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4. C++ Variable
10. C++ for Loop
12. C++ Lambda
13. Loop in C++
15. Array in C++
16. Strings in C++
17. Substring in C++
29. Vector in C++
30. Map in C++
31. Pair in C++
33. Iterators in C++
34. Queue in C++
36. Stack in C++
37. ifstream in C++
40. Templates in C++
43. Namespace in C++
46. Recursion in C++
48. C++ Shell
49. Setw in C++
51. Atoi in C++
54. C# vs C++
55. C++ GUI
56. C++ Game Code
57. Class in C++
58. C++ Header Files
63. Cin in C++
64. Printf in C++
65. Struct in C++
66. C++ List
68. C++ Comments
72. Sorting in C++
As someone with an experience of engaging hands-on with different concepts and ideas in the world of programming and software engineering, I have ample experience of working with many programming languages, including C++. This has enabled me to appreciate the finer nuances of various languages – which make the whole journey all the more satisfying, albeit difficult.
Today, my aim is to tell you about something very important – the destructor in C++ programming language. Understanding destructors is crucial for managing resources efficiently and ensuring robust software design. So without further ado, let’s tackle the first question first - “what is a destructor in C++?”.
A destructor in C++ is a unique member function that runs when an object's life finishes. This function is very important for releasing resources the object got while it was alive, like memory allocated dynamically, handles of files, connections to networks or other resources from the system. The destructor has a special name, which you get by adding a tilde (~) before the class's name and it is not allowed to have parameters or give back any value.
The main job of a destructor in C++ is to help with the proper and effective freeing up of resources when an object is not required anymore. Let us examine this role more closely.
So, a cpp destructor is very important for removing everything that an object leaves behind when it's not required anymore. For example, imagine you create a class called FileHandler to open a file when it gets constructed; then the destructor of this class needs to take care of closing the file. This automatic cleaning method stops resources from being wasted, which is a usual cause of errors in coding.
If you do not create a destructor for a C++ class by yourself, the compiler will make a basic one. This default destructor in C++ is good enough for classes that are simple and do not handle resources that were allocated dynamically or need specific cleaning activities. But, if your class uses complicated actions or resources which must be given back properly, it is necessary for you to create a special destructor.
Here’s how a default destructor in C++ looks like:
class SimpleClass {
~SimpleClass() {
// Compiler-generated or default destructor
In C++, destructors are called automatically when an object goes out of scope or is explicitly deleted when dynamically allocated with new. You typically don't call a destructor explicitly, but there are rare cases in advanced programming where this might be necessary.
SimpleClass* obj = new SimpleClass();
delete obj; // Destructor called here
A virtual destructor is essential in a base class when you work with inheritance and polymorphism. Declaring a destructor as virtual ensures that the destructor of the derived class is called when an object is deleted through a pointer of the base class type. This is crucial for proper resource cleanup in complex object hierarchies.
class Base {
virtual ~Base() {
// Virtual destructor
class Derived : public Base {
To learn more about polymorphism and virtual destructors, consider enrolling in this comprehensive course on software engineering.
Let's look at a practical example of using destructors in C++. Here, I'll demonstrate a Buffer class that allocates dynamic memory.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Buffer {
char* data;
int size;
Buffer(int size): size(size) {
data = new char[size];
cout << "Buffer of size " << size << " created." << endl;
~Buffer() {
delete[] data;
cout << "Buffer of size " << size << " destroyed." << endl;
int main() {
Buffer b(10);
// Destructor called automatically when 'b' goes out of scope
return 0;
Buffer of size 10 created.
Buffer of size 10 destroyed.
To explain more, we look at bigger examples of destructors in C++. This sample will show how destructors work with different parts like dynamic memory and constructors, and the way they help to make a program stable and run well.
Imagine having a class named UserProfile that takes care of the information in a user's profile. This class will show how to use constructors to set things up and destructors for cleaning up, so you can see how destructors are used when building actual programs.
Here’s a destructor program in C++ illustrating that:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class UserProfile {
char* username;
int age;
// Constructor to initialize the user profile
UserProfile(const char* name, int userAge) {
age = userAge;
username = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
strcpy(username, name);
cout << "UserProfile created for " << username << ", age " << age << "." << endl;
// Destructor to clean up the dynamically allocated memory
~UserProfile() {
cout << "UserProfile for " << username << " is being deleted." << endl;
delete[] username;
// A simple method to display the profile information
void displayProfile() {
cout << "Username: " << username << ", Age: " << age << endl;
int main() {
UserProfile user1("Alice", 28);
UserProfile user2("Bob", 35);
// Destructors will be called automatically for user1 and user2
// when they go out of scope at the end of the main function
return 0;
UserProfile created for Alice, age 28.
Username: Alice, Age: 28
UserProfile created for Bob, age 35.
Username: Bob, Age: 35
UserProfile for Alice is being deleted.
UserProfile for Bob is being deleted.
In this program:
Destructors in C++ are called by themselves to clear resources when objects are no longer in use, like when they leave the scope. This situation occurs at the finish of main() function. The automatic clearing is good for stopping usual mistakes like memory leaks and pointers without a target, making C++ programs more stable and dependable.
Destructors in C++ are special functions inside a class that have important features for controlling resources when the program runs. Now, let's look at what makes destructors in C++ different. Here are some of the important characteristics of destructor in C++:
When programmers learn these features, they can make better use of destructors to improve the efficiency and reliability of their C++ programs, while avoiding typical mistakes in managing resources. If you want to increase your knowledge and improve your coding abilities, Upgrad offers detailed courses in software engineering that cover advanced topics in C++.
To manage resources well and avoid memory leaks in C++, it is important to know how destructors work. They help release resources the right way, which improves your code's efficiency and strength. If you want to improve your C++ and get better at programming, Upgrad's software engineering classes are a very good place to begin.
1. What is a destructor in C++?
A destructor in C++ is a unique function inside a class that runs when an object's existence finishes, and it helps to tidy up resources the object gathered while it was alive.
2. What is an example of a destructor?
A destructor, like ~Buffer() found in the Buffer class, is for removing memory that has been allocated dynamically to stop leaks of memory.
3. How is a destructor declared?
You declare a destructor by adding a tilde (~) before the class name, so it looks like ~ClassName(), and you cannot give it parameters or say that it returns something.
4. When is a destructor called?
A destructor gets called on its own when an object is no longer in the scope or if someone used new to create it and then removes it.
5. Why are destructors important?
Destructors play a key role in freeing up resources that an object has taken, like memory or file handles, to stop resource leaks and guarantee good management of these resources.
6. Can I define multiple destructors in a class?
Each class is allowed just one destructor, and if there are multiple it's a syntax error in C++.
7. Can a destructor be virtual?
If polymorphism and inheritance are in your code, it is necessary to make a destructor virtual. This will help clean up objects from the derived class correctly when they are reached via pointers of the base class.
8. Can exceptions be thrown from destructors?
It is possible to throw exceptions from destructors, but it's seen as a poor choice because this can cause unpredictable behavior if you do not manage it with caution, particularly when the stack is unwinding for other exceptions.
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