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Encapsulation in C++: A Guide

Updated on 25/09/2024417 Views

As developers, we know that encapsulation is an essential concept of object-oriented programming (OOP). It is fundamentally the art of safeguarding our data and ensuring its proper usage.

Encapsulation in C++ allows us to create objects that are self-sufficient and maintain control over their internal workings. This not only makes our code more organized and robust but also empowers us to build complex systems where objects interact seamlessly while safeguarding their individual states.

But what does encapsulation truly mean, and how does it relate to the real world? Let us learn more about encapsulation in C++ and how to use it in our daily C++ programming tasks.

Encapsulation in C++ Definition

Encapsulation is the practice of bundling together data (also known as attributes or properties) and the functions (methods or behaviors) that operate on that data within a self-contained unit. This unit, often a class in C++, acts like a protective capsule. Inside this capsule, we have the valuable data, representing the state of an object, and the instructions (functions) that dictate how this data can be accessed and modified.

In order to understand encapsulation in C++ more effectively, we can think of using a medication capsule as an example. Let us say this capsule contains the active ingredients (data) that have a specific purpose, along with the instructions (functions) on how to take it safely and effectively.

Now, we definitely would not want to tamper with the contents of the capsule or consume it incorrectly, as it could lead to undesirable outcomes. Similarly, data encapsulation in C++ ensures that the internal data of an object is protected and can only be manipulated through well-defined methods, ensuring its integrity and preventing accidental misuse.

The Two Pillars of Encapsulation in C++

Encapsulation in C++ stands strong on two fundamental pillars, data hiding and data abstraction. These concepts work together to create a robust and secure environment for our data, while also providing a clean and intuitive interface for interacting with our objects.

Data Hiding

Data hiding is the cornerstone of encapsulation. It involves restricting direct access to the internal data of a class, shielding it from accidental or intentional modification by external code. This is achieved by using access specifiers, which are keywords that define the visibility and accessibility of class members:

  • private: Members declared as private are accessible only within the class itself. They cannot be accessed or modified directly by code outside the class.
  • protected: Members declared as protected are accessible within the class and its derived classes (subclasses).
  • public: Members declared as public are accessible from anywhere, both within and outside the class.

Data Abstraction

Data abstraction complements data hiding by providing a higher-level interface for interacting with objects. Instead of exposing the intricate details of how data is stored and manipulated, abstraction focuses on what the object does.

Think of it like the dashboard of a car. We don't need to know how the engine works to drive the car. The dashboard provides simplified controls (buttons, pedals, gauges) that allow us to interact with the car's functionality without needing to understand the complex mechanisms under the hood.

Similarly, a well-encapsulated class presents a set of public member functions that define the object's capabilities. These functions act as a simplified interface, allowing external code to use the object without worrying about its internal workings.


class BankAccount {


double balance; // Hidden from external access


void deposit(double amount) {

// Logic to update balance (ensuring validity)


double getBalance() const {

return balance;



In this C++ encapsulation example, the balance is a private member, protecting it from direct modification. The deposit() and getBalance() functions provide a controlled interface for interacting with the account.

Implementing Encapsulation in C++

Encapsulation in C++ is primarily realized through the powerful construct of classes. Let us explore how classes act as the foundation for creating well-encapsulated objects that safeguard our data and offer a controlled interface for interaction.


In C++, a class is a user-defined data type that serves as a blueprint for creating objects. Think of it as a template that defines the structure of an object, including its attributes (data members) and behaviors (member functions). Classes provide the framework for organizing and encapsulating our code.

To achieve C++ class encapsulation, a class typically declares its data members as private, shielding them from direct external access. It then provides public member functions, known as methods, to allow controlled interaction with the object's internal state.


class Person {


std::string name; // Private data member (inaccessible from outside)

int age;


void setName(const std::string& newName) {

name = newName;


std::string getName() const {

return name;


// ... other member functions ...


In this encapsulation code in C++, the name and age data members are private, ensuring that they can only be modified or accessed through the public setName and getName methods.

