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Templates in C++: A Comprehensive Overview

Updated on 01/10/2024416 Views

In your exploration of C++ programming, you may have encountered the term "templates". Templates in C++ offer amazingly strong functionality that enables one to craft generic and repeatable code. They are an efficient way for programmers to save time as well as make their code more adaptable and simple for upkeep.

Now, I am going to guide you through the main points about templates. This includes their syntax, types and practical examples. By the finish of it all, you should have a good comprehension on how to apply templates in your C++ projects.

Think of this tutorial as a C++ template complete guide, and let’s get started! 

What Are Templates in C++?

CPP templates are a special feature that lets you create generic functions and classes. This means, by using templates, you can write one single function or class which will work with different data types. It's like making a blueprint to construct many kinds of the same structure.

Templates offer a method to write code, like a blueprint that can adjust to various types. This is very beneficial because it helps in avoiding repetition. You don't need to create numerous forms of the same function for managing different types of data; you can compose one generic form which will work well with them all. This not only saves time but also makes your code easier to maintain.

CPP template functions through the concept of defining a function or class with type placeholders. When you utilize the template, you state the particular types you want to use and then the compiler builds an appropriate version of that function or class.

For instance, if we think about a function to add two numbers. Without cpp template, you might have to write different functions for adding integers, doubles and other types. But with templates, it is possible to compose one function that works for all these types.

Templates in C++ can be broadly categorized into two types:

  1. Function Templates: These are used to create generic functions.
  2. Class Templates: These are used to create generic classes.

Using templates in C++ helps to make code more flexible and reusable. This can lead to improved software design and easier maintenance. Templates can also have many type parameters, making them even more adaptable. They can also have default arguments, simplifying their usage in certain scenarios.

Now, we will talk about C++ function templates and C++ class templates in detail. We are going to understand how these work and how you can apply them to your programs written in C++. But first, quickly let us see the template syntax in C++.

Template Syntax in C++

The syntax for defining a template is straightforward. You start with the template keyword, followed by the type parameters in angle brackets. Here's the general syntax:

template <typename T>

T functionName(T parameter) {

    // Function body


template <typename T>

class ClassName {

    // Class body


Let’s now talk about types of templates in C++. 

C++ Function Templates

C++ Function templates enable you to make functions that can work with any type of data. Here is a basic illustration:

Here is a C++ function template example: 


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>

T add(T a, T b) {

    return a + b;


int main() {

    cout << add<int>(3, 4) << endl;         // Output: 7

    cout << add<double>(3.5, 2.5) << endl;  // Output: 6

    return 0;




In the above example of a template program in C++, the function add is a template that has one type parameter T. This permits the identical function to sum integers, doubles or any other kind of data which can be combined using + operator.

C++ Class Templates

C++ class templates are like function templates but they help in making generic classes. This is especially handy when we want to create data structures such as linked lists, stacks or queues.

Here's a simple C++ class template example:


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>

class Box {


    T value;


    Box(T v) : value(v) {}

    void display() {

        cout << value << endl;



int main() {

    Box<int> intBox(123);

    Box<string> strBox("Hello, World!");

    intBox.display();  // Output: 123

    strBox.display();  // Output: Hello, World!


    return 0;




Hello, World!

In this example, the Box class template can store and display values of any type. This is incredibly versatile and demonstrates the power of class templates.

Why Are Templates Useful?

Templates in C++ are immensely useful for several reasons, primarily due to their ability to create flexible, reusable, and type-safe code. Let's explore these benefits in detail.

1. Code Reusability

A key benefit of templates in C++ is that they make code reusable. Templates enable you to create a single generic function or class which can work with any data type. This removes the necessity to write many variations of identical functions or classes for distinct data types. For instance, think about a function that switches two values. If templates are not there, you will require separate functions for int, double, string and so on. But when you write a function using templates once then it can work with any data type:

template <typename T>

void swap(T& a, T& b) {

    T temp = a;

    a = b;

    b = temp;


Here, the swap function can be used with integers, doubles, strings, and any other type, promoting code reuse and reducing redundancy.

2. Type Safety

Templates enhance type safety in your code. Since templates work with any data type specified at compile time, the compiler checks the correctness of the code for those specific types. This means that many errors that might only appear at runtime in non-template code are caught at compile time when using templates. This leads to more robust and reliable code.

3. Flexibility

Templates provide incredible flexibility. They allow you to write highly generic and adaptable code. For instance, you can create template functions and classes that work with a wide range of data types and operations. This flexibility is especially useful when designing libraries and frameworks that need to operate on various types and perform diverse tasks.

