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Coin Change Problem: A Student's Guide to Dynamic Programming

Updated on 28/01/2025599 Views


The coin change problem is a classic algorithmic challenge that involves finding the minimum number of coins needed to make a specific amount of change. This problem has practical applications in various fields, including finance, programming, and optimization. In this blog, we will delve into the details of the coin change problem, explore different approaches to solving it, ways to make coin change, and provide examples for better understanding.

Pseudocode of Coin Change Problem

Here is a simple pseudocode representation of the coin-changing problem using dynamic programming:

function coinChange(coins[], amount):
dp[0] = 0
for i from 1 to amount:
dp[i] = Infinity
for coin in coins:
if i - coin >= 0:
dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - coin] + 1)
return dp[amount] if dp[amount] != Infinity else -1

This pseudocode outlines the coin change dynamic programming approach to solving the coin change problem, where 'coins[]' represents the denominations of coins available, and 'amount' is the target amount for which we need to make a change. The 'dp' array stores the minimum number of coins required to make each amount from 0 to the target amount 'amount'. The outer loop iterates through each amount from 1 to 'amount', while the inner loop iterates through each coin denomination in 'coins[]' to calculate the minimum coins required for each amount.

Solutions to the Coin Change Problem

There are various approaches to solving the coin change problem. Two common methods are recursive solutions and dynamic programming solutions.

Recursive Solution

The recursive solution involves breaking down the problem into smaller subproblems and recursively solving them. Here is how it works:

  • Base Case: If the amount to make change for is 0, then no coins are needed, so the function returns 0.
  • Recursive Case: For each coin denomination, we calculate the minimum number of coins required to make change for the remaining amount (amount - coin) and add 1 to account for using one coin of that denomination.
  • Select Minimum: Among all the possible coin choices, we select the one that results in the minimum number of coins required.

While the recursive solution is straightforward, it can be inefficient due to redundant calculations, especially for larger amounts or coin sets.

Dynamic Programming Solution

The dynamic programming solution optimizes the recursive approach by storing solutions to subproblems in a table (usually an array). This avoids redundant computations and improves efficiency. Here is how it works:

  • Initialization: Create an array 'dp' of size (amount + 1) and set dp[0] = 0, indicating that zero coins are needed to make a change for an amount of 0.
  • Dynamic Programming Iteration: Iterate from 1 to the target amount ('amount'). For each amount 'i', iterate through each coin denomination. If using that coin results in a smaller number of coins compared to the current value in 'dp[i]', update 'dp[i]' with the minimum value.
  • Result: Return dp[amount] as the minimum number of coins needed to make change for the target amount. If dp[amount] is still infinity, it means making a change for that amount is not possible with the given coin denominations.

The dynamic programming solution significantly improves efficiency by avoiding redundant calculations and solving smaller subproblems first, leading to an optimal solution for the entire problem.

Coin Change Problem Solution Using Recursion

The recursive solution for the coin change problem involves defining a recursive function to calculate the minimum number of coins required. Here is an example in Python:

def coinChangeRec(coins, amount):
if amount == 0:
return 0
min_coins = float('inf')
for coin in coins:
if amount - coin >= 0:
coins_needed = coinChangeRec(coins, amount - coin) + 1
min_coins = min(min_coins, coins_needed)
return min_coins

In this recursive solution:

  • The coinChangeRec function takes two arguments: coins, representing the available coin denominations, and amount, representing the target amount for which we need to make a change.
  • If the amount is 0, it means no more change is required, so the function returns 0 coins.
  • Otherwise, for each coin denomination in coins, the function recursively calculates the minimum number of coins needed to make a change for the remaining amount (amount - coin). It adds 1 to this value to account for using one coin of that denomination.
  • The function keeps track of the minimum coins required (min_coins) among all possible coin choices.
  • Finally, the function returns the minimum number of coins needed to make a change for the target amount.

Coin Change Problem Solution Using Dynamic Programming

The dynamic programming solution optimizes the recursive approach by storing solutions to subproblems in a table. Here is an example in Python:

def coinChangeDP(coins, amount):
dp = [float('inf')] * (amount + 1)
dp[0] = 0
for i in range(1, amount + 1):
for coin in coins:
if i - coin >= 0:
dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - coin] + 1)
return dp[amount] if dp[amount] != float('inf') else -1

In this dynamic programming solution:

  • The coinChangeDP function takes two arguments: coins, representing the available coin denominations, and amount, representing the target amount for which we need to make a change.
  • It initializes an array dp of size amount + 1 and sets all elements to float('inf') except for dp[0], which is set to 0 because no coins are needed to make change for amount = 0.
  • The solution uses a bottom-up approach, iterating from 1 to the amount. For each amount i, it iterates through each coin denomination in coins.
  • If using the current coin denomination (coin) results in a smaller number of coins compared to the current value in dp[i], it updates dp[i] with the minimum value (dp[i - coin] + 1).
  • Finally, the function returns dp[amount] as the minimum number of coins needed to make a change for the target amount. If dp[amount] is still float('inf'), it means making change for that amount is not possible with the given coin denominations, so it returns -1.

