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Software Bill of Materials

Updated on 03/09/2024328 Views

With the rise in the number of software frauds, security has become a big concern. To tackle software vulnerabilities, the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) was introduced. This includes the listing of all components and resources necessary for building a software product. They have become insanely popular in just recent years so it is wise to learn about them.

In this tutorial, I will discuss in detail about SBOMs, their types, and the role they play in the cybersecurity industry.

What is SBOM?

Essentially, an SBOM is a list of software ingredients, much like the recipe list, for creating a software application. Such components could range from libraries, frameworks, modules, scripts, binaries, and other resources used within the process of developing software. Metadata for a component often contains version numbers, dependencies, licenses, and known vulnerabilities.

Components in a Software Bill of Materials(SBOM)

Now let me tell you about what is inside an SBOM. A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is an all-inclusive inventory list of all components and resources that are used in the creation of a software product. More or less, it is a very detailed listing, similar to a recipe, of the ingredients needed to build and run the software. So, this is what you will find inside an SBOM:

Component Names

Names of all software components that are being used. Those are libraries, frameworks, modules, scripts, binaries, and other resources.

Version Numbers

Each component identified in the SBOM includes its version number. This is important for change tracking, ensuring things are compatible, and controlling updating.


Dependencies of various components are listed in the SBOM. This is very vital information, as it helps a person understand the relationship and dependency of each of these different components in an application.

Licensing Information

It includes details about the licenses associated with each component. This is important for legal compliance, as different licenses may have varying requirements regarding distribution, modification, and usage.

Known vulnerabilities

In most cases, the SBOM describes known vulnerabilities for the components on the list, thus providing a way to assess security risks as well as set priorities in vulnerability mitigation activities.


Some more metadata an SBOM can hold include descriptions for the components, vendor information, release dates, and notes and comments on explanations of them.

Format and Structure

SBOMs can be structured and formatted in a number of ways. This can take the form of text-based such as JSON, XML, or YAML, or in the form of proprietary formats, including CycloneDX, SPDX, or SWID tags, which allow for the representation of components and their relationships in multiple levels of nesting. The format and structure of the SBOM may differ based on industry standards, organizational preferences, and tooling used.

Hierarchies and relationships

SBOMs of a highly complex software product may include information regarding hierarchies and relationships of these components to make it possible to grasp the architecture and design of the software.

Updates and Revisions

SBOMs are living documents and need regular updates and revisions with every update in the software components, versions, dependencies, and any new vulnerability or patches found to remain relevant.

Source of Truth

SBOM is the single source of information that explains the software's composition. It will really bring transparency and visibility to the software supply chain to provide stakeholders with well-informed decisions in terms of procurement, risk management, compliance, and security.

Different SBOM Formats

Software Bill of Materials mainly comes in three formats. It is very important to learn all of them as they serve different purposes. Here, Let me discuss them in detail.

SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange)

SPDX is developed under the Linux Foundation. It is a standard designed to exchange bill-of-material information about software. SPDX helps document the licenses, copyrights, and security attributes of software packages.

Key Features:

  • Compliance Information: It describes, in detail, the license of each package.
  • Extensibility: It supports all kinds of software types and licensing expressions.
  • Machine-Readable: Utilizes RDF/XML, JSON, and YAML formats for reasons of automatization.

Usage: It is commonly used in open-source projects. It is to ensure compliance and management of the legal risks that could arise, especially when the licenses of the included components are clearly documented.

Look at this SPDX SBOM example to get a better understanding.

SPDXVersion: SPDX-2.2

DataLicense: CC0-1.0


DocumentName: Example-SBOM

DocumentNamespace: https://spdx.org/spdxdocs/example-sbom-12345

Creator: Tool: SPDX-Generator-1.0

Created: 2024-09-03T12:00:00Z

##### Package Information #####

PackageName: example-package


PackageVersion: 1.0.0

PackageSupplier: Organization: Example Corp

PackageDownloadLocation: git://example.com/example-package.git

FilesAnalyzed: true

PackageChecksum: SHA256: c1a5298f939e87e8f962a5edfc206918

PackageHomePage: https://example.com/package-homepage

PackageLicenseConcluded: MIT

PackageLicenseDeclared: MIT

PackageCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 Example Corp

PackageLicenseInfoFromFiles: MIT

##### File Information #####

FileName: src/example.c


FileChecksum: SHA256: 2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e739

LicenseConcluded: MIT

LicenseInfoInFile: MIT

FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 Example Corp

##### License Information #####

LicenseID: MIT

ExtractedText: >

MIT License

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights

to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell

copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is

furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:








##### Relationships #####


Relationship: SPDXRef-Package CONTAINS SPDXRef-File


CycloneDX is a lightweight, security-focused SBOM standard developed by the OWASP Foundation that places a general emphasis on capturing security data about components.

Key Features:

  • Security Emphasis: Contains information about the vulnerabilities and threats that could be posed.
  • Lightweight: Designed to be easily created and processed.
  • Extendable: custom metadata can be added to it.

