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4. C++ Variable
10. C++ for Loop
12. C++ Lambda
13. Loop in C++
15. Array in C++
16. Strings in C++
17. Substring in C++
29. Vector in C++
30. Map in C++
31. Pair in C++
33. Iterators in C++
34. Queue in C++
36. Stack in C++
37. ifstream in C++
40. Templates in C++
43. Namespace in C++
46. Recursion in C++
48. C++ Shell
49. Setw in C++
51. Atoi in C++
54. C# vs C++
55. C++ GUI
56. C++ Game Code
57. Class in C++
58. C++ Header Files
63. Cin in C++
64. Printf in C++
65. Struct in C++
66. C++ List
68. C++ Comments
72. Sorting in C++
Object-oriented programming, also known as OOP, arranges the code by using objects and classes. The C++ language, being an object-oriented programming language, utilizes these classes and objects that form the foundation and backbone of all that is built. Through the use of these features, C++ enables software creators to build programs that manage complexity more efficiently and are also simpler to upkeep.
In this guide, we will learn about the idea of class and object in C++. We are going to examine their meaning and the way they function. Additionally, I will give you some examples for clearer comprehension and propose a number of program concepts that might be beneficial for your training.
Before we begin, keep in mind that the main idea behind OOP is to represent real-world objects or concepts within our programs. A class acts as a blueprint or template for creating objects, just like how you would make many houses using one house plan. Each object made from a specific class has its own unique data values known as "attributes" or "properties." These attributes describe the state of an object while functions within the class, called "methods," define its behavior.
Now, let's dive deeper into defining a C++ class:
Let’s dive deeper and try to understand what exactly is class and object in C++.
In C++, a class is like a recipe or template for making objects. It holds data and functions together in one structure, forming what we call an object's type. This type can then be used to produce many instances of that object - each with its own unique characteristics set by the class definition."
An object, in simple terms, is just a thing that was made using a class. It's similar to how you use a variable when creating an object with the features of complex type defined by this class. Hence, each object from the same class possesses its individual set of attributes and can react to methods outlined within that particular class template.
Objects in C++ are fundamental, and are made from class specifications. They form the basic elements, holding data members that define their characteristics (or attributes) and member functions (also known as methods) which describe what they can do. For example, a Car class could have objects such as toyota, ford or audi with attributes like speed and color along with methods like accelerate() or brake().
Consider a simple example of a class and its objects:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Class Declaration
class Car {
string color;
string model;
void drive() {
cout << model << " is driving!" << endl;
// Main Function
int main() {
Car car1; // Object creation
car1.color = "Red";
car1.model = "Toyota";
Car car2;
car2.color = "Blue";
car2.model = "Ford";
cout << "Car1 is a " << car1.color << " " << car1.model << endl;;
cout << "Car2 is a " << car2.color << " " << car2.model << endl;;
return 0;
Car1 is a Red Toyota
Toyota is driving!
Car2 is a Blue Ford
Ford is driving!
In this example, Car is the class, and car1 and car2 are objects of the Car class. Each object has its own color and model, and both can use the drive() method.
One of the best ways to understand how class and object in C++ behave and operate is to go through some more complex c++ classes and objects programs. Here’s one such example that will enhance your understanding:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Rectangle {
int width, height;
Rectangle(int w, int h) {
width = w;
height = h;
int area() {
return width * height;
int main() {
Rectangle rect1(10, 5);
Rectangle rect2(6, 3);
cout << "Area of rect1: " << rect1.area() << endl;
cout << "Area of rect2: " << rect2.area() << endl;
return 0;
In this below output, the Rectangle class has a constructor to initialize its objects and a method area() to calculate the area.
Area of rect1: 50
Area of rect2: 18
Class and object in C++ are significant elements that support the whole OOP concept. hey give necessary structure and tools to model real-life situations in an effective manner, which can be expanded upon. Now, let us delve into the functions of class and object in C++.
Encapsulation, an important principle in object-oriented programming, means to gather data and methods into one unit called a class. The data, also known as attributes or properties of the class, can only be accessed through its own methods (functions). This design is significant because it hides the details about how data is stored and managed within a class from outside users; they can only use those public methods provided by the said class.
When we talk about encapsulation in a practical manner, it implies that the inside state of an object is protected from the world outside. C++ employs access specifiers to accomplish this.
By using encapsulation, developers can:
Abstraction means to cover up the inner working details of a system, and show only what is required for other parts of the system to interact with it. In C++, classes give a straightforward way for abstraction by permitting one to form methods that can perform operations on data without revealing how these operations are done.
For instance, a class Car could contain methods such as accelerate() and brake(). The users who employ the Car class don't have to understand how these functions operate inside; they only require comprehension on what those functions accomplish. This makes the programming pattern easier and encourages more understandable, simpler code.
Polymorphism, which is a feature of object-oriented programming, means that objects from various classes can be considered as objects of one shared class. It's most beneficial when these classes are linked in the same inheritance group. In C++, polymorphism can occur in two forms: static (compile-time) and dynamic (run-time).
Through polymorphism, C++ allows for:
Inheritance, which is more about the connection between classes, is strongly linked to the part that classes and objects play. With inheritance, a class can get characteristics and action from another class known as base class. This action supports making a new class (derived) by using the present class (base).
This feature enhances the ability to:
Classes and objects in C++ are very useful for creating models of complicated systems. By representing things as classes and showing relationships using objects, you can make a model of your problem area that is easy to understand and matches with real-life ideas too.
For example, you could have a class Character in game development. Other classes such as Enemy, Ally and Neutral might inherit from Character. Every single one of these categories will possess its own unique behaviors and attributes but also share some common characteristics which belong to all characters alike.
A way to define interfaces, particularly in big and complicated systems such as software libraries or APIs, is through classes. An interface acts like a contract that mentions the methods a class needs to implement but doesn't give its own implementation. In C++, interfaces are backed up by abstract classes which are essentially classes having at least one pure virtual function.
Using interfaces ensures that:
To get hands-on practice with classes and objects, I recommend the following project ideas:
If you're looking to enhance your skills further, consider enrolling in courses at upGrad, where you can learn more about software engineering and object-oriented programming.
Classes and objects have a very important role in C++. They offer a systematic method of programming, enhancing the manageability and expandability of code. When you grasp these ideas, it is time to begin constructing applications that are more intricate as well as dependable.
For deeper learning and real-world illustrations, do explore the comprehensive courses on upGrad. Improve your learning path and prepare yourself for handling more intricate programming tasks!
1. What is a class in C++?
In C++, a class is like a plan used to construct objects. It defines the kind of data and operations that the objects should possess.
2. What is an object in C++?
An object refers to a specific occurrence of a class. It possesses data and functions that are defined by the class.
3. How do you declare a class in C++?
In C++, you declare a class by using the keyword class, then giving the name of the class and finally enclosing its body within curly braces. An example is shown below:
class MyClass {
// Data members and member functions
4. How do you create an object in C++?
An object is created by announcing a variable of the class type. For instance, MyClass obj; creates an object obj from class MyClass.
5. What is the difference between a class and an object?
A class functions like a design or plan for making objects. An object, on the other hand, is an occurrence of this class.
6. Can objects of the same class have different data values?
Certainly, objects from one class can indeed hold different data values. Every object keeps its personal state.
7. Can classes have access specifiers?
Certainly, classes do possess access specifiers (public, private, and protected) which regulate the accessibility of their members.
8. How are member functions accessed in C++?
To use a member function, you apply the dot operator (.) if you have an object or the arrow operator (->) if you possess a pointer to an object. For instance, obj.method(); or objPtr->method();.
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