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Proof of Work in Blockchain

Updated on 09/09/2024448 Views

Cryptocurrency is one of the fastest-growing industries now, and many of you must be interested in using cryptocurrencies to trade and earn. The Blockchain sector is a relatively new concept, but its effects and implications can be seen with time.

I have been working in the blockchain sector for nearly a decade or so, and can attest that cryptocurrencies have become prevalent because of Proof of Work in blockchain. And, take it from an expert, if you’re keen on turning this into a full-blown career, get enrolled into a reliable course. There are many Blockchain programs available online. 

However, to give you a basic idea of what proof work in blockchain is and how it works, I’ve curated this tutorial for you.  

What is Proof of Work (PoW)?

Proof of Work in blockchain refers to the consensus process that requires significant computational investment from a chain of devices. Hal Finney first introduced this concept in 2004 as ‘reusable proof of Work’. 

With time and experience, I understood the in blockchain empowers digital tokens by using the 160-bit secure and quick hash algorithm (SHA-1). The Proof of Work consensus algorithms or in short PoW (Proof of Work) in Blockchain has given the crypto industry a security upgrade. If you want to learn further about Blockchain, why not go through come of the top online blockchain certification and courses in 2024.

Coming back to the topic. When Bitcoin was introduced in 2009, this technique was first used in a bitcoin transaction. It proved to be a huge success, and since then, Proof of Work in Blockchain technology has been increasingly used by many cryptocurrencies, which helps secure crypto transactions and consensus. 

How Does PoW Work?

The Proof of Work structure in blockchain works in the formation of nodes. It is a network formed as a connectivity of one node to another. This helps the algorithm to expand the computational ability of the mechanism. 

It is also known as mining and the best part about this technology is that even if you conduct a peer-to-peer transaction, PoW in Blockchain will help you in making the transaction secure without trusting any third party.

I have been using this technology for more than eight years now, and it has really helped me to secure cryptocurrency transactions. It acts as a layer of security to the network and protects the transaction from security attacks, bad actors, theft, and so on.

Another important function of this mechanism is the hash function. It happens a lot of times with me that the block for a certain period of time is closed, but I want to verify the hash prior to opening a new block. 

In that case, the PoW algorithm in Blockchain helps me to easily decorate the hexadecimal number created by the hash. It does the job in just a few seconds, even for a large data pool.

The most complicated part of the entire process is solving the hash. The hash is solved effectively if it is less than the present network target, which is the factor that defines the mining difficulty. 

On the other hand, if the hash is more than the target, it implies that one miner cannot solve the hash, and hence, all the miners in the blockchain attempt to solve the hash within the limited time frame.

Purpose of Proof of Work in Blockchain

You must be thinking, why do we even need the concept of PoW when we have various other means of securing transactions while trading in cryptocurrencies? This is because Proof of Work in blockchain provides the highest security as compared to other modes of transaction. 

You would always want your transactions to be secure, won’t you? So let me explain to you in brief the reason for using PoW in Blockchain:

  • This consensus technology seeks to bring together all the nodes and build a sense of mutual confidence and trust among the nodes.
  • A new block is created, and the transactions conducted within the block are properly checked to pass the security standards. Afterwards, the new unit of the block is attached to the blockchain.
  • The new block will be attached to the chain with the longest block height. This enables the blockchain to include multiple new blocks, and the existing chain is elongated.
  • The next part is to solve or decrypt the complex encrypted mathematical function, which is done by the special network of computers known as the miners. 
  • It is the mining computers that solve the complex mathematical function, which is why a new block can be added to the blockchain. This algorithm is known as the Proof of Work algorithm in Blockchain.

Why Do Cryptocurrencies Need Proof of Work?

It’s normal to be apprehensive about trading in crypto. But, as an expert in this industry, I can tell you that there is nothing to fear. The inclusion of Proof of Work in blockchain has made it possible. Security is the main reason why PoW in blockchain is important in the world of crypto.

Cryptocurrency is built in a peer-to-peer structure and are decentralized objects that need the network connectivity that blockchain offers. With the help of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies attain the parameter of consensus. But, what about the security of the transaction?

That is when the Proof of Work algorithm in Blockchain comes into the picture. PoW is important to maintain security standards when conducting the transactions of cryptocurrencies. It is a resource-intensive technology that looks after the network connectivity and its security mechanisms. 

Without a proper transaction and network security system, cryptocurrency data and transactions will always be vulnerable to various types of security threats and attacks. 

Crypto Brands That Use Proof of Work

Nowadays, every major cryptocurrency brand has started leveraging Proof of Work in Blockchain. As they have come to understand the benefits of this algorithm, they have started to use it increasingly to maintain security standards. 

