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Virtual Base Class in C++: Resolving Multiple Inheritance Issues

Updated on 26/09/2024428 Views

For people who, like me, enjoy exploring the intricate aspects of C++, one subject that frequently captures attention due to its intricate nature and practicality is the concept of virtual base class in C++. Now, it's time to go deep into it.

At the beginning, when I encountered virtual class C++, it felt like a puzzle with many paths. The concept of multiple inheritance and how to handle possible ambiguity was confusing at first glance. But after you understand it, it is similar to discovering that last lost puzzle piece." Virtual base classes play a significant role in C++ for solving problems that occur when a base class is inherited more than one time along an inheritance hierarchy.

In this tutorial, I will explain the fundamental concepts of virtual base classes C++. We shall examine how to announce and apply them, as well as discuss the distinctions between virtual base classes and virtual functions - a point that frequently perplexes novices. When you complete this guide, you should have a clear comprehension of when to use virtual base classes and how to write a successful virtual base class in C++ program. 

What is a Virtual Base Class in C++?

A virtual base class in C++ is a class that is specified as a base class more than once in the inheritance hierarchy. It’s especially helpful for resolving ambiguity during multiple inheritance. Imagine you have a class A, and both B and C inherit from A. Now, when you make a class D which is inheriting from both B and C but without virtual base classes, it results in two copies of A inside D. Here, the concept of virtual base class in C++ comes to save us!

Example to Illustrate the Problem

Let me illustrate this with a simple example. Suppose we have the following classes:

class A {


    int a;


class B : public A { };

class C : public A { };

class D : public B, public C { };

In the above virtual base class in C++ example, D ends up with two copies of A, which is not what we want. This is where we use virtual inheritance. This is how virtual base classes C++ work. 

Declaring a Virtual Base Class

To declare a virtual base class in C++, you use the virtual keyword in the inheritance declaration:

class A {


    int a;


class B : virtual public A { };

class C : virtual public A { };

class D : public B, public C { };

By declaring A as a virtual base class, both B and C share a single instance of A when inherited by D.

Why Use Virtual Base Classes?

The top purpose for employing virtual base class in C++ is to fix the issue of ambiguity and repetition that arises when multiple inheritances are used. Let's see more reasons why they are crucial:

  1. Preventing multiple instances: Base classes without virtual inheritance may be inherited multiple times in a complicated hierarchy of inheritance. This duplication results in multiple copies of the base class members. It not only wastes memory, but also creates confusion when accessing these members. Virtual base classes C++ guarantee that just one instance of the base class is shared among all derived classes, maintaining an orderly and effective structure for inheritance.
  1. Avoiding ambiguity: When derived classes inherit the same base class indirectly through several paths, it could result in ambiguity. This is because the derived class will possess multiple copies of all members from this base class. The problem can be solved by using virtual base classes which ensure there's only one single instance shared among all derived classes and makes clear which particular member you are accessing at any given time.
  1. Simplifying code maintenance: When you have many copies of a base class, it makes the code more complex. This complexity can make reading, keeping up and finding errors in your program tougher to handle. Virtual base classes C++ help you simplify your class structure by bringing all related classes together into one place which makes it simpler for programmers to understand connections between different parts of their project.
  1. Decreasing Memory Overhead: Every instance of a base class in the hierarchy of a derived class uses up memory. When you have many instances of one base class, this duplication may cause big memory overhead. Virtual base classes assist to manage this problem by making certain that just one instance of the base class exists, reducing the use of memory.
  1. Keeping data access consistent: Every time a base class is inherited, changes in its members may cause discrepancies if there are many instances of the base class. Virtual base classes make sure that all derived ones point to the exact instance, giving a uniform and dependable method for accessing and altering base class elements.
  1. Assisting with polymorphism: The use of virtual base classes C++ is very important for allowing polymorphic behavior in intricate inheritance structures. By making certain that the base class remains singular and common, virtual base classes help in setting up and controlling polymorphic functions that depend on this base class.

Virtual base class in C++ can enhance the strength, maintainability, and efficiency of your C++ applications. In the toolbox of a C++ programmer, they are crucial especially when handling multiple inheritance complexities.

Virtual Base Classes vs. Virtual Functions

We can easily confuse virtual base class in C++ and virtual functions in C++ because they both make use of the virtual keyword. However, these two concepts have completely separate roles. So let's take a closer look at their differences between virtual base classes vs virtual function and when you should use each one.

