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Blockchain Tutorial for Beginners: Your Roadmap to Learning Blockchain Development

Updated on 09/09/2024427 Views

I was a little lost when I started blockchain development. The notions of decentralized applications, smart contracts, and cryptography appeared unfamiliar. But I've worked out a clear route to become a blockchain engineer over the years.

I'll cover all I've learned about blockchain development in this blockchain tutorial, working my way up to more complex subjects. I'll take you through the fundamental steps to establish your understanding, learn about blockchain technology, and investigate several blockchain platforms. Ultimately, you'll have a road map for becoming a blockchain developer. Let's begin your blockchain tutorial.

What is Blockchain?

Fundamentally, a blockchain is a digital ledger in which transactions are safely and impenetrably documented. Its decentralization implies that no single body controls it. Instead, the ledger is kept accurate by a network of computer nodes working together.

A bank or other central authority verifies transactions in a conventional system. Using intricate cryptographic methods, the blockchain network verifies itself. Blockchain is remarkably safe and fraud-resistant, thanks to its decentralized design. Now, let's dive into the next section of this blockchain tutorial where I will tell you why blockchain is important.

Why is Blockchain Important?

Blockchain technology matters because it completely changes how we view trust, security, and openness in online transactions. Blockchain is decentralized, it depends on a network of computers, or nodes, to authenticate and record transactions, unlike conventional systems where a central authority controls data and validates transactions. There are a few significant ramifications to this essential change.


Blockchain is primarily essential because of its strong security. A blockchain records immutable data. Once a transaction is put into the chain, it cannot be changed or removed without network agreement.

Transparency and Accountability

The transparency of blockchain is another strong argument for its significance. Because every activity is traceable, this degree of openness fosters responsibility. It can guarantee moral behavior in many sectors and help to lower corruption.

Decentralization and Trust

Blockchain is primarily significant because of its decentralization. Blockchain enables peer-to-peer transactions that establish trust by agreement by doing away with mediators.

Broad Applications

Blockchain is valuable in many industries, including supply chain, banking, healthcare, and government. It allows safe digital currencies like Bitcoin and simplifies supply chain management with precise tracking.

Thus, blockchain is essential since it offers a safe, open, and decentralized means of carrying out digital transactions. Its many uses can revolutionize entire sectors and promote creativity.

Before moving further in this blockchain tutorial, you must be familiar with the various blockchain types. Let us go over each one.

Types of Blockchain

Blockchain technology is available in several formats, each intended to address specific requirements and applications. We usually concentrate on three categories when discussing the various blockchains: consortium, private, and public. We'll go into each kind and look at multiple instances to see what they do.

Public Blockchains

The blockchain world's rock stars are public blockchains. Anyone may join these open networks, verify transactions, and build additional blocks. The transparency and decentralization of public blockchains simultaneously make them safe and widely available.

Take Bitcoin, for instance. It is the original public blockchain, intended for peer-to-peer exchanges devoid of a bank-like middleman. Anyone can join the Bitcoin network, operate a node, or mine new coins. Bitcoin has emerged as a mainstay of the cryptocurrency industry due to its transparency.

Private Blockchains

The reverse of public blockchains is private blockchains. They resemble exclusive clubs in that admission requires an invitation or other authorization. Usually, companies or organizations who desire the advantages of blockchain technology but require greater control over network access utilize them.

Among the most well-known private blockchains are Hyperledger Fabric and Ripple. Enterprise-focused, it enables companies to establish secure channels for private data. Companies that require a safe yet regulated workplace choose Ripple because of its flexibility. Moreover, read what a ripple blockchain is if you wish to learn all about it.

Consortium Blockchains

Blockchains that are part of a consortium combine public and private. Though not entirely as private as private blockchains, they are not walled off. A consortium blockchain is ideal for sectors requiring stakeholder cooperation since it allows several organizations to control the network.

R3 Corda is an excellent illustration employed in the finance industry. It enables the safe sharing of information and the creation of smart contracts by banks and other financial institutions. Because Corda employs a point-to-point architecture instead of a standard blockchain, transactions are only visible to the persons engaged, which is ideal for preserving secrecy.

The decision on which blockchain to choose will rely on your goals, as each has advantages and disadvantages. Open and transparent public blockchains; control and privacy offered by private blockchains; and a collaborative approach with some privacy provided by consortium blockchains.

How Blockchain Works?

Understanding blockchain requires understanding of a few fundamental elements:

  • Blocks: An accounting of transactions is a block. Every block has a timestamp, a list of transactions, and a unique hash—a kind of digital fingerprint. The term "blockchain" comes from the chain that connects the blocks.
  • Chains: A chain is a nonstop arrangement of blocks, each connected to its predecessor. By this connection procedure, the blockchain is kept safe and unchangeable.
  • Nodes: Servers or PCs in the network are known as nodes. They keep a copy of the blockchain while participating in transaction verification and validation.
  • Consensus Mechanisms: Companion Mechanisms The blockchain is kept intact via consensus methods used by the network. Two well-liked methods are Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS).