With the changing market dynamics, the PoW system is adopted by a large percentage of the crypto market. You will be surprised to know that almost 64% of market capitalization in the entire world makes use of proof of work for validation in cryptocurrencies. There are a lot of cryptocurrencies that make use of the system. 

The most popular ones are as follows:

  • Bitcoin 
  • Bitcoin cash
  • Siacoin
  • Raven Coin
  • Dash
  • Decred
  • Flux
  • Monero
  • Litecoin
  • Dogecoin

Proof of Work (PoW) vs Proof of Stake (PoS)

Just like Proof of Work, there is another popular consensus mechanism, Proof of Stake. Both of these consensus mechanisms are popularly used in blockchain. They work alike but have several differences. 

You may often get confused between these two algorithms, so let me explain the differences to you here: 


Proof of Work (PoW)

Proof of Stake (PoS)

Network Validation

The network validation in the proof of work algorithm is performed by specialized computer networks known as miners. 

The validation proof of stake mechanism is carried out by the participants who provide collateral in the form of ether.

Reward Transaction

The reward of the transaction and also the transaction fee here is paid in the form of bitcoin.

There is no transaction reward here, and for transaction fees, the payable mode is ether. 

Computational Ability

This mechanism is the most competitive one which makes use of specialized computational ability and huge amounts of energy.

The proof-of-stake algorithm has less computational ability and, hence, requires less energy.

Challenges With Proof of Work

New technology or algorithms, regardless of how many benefits they offer come with their own set of limitations or challenges. I was no stranger to challenges while working with this mechanism. As a beginner, it is important to know about what pitfalls you should look out for. 

Hence, I’ve listed down the major challenges in brief so that you can understand what you need to consider while implementing Proof for Work in blockchain:

  • If a company or individual owns 51% or more of the network's stake, then such an entity can easily manipulate the entire blockchain network.
  • The primary challenge I encountered with this mechanism was its time-consuming nature. When I needed prompt solutions, I couldn't rely entirely on the Proof of Work (PoW) in Blockchain.
  • While computing the hash function, miners consume a lot of power. This technique is quite resource-intensive, which results in high power consumption.
  • The response to the transaction is not immediate, and I have occasionally encountered issues because of this. Processing the transaction and reflecting the result can take between 10 to 60 minutes, which I often find quite disadvantageous.

Summing Up

In short, Proof of Work in Blockchain is responsible for making crypto transactions and mining secure as it provides validity and protection. With time, age and tech advancement, the world of crypto can only get better. This is why, start early if you have an interest in this field. 

Before the educational plane becomes saturated with unending Blockchain courses, get certified early. Be the early bird and catch the worm with upGrad. Add that feather on your cap by taking up some of the dynamic and informative courses that this platform offers in this field! 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. What is the peer-to-peer P2P program?

Peer-to-peer computer systems or networks are architectural structures that distribute the workload among each of the systems known as peers. They do not allow any one system to take more load than decided.

  1. What is peer-to-peer P2P also used to describe?

P2P is a network architectural system that describes the amount of workload that each computer system in a network will undertake to fulfill a particular task. 

  1. What is the peer-to-peer approach?

The peer-to-peer approach in Proof of Work in blockchain is a network that encompasses two or more computer systems. The computers perform the tasks of both client and server and build a communication channel with the other systems within the network.

  1. What are the benefits of peer-to-peer networks?

P2P networks offer dynamic and important advantages such as providing network security, preventing repetitive transfer of data and transactions, higher fault tolerance capability, etc. If one computer system (peer) fails to function, the network still operates, relying on the other peers.

  1. What is the difference between P2P and peer-to-peer?

The P2P approach is synonymous with the peer-to-peer network system, in which the peers act as both clients and suppliers. The Peers are considered nodes that form the entire P2P network.

  1. How do P2P platforms work?

P2P  platforms work completely online. The peer-to-peer platform directly circulates money from individuals or businesses to the financial institution they want to participate in.

  1. Is P2P peer-to-peer or point-to-point?

P2P expands to a peer-to-peer network system, and it does not take into account point-to-point algorithms.

  1. Is peer-to-peer the same as Blockchain?

PoW in Blockchain is the main concept, which encompasses peer-to-peer network systems within it. Blockchain is a wider concept, which uses the P2P technique for building connectivity with various networks and carrying out the intended transaction.

Abhimita Debnath

Abhimita Debnath

Abhimita Debnath is one of the students in UpGrad Big Data Engineering program with BITS Pilani. She's a Senior Software Engineer in Infosys. She…Read More

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