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Vector in C++: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Updated on 26/09/2024420 Views

In this tutorial, I want to introduce you to something very thrilling - vector in C++. When I was learning C++, I often struggled with static arrays. It reminds me of a thought I had at that time: "There must be an easier method for handling flexible data!" And then I discovered vectors. Trust me, vectors in C++ are a game-changer.

Therefore, we must dig into it together. I will guide you through all the necessary aspects of vectors in C++, starting from setting them up and progressing to more complex functions. At certain points, I'll also reveal some personal hints and techniques that aided me in comprehending vectors and using them efficiently. Next, we will learn about vectors and their operations. I am going to provide you with a few interesting examples, such as creating and manipulating vectors using C++ programming language. How to create a vector.

After going through this tutorial, you should have gained enough knowledge to effectively use vectors in your C++ projects. We will discuss crucial subjects such as vector functions in C++, vector in C++ initialization, and vector in C++ sort. I will tackle some common queries that I had while learning about vectors too. For those starting out in development, you'll find useful tips here.

Now, we begin our journey to become skilled in vector in C++. I assure you it will be interesting and informative!

What is a Vector in C++?

Now, let's understand what is a vector in C++. To put it simply, a vector in C++ can be seen as an array that is flexible in size and can grow or shrink. Normal arrays have fixed sizes which might not suit all situations and sometimes restrict us from adding or removing elements easily. This way, a vector can change in size when needed. It is very helpful for handling groups of data where we don't know the size beforehand.

Vectors are part of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), which is a powerful set of C++ template classes to provide general-purpose classes and functions with templates that implement many popular and commonly used algorithms and data structures like vectors, lists, queues, and stacks. The inclusion of vector in C++ STL makes them a highly versatile tool because they come with a host of useful functions that make managing data a breeze. Whether you're inserting, deleting, or merely accessing elements, vectors have built-in functions to handle these operations efficiently.

Using vectors is beneficial because they handle memory management automatically. This can be a big help, especially when you are working on big projects where managing memory manually can become a nightmare. You don’t need to think about allocating or deallocating memory with vectors as the vector itself does this for you. This part of vectors not just makes your code simpler, but also lowers the chances of memory leakage and similar problems.

Additionally, vector in C++ keep the sequence of elements intact; you can obtain them using an index similar to how it's done in arrays. The mix of changeable size, good memory handling and ordered storage makes vectors a favorite among C++ coders for when they work with a group of elements that requires dynamic alteration.

Why Use Vector in C++?

Vector in C++ is an extremely powerful construct. Here’s why it is so important and finds so many uses across different use cases:

  • Dynamic sizing: Vector in C++ has the ability to grow or shrink as required, not like static arrays that possess a fixed size.
  • Automatic memory handling: Vectors take care of the allocation and deallocation of memory, lessening the chance for memory leaks.
  • Ease of use: Built-in functions for adding, removing, and accessing elements simplify code management.
  • Order maintenance: Vectors maintain the order of elements, allowing easy access through indexing.
  • Flexibility: Appropriate for different uses, especially when the size of data collection is not fixed.
  • STL integration: It is a part of C++ Standard Template Library (STL), which provides a variety of utilities and algorithms.
  • Efficient performance: It is designed for performance, making insertions and deletions at the end of the vector efficient.

Vector in C++ Initialization

Now let’s begin with the implementation part of things by starting from fundamentals – vector in C++ initialization. Initializing a vector is straightforward and can be accomplished in different methods. Here is an example to illustrate the process:

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

int main() {

std::vector<int> myVector; // Creates an empty vector

std::vector<int> myVectorWithSize(10); // Creates a vector of size 10 with default values (0)

std::vector<int> myVectorWithValues = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; // Creates and initializes with values

return 0;


In this vector in C++ example, we have created and initialized vector in C++.

Common Vector Functions in C++

Now, let's talk about some essential vector functions in C++. These functions are incredibly handy for managing and manipulating vectors.

Adding Elements

To add elements to a vector, you can use the push_back function:

myVector.push_back(6); // Adds 6 to the end of the vector

Accessing Elements

You can access elements just like you would with an array:

int value = myVector[2]; // Accesses the third element (index starts at 0)

Removing Elements

To remove the last element, use the pop_back vector functions in C++:

myVector.pop_back(); // Removes the last element

Checking Size

To get the size of the vector:

int size = myVector.size(); // Returns the number of elements in the vector

Working with 2D Vectors C++

Sometimes, a single-dimensional vector isn't enough, and you need a matrix-like structure. This is where 2D vectors C++ come in handy.