The Complexity of the Coin Change Problem

The time complexity of the dynamic programming solution for the coin change problem is O(amount * n), where 'amount' is the target amount and 'n' is the number of coin denominations. The space complexity is also O(amount).

Code Implementation of the Coin Change Problem

Here is a complete Python implementation for the coin change problem:

def coinChange(coins, amount):
dp = [float('inf')] * (amount + 1)
dp[0] = 0
for i in range(1, amount + 1):
for coin in coins:
if i - coin >= 0:
dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - coin] + 1)
return dp[amount] if dp[amount] != float('inf') else -1

Applications of the Coin Change Problem

The coin change problem has several applications across various domains due to its nature of optimizing resources and finding the minimum number of coins needed to make change for a given amount. Here are some notable applications:

Financial Transactions:

  • Making changes in vending machines, cash registers, and ATMs.
  • Optimizing currency exchange by using the minimum number of bills and coins.

Resource Allocation:

  • Allocating resources efficiently in supply chain management, such as minimizing the number of trucks needed to transport goods by optimizing cargo weight distribution.
  • Optimizing inventory management by calculating the minimum number of items needed to fulfill orders.

Algorithm Design:

  • As a foundational problem in computer science and algorithms, it is used to teach and practice dynamic programming and recursive techniques.
  • Formulating and solving other optimization problems, such as knapsack problems and scheduling problems, that require finding optimal combinations.

Data Structures:

  • Designing efficient data structures like priority queues and heap data structures, where the coin change problem can be used as a subproblem for operations like extracting minimum elements.
  • Optimizing memory usage and time complexity in algorithms that involve resource allocation.

Gaming and Puzzle Solving:

  • Designing game mechanics that involve resource management and optimization, such as coin collection games or puzzle-solving games that require finding optimal solutions.
  • Creating mathematical puzzles and challenges that test problem-solving skills.

Optimization Problems:

  • Solving optimization problems in various fields, including operations research, economics, and engineering, where minimizing resource usage or maximizing efficiency is crucial.
  • Implementing efficient algorithms for load balancing, routing, and task scheduling in distributed systems and networks.

Educational Purposes:

  • Teaching algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills in computer science and mathematics courses.
  • Providing practice problems and challenges in programming competitions and hackathons.

These applications indicate the versatility and importance of the coin change problem in various real-world scenarios and computational challenges.

Wrapping Up

The coin-change problem is a fundamental and versatile computational challenge with applications across diverse domains. Its ability to optimize resources by finding the minimum number of coins needed to make change for a given amount makes it valuable in financial transactions, resource allocation, algorithm design, data structures, gaming, optimization problems, and educational contexts.

Whether in currency exchange optimization, inventory management, algorithm design, puzzle solving, or teaching problem-solving skills; the coin change problem shows us how important it is to use resources efficiently and think algorithmically about real-world contexts and theories.

Its solutions, including dynamic programming and recursive approaches, offer insights into algorithmic optimization and computational efficiency, making it a cornerstone problem in computer science, mathematics, and problem-solving disciplines.


1. What is the coin-changing problem?

The coin-changing problem is a classic computational problem which involves finding the minimum number of coins (of various denominations) needed to make a change for a given amount of money. The goal is to optimize the use of coins and minimize the total number of coins required for the change.

2. What is the coin change problem Knapsack?

The coin change problem Knapsack is a variant of the traditional coin change problem combined with the Knapsack problem. In this variant, along with finding the minimum number of coins to make change for a given amount, there are constraints on the total weight or value of coins that can be used, similar to items that can be placed in a knapsack with limited capacity.

3. What is the minimum coin change problem?

The minimum coin change problem is another name for the traditional coin-changing problem. It refers to the objective of minimizing the number of coins used to make change for a specific amount, considering different denominations of coins.

4. What is the formula for the change-making problem?

The formula for the change-making problem involves dynamic programming techniques. It can be represented as follows:

Let dp[i] represent the minimum number of coins needed to make change for amount i.

Base Case: dp[0] = 0, as no coins are needed to make change for 0 amount.

Recursive Case: For each coin denomination coin, dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - coin] + 1) if i - coin >= 0.

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