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Data Types in C++: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experts

Updated on 19/09/2024420 Views

In the programming area, especially in C++, comprehending data types is similar to learning the alphabet before making words and sentences. Being a programmer full of enthusiasm, I have noticed that having a good understanding of data type in C++ has a huge impact on both efficiency when writing codes. If you are beginning from scratch or already an expert coder who wants to review your skills, this article will explore deeply into the subject matter of data types in C++.

We will now look into the idea of data type in C++, what kinds there are, and why they play such an important role in programming. You'll learn about different types starting from basic ones like integers and characters to more intricate derived as well as custom-made data types. I'll go through each part with examples and practical advice so that by the end of this guide you can use these types effectively for your own C++ programs; this way, understanding their importance when creating strong yet efficient software becomes clear too.

So, come with me on this adventure to understand the data types in C++ more clearly. It will make your coding better, efficient and without errors. As a bonus for those who want to improve their programming abilities even more, I will also suggest some helpful resources such as the wide-ranging Software Engineering Course at Upgrad. This can assist you in taking your coding skills up a notch or two.

What Do We Mean By Data Type in C++?

A data type in C++ is essentially about an attribute that conveys to the compiler or interpreter how the programmer means to utilize this information. A data type in C++ not only assists in defining what kind of value an identifier (such as variables and functions) can store but also aids in determining what operations can be carried out on it. For instance, if you have an integer data type then there will be no decimal points included with your numeric values; also within this situation one can perform arithmetic operations like adding and subtracting on these integers too.

Knowing about data type in C++ is important because they provide structure and help in maintaining the accuracy and working of data in your C++ programs. For example, if you attempt to store a character within an integer type - the program will either show an error message or behave unpredictably.

Types of Data Type in C++

In C++, knowing the various data types cpp is crucial for good coding and memory handling. Let's explain these types with examples, as well as how they can be employed in different situations.

1. Basic Data Types (Primitive Data Types in C++)

The basic data types in C++, usually called primitive data types in C++, establish the main structure of all data handling processes. Let's view them more closely:

a. Integers (int): These are used for whole numbers. The range of values that an integer can represent depends on if it is signed or unsigned. Unsigned int signifies non-negative integers only, and signed int represents negative as well as positive integers. In C++, the size of data types for int is usually 4 bytes. However, this can change due to differences in compiler and architecture.

int a = 5; // signed integer

unsigned int b = 6; // unsigned integer

b. Floating-point numbers (float, double): Used for decimal numbers. The float is a single-precision floating-point, and double is double-precision. The precision indicates how accurately the number can represent decimal values. The float typically has 4 bytes, while double has 8 bytes. These are crucial when precise calculations, like those in scientific computations, are necessary.

float c = 5.3;

double d = 10.76;

c. Characters (char): Used to store single characters like letters and symbols in the ASCII table. The string data type in C++ builds upon characters to create sequences of characters (strings). A char typically occupies 1 byte of memory.

char e = 'G';

d. Boolean (bool): Represents truth values — true or false. This is particularly useful in control flow statements like if conditions or loops.

bool f = true;

2. Derived Data Types in C++

Derived data types in C++ are formed from the basic data types and include arrays, pointers, and references. These allow for more complex data structures and memory management.

a. Arrays: Arrays are like boxes where you keep things in places next to each other inside the computer memory. Everything you put into these boxes must be of a similar kind. I often use arrays when I need to store a fixed-size sequence of elements.

int numbers[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // Array of integers

b. Pointers: A pointer is a special kind of variable that stores the location where another variable exists. Pointers are very strong tools because they let you handle memory in a flexible way and build intricate structures such as chains of data points and branching trees.

int g = 5;

int* ptr = &g; // Pointer to an integer variable

c. References: A reference is an alias for an already existing variable. Unlike pointers, references cannot be NULL and must be initialized when declared. They are used to avoid copying large structures or classes when passing them to functions.

int h = 10;

int& ref = h; // Reference to the variable h

3. User-Defined Data Types

Apart from the default types, in C++ programmers can create custom types with structures named 'struct', also unions called 'union', and lists of constants known as 'enum'.

a. Structures (struct): A structure is a data type created by the user that lets you put together different types of data items. Structures are incredibly useful for grouping different types of variables that are logically related.

struct Person {

    string name;

    int age;

    bool is_student;


Person john = {"John Doe", 25, true};

b. Unions (union): Similar to structures, but they provide an efficient way of using the same memory location for multiple-purpose variables. A union can contain many members, but only one can be accessed at a time.

union Data {

    int i;

    float f;

    char str[20];

} data;

c. Enumerations (enum): An enumeration is a user-defined type that consists of integral constants. By default, the first value of an enum has value 0, the second 1, and so forth, but you can specify any other integer value for them.

enum Color {red, green, blue} c;

c = blue;

These user-defined types, especially structures and classes (class data type in C++), are fundamental when dealing with more abstract data, commonly referred to as abstract data type C++.