Usage: Often used in security-sensitive environments, where the risks associated with software components need to be completely understood and mitigated.

Let me show you a CycloneDx software bill of materials example to explain better.

SWID(Software Identification) Tags

The SWID tags are defined in the ISO/IEC 19770-2 standard, that is, it makes it possible to identify unique software components and their versions.

Key Features

  • Standardized Identification: Each tag uniquely identifies a software product and version, as far as possible.
  • Lifecycle Information: It keeps track of the software being installed across its lifecycle, updates, and removal.
  • Compliance and Audit: Enables software asset management and regulatory compliance.

Usage: Used within organizations for software asset management to ensure that the software is appropriately tracked in all systems required and the organization is compliant with licensing agreements.

Importance of SBOMs

SBOMs are very important in the cybersecurity industry. In this section of the tutorial, let me talk about some of the reasons why SBOM security is so important.

Security and vulnerability management

Improvement in cybersecurity is the prime reason for SBOM adoption. Exact awareness of the components and versions a software product consists of makes it possible to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, and organizations can then keep track of security patches and updates for the components in use to reduce exposure and risk from malicious threats.

Regulatory compliance

For instance, in healthcare, finance, and government, some of the most stringent regulations are in place to ensure both software transparency and risk management. SBOMs make it possible to work in a structured way with compliance, hence bringing in an aspect of visibility in software supply chains and possible security threats.

Supply Chain Transparency

As a software supply chain grows in complexity, containing many vendors and third-party components, an SBOM will support transparency in the supply chain. It helps organizations achieve dependency insight, assess the risk, and make better decisions around software procurement or integration.

Quality assurance and maintenance

SBOMs simplify the control of versions and, therefore, the testing and debugging of software. It also helps in the maintenance and support of software due to the detailed description of the software stack. This highly simplifies the process of tracing issues and updating the system.

Advantages of SBOMs

SBOMs offer a lot of advantages in the cybersecurity space. Here< I have discussed some of the ways SBOMs are advantageous in the cybersecurity industry.

  • Risk Reduction: SBOMs help reduce security risks or the probability of breach since vulnerabilities can be identified and taken care of much earlier in the software development life cycle.
  • Cost savings: Regular management of software components and their dependencies eventually saves money on the corrective efforts, which have already been deployed.
  • Compliance and Audit Readiness: SBOMs make compliance efforts more efficient and increase readiness for auditing with software composition documentation. This acts as proof of abiding by the regulatory requirements.
  • Effective Collaboration: SBOM enables transparency in software development environments. Therefore, it becomes a lever for effective collaboration among developers, vendors, and stakeholders.

Challenges and Considerations

Though SBOMs have quite a number of benefits, they also come with a slew of disadvantages and challenges. Let me discuss some of the challenges that come when implementing a Software Bill of Materials.

  • Complexity: Handling SBOMs for large software projects can be very cumbersome and may require a somewhat automated process using mechanisms and standardized formats to check accuracy and consistency.
  • Dynamic Nature of Software: SBOMs should be dynamic in nature so that the dependencies of software components may be updated and their SBOMs monitored.
  • Data Privacy and Security: SBOMs themselves are sensitive on their own, given the kind of information they disclose about software architecture and dependencies, and hence they must be securely stored with the appropriate access controls and measures for safeguarding data.

Summing Up

In the end, SBOMs have proven to be very important in software security, supply chain transparency, and regulatory compliance. Information provided on software components, their dependencies, and associated vulnerability information is enlightening about how organizations manage risks, drive better collaboration, and ensure product integrity and resilience of software products. One should learn how to write and implement an SBOM if one really wants to have a much more productive career in software development.

If you want to learn more about SBOMs, I would suggest doing a course on cybersecurity from a reputed platform. One such platform that I would suggest is upGrad. upGrad has some of the best online certified courses in the industry. The courses are in collaboration with some of the best universities in the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is in a software bill of materials?

A software Bill of Materials includes component names, version numbers, dependencies, licensing information, vulnerabilities, metadata, format, relationships, updates, and is the central source for software composition and transparency.

  1. What is the difference between Sca and SBOM?

SCA focuses more on third-party and open-source components analysis, while the SBOM aims to provide an all-encompassing inventory of all software components, including their dependencies, versions, vulnerabilities, and licensing details.

  1. What are software materials?

Software materials are all the components, resources, and dependencies needed in the process of software creation. This includes the libraries, frameworks, modules, scripts, binaries, and other materials that are necessary for the software to do what it is supposed to do.

  1. Why do we need SBOM?

We need SBOMs for increased security in software, confidence in meeting regulations, transparency in the supply chain, and effective cooperation that can only be provided by an in-depth inventory of software components, dependencies, vulnerabilities, and licensing.

  1. How are SBOMs generated?

SBOMs are generated through automated tools that scan the software codebase along with its dependencies to provide a detailed inventory. A software bill of materials provides information on components, versions, dependencies, vulnerabilities, and licensing.

Pavan vadapalli

Pavan Vadapalli

Director of Engineering @ upGrad. Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working …Read More

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