Access Specifiers

C++ provides three access specifiers to control member visibility:

private: Members are accessible only within the class itself.

protected: Members are accessible within the class, its derived classes (subclasses), and friend classes or functions.

public: Members are accessible from anywhere, both inside and outside the class.

Strategic use of access specifiers is crucial for maintaining encapsulation. By default, all members in a class are private, promoting the principle of data hiding.

Getter and Setter Methods

Getters (accessors) and setters (mutators) are special member functions that provide a controlled interface for accessing and modifying private data members.

  • Getters: These functions return the value of a private data member. They typically have the form getType getAttributeName() const.
  • Setters: These functions modify the value of a private data member. They typically have the form void setAttributeName(const type& newValue).


// In the Person class (continued):

void setAge(int newAge) {

if (newAge > 0) { // Data validation example

age = newAge;



int getAge() const {

return age;


By using getters and setters, we can add validation logic to ensure that data is modified in a valid and consistent way. This is essential for maintaining the integrity of our objects and preventing errors.

Encapsulation Program in C++

Here is an C++ encapsulation example program that you can run and try out yourself:


#include <iostream>

#include <string>

class BankAccount {


std::string accountHolder;

double balance;


// Constructor

BankAccount(const std::string& name, double initialBalance)

: accountHolder(name), balance(initialBalance) {}

// Getter for account holder's name

std::string getAccountHolder() const {

return accountHolder;


// Getter for balance

double getBalance() const {

return balance;


// Method to deposit money

void deposit(double amount) {

if (amount > 0) {

balance += amount;

std::cout << "Deposited $" << amount << ". New balance: $" << balance << std::endl;

} else {

std::cout << "Invalid deposit amount.\n";



// Method to withdraw money

void withdraw(double amount) {

if (amount > 0 && amount <= balance) {

balance -= amount;

std::cout << "Withdrew $" << amount << ". New balance: $" << balance << std::endl;

} else {

std::cout << "Invalid withdrawal amount or insufficient funds.\n";




int main() {

BankAccount account("John Doe", 1000.0); // Create account with initial balance

std::cout << "Account Holder: " << account.getAccountHolder() << std::endl;

std::cout << "Initial Balance: $" << account.getBalance() << std::endl;

account.deposit(500.0); // Deposit

account.withdraw(200.0); // Withdraw

account.withdraw(1500.0); // Invalid withdrawal

return 0;


In the above encapsulation in C++ example,

  1. Private Data Members: The accountHolder and balance are private, so they cannot be directly accessed or modified from outside the class.
  2. Public Member Functions: The constructor, getAccountHolder, getBalance, deposit, and withdraw are public, providing a controlled interface for interacting with the BankAccount object.
  3. Constructor: Initializes the accountHolder and balance when an object of the class is created.
  4. Getters: Provide read-only access to the private data members.
  5. Deposit/Withdraw: These functions modify the balance but only after validating the input (amount must be positive and withdrawal cannot exceed the available balance).

If you wish to learn how to code in C++, you can check out upGrad’s software engineering courses.

Benefits of Encapsulation in C++

Encapsulation in C++ isn't just a fancy term in object-oriented programming, it's a philosophy that bestows significant advantages upon our codebase, making it more robust, maintainable, and adaptable. Let's delve into the three major benefits that encapsulation brings to the table.

1. Data Protection

Encapsulation in C++ acts as a protective shield for our data. By declaring data members as private, we prevent direct access from external code, ensuring that they can only be modified or accessed through the carefully crafted public methods of our class.

This data hiding mechanism is essential for maintaining data integrity. It prevents accidental or malicious modification of our data, ensuring that it remains consistent and valid throughout our program's execution. Think of it as a secure vault that requires a specific key (the public methods) to access its contents.