Here's how you can create and initialize a 2D vectors C++:

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

int main() {

std::vector<std::vector<int>> matrix = {

{1, 2, 3},

{4, 5, 6},

{7, 8, 9}


return 0;


Through this code of vector in C++, we are creating 2D vector C++ of 3x3 dimension. It has 3 rows and 3 columns, and 9 elements as a result of this.

Vector Sorting in C++

Sorting a vector is a common task, and thankfully, C++ makes it simple with the sort function from the algorithm library. Here's an example of how vector in C++ sort would work:



#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <algorithm>

int main() {

std::vector<int> myVector = {3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2};

std::sort(myVector.begin(), myVector.end());

for (int num : myVector) {

std::cout << num << " ";


return 0;



1 1 2 3 4 5 9

Key Things to Keep in Mind While Working with Vectors in C++

For C++, to get the best use out of vector in C++ and prevent usual mistakes, there are some crucial points to consider.


Correctly starting your data structures with C++ initialization is important, and it helps you avoid unexpected problems. You can set up vectors in different ways like an empty vector, a vector with a size that's already defined or a vector initialized to some particular values. Knowing these methods will assist you in selecting the right technique for what you require.

Memory Management

Vectors manage memory for you, taking care of allocation and deallocation automatically. But it's important to be aware of how this process works. Vectors might sometimes need to reallocate memory in order to fit new elements, which can be a costly operation. So, keep this in mind especially when doing many insertions or deletions.

Accessing Elements

Accessing elements in a vector is simple and like arrays. But, it's very important to always stay within the limits of the vector to prevent undefined results. Use functions such as at() for safe management that checks boundaries.

Performance Considerations

Though vectors are flexible and simple to begin with, it's important to think about the performance aspects of certain operations. For example, if you need to add or take out elements at the start or middle of a vector then this process might be expensive because it demands moving items around in memory space. Having an understanding about these subtleties can assist you in fine-tuning your code perfectly.

Using Vector Functions

Become familiar with the different vector functions in C++, which are made available by the STL. Operations like push_back(), pop_back(), resize() and clear() can make your code much easier to manage and enhance efficiency when working with vectors. These functions have been created to handle typical tasks smoothly so using them can save you time and energy.

2D Vectors

When you work with more complicated data structures, like a 2D vector C++, make sure to know how to start, get into and handle them correctly. 2D vectors are especially helpful when showing matrices or grids but need careful management so they don't cause slow performance.


Sorting vectors is something we often need to do, so knowing how to sort a vector in C++ is very important. The sort function from the algorithm library will be your main tool for this job. Make sure you understand how to use it correctly, particularly in situations where you have custom sorting conditions or complicated data types.

Examples and Best Practices

Examining an example of vector in C++ can give you a crucial understanding about the most effective methods and usual patterns. Observe instances to comprehend how skilled programmers deal with vector operations, beginning values, and enhancing performance.

STL Integration

As vectors form a vector in C++ STL, comprehending how they combine with other STL parts boosts one's programming productivity. Discover the manner in which vectors interact with additional containers, algorithms, and utilities within the STL to make the most of their abilities.

Remembering these main points will help you to use vectors in C++ fully and write code that is more efficient, effective, and easy to maintain.

In Conclusion

There you have it – a comprehensive guide to understanding and using vector in C++. We've covered everything from initialization and common functions to 2D vectors and sorting. I hope this tutorial has made vectors more approachable and clear. Remember, vectors are a powerful tool in your C++ toolkit, and with practice, you'll be using them effortlessly in your projects.

For those interested in diving deeper into software engineering and enhancing your C++ skills, check out upGrad’s software engineering courses. Happy coding!

FAQs About Vectors in C++

1. How do I resize a vector in C++?

You can use the resize function to change the size of a vector in C++

myVector.resize(20); // Resizes the vector to hold 20 elements

2. How do I iterate over a vector in C++?

There are several ways to iterate over a vector. Here are a few common methods:

Using a for loop:

for (int i = 0; i < myVector.size(); ++i) {

std::cout << myVector[i] << " ";


Using a range-based for loop:

for (int value : myVector) {

std::cout << value << " ";


3. Can I use vectors with custom data types?

Absolutely! You can create vectors of any data type, including custom classes. Here's a quick example:

class MyClass {


int data;

MyClass(int val) : data(val) {}


std::vector<MyClass> myCustomVector;


Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Software Engineering Manager @ upGrad. Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming eng…Read More

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