C++ Type Modifiers

Type modifiers in C++ enhance or alter the properties of existing data types. Here’s how they adjust the behavior and capabilities of the types:

1. Signed and Unsigned

These modifiers declare whether a variable can hold negative values. Unsigned variables can only store non-negative numbers, thus extending their range of positive values.

unsigned int k = 4294967295; // A large positive number

signed int l = -200; // Explicit signed integer

2. Short and Long

These modifiers reduce the size of the variable. A short int is typically used to save memory when the values used do not require the full range of a standard int. A long int or simply long has an extended range compared to a regular int. This is particularly useful when working with large numbers.

short int m = 32767; // Maximum value for a signed short int

long n = 9223372036854775807; // Maximum value for a signed long int

3. Const and Volatile

Const modifiers signify that after a variable has been set up initially, its value is not able to be altered within the program's extent. Utilizing const can improve safety and maintain the robustness of the program by stopping unintended modifications to variables which are meant to remain constant for reading only.

Volatile means that the value of a variable can change in ways not directly set by the program. It is used when accessing hardware or in cases where an outside process, like interrupts or programs with multiple threads, might modify a variable.

const int o = 10; // This variable cannot be changed

volatile int p = 15; // Might be changed unexpectedly

4. Type Casting in C++

C++ type casting allows converting a variable from one data type to another. There are several types of casting in C++:

  • Static Cast: This is the most common type of casting, used to convert between types explicitly but safely.

double pi = 3.14159;

int integer_part = static_cast<int>(pi);

  • Dynamic Cast: Used with pointers and references to classes in polymorphism. It ensures that the cast is safe.

BaseClass* b = new DerivedClass;

DerivedClass* d = dynamic_cast<DerivedClass*>(b);

  • Const Cast: Used to cast away the const-ness of variables.

const int q = 20;

int* non_const_q = const_cast<int*>(&q);

  • Reinterpret Cast: Converts any pointer type to any other pointer type, even unrelated ones. It’s equivalent to converting a pointer to an integer and back.

int* r = new int(65);

char* ch = reinterpret_cast<char*>(r);

Remember, a deep understanding of data types and their correct usage can make a significant difference in your programming efficiency and effectiveness. To further enhance your skills, consider exploring comprehensive courses at platforms like Upgrad, where you can learn more about advanced C++ programming and software engineering principles.

Concluding Remarks

In short, data types are crucial for efficient and powerful programming in C++. They guide me on what kind of information I want to hold and how to use this data, making certain that my code is both optimized and clear.

For people who want to learn more about software engineering, it's a good idea to improve your knowledge in C++ and its complexities. You can look at courses such as the Software Engineering Course on UpGrad that offers basic skills and advanced understanding for succeeding in this area.


1. What Are Data Types in C++?

In C++, data types are used to define the kind and amount of data connected with variables. They decide what sort of value the variable can maintain and the operations that can be done on them.

2. What Are the Basic Data Types in C++?

The basic data types in C++ include int, float, double, char, and bool.

3. How Do I Choose the Right Data Type for My Variables?

Choosing the type of data to store depends on what sort of information and how much you want to keep, as well as what actions you plan to do. For numbers without decimals, 'int' is suitable; for letters or symbols, 'char'; for yes/no values, 'bool'; and for numbers with fractions, either 'float' or 'double'.

4. When Should I Use the char Data Type?

In C++, if you want to save only one character or a small string, then char data type is good. But for big text, we use string data types in C++.

5. What Is the Size of Data Types in C++?

The size of data types in C++ may change depending on the compiler and machine used. However, typically an int is 4 bytes, a float is also 4 bytes long and double needs 8 bytes. Find out precise size using the sizeof operator.

6. Can I Create Custom Data Types in C++?

Struct, union, and enum are types that let you make your own data types. With these, multiple data items of different kinds can be grouped together under one name.

7. What Is the Importance of Data Types in C++ Programming?

Data types are crucial because they define the operations that can be performed on data, help in memory management, and ensure code safety and clarity.

8. How Do I Check the Size of a Data Type in C++?

To verify the size of a data type, utilize the sizeof operator. For instance, by entering sizeof(int) you can determine how much space an integer occupies in bytes.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming eng…Read More

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