Getting Started with Blockchain Development

With the basics covered, it's time to explore the developmental process in our blockchain tutorial. One of the most often used programming languages, Python, will be used to build a simple blockchain.

Here is a blockchain sample code:

from hashlib import sha256 # Import directly from hashlib

from datetime import datetime # Import directly from datetime

class LedgerEntry(object):

"""Represents a single entry (block) in the distributed ledger."""

def __init__(self, sequence_number, timestamp, content, previous_hash):

self.sequence_number = sequence_number

self.timestamp = timestamp

self.content = content

self.previous_hash = previous_hash

self.hash = self.calculate_hash()

def calculate_hash(self):

"""Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the ledger entry data."""

sha = sha256()

data_to_hash = (str(self.sequence_number) +

str(self.timestamp) +

str(self.content) +



return sha.hexdigest()

def create_genesis_entry():

"""Creates the initial entry (block) in the distributed ledger."""

return LedgerEntry(0, datetime.now(), "Genesis Entry", "0")

def generate_next_entry(last_entry, data):

"""Creates a new entry based on the previous entry and provided data."""

next_sequence_number = last_entry.sequence_number + 1

next_timestamp = datetime.now()

next_content = data

next_previous_hash = last_entry.hash

return LedgerEntry(next_sequence_number, next_timestamp, next_content, next_previous_hash)

# Create the distributed ledger and add the genesis entry

distributed_ledger = [create_genesis_entry()]

previous_entry = distributed_ledger[0]

# Add entries to the ledger

number_of_entries_to_add = 20

for i in range(number_of_entries_to_add):

entry_to_add = generate_next_entry(previous_entry, f"Entry number: {i+1}")


previous_entry = entry_to_add

print(f"Entry #{entry_to_add.sequence_number} has been added to the ledger!")

print(f"Hash: {entry_to_add.hash}\n")


from hashlib import sha256

from datetime import datetime # Import directly from datetime

class LedgerEntry:

"""Represents an entry (block) in the distributed ledger."""

def __init__(self, sequence_number, timestamp, content, previous_hash):

self.sequence_number = sequence_number

self.timestamp = timestamp

self.content = content

self.previous_hash = previous_hash

self.hash = self.calculate_hash()

def calculate_hash(self):

"""Calculates the SHA-256 hash of the ledger entry data."""

sha = sha256()

data_to_hash = (

str(self.sequence_number) +

str(self.timestamp) +

str(self.content) +




return sha.hexdigest()

def create_genesis_entry():

"""Creates the initial entry (block) in the distributed ledger."""

return LedgerEntry(0, datetime.now(), "Genesis Entry", "0")

def generate_next_entry(last_entry, data):

"""Generates a new entry based on the previous entry and provided data."""

next_sequence_number = last_entry.sequence_number + 1

next_timestamp = datetime.now()

next_content = data

next_previous_hash = last_entry.hash

return LedgerEntry(next_sequence_number, next_timestamp, next_content, next_previous_hash)

# Create the distributed ledger and add the genesis entry

distributed_ledger = [create_genesis_entry()]

previous_entry = distributed_ledger[0]

# Add entries to the ledger

number_of_entries_to_add = 20

for i in range(number_of_entries_to_add):

entry_to_add = generate_next_entry(previous_entry, f"Entry number: {i+1}")


previous_entry = entry_to_add

print(f"Entry {entry_to_add.sequence_number} has been added to the ledger!")

print(f"Hash: {entry_to_add.hash}")

Console Output:


Copy code

Entry 1 has been added to the ledger!

Hash: 4516caea8884a9322ce9a477b7312b8d1584e52fbb13929c9eb9a43e9b151489c

Entry 2 has been added to the ledger!

Hash: 02e5d8ffafabaf467ba6dd174fccce94dace1718f7348e54a41cce187c08089a

Entry 3 has been added to the ledger!

Hash: 4f3d8c33b6df5a9616728e89c2044446603af5be611a807a6db1383f9a99f8f1

Entry 4 has been added to the ledger!

Hash: 556168404b24d8c2e88b742f28c3eaa918d8580ecf28bbbf35af43b9b17985f

Entry 5 has been added to the ledger!

Hash: 4a7c733eaa150631b65fc5c8a46b1df1485bb08eef89a10b9f36

Entry 6 has been added to the ledger!

Hash: 03298952738c53917b688ad24699568ea127a4

Entry 7 has been added to the ledger!

Hash: e569312ae5db2312578c1a0a5b17bf68a53abd

With blocks including an index, timestamp, data, and a prior hash, this straightforward code builds a rudimentary blockchain. One way to add new blocks to the chain is also included. Running this code will allow you to explore blockchain ideas and learn how the chain is built.

How To Become a Blockchain Developer?

Do you aim to work as a blockchain developer, then? How fantastic is that? It's a fascinating subject with many excellent prospects. Here's how you get started, broken down.

Step 1: Learn Blockchain Programming Basics

You have to be able to code first and foremost. Start with a language like Python or JavaScript if you're new to programming. Learn the fundamental elements of variables, loops, functions, and data structures in programming. Blockchain coding will later on be more straightforward to understand because of this basis.