Virtual Base Classes:

Virtual base classes are a solution for handling problems that occur with multiple inheritance. They guarantee that a base class is only created once, even if it's inherited numerous times. This stops confusion and repetition, enhancing the clarity and ease of use in your class hierarchy.

Virtual Functions:

In contrast, virtual function in C++ is for polymorphism. They permit derived classes to re-implement methods defined in the base class. This signifies that the method being called is selected during runtime on the grounds of actual object type, leading to dynamic behavior.

Key Differences


Virtual Base Classes

Virtual Functions

Primary Purpose

Resolve multiple inheritance issues

Enable polymorphism


Inheritance declaration

Method declaration

Effect on Code

Manages base class instances

Determines method call at runtime

Memory Overhead

Reduces by sharing base class instances

Slight increase due to virtual table

Ambiguity Resolution

Prevents multiple instances of a base class

Resolves method call ambiguity

Declaration Syntax

class Derived : virtual public Base

virtual returnType methodName()

Impact on Inheritance

Simplifies inheritance hierarchy

Enables dynamic method binding

When to Use Each

Use Virtual Base Classes in C++:

  • When you have a diamond-shaped inheritance pattern.
  • When you need to avoid multiple instances of a base class in a derived class.
  • When you want to simplify and clean up your class hierarchy.

Use Virtual Functions:

  • When you need to enable dynamic method binding.
  • When you want derived classes to provide specific implementations of base class methods.
  • When you need to achieve polymorphic behavior in your applications.

By understanding the distinct roles and appropriate usage of virtual base classes and virtual functions, you can leverage these powerful features of C++ to write more efficient, maintainable, and dynamic code. If you’re eager to dive deeper into advanced C++ concepts, consider exploring upGrad’s software engineering and computer science courses to enhance your skills further.

Virtual Base Class in C++ Example 

Let's look at a complete virtual base class in C++ program to understand how virtual base classes work in practice:



#include <iostream>

class A {


    int a;

    A() { a = 10; }


class B : virtual public A { };

class C : virtual public A { };

class D : public B, public C {


    void show() {

        std::cout << "Value of a: " << a << std::endl;



int main() {

    D obj;


    return 0;



Value of a: 10

In this program, class D inherits from both B and C, but A is only instantiated once, thanks to virtual inheritance.

In Conclusion

Virtual base class in C++ is an extremely important concept for handling multiple inheritance situations that have more than one path. They make sure there is only one instance of a base class, which helps to keep clarity and effectiveness in your code.

So, if you are excited to learn more about the advanced parts of C++, then these courses from upGrad in software engineering and computer science can help you improve your knowledge even more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a virtual base class in C++?

A virtual base class in C++ is a class that is declared as base class more than one time in the inheritance hierarchy. This prevents multiple "instances" of that base class from being created. You use it especially when there are many inheritances to stop any ambiguity or repetition. When you use the virtual keyword in the inheritance declarat.sion, it means only one instance of this base class will be shared among all derived classes.

2. What is a virtual base class and abstract class?

A virtual base class is used to avoid multiple instances of a base class in multiple inheritance. An abstract class, on the other hand, is a class that cannot be instantiated and usually contains at least one pure virtual function.

3. What is the difference between a virtual base class and a virtual function?

A virtual base class is like a contract, it says that only one copy of this base class will be made when we use multiple inheritance in our program. Meanwhile, a virtual function can be used by the derived class to replace or override an existing method from its base class. This concept promotes dynamic polymorphism because it allows different classes with similar characteristics but distinct behaviors to interact in unique ways.

4. How do you declare a virtual base class?

You make a virtual base class by using the keyword virtual in the list of inheritance, like this:

class B : virtual public A { };

5. When should I use virtual base classes?

Utilize virtual base classes in the condition when you possess a diamond-shaped inheritance model and aim to prevent multiple replicas of a base class.

6. Can a derived class inherit from a virtual base class multiple times?

Certainly, we can say that a derived class can inherit from a virtual base class several times. As a result, because of virtual inheritance, only one instance of the base class is generated.

Kechit Goyal

Kechit Goyal

Team Player and a Leader with a demonstrated history of working in startups. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor of Technology (BTech…Read More

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