Modularity: Organizing our Codebase Like a Well-Oiled Machine

Encapsulation promotes modularity by encapsulating related data and functions within a single class. Each class becomes a self-contained unit responsible for a specific aspect of our program's functionality. This compartmentalization leads to several benefits:

  • Improved Readability: The code becomes more organized and easier to understand, as each class represents a distinct entity with clearly defined responsibilities.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: Changes to a class's internal implementation are less likely to affect other parts of our code, making maintenance tasks more straightforward.
  • Increased Reusability: Encapsulated classes can be easily reused in other projects, promoting code reusability and reducing development time.

Let us imagine a car engine. It's a complex system with numerous components working together. Encapsulation in C++ ensures that each component (spark plug, fuel injector, etc.) has a specific role and can be accessed and modified only through well-defined interfaces (like the engine's control unit). This modularity makes the engine easier to understand, repair, and upgrade.

Flexibility: Adapting to Change with Grace

encapsulation in C++ empowers our code with flexibility. Since the internal workings of a class are hidden from the outside world, we can modify the implementation details without impacting the code that uses the class. This allows us to evolve and improve our classes over time without breaking existing functionality.

For instance, we could optimize the internal algorithm of a sorting class without affecting the code that calls its sort() method. The external code relies on the public interface of the class, not its internal implementation. In short, encapsulation in C++ acts as a buffer against change, ensuring that our code remains robust and adaptable in the face of evolving requirements.

Encapsulation in C++ Best Practices

Here are some best practices for encapsulation in C++:

  • Favor Composition over Inheritance: In some cases, composition (using objects of other classes as members) can lead to more flexible and maintainable code than inheritance.
  • Minimize Public Interface: Expose only the necessary member functions publicly. Keep data members and implementation details private or protected.
  • Use const Correctness: Mark member functions as const whenever they don't modify the object's state. This helps prevent unintended side effects.
  • Strive for High Cohesion: A class should have a clear, focused responsibility. This makes the code more understandable and easier to test.

Final Tips

Encapsulation in C++ significantly enhances code quality and maintainability. By bundling data and its associated functions within classes, using access specifiers, and providing controlled interfaces through getters and setters, we can create robust, modular, and adaptable software components.

However, it is also important to note that while friend functions and the mutable keyword offer additional flexibility, it is important to use them judiciously to preserve the benefits of encapsulation. By prioritizing data protection, modularity, and flexibility, encapsulation empowers us to build well-structured C++ programs that are easier to understand, maintain, and extend over time.

If you wish to learn programming languages such as C++, you can check out upGrad’s computer science programs such as the Master’s in Computer Science Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is encapsulation?

Encapsulation is the collection and creation of bundles of data and functions that are associated with that data into a single unit, like a class or struct, in object-oriented programming (OOP).

  1. Why is encapsulation important?

It protects data from accidental modification, promotes code organization, and makes the code easier to maintain by controlling access to the internal state of an object.

  1. How is encapsulation achieved in C++?

Encapsulation in C++ is achieved by using access specifiers (public, private, protected) to control which class members are visible and modifiable from outside the class.

  1. Can encapsulation be violated in C++?

While C++ provides access specifiers to enforce encapsulation, it can be technically bypassed using techniques like pointers and friend functions, but doing so is generally considered bad practice.

  1. What are the benefits of encapsulation?

Encapsulation provides data hiding, modularity, improved code readability, and easier maintenance, as changes to the internal implementation of a class are less likely to affect other parts of the code.

  1. What is the difference between encapsulation and abstraction?

Encapsulation focuses on how data and functions are bundled together within a class, while abstraction focuses on what the class does, providing a simplified interface to the user without exposing internal details.

  1. What is the best example of encapsulation?

A classic example is a BankAccount class, where the balance is private and can only be accessed and modified through public member functions like deposit() and withdraw(), ensuring data integrity.

  1. Which is the advantage of encapsulation?

The main advantage of encapsulation is data protection, as it prevents direct access to sensitive data and ensures that it is modified only through well-defined methods, reducing the risk of errors and maintaining data consistency.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming eng…Read More

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