client-Side Data

Describe how you would secure sensitive data in an Angular application from being exposed to the client side.

Answer: Utilize Angular's HTTP interceptors to manage data securely and ensure all sensitive operations are handled server-side.

  1. Upgrading from AngularJS to Angular

Your team has decided to upgrade a large application from AngularJS to Angular. What approach would you recommend for this migration?

Answer: Adopt the ngUpgrade module for a gradual upgrade, allowing both AngularJS and Angular codebases to coexist and interoperate.

  1. Custom Directive for Role-Based Access

You are tasked with creating a custom directive that shows or hides UI elements based on the user's role. How would you approach this in Angular?

Answer: Develop a structural directive that utilizes Angular's TemplateRef and ViewContainerRef to conditionally render elements based on user roles.

Five Angular Coding Interview Questions

Angular coding questions often test a developer's ability to solve practical problems and implement features using Angular. Here are five coding interview questions with their answers.

  1. Create a Custom Pipe to Capitalize the First Letter of Each Word in a String

How would you implement a custom pipe in Angular that capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string?

Answer: Define a pipe with the @Pipe decorator, then use the transform method to split the string, capitalize each word, and join them back.

  1. Dynamic Component Loader

How can you dynamically load a component based on a user's action in Angular?

Answer: Utilize Angular's ComponentFactoryResolver to resolve a component at runtime and inject it into a view container referenced by ViewChild.

  1. Observable Data Service

Implement a service that fetches user data from an API and shares it across components using RxJS Observables.

Answer: Create a service using HttpClient to fetch data, then use RxJS's BehaviorSubject to multicast this data to multiple subscribers.

  1. State Management with NgRx

How would you set up a basic state management feature using NgRx in an Angular app?

Answer: Define actions for state changes, create reducers to specify how actions change the state, and use selectors to retrieve specific slices of the state.

  1. Form Array Dynamic Validation

How do you apply dynamic validation to a form array in Angular, where the validation criteria change based on user input?

Answer: Use Reactive Forms to create the form array, then apply validators dynamically to the form group or form controls based on user inputs.

These Angular coding questions and answers test many skills. They cover understanding Angular's core concepts. They also cover using advanced features and libraries for state management and dynamic UI updates.

Final Thoughts

We have so far covered a range of topics in this guide for Angular interview questions. From basic concepts for newbies to Angular advanced interview questions for seasoned pros, we talked about important topics. The coding challenges and scenario-based queries are for experienced professionals. We have also discussed practical coding questions with answers and offered insights into handling real-world tasks in Angular. We believe this guide ensures that whether you are starting or looking to deepen your expertise, you have the knowledge to shine in your next Angular interview. We aimed to equip you with the confidence to tackle any question that comes your way.


1. How do I prepare for an Angular interview?

You can review Angular's fundamental concepts, practice coding with Angular, and familiarize yourself with the latest features and updates. You can also engage with Angular communities and resources online to stay informed.

2. What is the component of Angular interview questions?

A component in Angular acts as the basic building block of the application UI. It controls a part of the screen called a view through its associated template and class.

3. What is DOM in Angular interview questions?

The DOM (Document Object Model) refers to how HTML and XML documents are manipulated. Angular modifies the DOM to update the user interface in response to user interactions and data changes.

4. What are the most important topics in Angular?

The most important topics in Angular are:

  • Services
  • Directives
  • Modules
  • Routing
  • Forms
  • Dependency injection
  • RxJS
  • State management

5. What is the latest version of Angular?

Angular 17.0.0 is the latest version released on Nov 08, 2023.

6. Which language is best for Angular?

TypeScript is the primary language used for Angular development because it supports static types, which improves code quality and readability, making it the best language for Angular.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

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