4. Performance

Using templates can also lead to performance benefits. Since templates are resolved at compile time, the compiler generates optimized code for the specific data types used. This can result in faster execution compared to runtime polymorphism techniques, such as using base classes and virtual functions.

5. Maintainability

Templates in C++ help in the maintenance of your code. When you apply templates, it becomes less complex to manage because there are fewer lines of code for you to handle. You do not need to copy functions or classes repeatedly for different types which results in making your codebase smaller and clearer. Moreover, it also simplifies the process of updating and fixing bugs within the template structure itself. For modifying, you just need to make alterations in the template definition. These will automatically affect every occurrence of this template.

6. Consistency

Templates help maintain consistency across your codebase. When you use templates, you ensure that the same logic is applied uniformly across different data types. This consistency can reduce errors and make your code more predictable and easier to understand.

7. Scalability

As your projects grow, the benefits of templates become more apparent. They enable your code to scale more efficiently by reusing generic components. This is particularly valuable in large-scale applications where maintaining separate functions or classes for each data type would be impractical and error-prone.

Let’s understand using the example of Stack class template in C++ to see the advantage of using template in real-life scenarios. 


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>

class Stack {


    vector<T> elements;


    void push(T const& element) {



    void pop() {

        if (!elements.empty()) {




    T top() const {

        return elements.back();


    bool isEmpty() const {

        return elements.empty();



int main() {

    Stack<int> intStack;

    Stack<string> stringStack;



    cout << "Top of int stack: " << intStack.top() << endl; // Output: 2



    cout << "Top of string stack: " << stringStack.top() << endl; // Output: World

    return 0;



Top of int stack: 2

Top of string stack: World

In this instance, the Stack class template is only defined once but it can be employed to create stacks for various data types. The fact that templates are reusable, flexible and easy to maintain in C++ becomes evident. The same Stack class template functions effortlessly with both int and string data kinds, showing the adaptability of templates in C++.

Using templates in C++, you can write better code that is more efficient, scalable and easier to maintain. They are a crucial tool for your programming skills. If you wish to study further about complicated C++ programming ideas along with templates, you may find upGrad's software engineering course beneficial.

Practical Example of Templates in C++

To solidify our understanding, let's look at a more complex example that uses both function and class templates:


#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>

class Stack {


    vector<T> elements;


    void push(T const& element) {



    void pop() {

        if (!elements.empty()) {




    T top() const {

        return elements.back();


    bool isEmpty() const {

        return elements.empty();



int main() {

    Stack<int> intStack;

    Stack<string> stringStack;



    cout << "Top of int stack: " << intStack.top() << endl; // Output: 2



    cout << "Top of string stack: " << stringStack.top() << endl; // Output: World

    return 0;



Top of int stack: 2

Top of string stack: World

In this instance, we make a definition of a Stack class template which can keep elements of any type with the help of vectors. This shows templates in C++ being used in more complex ways and demonstrates their use in real-life situations.

In Conclusion

Templates in C++, a great feature of C++, can bring flexibility to your code and make it simpler for reuse and maintenance. Learning how to create C++ function templates and C++ class templates will allow you to write more powerful code that is also safer in terms of type handling. I anticipate this tutorial helps you a lot in comprehending templates within C++. Happy coding!

For more in-depth learning and advanced topics in C++ and software engineering, check out upGrad's software engineering course.


1. What are templates in C++?

Templates in C++ are a way to write generic and reusable code that can work with any data type.

2. Why are templates useful?

Templates reduce code redundancy, enhance code reuse, and maintain type safety by catching errors at compile time.

3. How do I define a function template?

You define a function template using the template keyword followed by the type parameter in angle brackets. For example:

template <typename T>

T add(T a, T b) {

    return a + b;


4. How do I use a function template?

You use a function template by specifying the type when calling the function. For example:

cout << add<int>(3, 4) << endl;

5. What are class templates?

Class templates are templates used to create generic classes that can operate with any data type.

6. How do I define a class template?

You define a class template using the template keyword followed by the type parameter in angle brackets. For example:

template <typename T>

class Box {

    // Class body


7. Can templates have default arguments?

Yes, templates can have default arguments, which can simplify their usage.

8. Are there any limitations to using templates?

While templates are powerful, they can lead to code bloat and longer compilation times if overused. They also require careful design to ensure type safety.

Kechit Goyal

Kechit Goyal

Team Player and a Leader with a demonstrated history of working in startups. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor of Technology (BTech…Read More

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