Step 2: Understand Blockchain Fundamentals

The moment you feel comfortable programming, you should start exploring blockchain. Discover the definition, operation, and security justification of blockchains. Recognize the ideas of intelligent contracts, decentralization, and consensus methods (such as Proof of Work and Proof of Stake). Online resources abound and include articles, lessons, and videos to assist you in understanding these fundamentals.

Step 3: Pick a Blockchain Platform

Then, decide which blockchain platform to concentrate on. Because of the innovative contract capabilities of Ethereum, it is a popular option; other options include Hyperledger, Binance Smart Chain, and Solana. Choose a platform that fits your objectives and interests, as each has an ecosystem and tools.

Step 4: Learn Smart Contract Development

Should you choose Ethereum, Solidity—the primary language used to create intelligent contracts—must be learned. Work your way up to increasingly complicated agreements, starting with simpler ones. Remix is an online Solidity compiler, and Truffle is a development framework; both can be used to test and deploy smart contracts.

Step 5: Build Projects and Get Hands-On Experience

The good times start here. Take up your projects to gain real-world experience. You might build a simple token, a decentralized application (dApp), or even a little blockchain from scratch. Along with learning, building projects gives you something to show off when applying for jobs. Furthermore, you can go through the top 10 interesting blockchain project Ideas for beginners to advance your blockchain skills. Ready for the next steps? Let's continue our journey in this blockchain tutorial.

Step 6: Join the Blockchain Community

A blockchain world depends heavily on networking. Engage in hackathons or meetings, follow blockchain specialists on social media, and join online forums. Sharing your creations, picking up tips from others, and even working together on open-source projects are all made possible here. You will develop more as a developer as you participate in the community.

Step 7: Keep Learning and Stay Updated

Being current is essential in the ever-developing realm of blockchain. Check out blogs, industry news, and fresh blockchain technology advancements. This will guarantee you're using the newest technologies and best practices and help you stay ahead of the curve.

Step 8: Look for Opportunities

After honing your abilities and completing a few projects, seek new chances. Employers that use blockchain can hire you, you can provide freelancing services, or you can launch your own blockchain-based business. There is much space to find your specialization because there is a great need for qualified blockchain developers.

That's the fundamental road map for developing blockchains. Take it step by step, and you'll get there even though it may be overwhelming. You will find your way if you keep studying, developing, and interacting with others in the community to learn blockchain coding.

Learning Resources

Lastly, I will end this blockchain tutorial for beginners with a few learning resources for both beginners and advanced learners. So let's continue and uncover more insights about it in this part of the blockchain tutorial.

  • Online Courses: There are thorough blockchain development courses on sites like upGrad. You will easily learn how to code blockchain by enrolling in classes.
  • Books: Blockchain technology and development are covered in several works. See titles that emphasize real-world applications and code samples.
  • Community Forums: Ask inquiries and pick up tips from seasoned developers on online forums like Stack Overflow and Reddit's r/blockchain.
  • Hackathons: Taking part might give you practical experience and enable you to create projects in a team setting.

Wrapping Up

This blockchain development tutorial attempts to give novices interested in learning blockchain programming a clear route map. The blockchain space offers something new to know whether you're an expert developer or a novice coder. The knowledge and abilities you'll need to start your blockchain initiatives and investigate the fascinating potential of decentralized technology will come from following this blockchain tutorial. Learn the fundamentals, perform programming, and investigate more projects.

Check out upGrad's PG Course in Software Development to become a full-stack developer. It provides comprehensive coding instruction and prepares you to build a profession.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long it will take to learn blockchain?

While picking up the fundamentals of blockchain can take a few weeks and mastering it could take several months or longer depending on your background and commitment.

  1. What should I know before learning blockchain?

You ought to be somewhat familiar with programming and ideas related to algorithms, data structures, and cryptography.

  1. What is the best platform to learn blockchain?

Ethereum offers many resources and supports smart contracts, it is a well-liked platform for learning blockchain.

  1. How blockchain works for beginners?

Blockchain is a digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. When a transaction occurs, it’s grouped into a block along with other transactions. This block is then validated by multiple computers (nodes) in the network to ensure its accuracy. Once validated, the block is added to a chain of previous blocks, creating a permanent and unchangeable record. Each new block references the previous one, forming a secure and tamper-proof ledger.

  1. Where is blockchain used in real life?

Blockchain offers safe and open solutions in finance, supply chain management, healthcare, digital identity, and gaming.

  1. Is blockchain easy to learn?

Though blockchain can be complex, one can quickly learn blockchain programming fundamentals with commitment and the appropriate tools.

  1. Can anybody learn blockchain?

Yes, anyone with basic programming knowledge and a curiosity in technology may study blockchain.

  1. Is blockchain a good skill to learn?

Yes, when you learn how to code blockchain it will become a very sought-after talent with several job options in various sectors.

Abhimita Debnath

Abhimita Debnath

Abhimita Debnath is one of the students in UpGrad Big Data Engineering program with BITS Pilani. She's a Senior Software Engineer in Infosys. She…Read More

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